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STAR CITIZEN - The revival of High end pc gaming and Space Sims?

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12 years ago
Dec 5, 2012, 5:48:31 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Why don't we fly for the Phoenix Foundation, the same corporation MacGyver worked for? smiley: stickouttongue

Heh, do we really want to just up and copy something else though? We could maybe be slightly more creative smiley: stickouttongue

Sol Shield Security makes me think of the Avengers, too. While not a bad thing, eh...The name doesn't feel quite right. Maybe I've simply had too many classes this semester grilling me over word choice/style/placement, but those three together just sound slightly off.
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12 years ago
Dec 5, 2012, 6:08:00 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Overload of awesomeness? smiley: biggrin

Sol Shield Security seems to be cool too!

Actually I'm not very comfortable with any name that has two or more S in any kind of abbreviation in sequence. smiley: confused
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12 years ago
Dec 5, 2012, 6:17:49 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Actually I'm not very comfortable with any name that has two or more S in any kind of abbreviation in sequence. smiley: confused

Ah, I'm not crazy in thinking that...phew smiley: sweat I like the idea of using "Sol" though, so...Hmm...Eh, the best I have right now is that Sol System Defense Initiative, but thats sounds like something that should be part of the military/government, not some PMC or outside group.

I'll keep brainstorming.
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 11:19:22 AM
Ey, nice participation! That's what I aimed for. Well the phoenix thing is firstly just a copy cat (and if would have liked that, I would have copied some allies out of Star Wars, Mass Effect or some RPG), and secondly there is already a clan with a simmilar name.

The 3 S thing - yeah, that doesn't sound right either. And "Initiative" is not what I was looking for....sounds more like a group of people, getting together to secure the nature. (Not that I have a problem with that, but it doesn't fit for our Corp.) Sol and Seraphim are my favorite words, too. So let's stick to them and try what we can do with this ideas. But any new idea is welcome as well. smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 12:57:03 PM
Let's try another:

Aegis/Mars/whatever Convoy Security Agency - ACSA
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 4:09:55 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
Let's try another:

Aegis/Mars/whatever Convoy Security Agency - ACSA

Too much ACTA in it, sorry smiley: stickouttongue

CSA would be "enough"
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 6:13:30 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Too much ACTA in it, sorry smiley: stickouttongue

CSA would be "enough"

What do you mean by too much "ACTA?"

What exactly is the mission behind our Corp. again? Just to fight pirates? Also, what kind of Corp. are we: profit-making or not-for-profit? It might just be me being spoiled by The Lost Fleet, but if we form a corporation that just is out to do what we do and make a profit...eh, it just sits a bit uncomfortably with me. Corps. don't exactly have a high rep for wanting to be the "good guy" and help people.
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 6:28:55 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
What exactly is the mission behind our Corp. again? Just to fight pirates? Also, what kind of Corp. are we: profit-making or not-for-profit? It might just be me being spoiled by The Lost Fleet, but if we form a corporation that just is out to do what we do and make a profit...eh, it just sits a bit uncomfortably with me. Corps. don't exactly have a high rep for wanting to be the "good guy" and help people.

As far as I understood, we'd have:

a) A core collection of traders, smugglers and other people acquiring money.

b) A collection of bounty hunters and mercenaries, that provide:

- security for part a) of the corporation

- security for hire in several steps (insurance to get help by closest guild members if attacked, escort service, full guild escort service (hopefully with carrier smiley: stickouttongue )

- bounty hunts

- search and destroy missions, e.g. against smuggler bases

At least that's my understanding. Therefore I've got a bit of a problem with any "non-profit"-definition other than that we don't give profit to shareholders, but directly use it for empowering the guild/corporation, which simply makes more sense in survival and competition terms.
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 6:54:49 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
As far as I understood, we'd have:

a) A core collection of traders, smugglers and other people acquiring money.

b) A collection of bounty hunters and mercenaries, that provide:

- security for part a) of the corporation

- security for hire in several steps (insurance to get help by closest guild members if attacked, escort service, full guild escort service (hopefully with carrier smiley: stickouttongue )

- bounty hunts

- search and destroy missions, e.g. against smuggler bases

At least that's my understanding. Therefore I've got a bit of a problem with any "non-profit"-definition other than that we don't give profit to shareholders, but directly use it for empowering the guild/corporation, which simply makes more sense in survival and competition terms.

Alright. I was under the impression we were some kind of good guy group, trying to protect some region of space from pirates (or just seeking them out to destroy), and so forth. Which was why I had trouble thinking of the way that'd make a good corporation, with the way I think of them. How do you be a "good guy" and also be focused on making as much money as you can?

So, anyway, hmm...

Perhaps, harkening back to your idea of MacGyver, something like the Seraphim Foundation or Vanguard Security [Group/Agency].

The name also doesn't technically have to some words like "Defense" or "Security" and so on in it. I looked up a list of PMCs in RL, and not too many use those terms. So we could do something similar to how Cerberus is named in Mass Effect: just a name. So, something like Vanguard, Aegis, Manticore, and so on, perhaps?
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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 7:21:34 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
The name also doesn't technically have to some words like "Defense" or "Security" and so on in it. I looked up a list of PMCs in RL, and not too many use those terms. So we could do something similar to how Cerberus is named in Mass Effect: just a name. So, something like Vanguard, Aegis, Manticore, and so on, perhaps?

Okay, a single name needs either history or bäääm. Since you seem to cover history, I'll try and cover the other approach:






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12 years ago
Dec 6, 2012, 7:45:49 PM
More history? Hmm...


Praetorian ______
(feel like this one may need another word)


(although, Elysian ________ could be interesting too)


And, drawing blanks now...
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 12:29:10 AM




Just for alliterations...
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 10:18:09 AM
Hey, nice ideas guys. Well the history in short will be this: Naive guy, rich familie and officers carrer in ground combat and station military, tries his luck in outer psace trading, leaving sol for other systems first time. Of course he get's fraud, beaten up by some pirates who take his ship and cargo and throw him out the airlock to die in space (with spacesuit). So he floats in the nothing for hours, just bevore he freezes to death, he get's lucky and is picked up by another guy, who's searching for those pirates (personal grudge). They team up - one financing, other one recruiting and cover ops - and build a little fleet. In the end they don't even beat those fu**ers up, they even get so much money out of it (boarded ships, goods and of course bounty!), that they deside to form a corp. for save trading and defense against other pirates.

Our Corp. is born.

You don't need to take Corp. as a bad word for every superrich company with evil inteds. We can change that either, but the core idea is a family like unity of ex-militaries and so on, sticked to gether to make save trade and sometimes deliver some payback for pirates and other scum. As a company for everyone (we need many people for this!) we need to give opportunities for everyone.

You love trade? Good, you already have some Clanmembers, willing to help you out for a little cut (clanmembers can help whitout payment or with - players choice!).

You love fighting? Good, we need someone who's serving in the cohort of a trader.

You love piracy bunt don't want to be a bad guy? So let's give some pirates a taste of their own medicine! "Legaliced Piracy! It's a good thing!"

Headhunting and so on comes with the job anyway. And even though we don't officially accept smuggling, no one of your clanmember will take a too good look at your cargo, as long as you pay good or are a very nice person.

Family style! We help each other out any time. Every member is obligated to fly to a distress-call from a clanmember to help out (as long you are equipeed well!) A Tradeship with few guns is no help in a dogfight - no suiccide-runs! This is a fee-free service for clanmembers (even though every one appreciates a little bonus for helping). For not-members or friends of members, this service does cost a fee - depends on how many enemies and so on...

So I hope you have a better understanding of what I'd like to build with you. This way we will have more fun playing, because we have many play-style-options and a lot of friends there to help you out any time you need it! And even for the evil jobs (piracy and smuggling) there are legal opportunities.

Since writing and narration is (or will be) my every day job, I will design some history, terms just used by us and so on, giving our clan a unique flair. I will try to design a website and a logo for us this weekend. I would like to have a name for our Clan/Corp. untill than. So keep the ideas rolling! But I guess the logo will take a while....
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 3:21:40 PM
Hmm...Why would pirates be considerate enough to give him a space suit before venting him? Also, the odds of another ship coming upon him drifting in space are microscopically small (as I see it). As small as a human is in comparison to a space vessel, would sensors even pick him up as the ship is flying by at who knows how fast? Sure, the space suit could have had some kind of emergency beacon or transponder to draw attention to itself, but then the pirates would have picked up on it as well. And seeing as they are, you know, pirates, and probably only get to do what they do because no one knows they're there (or no one can tell the authorities how they're operating), would they want to leave a witness alive?

Also, if he's from a rich family, why wouldn't the pirates hold him for a ransom?

And, another thought, wouldn't allowing our members to be privateers/pirates be hypocritical? That's basically us going "Yeah, we hate pirates, and we love to kill them...Unless we're the ones doing the robbing and pillaging." Just kind of rubs me the wrong way. Why bother with illegal trading/pirating if we're planning on setting up a legitimate system? It just seems like an invitation to bring us trouble at some point.

I was just saying, though, the associate that comes with the term "Corp." is rarely positive. The business itself may be good, and do well, but it'll always have that bad connotation with it. And apparently, guilds in Star Citizen can have more classifications that being a corporation. I've seen others describing their "politic" as everything from meritocracy, to monarchy, to corporation, to collective.
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 5:32:22 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
Hmm...Why would pirates be considerate enough to give him a space suit before venting him? Also, the odds of another ship coming upon him drifting in space are microscopically small (as I see it). As small as a human is in comparison to a space vessel, would sensors even pick him up as the ship is flying by at who knows how fast? Sure, the space suit could have had some kind of emergency beacon or transponder to draw attention to itself, but then the pirates would have picked up on it as well. And seeing as they are, you know, pirates, and probably only get to do what they do because no one knows they're there (or no one can tell the authorities how they're operating), would they want to leave a witness alive?

Also, if he's from a rich family, why wouldn't the pirates hold him for a ransom?

And, another thought, wouldn't allowing our members to be privateers/pirates be hypocritical? That's basically us going "Yeah, we hate pirates, and we love to kill them...Unless we're the ones doing the robbing and pillaging." Just kind of rubs me the wrong way. Why bother with illegal trading/pirating if we're planning on setting up a legitimate system? It just seems like an invitation to bring us trouble at some point.

I was just saying, though, the associate that comes with the term "Corp." is rarely positive. The business itself may be good, and do well, but it'll always have that bad connotation with it. And apparently, guilds in Star Citizen can have more classifications that being a corporation. I've seen others describing their "politic" as everything from meritocracy, to monarchy, to corporation, to collective.

To answer short:

1. Space suit because it's takes him more time to die painfully. Yeah, those where mean, little fu**s.

2. Already thought about that. Have a promissing answer, how he got picked up and why, increasing story densness.

3. They where not after ransom. Sometimes you don't want to make it complicated and throwing someone out into space is usually making sure there is no witness! And nobody said they are clever (no stereotype here, just saying).

4. No, the SC Forums are full of similar whishes: "I want to board ships, but I don't want to become a pirate!" Boarding is not just a pirate thing, but a typical military precedure. This way we act as extendet arms of the system security forces AND sometimes do more than expected by kicking some ass which deserve it and pissed some people off! Nothing hypocritical about that! Just payback and extended force.

5. Piracy is going to be a complicated thing and as far as I read in the forums, more people favor a legal jobs. Headhunting IS as well one of the legal jobs.

6. Sure we are going to make some enemies but that is exactly how it works. Every legal pilot will be a possible enemy for the pirates and pirate guilds. So just to get sure they don't notice you you want to duck? Well, if you are afraid of being a official "we piss of pirates and we enjoy it"-Clan than you don't have to participate. smiley: wink I'm sure there are plenty of non-aggressive Clans out there willing to call it even after they get robbed. But besides that our Corp is for soldiers AND peacefull traders, we can make covert ops - so not acting in the name of the Corp, thus not endangering our members, if that's appeases you.

7. Yeah I understand your Corp.-Point and perhaps we find something more promissing. Right now we don't have anything set absolute!

smiley: cool
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12 years ago
Dec 7, 2012, 6:12:16 PM
Codename_Veers wrote:
To answer short:

1. Space suit because it's takes him more time to die painfully. Yeah, those where mean, little fu**s.

2. Already thought about that. Have a promissing answer, how he got picked up and why, increasing story densness.

3. They where not after ransom. Sometimes you don't want to make it complicated and throwing someone out into space is usually making sure there is no witness! And nobody said they are clever (no stereotype here, just saying).

4. No, the SC Forums are full of similar whishes: "I want to board ships, but I don't want to become a pirate!" Boarding is not just a pirate thing, but a typical military precedure. This way we act as extendet arms of the system security forces AND sometimes do more than expected by kicking some ass which deserve it and pissed some people off! Nothing hypocritical about that! Just payback and extended force.

5. Piracy is going to be a complicated thing and as far as I read in the forums, more people favor a legal jobs. Headhunting IS as well one of the legal jobs.

6. Sure we are going to make some enemies but that is exactly how it works. Every legal pilot will be a possible enemy for the pirates and pirate guilds. So just to get sure they don't notice you you want to duck? Well, if you are afraid of being a official "we piss of pirates and we enjoy it"-Clan than you don't have to participate. smiley: wink I'm sure there are plenty of non-aggressive Clans out there willing to call it even after they get robbed. But besides that our Corp is for soldiers AND peacefull traders, we can make covert ops - so not acting in the name of the Corp, thus not endangering our members, if that's appeases you.

7. Yeah I understand your Corp.-Point and perhaps we find something more promissing. Right now we don't have anything set absolute!

smiley: cool

1.) Hmm...Matter of opinion, I suppose smiley: stickouttongue I'd personally think the pain and suffering that a few minutes in vaccum does to a body is better than freezing to death slowly (or, more likely, suffocating--space suits will apparently keep you quite warm for much longer than you'll have oxygen to enjoy). But that's just me.

2.) Well, what's the promising answer? smiley: stickouttongue

3.) Eh, true. Guess I'm just thinking stereotypical pirates...Although hearing of a group uninterested in making even more money is still surprising.

4.) I need to make an account on these forums...But true, boarding ships is sci-fi military procedure. As long as we don't take anything (depending on the situation, of course)m all should be good. Although, my own tactical response against pirates would be to just blow them out of the sky, and screw the loot onboard...Money and loot wouldn't be worth the lives of the men I might lose, and I could still find some profit in the wreckage.

5.) Point taken. Are players going to be pirates, though, or are they NPCs?

6.) Not sure if this answers my question above. But it isn't that I don't want to be a "screw pirates" guild, I didn't want to be the "screw pirates, they all suck and should die...unless we're the ones pirating, then it's cool" guild.

And still thinking of names. Anyone have any thoughts from the last few posts between me and Nos, as well as what was posted before?
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12 years ago
Dec 8, 2012, 10:27:15 AM
Hey Strigon, thanks for your critique! I will think about you points.

Actually I am not sure how the space-suits in SC are concipated and what would take longer. Freeze to death or suffocate. So I have to wait for more informations.

The answer will come with the story. I try to write as realistic as is possible for such a story and such a setting. And even though I don't like to take "luck" as a satisfying answer, it is part of a autor-tool. But I will have a satisfying answer.

The make as much money as possible arguement for pirates is true but not always! Depends on the pirates. And as I said: They where very succesfull pirates so, they didn't really need to endanger themselves for some more creds.

Blowing up Pirates will be mostly our job. I am not quite sure how this is going to work with boarded pirate ships. If you have to give them back to the original owner or the lawforces - or you can keep them as legal ships for the C lan-Fleet. We will have to wait for more information. As far as I know depending on the server (PvP or PvE), you will face Players or NPCs as Pirates. You are able to become a pirate yourself. That's why I expect some clever gamers, luring unawearing pilots in traps and rob them poor - and those pilots are going to want payback. Or some uf us get robed and want their ships back.

The "Legalized Piracy! It's a good thing!"-slogan is more a sarcastic pun. By boarding pirate ships we will be able to take hold of cargo and new ships for our fleet (if it is legal). Perhaps we are even able to take missions from players, bringing their ships back for a small fee and getting a good reputation in SC as a Clan.
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