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How did everyone find out about Endless Space?

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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 1:20:23 PM
Steam brought this game to my attention.

I then visited spacesector.com and read a preview on the game as well as an interview with the game's Creative Director.

After that i was pretty much sold.
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 1:38:28 PM
Read a message about it (Steam RSS Feed) while checking news in Google Reader. Looked up some previews, checked the ES homepage and here i am smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 1:57:41 PM
Of course steam. I'd given up on finding a good 4X game but then the great and mighty steam brought it to my attention after finishing a game of significantly less worth.
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 1:58:12 PM
I found out about the game off of Steam. Looked at the deals and saw a Endless Space trailer, so clicked on it. Liked what I saw and here I am!
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 2:01:20 PM
I found out about the game on steam. I am currently downloading now thank yousmiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 2:19:35 PM
I saw it on steam, started reading and wanted to find out more. Went to youtube for some gameplay and then here.
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 3:07:29 PM
steam nailed it, i always love space 4X game, Sins, SoTS, i bought them all

endless space caught mine with their seamless interface presentation and strong artwork design, promising enough to convince me
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 3:08:45 PM
Steam. Everyone on the steam forums was raving how awesome it was, and then I heard the same here, so figured I could be wasting my money on worse things, like food or medicine, and jumped on the band wagon. Waiting for download to finish now =D
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 4:19:34 PM
Saw it on steam as a pop up when getting on the play Skyrim some more. It looked interesting, I like Space related 3X / 4X games. It's been a while since I found a good one to play. So I clicked more details and read about it and was excited about the game. I came to the forums and took a look around and also DL the manual, was reading it last night.
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 4:38:16 PM
always a sucker for 4x space games, saw it on steam, didn't hesitate to pre-order the highest version smiley: smile so far not disappointed.
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 4:46:32 PM
I was browsing Steam last night, looking at Dustforce and Bastion, then I seen this, auto-clicked on it because it is in space. There was only 8 pictures, and it was late since I had to get up for work. So I went to sleep with this in the very front of my mind. I looked into this more at work, on breaks and at lunch. And now I am eagerly awaiting to get home and pre-order this! I can't wait.
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 4:52:59 PM
The pre-purchase ad came up on Steam, thought it looked cool, plus the mix of discount and alpha play sold me!
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 4:55:52 PM
Steam here, i saw it on the coming soon section, and thought it looked awesome, immediately prepurchased.
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 6:09:45 PM
Just saw this in the steam specials for 25% off. So I went ahead and pre-ordered the Emperor Edition after viewing the trailer and checking out the website. Never played a game like this before though I've been tempted in the past to check out a couple like Eve Online not sure how similar that is to this. Here's to hoping there's a nice newbie tutorial and a cool single-player campaign of some sorts. Keep up the good work Devs. ^^
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 6:11:24 PM
Found this gem today thanks to STEAM.

For the price, I couldn't resist becoming an Emperor.
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12 years ago
May 3, 2012, 6:28:13 PM
Hexidemic wrote:
Just saw this in the steam specials for 25% off. So I went ahead and pre-ordered the Emperor Edition after viewing the trailer and checking out the website. Never played a game like this before though I've been tempted in the past to check out a couple like Eve Online not sure how similar that is to this. Here's to hoping there's a nice newbie tutorial and a cool single-player campaign of some sorts. Keep up the good work Devs. ^^

This is me almost exactly. Very glad I took a look and I'll be more glad I'm sure when the download finishes.
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