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Typos & Localization

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7 years ago
Mar 18, 2018, 9:01:41 AM

Looks like there is a typo in Horatio 50 pop collection bonus tooltip:  It got both old and new effect in it.

But when u actually get the bonus u get only new 5% Food into Influence effect:

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7 years ago
Mar 18, 2018, 11:55:46 AM

Typo: Vaulter's Quest, "Chapter 3. The heretic -- Part 2"

Line: "Did in never occur to them that First of the Bloodline is more than a simple matriach or a primitive people?"

Typo: Vaulter's Quest, "Chapter 4: Reunification"

Line: "We have learned the fate of our kin, come to grips with our past, and flushed the demons our of our dreams."

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 19, 2018, 3:53:17 PM

I have two more "missing text" errors. I don't know if these are not finished translations or if they also occur in the original version:

The first one: regularly I see a TBD (I guess it's "To be done") in descriptions or messages why things can't be built. As a final product, these TBDs should not be present but replaced by the message (description, failure reason etc.) that is to be displayed here:

The second one is a bit more obvious. When I try to to explore an anomaly, but my ship doesn't even have scanner module, I get the text identifier %FailureNeedExplorationModuleDescription instead of the real text:

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7 years ago
Mar 21, 2018, 4:02:24 PM
pn0943 wrote:

Here is another minor typo that I noticed on the hero skilltree window playing the latest version (V1.2.1 S5 GOLD-Public).

Ok, we are looking into it.

pn0943 wrote:

I think I found another tooltip issue. It seem to me that the wrong tooltip is displayed on the "New Game" screen, when you hover the cursor over the "Allow Custom Factions" slide-switch.

When the switch is in the off position, the tooltip read: "Click to forbid Custom Factions". When the switch is in the on position, the tooltip read: "Click to allow Custom Factions". The wrong tooltip is displayed for the current position of the switch.

(V1.2.1 S5 GOLD-Public)

I agree, there is a mistake here. We are going to correct it.

Paddington wrote:

Another possible typo issue in the United Empire faction quest (see underlined portions in the screen shot). Since the text seems to be referring to Hadri Lenko's speech, shouldn't "their" be "his"?

hmm .. it's more difficult than it seems.. we need to talk about it with the Writers.

Gandalfon wrote:

This need change to "Diplomatic relations must reach more than 50 Relations Points"

We will look into it.

Groo wrote:

In german version I receive the following message, in case the opponent faction gives i.e. ressources away: "Du gibst 25 Jadonyx ab". What means: "You give 25 Jadonyx away." Me ? Nope. It's the AI this case, giving ressources to me. So it should be: "Du erhältst 25 Jadonyx".

Same in english version: "You give 25 Jadonyx". Irritating. I guess it's always the same text (no alternative text for receiving ressources), doesn't matter if you give or receive anything in this kind of diplomatic actions.

Ok, we are looking into it.

Vadien wrote:

Russian localization still has this problem. And it is still not solved! Please change the symbol of science in this technology to the symbol of dust. Because in other localizations there is dust. Moreover, in the game this technology turns the industry into dust.

Ok it's fixed!

scottflorence wrote:

Riftborn - queueing population creation until the max, when hovering over trying to create another :
Under cost : %FailureEnqueueDescription

Ok it's fixed!

vrom wrote:

Diplomatic treaty refusal text error.

We are looking into it.

RussianHamster wrote:

All Vaulters quest we get on behalf of the matriarch, but in russian localisation "she" is translated as "he", so it seems that the story is on behalf of men, not a women.

And some new text are still in English, like the one on the screenshot.

And I can confirm Vadien's report of a technology icon bug.

Concerning the "she" translation, we are already on it.

Concerning the English text, it should not be displayed... we will look into it.

fofwisdom wrote:

Korean mistranslation

존제 -> 존재

corrupted objectName

corrupted objectName

도비니다 -> 됩니다

1./4. I forwarded them to the translators
2./.3 Ok, I fixed them

Nightdotexe wrote:

Horatio Quest, Chapter 4, Eco-Route

German Translation

"fertile" (like in planet type) is translated with "fruchtbar" in the game. 

In the Quest-discription, there are 2 other words used for fertile.  (red circle)

PS: Also why did they change the Name for the Endless in the german version? They were called "Die Infiniten" in Endless Space 1 and DotE (I think EL too). Now, they are called "Die Endless", which is kinda weird, because the name of the Lost is translated...

Ok, I forwarded it to the translators

Groo wrote:


Könntest Du Deinen Beitrag hierhin kopieren -> Deutsche Übersetzung - Kritik Anregungen ?

Ich hoffe, im nächsten Patch sind bereits einige eingereichte Änderungswünsche für die deutsche Version vorhanden. Sollte es nicht der Fall sein, werde ich den Entwicklern erneut auf die Nerven gehen müssen. Sollten die Änderungen also im nächsten Patch (immer noch nicht) vorhanden sein, habe ich vor überarbeitete XML Sprachdateien für die deutsche Version zum Download anzubieten (runterladen und Dateien ersetzen - einfacher geht es nicht). Da ich bereits erfolgreich mit den Sprachdateien herumexperimentieren konnte, würde ich mir die Arbeit ans Bein binden.

Danke im voraus.

Yes Groo, I got your reworked localization files but I must wait for the feedbacks form translators before using them.

Nightdotexe wrote:

German Translation:

Uh, uh, uh, I forgot this one.

Craver-Sempai says "Angrif".

That's just a simple typo, it needs to be "Angriff"

Ok, it's fixed

minurominerwin wrote:

There is an inconsistency in the translation of the "Vaulter" race. In some texts they are called "Errantes", and that name is very cool because is like wandering or errant. But in others they are called "Saltadores". Apart from being called in two different ways, the last name is ridiculous; It is a literal translation that looks really bad. It's like calling the Vaulters: Jumpers or Bouncers. It's hard to convey how bad it is in Spanish, but believe me, it's horrible.

I forward it to  the translators

minurominerwin wrote:

Im playing with the Cravers. In this description, it is said that to avoid diplomatic prohibition you must have militarists in the Senate, but it is just the opposite: to negotiate with civilizations you must not be militaristic.

And this one too

scottflorence wrote:

Forcing peace on Vaulters text error (Also vaulter text colour throughout is hard to read in such screens)

Ok it's fixed

Gandalfon wrote:

Description in one setting in advanced gameplay settings is just true/false


Ok we will look into it.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 21, 2018, 5:28:25 PM
Paddington wrote:

Another possible typo issue in the United Empire faction quest (see underlined portions in the screen shot). Since the text seems to be referring to Hadri Lenko's speech, shouldn't "their" be "his"?

This is tougher than it appears, as the text could be referring to either a male or a female hero, depending on who the player chooses. For that reason, we decided to use a gender-neutral pronoun, even if it sounds a bit awkward.


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7 years ago
Mar 21, 2018, 9:06:21 PM

Typo (Missing 'are') found on the Sefaloros Minor Faction description

"These undersea industrialists as efficient as they are unusual." should be "These undersea industrialists are as efficient as they are unusual." or perhaps it could be "These undersea industrialistsas efficient as they are unusual."

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7 years ago
Mar 22, 2018, 2:19:23 AM

I do not know if this has already been reported before but there is a slight error with the tooltip when hovering the mouse over the "30 seconds" of the "End turn duration" timer setting.

While in-game , in the Game Menu, I went under the "Modify Timer Settings" > Set "Turn Timer" to true.

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7 years ago
Mar 22, 2018, 10:52:41 AM
Nightdotexe wrote:

German Translation

The final Collection Bonus (or what it's called?) isn't translated.

Ok we are looking into it.

samsonazs wrote:

Technologies cost on Technology?
Should be just "-20% Science on Technology costs"

Ok we are looking into it.

CraverGourmetChef wrote:

Missing img for "Feeding Pits" under the name of the system

I believe they meant "beautified" at the 4th line of the second paragraph.

1. Ok we are looking into it.

2. I check with writers and they really want to use the word "beatified"

Trifler wrote:

For the deed "Invader of Worlds", the quest reward weapon says "Annhilator Beam". It should be "Annihilator Beam".

Ok it's fixed

Trifler wrote:

V1.2.8 S5 Gold-Public

When looking at the Ship Design screen for Vodyani Arks, the tooltip for Size still says that Arks require 8 Command Points.

Ok it's fixed

Tychonoir wrote:

Interplanetary Transport Network - Incorrect tooltip description.
"+3 [Industry] per [Pop] per Planets with Strategic deposits on Planets"
Should be:
"+3 [Industry] per [Pop] on Planets with Strategic deposits"

For a system with two planets each with strategic deposits, the former implies each pop would get the bonus for each planet, on each planet, as in +6 on each because of two planets. Furthermore, this could also be read as applying on a planet without a strategic resource as long as another planet has one.

Compare to Hazardous Mining Facility:
"+5 [Industry] per [Pop] per Strategic Deposit on Planets."
This does give the bonus more than once for multiple deposits, and even applies on a planet that itself doesn't have one.
While worded slightly differently, they functionaly have the same meaning, despite being handled differently in code.

Ok, we are looking into it

SmokingDuck wrote:

Russian translation.

Hello, found bug in Russian translation, in English language is everything alright.

Thanks, that has been already reported and it should be fixed now :) 

Groo wrote:

Planet name is not shown in quest description (same with next screens, when following questline).

Command line in:

ES2_Localization_Vaulters_Locales.xml =

German version:

<LocalizationPair Name="%ExplorationQuest25-Choice01Objective">Durchsuche die Kuriosität auf dem Planeten $Planet01Name, sofern du bereit bist, $Amount01Name Einheiten [Strat02hyperiumColored] #EAD085#Hyperium#REVERT# zu opfern ... sowie möglicherweise deine Flotte.</LocalizationPair>

English version:

<LocalizationPair Name="%ExplorationQuest25-Choice01Objective">Search the Curiosity on the planet $QuestPlanetName if you're ready to sacrifice $Amount01Name [Strat02hyperiumColored] #EAD085#hyperium#REVERT#… and maybe your Fleet.</LocalizationPair>

$Planet01Name is used regularly in ES2_Localization_Quest_Locales.xml instead.

Edit: I could fix it by editing the command line above.

Ok it's fixed

Groo wrote:

Command line is located in ES2_Localization_Assets_Locales.xml file. I don't see any difference to other command lines. So not sure what causes the issue.

Edit: My guess is, in execute command line (located I don't know where) "%DiplomaticInteractionEscalationIsolationistPlayerDisregardedTrespassUltimatum" the additional "TimeLords" is missing. Should be like that instead: "%DiplomaticInteractionEscalationIsolationistPlayerDisregardedTrespassUltimatumTimeLords" like in ES2_Localization_Assets_Locales.xml file (for all languages).

We are looking into it

KE1 wrote:

 Missing description when Trade company HQ queued after subsidiary in the same system.

That should be fixed now

SandCannon wrote:

TYPO: Quest text.  Unfallen - Final Chapter. Head and Heart.

    "the collective consciousness of the Unfallen, or  [an some]  entity external to"

"an" or "some" but not both.

Ok it's fixed

Shin wrote:

In the german version the anomaly "Hostile Fauna" is wrongly named "Hostile Flora".

Ok, it's fixed

Shin wrote:

Also it is not the "Verteidiger" who receives the 750 Damage on ground battles. It's the "Angreifer" who gets damaged.

Ok it's fixed

Artekant wrote:

Hello! In Russian localization, the text of the message is not translated when the expedition was successful.

Yes, we had an issue with this message... That should be fixed now :)

aieuxi1 wrote:


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7 years ago
Mar 22, 2018, 11:00:14 AM
tuananh1612 wrote:

Missing text faction traits:

Harminous II

Mutual Understanding I

Ok we are looking into them

BadBecauseMad wrote:

Looks like there is a typo in Horatio 50 pop collection bonus tooltip:  It got both old and new effect in it.

But when u actually get the bonus u get only new 5% Food into Influence effect:

Weird .. Ok we are looking into them

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7 years ago
Mar 24, 2018, 12:00:10 AM

The coreckracker description in german translation says: "(Kann nicht auf einem Träger ausgerüstet werden)" 

The opposite is the case. It should say: "(Kann nur auf einem Träger ausgerüstet werden)"

Good to see, that something happens, if translation issues are reported these days. Glad I could see, that the tactic combat cards were reworked in german translation and the text is now displayed on first glance in tech tree.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 28, 2018, 12:01:25 PM

Not translated in german localization (source: ES2_Localization_Locales.xml):

<LocalizationPair Name="%StarSystemLabelDecayingSystemBaseDescription">This system is [TBD] (hunting ground). It is losing population and improvements. They will be gone in {0} [turn] ({1} [population] &amp; {2} buildings left).Colonizing this system will immediately turn it into a Colony. Colonized planets, surviving population and improvements will remain on the system.</LocalizationPair>

<LocalizationPair Name="%StarSystemLabelDecayingSystemCamouflageDescription">This is your [TBD] (hunting ground). It is losing population and improvements. They will be gone in {0} [turn] ({1} [population] &amp; {2} buildings left) Colonizing this system will immediately turn it into a Colony. Colonized planets, surviving population and improvements will remain on the system.</LocalizationPair>

Example screenshot:

Save file (look for system Adana tooltip):

VaultersRiftborn bug Hunting grounds.sav

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 28, 2018, 2:58:26 PM

<LocalizationPair Name="%MinorPopulationQuest17-Choice03Objective">Besitze $Amount01Name [anomaly] Anomalie(n) in deinem Imperium.</LocalizationPair>

Ingame in quest reward choice it's displayed as:

"Besitze $Amount01Name Anomalie(n) in deinem Imperium. 15/16"

In english version the command line differs, it says: $Amount06Name

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 29, 2018, 1:55:01 PM
Groo wrote:

The coreckracker description in german translation says: "(Kann nicht auf einem Träger ausgerüstet werden)" 

The opposite is the case. It should say: "(Kann nur auf einem Träger ausgerüstet werden)"

Good to see, that something happens, if translation issues are reported these days. Glad I could see, that the tactic combat cards were reworked in german translation and the text is now displayed on first glance in tech tree.

Thanks Groo, I forwarded to the translators.

Groo wrote:

Not translated in german localization (source: ES2_Localization_Locales.xml):

<LocalizationPair Name="%StarSystemLabelDecayingSystemBaseDescription">This system is [TBD] (hunting ground). It is losing population and improvements. They will be gone in {0} [turn] ({1} [population] &amp; {2} buildings left).Colonizing this system will immediately turn it into a Colony. Colonized planets, surviving population and improvements will remain on the system.</LocalizationPair>

<LocalizationPair Name="%StarSystemLabelDecayingSystemCamouflageDescription">This is your [TBD] (hunting ground). It is losing population and improvements. They will be gone in {0} [turn] ({1} [population] &amp; {2} buildings left) Colonizing this system will immediately turn it into a Colony. Colonized planets, surviving population and improvements will remain on the system.</LocalizationPair>

Example screenshot:

Save file (look for system Adana tooltip):

VaultersRiftborn bug Hunting grounds.sav

Yes, we already noticed it. We are looking into it because these sentences should not be used anymore ...

Groo wrote:

<LocalizationPair Name="%MinorPopulationQuest17-Choice03Objective">Besitze $Amount01Name [anomaly] Anomalie(n) in deinem Imperium.</LocalizationPair>

Ingame in quest reward choice it's displayed as:

"Besitze $Amount01Name Anomalie(n) in deinem Imperium. 15/16"

In english version the command line differs, it says: $Amount06Name

Ok it's fixed :)

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7 years ago
Mar 30, 2018, 9:37:59 AM

German localization:

Please replace the word: "Aufllösen" with "Hangar"... it's immersion breaking and irritating as it is.

Other typos (red marked):

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 30, 2018, 9:45:48 AM

Original text german localization:

Offered solution:

A bug in tooltip (round time is fixed to 10) and a typo in one screenshot:

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Apr 15, 2018, 6:27:59 PM

I know this has been already reported but I am not seeing the description for Harmonious II.

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7 years ago
May 12, 2018, 12:44:17 AM

For the Unfallen Technology "Low Temperature Construction" both mouse over effects have Giga instead of Fire for class.

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