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STAR CITIZEN - The revival of High end pc gaming and Space Sims?

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12 years ago
Nov 20, 2012, 10:57:47 PM
yes that was quite a ride indeed - didnt back it myself, I need all of my money for Elite: Dangerous but it looks like it will be a great game and I will enjoy playing it ina years time or so. I remember playing Wing Commander with fondness.
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12 years ago
Nov 21, 2012, 7:32:31 AM
FinalStrigon wrote:
I'll back it as soon as I get some money to spare...If not on Kickstarter, then on the game's site itself.

Well, I know where my Christmas-Money will go to smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Nov 21, 2012, 12:02:44 PM
So, it's officially over! We've done the impossible and kicked some real ass! The Game is going to happen and I just can't wait for it. Who's in for a Clan??? Got some neat ideas I'd like to present to the Development-Team of SC.
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12 years ago
Nov 21, 2012, 2:24:59 PM
Codename_Veers wrote:
So, it's officially over! We've done the impossible and kicked some real ass! The Game is going to happen and I just can't wait for it. Who's in for a Clan??? Got some neat ideas I'd like to present to the Development-Team of SC.

I'd be there smiley: wink

Which ideas? - Would you explain them to us?
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12 years ago
Nov 21, 2012, 9:18:16 PM
Well to be honest...I am allways a bit paranoid about sharing cool ideas which are not yet carved in stone. I would love to say that's a typical Scientist Disease, but unfortunately I have been like this for years, so...damn paranoia!

But never the less, I would love to share with you what everyone else is going to do anyway so here it is:

I would propose a Clan/Guild/Corp/whatsoever, build up like a huge corporation with a familiy aspect. That's somehow not very diffrent from others, I know, but there are going to be some details later on.

Main focus shall be on familiy, including that every available clanmember allways jumps to help a distressbeacon, sended by a Clan-Member. We help each other regardless of any price.

But however, since everyone needs some creds in game, we provide special security service and trade security for others.

Trade is another income for every member who wishes, and he can count on help of his clanmembers (for a fair share).

The Last service is called "payback" and focuses against piracy. The Corporation (Name, History and Creed already partly designed) is dedicated for planed Anti-Pirate Operations, that means boarding or elimination of known pirates and of course headhunts.

This way we have work for everyone, regardless what you prefere AND a family to rely on in a cold and dangerous universe.

My focus was first in german users, but to hell with it! Let's go inernational!!! In the end, we all are nothing more than a world-wide family! smiley: wink

And now who the hell is with me in boarding some scumbag??? Harr! smiley: twisted

("Legalised Piracy. It's a good thing!")
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12 years ago
Nov 21, 2012, 9:32:34 PM
Nice idea you got there Veers! smiley: smile

Ich als Wiener könnte ja notfalls auch Deutsch sprechen smiley: stickouttongue - Ich wär dabei! (spiele zZ auch n andres Game in ner grossen Ally mit 20-25 Leuten)
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12 years ago
Nov 21, 2012, 9:33:27 PM
Well, I wanted to be a Bounty Hunter, anyways. smiley: stickouttongue

And didn't only germans answer you, yet?
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12 years ago
Nov 21, 2012, 9:47:09 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Well, I wanted to be a Bounty Hunter, anyways. smiley: stickouttongue

And didn't only germans answer you, yet?

Maim. Kill. Burn! Maybe the german-speaking guys are the fastest? smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Nov 22, 2012, 8:47:50 AM
Codename_Veers wrote:
Well two guys are not much, but it is a good start! smiley: cool Let's recruit and DO this! smiley: wink

Yessir! smiley: wink Might ask some of my friends smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Nov 22, 2012, 8:23:56 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Maybe the german-speaking guys are the fastest? smiley: stickouttongue

Fastest doing what...? smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Nov 22, 2012, 9:17:33 PM
n18991c wrote:
Answering what? smiley: stickouttongue

Answering questions/calls - like the one Veers did for a Guild smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Nov 23, 2012, 6:17:36 AM
Yeah, this sounds interesting. I'll join. Hopefully by the time the game comes out, we'll all remember to actually check back here to make the guild.
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12 years ago
Nov 23, 2012, 9:48:41 AM
Nicew to hear! I guess n18991c was referring to Germans tend to allways conquer the fastes/the first? smiley: stickouttongue Blitzkrieg-Tactics? But enough with cliché.

Well since I proposed the idea, I will try to stay in contact with all of you (perhaps opening up a Steamgroup for the first interests - and a place to talk about SC) and if I succed to get on with my plan (and to get the blessing of the DEVs of SC) I hope to be among the first (and perhaps game supported) Clans/Guilds to open up for players. The more players we get loyal to our cause, the less chance that a member ever get's raided without help from our clan. And of course I'm sure we are going to need some special officers, leading attacks and raids against pirates and training the recruits!? Perhaps people of the first hours like you? Would like that!


("Legalized Piracy! It's a good thing.") smiley: approval
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12 years ago
Nov 23, 2012, 10:47:31 AM
Well, I remember to have read that the current plan was to allow friends from anywhere to beam into a vehicle designed for multiple persons, but not to engage into fights directly, if you're not in the same system.

So the response time would equal the time necessary to jump to the system, where the attack is occuring.
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12 years ago
Nov 23, 2012, 1:09:22 PM
Codename_Veers wrote:
I guess n18991c was referring to Germans tend to allways conquer the fastes/the first? smiley: stickouttongue Blitzkrieg-Tactics? But enough with cliché.

Actually I thought that that was where Tred was taking the argument to! haha smiley: stickouttongue
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