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Typos & Localization

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8 years ago
Mar 23, 2017, 9:24:10 PM

Hehe, I think you mean 'tenacious' ;P Still reading everything so might be more updates soon. :P

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8 years ago
Mar 24, 2017, 10:19:13 PM

Here are Two, in one go.


1. "While is safe" (Should be "While it* is safe")

2. "inthe" (obvious fix)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Mar 25, 2017, 7:15:58 PM

(seems incredibly obvious, but sometimes these are the easiest to miss.) Not sure if this is technically a typo... a typo within the coding itself?

Upon creating a new single player game (as of Riftborn update,) the Competitors number slider reads as +1 off from the actual number of AI competitors populating the box.

...tested by starting this game and there were indeed just 2 competitors.

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8 years ago
Mar 26, 2017, 4:42:43 PM

love the new update so far and the Riftborn are fun to play. that said i have identified a few typos(/programming errors?)

probably put the quotes ("$SystemName") here in the code instead of the variable. ($SystemName) 

i thing you missed a few words here at the end "may be subject to". to what?

got this one when i was choosing a destination for some population and the tried selecting the same planet as they were on.

i got this issue when i tried to make a diplomatic demand and then reset the contract.

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8 years ago
Apr 1, 2017, 3:13:02 AM

Pretty simple, missing a space and comma in the quest 1 complete, part of the Rift born quest, focusing on industry.

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8 years ago
Apr 2, 2017, 2:31:05 PM

Not an english native speaker, but I think it should be "examining" instead of "examing"

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 4, 2017, 6:51:38 AM

"The informations concerning this system are not available ..."

The plural of information is information. This is terrible sentence anyway. Far better would be 'Information about this system is not available'.

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8 years ago
Apr 4, 2017, 7:22:16 AM

Here are a few I have spotted:


Incorrect grammar. Should be, “You cannot make demands to ally.”

Also, in this case, the empire is not an ally and so, more appropriately, “You have insufficient leverage to make demands of this empire.”

“Backtrack the paths of Heroes by exploring $CuriosityNB Atmospheric Curiosities”


This is a pseudo-fail. I found the Academy (again). Either this shouldn't be a fail for the lucky Empire that finds the Academy by chance. Or, my recommended option, 'lock' that Curiosity to a Quest - namely, 'Rumor of an Academy'. Then nobody can discover the Academy, even if they settle the planet, until the Quest has been Completed. 

Also, if the planet has been blown up, let's have a graphic for that, rather than the 'Toxic' planet.


LawEffectP00L07Republic(missing GuiElement)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 4, 2017, 4:51:01 PM

Hi All 

I am currently playing the V0.3.4 S2 ALPHA-PUBLIC version of the game. I found another typo on the Advanced Tutorial mode as the United Empire. There is a lowercase l before the highlighted Leading Political Partys in the last paragraph of the first plate of the Senate Screen tutorial. 

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8 years ago
Apr 14, 2017, 8:19:26 AM

Can't scroll down to see rest of tutorial text.

"Political Traits that can enhance, suppress, and convert their reactions to specific categories of..."?


"The final stat examines the effectiveness of their weapons at the three different ranges: short, ..."?


Version: V0.3.4 S2 ALPHA-Public

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 18, 2017, 5:33:26 PM

Last Sentence of the "Flight of the Prototype" has a wrong case in the localization string

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8 years ago
Apr 20, 2017, 8:46:05 PM


V0.3.5 S2 ALPHA-Public

Hi guys, 

I just finished my first game of Endless space 2 that lasted 196 turns and 20 hours. It is the last version of the game as I bought pre-purchased it last week, after play testing it at Amplitude  

Here are some typo I found, during my game (some have already been mentioned in previous posts but are still there):



Improper message appearing when trying to invade voladyani Homeworld: %FailureOpponentMilitaryPowerDescription

Steps to reproduce

  1. Reach Vodyani homeworld
  2. Put mouse on Invade option


2/5 I think, It happens the first time I reach their homeworld

Expected behavior

No message popping





When playing as Sophon, same messages as the post of HerrderZeit

Steps to reproduce

  1. Build Toys for Boys
  2. Open economy screen
  3. Check Approval of a planet



Expected behavior

Description of the outcome




Checking the outpost colonized by Cravers, error text appears: %OutpostColonizationTooltipDescription

Steps to reproduce

  1. Reach the system
  2. Message appears when checking the system


1/5 Only happen for this outpost, not for the other one

Expected behavior

No message popping




End of tutorial explanation missing, same error as the post of lolplayer101:

"may be subject to..." The mystery remain...

Steps to reproduce

  1. Build trade company
  2. Check Tutorial pop up

Expected behavior

Have the end of the text tutorial. Most probably... Will I ever know it?


??? Only did 1 game but I am not another player had this bug so it could probably be a 5/5



Demand of Cravers coming with message error: %DiplomaticInteractionPressureReductionDemandSenderProposedCravers

Steps to reproduce

  1. Discover Craver Race
  2. Reach their border
  3. Wait for their demand/threat


5/5, there was always a typo mistake with their demands. See attachment

Expected behavior

A clear demand. 


That's all I found so far. 

Good luck and keep up the good work


Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Apr 21, 2017, 8:19:18 AM

In the Ground Battles in the tooltips for "Blitz" and "Infiltration", each has the others effects listed (Inferring this from the descriptions).

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