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[PC/Steam, v1.0.15.2767] Vassal resources available through Mediation are buyable

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2 years ago
Oct 5, 2022, 11:08:20 PM


The Buy buttons for resources from your vassal available at a Merchant affinity culture are not disabled and in part allow you to buy a resource a second time with it being added to the total sum of your resources, thus creating a copy out of thin air.

In my test (save file attached) my vassal Queen Elissa (The Teutons) has access to two instances of Sage. King Gilgamesh (The Dutch) is of the Merchant affinity and I am able to click on the buttons to buy those two Sages that he acquired from my vassal. The upper button opens the trade dialog, but confirming does nothing. The second Sage resource I can buy just like any other resource and my total of Sage is changed from six to seven, althought I already have access to that particular sage through my vassal.


Mediation Vassal Bug.ctr

Steps to Reproduce:

1) Have a vassal with at least one extracted resource deposit.

2) Find a Merchant culture that has bought that particular resource.

3) Trade with the Merchant culture.

Expected Behaviour:

The Buy buttons for those resources should be disabled, just like they are when you already own a trade license for a resource deposit.

Updated 2 years ago.
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