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Apply Button Missing and Issues with Mismatched mods

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a year ago
Sep 11, 2023, 5:37:12 PM

I am trying load a save from the other day using the exact same mods but this time it's saying there is a mismatched error and I can't load the mods anymore. I have looked for solutions but most use the apply button which I seem to no longer have as of today.

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a year ago
Sep 11, 2023, 10:00:11 PM

You don't seem to need to apply anymore, just select the mod and it auto applies. However, this update broke a lot of mods, make sure the mods you're using are updated for Bonny.

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a year ago
Sep 12, 2023, 11:13:21 AM
docktorkain wrote:

You don't seem to need to apply anymore, just select the mod and it auto applies. However, this update broke a lot of mods, make sure the mods you're using are updated for Bonny. 

Yes, there are difficulties with updates! But after rebooting everything started working fine for me!

Updated a year ago.
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