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3 years ago
Nov 26, 2021, 4:02:53 PM

The first families that of ancestor Xorphice were formed and decided to explore beyond their past habits and pains. They discovered an abundant fauna in the north surrounded by mountains and a sea, they made great discoveries there. During this time another group had formed thanks to the first organized hunts more profitable than the fruit harvest. This second group was engaged in what is now known as the Klay Plateau while another followed the sea.

This is with the creation of a camp within the sources of the Kay and Pena rivers, overlooking the Klay plateau. The first decisions were taken there by Xorphice chosen by the families elected as the wisest: heir to the same pains and values. Thus the explorations as the hunts multiplied towards the EAST discovering the extension of the sea as well as many forests, rivers and mountains.

While this, a family descended the plateaus finding a deep sea as well as a desert but especially contact with others south of it. Xorphice, suspecting that they weren't alone, had instructed them to act calmly. Families now stuck with families descended from Xorphice learned of his wisdom.

The first meeting between the chiefs took place and despite the difference in language they broke their weapons to signify that the fight was not profitable for their two peoples. We will still meet the Protho-Prutenes below the Klay plateaus where in this extension and in the desert we discovered a white and exquisite material that will lead to negotiations a few centuries later during the founding of the Pruthene Civilization.

But let's come back to our explorer families bringing back land, even more dense and fertile, however still sterile in resources, then the sea and finally a more inhabited region towards the south where an explorer from the east will come and discover the existence of a populated region .

While these groups were making routes, thanks to very generous hunts as well as to numerous discoveries, the Xorphice in agreement with the other families developed a societal organization based on decision-making families (where the exercise of responsibilities, decision-making and The impetus given returned to beings of excellence in the field considered… End available in “the foundations of a renewal” accessible on OnlyState) It was also marked by the construction of the Capital XorPice, originating from the first outpost which to the son of decades had developed a large sedentary population.It is here that the foundations of our culture will grow: the development of wealth and intellect to best maximize our actions and guarantee a luxurious life for all ...

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