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7 years ago
May 26, 2018, 1:54:03 PM

The description of victory conditions and custom factions toggle is reversed. (Forbid when clicking it will allow it and allow when clicking it will forbid it)

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7 years ago
May 26, 2018, 4:13:50 PM

Good catch. My guess is, it's not only wrong in victory condition settings. I'll have a closer look soon, for to edit my german language mod. Same in german localization.

Edit: Fixed for germany community in german language mod -> Sprachmod Deutsch v1.2.23

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 30, 2018, 5:57:41 AM

Not a typo, but this seemed like as good a place as any to post this. Looks like you're missing text for a tooltip:

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 8, 2018, 2:57:22 PM

Quest (solo) started: Good old time

Missing translation in german localization:

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 14, 2018, 1:03:37 PM

One of the Vaulters exploration quests (ExplorationQuest08) has a quest reward "Pirate Ship spawned on System $QuestSystem01Name".
When I got the quest once in multiplayer I was a bit sceptical thinking it could be an enemy  pirate ship, changing it to "Friendly Pirate Ship spawned on System $QuestSystem01Name" would make it clear 

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 20, 2018, 3:19:33 PM

A friend of mine is playing the game in german language, and he was really confused when I told him about Titanium A2S Slugs.

Well, we found out that they are called:

"Boden-Luft Geschosse aus Titan" 

which litteraly translates to:

"Ground-to-Air Slugs made out of Titan"

That name suggests the opposite of what that tech module is doing :)

Correct would be : "Titanium Luft-Boden Geschosse"


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7 years ago
Jun 20, 2018, 3:58:46 PM

Vaulters medium coordinator ship (Shot-class) has "Support" role in description while all the other medium coordinator ships have "defense" role.

E: Vaulters carrier has "Attack" role

Updated 6 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 26, 2018, 5:03:03 PM

Noticed when making a mod that Argosy in polish translation is translated to Galeon, which just means galleon. Don't think lore names should be translated like that

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7 years ago
Jul 1, 2018, 11:58:43 AM

Hi, I found that with chinese localization there is a issue with displaying the correct name of the planet, where " : " should be the name of the planet. This issue shows in many places.

Please fix, thanks


Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 1, 2018, 8:13:23 PM

German Version

1) I have lost the Quest "Entdecker der Wahrheiten" but the description says I`ve won.

2) It would sound better if it would say "Ziel erreicht von unbekannten Imperium"

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 3, 2018, 9:58:15 PM

German version

1) I miss the info what this modul is doing

2) It would be more clear if it would say "energy damage +20%" instead of "energy damage 20%"

3) I think it should be "großen politischen Parteien" and "kleinen politischen Parteien"

P.S. I like the game, thats why I try  to help to get it into a even better state.

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6 years ago
Jul 29, 2018, 12:22:42 AM
DMA64 wrote:

German Version

1) I have lost the Quest "Entdecker der Wahrheiten" but the description says I`ve won.

2) It would sound better if it would say "Ziel erreicht von unbekannten Imperium"

1) As you can see it has been fixed:

For 2) I expect same term "Unbekanntes Imperium" beeing used in other places, too. So it's best solution you can think of, else same term would be even more irritating when beeing changed to offered solution. Same with some other reports from your side. It dies have impact on other texts. Anyway, good to read about here, for to improve my german language mod if possible. Perhaps you should better read it like "Ziel erreicht von: Unbekanntes Imperium"?

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 2, 2018, 4:40:38 PM

Same as the Vaulters, Hissho hulls have wrong role descriptions on the Medium support and carrier ships (Support instead of Defense and Attack instead of Carrier)

And noticed that their ShipHull descriptions have them correctly

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 3, 2018, 3:41:26 PM

After firing an obliterator missle at a partially defended system (with citadel), I received the following message: "%DiplomaticInteractionNeutralObliteratedMySystem" (screenshot below)

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 3, 2018, 7:03:54 PM

Similar issues what OmegaHammer did report:

String: "StarsystemImprovementinfluence1" is displayed below text description of Nationalmuseum (at least in german language version). In regular tech tree it's fine.

Same (i.e.) with desert:

String: PlanetTypeDesertRootColonization

And this one:

String: PlanetimprovementFood1

String: StarSystemImprovementScience3

String: PlanetTypeIceRootColonization

and so on.

Something different: Here PirateEmpire#0 obviously ruled the system:

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 4, 2018, 7:57:58 AM

I'll post this once again: fonts in russian localization are really UGLY. Sometimes they are not even fit in textboxes. Whole intefrace looks misplaced and crooked. Some of negative steam reviews are all about fonts.

Whole 9 month since I've said about it to one of you comunity managers on stream, 9 month since I've started this Idea and still nothing. I'm very dissapointed.

And also: THERE ARE such cyrillic fonts as Fira Sans and Source Sans pro. THEY EXIST. Whats problem? Why don't you use them?

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 4, 2018, 11:06:22 PM

The tooltips for Stellar Node Study 1 and 2 use the wrong icon for the Military quadrant. They use a fist icon instead of the skull icon shown in the center of the Technology screen. The other three icons appear to be correct. Since this is an icon, this applies to all languages.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 6, 2018, 3:42:28 PM

[Korean Localization Issues]

1. Flotilla Shield with Movement Point

<LocalizationPair Name="%PanelFeatureModuleFlotillaMaximumShieldTitle">함선 이동 포인트</LocalizationPair>
As you see, this is string for Flotilla Shield. But Korean text says 'Ship Movement Point' and this is utterly wrong.

2. TimeLords called Unfallen

<LocalizationPair Name="%DiplomaticInteractionEscalationInvadedInCWTimeLords">폭력이라. 광신이든, 현실적인 이유든, 폭력은 절박한 자들의 마지막 피신처인 법. 언폴른은 슬픈 마음으로 너희의 폭력에 폭력으로 맞서도록 하마.</LocalizationPair>

This is string for the TimeLords, aka Riftborn and there is word '언폴른', which is the transliteration of 'Unfallen'.

3. Free Movement! (for what?)

In Korean, the word '무료' means 'without any costs' and the word '자유' means 'without any restriction'. And we, the Korean, translate them into 'free' in English.
In ES2, there is Free Movement and it clearly means 'no restriction' but sometimes the word '무료' appears.

4. Raudd Klapatch the Necrophage

With a background in planetary ecology, Raudd nevertheless spent a great deal of time with a weapon in his hands as his specialization on Auriga was the biomes of Necrophage habitats. //English
행성 생태계에 대한 배경 지식을 지녔던 네크로파지 서식지의 생명체인 라우드는 손에 무기를 쥔 채로 수많은 시간을 아우리가에서 보냈습니다. //Korean

How could 'the man who is specialized in biomes of Necrophage habitats' become 'the creature of Necrophage habitats'?

5. Targeting weight bonus

<LocalizationPair Name="%TargetingWeightBonusTitle">함선 규모에 비례한 명중률 보너스</LocalizationPair>

In Eng. Loc. File, it says 'Targeting weight bonus'
In ES2, target weight mostly means 'aggro' or 'attack priorities' but the Korean text says 'Accuracy Bonus by Ship Size'

6. Those are both BOMBERS!

Heavy Fighter
<LocalizationPair Name="%ModuleSquadronFighter3Strategic3Title">중폭격기</LocalizationPair>
<LocalizationPair Name="%ModuleSquadronFighter3Strategic3Description">장갑을 포기하고 병기에 치중하는 우주 해적 방식의 개조를 통해, 기존의 발전형 폭격기보다 내구도를 희생한 대신 더 치명적인 피해를 입힐 수 있게 된 폭격기입니다.</LocalizationPair>

Light Bomber
<LocalizationPair Name="%ModuleSquadronBomber3Strategic4Title">경폭격기</LocalizationPair>
<LocalizationPair Name="%ModuleSquadronBomber3Strategic4Description">기체 보호용 방어막을 일부 제거하는 우주 해적 방식의 개조를 통해, 기존의 발전형 폭격기보다 내구도를 희생한 대신 회피율을 높이면서도 동일한 피해를 입힐 수 있게 된 폭격기입니다.</LocalizationPair>

Heavy Fighter became Heavy Bomber while Light Bomber became Light Bomber.

7. Poor planets

Untold Tales DLC has some strings including the text 'poor planet' and most of the time which means 'sterile planet'.
But Korean Localization translated it into '가난한' which means financially poor or lacking money. Similar things happened to the text 'rich planet'.

e.g) "%MinorPopulationQuest03-Choice02Outcome", "%MinorPopulationQuest19-Choice02Outcome", "%MinorPopulationQuest09-Choice03Outcome", "%MinorPopulationQuest19-Choice02Description"

8. Upside Down Fanatics

<LocalizationPair Name="%PopulationPoliticalTraitFanaticTooltipEffect">
[militaristColored] 이벤트가 [religiousColored]의 정치적 지지 여론을 형성합니다

In English Loc. file, there is '[religiousColored] events support [militaristColored] political opinion'.
However, Korean string says '[militaristColored] events support [religiousColored] political opinion'.

There are quite a lot wrong translations in these 'PopulationPoliticalTrait' string so it needs to be inspected thoroughly.

9. General Chat (in Army)

<LocalizationPair Name="%CoordinationToolsTab1Title">장군</LocalizationPair>

<LocalizationPair Name="%CoordinationToolsTab2Title">동맹</LocalizationPair>

<LocalizationPair Name="%CoordinationToolsNewMessageTooltip">새로운 채팅 메시지가 있습니다</LocalizationPair>

The word 'General' in 'CoordinationToolsTab' is definitely not a army general. But look the word '장군' which actually means Army General!

10. No Effects written in Tooltip

There is no tooltip saying what this system improvements do. It's just missing without any error message or 'missing string' texts.

+++++Added Later

11. A-M(Ada-Mantium) Fleet Accelerator

A-M Fleet Accelerator is translated into 아다만티움 함대 추진장치 in Korean Localization. A-M is definitely Anti-Matter in game.

12. Flotilla Shield 

Basic Flotilla Shield used the word '개량형', which means 'improved'.

Improved Flotilla Shield  used the word '기본형', which means 'Basic'.

And this is not the full lists of complaints on Korean Localization. Korean ES2 fans are not trusting translator, nor the Localization QA of the Amplitude. In Supremacy DLC, there is even untranslated strings in game. It's time to take step on this matter. Just replace the Korean translator or put more efforts on Localization QA.

Updated 6 years ago.
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