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a year ago Oct 19,2023, 14:00:42 PM

Release Day!

7 482 Views


Today it is ENDLESS™ Dungeon RELEASE DAY !! 

Which means a day for a celebration (wish we could organize a small gathering in the Saloon, but that would break the 4th dimension, or maybe the "Endless Dimension").

As we don't have a second launch trailer (you can always check out the trailer HERE) we have decided to share again one of Lera Lynn's songs , that matches the moment: "Free Again"

Two days ago we released the Advanced Access for the owners of Last Wish Edition and we are super happy with the reception for the community. You can check our BLOG in which we included some basic information and a thread with a FAQ we prepared with some of the most important questions.

Before starting the main content of the blog, we wanted to thank all players and Insiders who have been helping us along the way during the different OpenDevs, "secret builds" for Insiders, and during the recent Closed Beta. Your ideas and thoughts have been super helpful and it has been an important part of improving the game until today. For example the changes to the Real-time Waves, the difficulty selector, improvements on the UI/UX, and much more.... Again, Thanks!

What are the next steps for ENDLESS™ Dungeon?

Now that the game is out, this is one of the main questions you might have. The whole team has a clear vision to improve the game and we will support it with future updates and new additions.
But as the game releases today, we wanted to share with you some of the points that the team wants to improve.

This is not a "Roadmap", but more like a short-term list of things we wanted to prioritize, which we identified thanks to the different feedback we've gotten from Insiders and the early thoughts from the players.

  • Balancing: not a surprise but we will keep an eye on the different feedback about the weapons, heroes, monsters, etc., and will make some adjustments to ensure a better experience in terms of balancing and difficulty (do not hesitate to share specific feedback about that with us)
  • Gameplay Feedback: there are some elements we plan to implement that should have a positive impact on your gameplay. Like having some icons on the weapons showing which characters can use them, more options at the Merchant, etc.
  • Quality of Life Improvements: more explanations in the tutorials (perhaps a bit late for some of you :P ), improvements in the User Experience (UX) when navigating through stands and saloons menu, etc.
  • Multiplayer Stability and Performance: we will be working to improve the overall multiplayer stability and also cross-generation support: PS4-PS5, Xbox One-Xbox Series, Steam-Epic.

[We will share some WIP images at the end of the blog!]

Community Vote - Weapon Design

To celebrate the release day we wanted to ask you about the design for a future weapon. 

This gun launches an EMP burst that will briefly leave the ground electrified and fry any enemies caught in the blast! 

Do not forget to vote for your favorite design in the VOTES section.

Console Players

We wanted to share with all of you that we are working on the consoles as well (do not think we forgot about you). Thanks for sharing the different thoughts and problems you have encountered, we are investigating them. Also, we are working on a patch (will try to deliver as soon as possible but the verification process takes a bit of time) that will solve the most severe issues you raised.

Apart from solving issues, it will bring some additional content, that only PC players have available at the moment, such as the difficulty selector, "automatic" most of the charged weapons, balancing, and much more. But we will cover the content in a dedicated blog. 

How progression works in Multiplayer

We have seen some confusion about the progression during the multiplayer/co-op session. Here is an image to explain it.

Please let us know if it is not working like this for you, as it may be a bug, so we can investigate it.

Freeeeeedoooom!!! - Braveheart Skin is free for everyone!

In case you missed it, during the development the Community voted on a super cool Braveheart-inspired skin for Bunker, and today we're happy to announce that it's now available for PC and will be for consoles in the next patch!

Relevant Links

Before wrapping up for today we wanted to share a couple of important links for you to check.

  • FAQ: here you will find some of the most relevant questions you might have, but if you have additional questions we can include them
  • PC Hotfixes: on this thread, we will be gathering the different hotfixes that the team is deploying
  • Console Forum Section: we opened a section in Games2Gether in which you can find the different Known Issues by platform and in which we will inform you about the next updates (Soon™)
  • Bug Report: If you encounter any bug, do not hesitate to report it (here you have the list of Known Issues)

This is everything we have to share with you today!

Enjoy the game and see you In the Station!

Work In progress images for the things the team is working on (mentioned above)

Weapons will have an icon that tells you which character can pick them up.

Option to increase the Drop Chance for a weapon.

Improvement in the visual while upgrading your heroes during the run.

Get Involved!

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a year ago
Oct 19, 2023, 2:16:43 PM

Congratulations on the launch, the game feels great to play and I've been enjoying it a lot. Glad to see the short-term list, I'll be happy to see a roadmap if and when, though!

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a year ago
Oct 19, 2023, 2:21:21 PM


Endless Dungeon - Own "ENDLESS Dungeon - Last Wish Edition" on Steam


10. Okt. 2023

ENDLESS™ Dungeon - Last Wish Edition



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a year ago
Oct 19, 2023, 2:25:05 PM
CR4CK3T wrote:


Endless Dungeon - Own "ENDLESS Dungeon - Last Wish Edition" on Steam


10. Okt. 2023

ENDLESS™ Dungeon - Last Wish Edition




Can you re-sync the connection in your profile? 

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a year ago
Oct 19, 2023, 2:35:47 PM

New "Bugs" section would seriously benefit from some accessible "Recent bugs" section. Because it is inconvenient to browse through every subsection/category, frankly, there is little incentive to browse through any bugs other then your own.

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a year ago
Oct 19, 2023, 2:45:57 PM

Has been enjoyable to play and see this game develope over the past year. Congrats on the launch of this fun game!

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a year ago
Oct 19, 2023, 3:36:17 PM
Mr_Cullen wrote:

As it stands the game is completely unplayable on ps4.

If you're referring to the recent crashes: We rolled back the recent patch today to allow people to keep playing (though unfortunately progression will be lost because of this rollback) until we can release the proper fix (We're already working on it but don't have an ETA yet.)

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 19, 2023, 5:29:21 PM
i have, but he give me the standart Version rewards :(

Daarkarrow wrote:
CR4CK3T wrote:


Endless Dungeon - Own "ENDLESS Dungeon - Last Wish Edition" on Steam


10. Okt. 2023

ENDLESS™ Dungeon - Last Wish Edition




Can you re-sync the connection in your profile? 

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a year ago
Oct 19, 2023, 7:35:34 PM
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
Mr_Cullen wrote:

As it stands the game is completely unplayable on ps4.

If you're referring to the recent crashes: We rolled back the recent patch today to allow people to keep playing (though unfortunately progression will be lost because of this rollback) until we can release the proper fix (We're already working on it but don't have an ETA yet.)

I was yes. Is this rollback via a hot fix or a patch because there hasn't been another patch so far since the 1.02 update on ps4 on the 18th.  Also i apologise if I sounded rude at all. I was just somewhat frustrated after spending what is a fair bit of money for me for early access only to end up not being able to play after one day. 

Addendum: ok so the rollback seems to have worked and i'm able to progress through the game normally again  without it crashing whenever i do things. Also to anyone else playing on ps4 I think you have to delete the game entirely and redownload it as the download itself as been rolled back? anyways that's what seemed to fix it for me. 

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 19, 2023, 11:43:12 PM

Love it!

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a year ago
Oct 20, 2023, 8:50:52 AM
Mr_Cullen wrote:
The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales wrote:
Mr_Cullen wrote:

As it stands the game is completely unplayable on ps4.

If you're referring to the recent crashes: We rolled back the recent patch today to allow people to keep playing (though unfortunately progression will be lost because of this rollback) until we can release the proper fix (We're already working on it but don't have an ETA yet.)

I was yes. Is this rollback via a hot fix or a patch because there hasn't been another patch so far since the 1.02 update on ps4 on the 18th.  Also i apologise if I sounded rude at all. I was just somewhat frustrated after spending what is a fair bit of money for me for early access only to end up not being able to play after one day. 

Addendum: ok so the rollback seems to have worked and i'm able to progress through the game normally again  without it crashing whenever i do things. Also to anyone else playing on ps4 I think you have to delete the game entirely and redownload it as the download itself as been rolled back? anyways that's what seemed to fix it for me. 

I don't think you sounded rude, so don't worry. Glad to hear you got it working!

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a year ago
Oct 20, 2023, 10:57:36 AM

I haven't played the game yet, so maybe I'm missing something. I don't think the "meta progression" picture really explained what can and can't be unlocked by the guest properly, but I get the impression that if I spend the entire time playing with a friend who is hosting, then I just don't get to progress anything other than the default heroes that I start with? I'm sure I have to be missing something, because that sounds terrible. Even if we took turns, it sounds like we'd have to redo a bunch of progression.

Can someone clarify please? 

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a year ago
Oct 20, 2023, 4:04:45 PM

"Jour de libération"....

5 Mois de retard et le jour J pas de lancement sur Nintendo Switch 

Je ne vais pas applaudir cet exploit.

Un jour les possesseurs de Nintendo Switch pourront peut être y jouer... un jour...

Updated a year ago.
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a year ago
Oct 22, 2023, 11:00:31 PM

Congratulations on release!

I see some... questionable Steam reviews though and if they're true, there is a lot to improve and add to the game at current point. I might hold up with the buy for now, I also still have many things to do in original Dungeons and tons of unexplored Space and Legend DLCs.

Nevermind, got Last Wish edition :D

As always I want to highlight the UI and visuals of the game, they looks fantastic as always in all Endless entries. The game looks really slick, love it.

Updated a year ago.
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