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Typos & Localization

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7 years ago
Feb 3, 2018, 12:02:05 AM

German Translation

The final Collection Bonus (or what it's called?) isn't translated.

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7 years ago
Feb 3, 2018, 4:40:12 PM

Technologies cost on Technology?
Should be just "-20% Science on Technology costs"

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7 years ago
Feb 6, 2018, 8:58:18 PM

Missing img for "Feeding Pits" under the name of the system

I believe they meant "beautified" at the 4th line of the second paragraph.

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7 years ago
Feb 8, 2018, 12:39:45 PM
minurominerwin wrote:

There is an inconsistency in the translation of the "Vaulter" race. In some texts they are called "Errantes", and that name is very cool because is like wandering or errant. But in others they are called "Saltadores". Apart from being called in two different ways, the last name is ridiculous; It is a literal translation that looks really bad. It's like calling the Vaulters: Jumpers or Bouncers. 

It's even worse, because the name comes from the fact that they survived for centuries in the underground vaults, caverns, and mines of Auriga!

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7 years ago
Feb 10, 2018, 9:22:25 AM

V1.2.8 S5 Gold-Public

When looking at the Ship Design screen for Vodyani Arks, the tooltip for Size still says that Arks require 8 Command Points.

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7 years ago
Feb 10, 2018, 12:32:25 PM
Trifler wrote:

V1.2.8 S5 Gold-Public

When looking at the Ship Design screen for Vodyani Arks, the tooltip for Size still says that Arks require 8 Command Points.

Screenshot, if available ?

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7 years ago
Feb 16, 2018, 4:42:52 AM

Interplanetary Transport Network - Incorrect tooltip description.
"+3 [Industry] per [Pop] per Planets with Strategic deposits on Planets"
Should be:
"+3 [Industry] per [Pop] on Planets with Strategic deposits"

For a system with two planets each with strategic deposits, the former implies each pop would get the bonus for each planet, on each planet, as in +6 on each because of two planets. Furthermore, this could also be read as applying on a planet without a strategic resource as long as another planet has one.

Compare to Hazardous Mining Facility:
"+5 [Industry] per [Pop] per Strategic Deposit on Planets."
This does give the bonus more than once for multiple deposits, and even applies on a planet that itself doesn't have one.
While worded slightly differently, they functionaly have the same meaning, despite being handled differently in code.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 17, 2018, 1:40:01 AM

@Tychonoir Thank you: This has always bugged me, but I never bothered to check the game's code to check which was which. Would love to see this corrected!!

To keep things relevant, here is some poor English on the G2G side of things (apologies if this is not the correct place to post this.)

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 20, 2018, 11:49:44 AM

Russian translation.

Hello, found bug in Russian translation, in English language is everything alright.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 20, 2018, 4:39:46 PM

Planet name is not shown in quest description (same with next screens, when following questline).

Command line in:

ES2_Localization_Vaulters_Locales.xml =

German version:

<LocalizationPair Name="%ExplorationQuest25-Choice01Objective">Durchsuche die Kuriosität auf dem Planeten $Planet01Name, sofern du bereit bist, $Amount01Name Einheiten [Strat02hyperiumColored] #EAD085#Hyperium#REVERT# zu opfern ... sowie möglicherweise deine Flotte.</LocalizationPair>

English version:

<LocalizationPair Name="%ExplorationQuest25-Choice01Objective">Search the Curiosity on the planet $QuestPlanetName if you're ready to sacrifice $Amount01Name [Strat02hyperiumColored] #EAD085#hyperium#REVERT#… and maybe your Fleet.</LocalizationPair>

$Planet01Name is used regularly in ES2_Localization_Quest_Locales.xml instead.

Edit: I could fix it by editing the command line above.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 20, 2018, 7:20:37 PM

Command line is located in ES2_Localization_Assets_Locales.xml file. I don't see any difference to other command lines. So not sure what causes the issue.

Edit: My guess is, in execute command line (located I don't know where) "%DiplomaticInteractionEscalationIsolationistPlayerDisregardedTrespassUltimatum" the additional "TimeLords" is missing. Should be like that instead: "%DiplomaticInteractionEscalationIsolationistPlayerDisregardedTrespassUltimatumTimeLords" like in ES2_Localization_Assets_Locales.xml file (for all languages).

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Feb 24, 2018, 3:09:30 PM

 Missing description when Trade company HQ queued after subsidiary in the same system.

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7 years ago
Feb 27, 2018, 8:39:52 AM

TYPO: Quest text.  Unfallen - Final Chapter. Head and Heart.

    "the collective consciousness of the Unfallen, or  [an some]  entity external to"

"an" or "some" but not both.

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7 years ago
Mar 1, 2018, 10:27:23 PM

In the german version the anomaly "Hostile Fauna" is wrongly named "Hostile Flora".

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 1, 2018, 11:09:07 PM

Also it is not the "Verteidiger" who receives the 750 Damage on ground battles. It's the "Angreifer" who gets damaged. 

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7 years ago
Mar 8, 2018, 5:41:13 PM

Hello! In Russian localization, the text of the message is not translated when the expedition was successful.

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7 years ago
Mar 13, 2018, 3:02:17 PM

Hey guys,

Thanks for your latest feedbacks, here is a small recap:

Myodyne wrote:

1. There is missing text in this dialogue

2. In this screenshot the tooltips for  Omnipotence   and  Domination   are in english where they should be in french

1. It should be fixed in an upcoming patch.

2. We are looking into it.

mdietz wrote:

If there's a special text bug/Localization thread, then I'll post it here:

The game itself is played in German, but the third page of the Vodyani colonization explanation is still in English.

Yes, we had an error in our localization files... Now it's fixed and you will find the translations for all 10 languages in the next patch/update.

Fr0nt1er wrote:

Vodyani final quest part seems to be missing localisation if you choose to Explore.

Shame, I really wanted to know what happens here with Isyander and Vodyani :(

I guessed correctly that you just have to build the special Academy building to progress.

V 1.1.0 S5 GOLD Public

EDIT: Forgot to mention this is English. also fixed the image for better visibility.

Ok, it's fixed in the current version of the game.

lakp wrote:

A number of Unique Improvements are labelled as System Improvements:

Tower of Temporal Paradox


Cathedral of the Swarm

Spire of the Ordained

The White Market

Obelisk of Remembrance (Doesn't have the Unique Improvement border too)

Zelevas Incarnate

Mantle of Unity

Signal Seeker and Ancillary Academy don't have a Unique Improvement border and uses "System Improvement (Unique)" instead of Unique Improvement.

Culture Jam Centers have no indication that they are unique, they don't even have the text (Can only be built once per empire).

Craver Dark Ops (Craver variant of Quantum-damped circuits) doesn't have the faction specific variant border.

Speaking of which "circuits" in Quantum-damped circuits isn't capitalized.

Academy Embassy has no Unique Improvement border.

Cube of the Viceroy is both a Unique Improvement and a faction specific variant of an improvement. Is it intended to have the faction specific variant border instead of the unique improvement border?

system vs unique improvement.jpg

1.1.15 S5 GOLD-Public

Ok, it's fixed with the latest update.

eruanion wrote:

In the Construction Complete notification, the colonization of a Gas Warm planet is listed as "Colonize Cloudless Giant (Warm)," which makes no sense. (There are tons of clouds!) I haven't noticed if other gas giants have a similar error.

ok, we will look into it.

bleak110 wrote:

Korean version's issues again!

Vodyani's tooltips are still partially shown in English .

And The Analytical Engine's tooltip too.

Ok, concerning the Vodyani's tooltips, it's fixed in the current version of the game.
Concerning the Analytical Engine's tooltip, we are looking into it.

DarthMelkor wrote:

I believe that the research names and descriptions for "Unstable Isotopes" and "Focused plasma" need to be interchanged? I've only recently started playing the game and this is from a Riftborn playthrough. But is seems to me that the plasma research is unlocking ultradense kinetics and the heavy nuclear mass isotope research is unlocking laser?

Yes, with the latest balance changes, the descriptions and titles of a few technologies are no more relevant. We are looking if we could make a big refresh of the technology tree to correct that.

Paddington wrote:

This has probably been reported before but, just in case it hasn't, I wanted to report a very minor typo. In the pop-up text/window for the Militarists Political Party, I believe it should say: "A population with a militarist ideology understands very well that the survival of the race..." There should be an "s" in "understand" if I am not mistaken. Thank you.

Ok, it will be fixed in the next patch/update.

KE1 wrote:

1. Missing information in tooltip if someone declined your peace treaty. 2. Fail tooltip for queue "Chain Gang Program" 3. Missing GUI on map anomaly in Russian translation. 4. Missing GUI when you try to sell/gift one of your colony to other faction(i can't repeat it)

1. We are looking into it.

2. It's fixed

3. Do you have a save file to reproduce this error?

4. It's fixed

icelotus wrote:

was thinking about trying the new achiements (Vaulters dlc) and saw this...

Rapidest Response Team



Ok, it's fixed.

Talross wrote:

Ok, it's fixed.

BadBecauseMad wrote:

I'm not sure if it's intended or not but in russian localization Vaulters story is told on behalf of a male, tho lore (and arts along the way) states their leader(s) is(are) female. *screenshots spoiler warning* Here are just couple of examples. Hard to blame translators there tho, english is a lot more gender neutral than russian.

I will ask the translators and retake the sentences.

Kongressman wrote:


Russian translation.

The research names and descriptions for "Внепланетарный агробизнес" and "Ксенолингвистика" definitely should be swapped.

There are some text which does not fit in the election interface. "Распределение го" means "Распределение голосов", but better replace it with "Голосование". Fits perfectly and has the same meaning.

Some other problems.



1. As I said above, we are looking to correct all the inconsistencies in the tech tree.

2. /3.  I will submit them to the translators

4. It should be fixed in the next patch/update.

Sotnik wrote:

Hi! Russian localization.

As far as I see at youtube, the Vaulters are translated as "Keepers"/"Guardians" ("Хранители") which is definitely incorrect and has too little in common with their lore. 


Meanwhile, at the steam store page the faction name is translated much more accurate: "Recluse" ("Затворники"). I believe it will be fair to use this translation in the game itself too.


We use the same name than in Endless Legend: "Хранители"

We noticed these differences between the game and the Steam page. It's fixed now.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 16, 2018, 9:33:27 PM

Unfallen Tech typo: description should be saying "Fire-class" instead of "Giga-class"

Typo in the description: "weapeon"

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