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Typos & Localization

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8 years ago
May 20, 2017, 2:48:06 AM

(The last image is from beta, but it's still the same text)
I may be wrong (not a native english speaker), but the text made me think I would have 10 more turns with 4+/per turn.

Also, those

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8 years ago
May 20, 2017, 11:24:12 AM

Not translated text:

1. Expeditions - part of loot description (except name of recourses).

For example:


2. This cooperation quest... (“A little bit of prevention”? I’m translating myself, so it may be something different).

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8 years ago
May 20, 2017, 5:24:04 PM

First of all I want to thank you for the wonderful game! You have done a great job.

Alas, the Russian localization at this moment looks unfinished :(. Here are some problems I've noticed immediately:

1. Main Menu

a) Line height problems. Text lines are too close to each other. 

b) It's a bit strange to see word shortening in the main menu (ПРИСОЕДИН. К ИГРЕ)

с) The font size of "GAMES2GETHER" looks smaller than other options.

2. Options > Notifications screen

a) Line height is too small.


a) "Merge fleet" button is too big.

4. Battle tactics screen

a) Description container overflow.

5. Troops management screen

a) Description container overflow.

6.  Empire Summary screen > Victory

a) "Minimize/Expand this popup" is not translated (applicable to all tutorial popups).

b) I belive that "Чудесная" is wrong translation here. "Чудесная" is an adjective, you should use a noun instead ("Чудеса").

7.  Empire Summary > Systems

a) "Конструкция" - is wrong translation. I think you should use "Строительство" instead. 

b) "Event: An Unexpected Guest" is not translated.

8. Minor civilization dyplomacy screen

a) {0} instead of a number.

b) Description container overflow.

9.  Government selection screen

a) "Laws provide better effects" is not translated.

10. System scan screen

a) Translation is missing.

11. Ship design screen

a) Text/controls overlapping. Something is really wrong here.

12. Dyplomacy scan screen

a) "Дипломатический статус" - strange word wrap (breaks the word).

b) Line height is too small.

13. Quests and events screen

a) Line height is too small.

14. Technology screen

a) "Machine Bacteria" and its descriptions are not translated.. 

b) "НАУКА И ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ" - strange word wrap. 

c) "Ксенолингвистика" - strange word wrap. 

d) "Эукариотический сок" - strange word wrap. 

e) "ПЭВ-уровневые ускорители" - strange word wrap.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 21, 2017, 6:43:29 AM

Composites extrêmes :

Fusion à N voies :


For the french localization :

Those two techs have the same text. "Fusion à N voies" and "Composites extrêmes"

Thanks for your hard work !

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8 years ago
May 22, 2017, 3:37:19 PM

Hey guys, 

Just found this one today on the faction quest.  Figured you'd want to know, the game looks great and am loving so far.  Job well done to the whole crew!

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 22, 2017, 5:05:37 PM

Слились "название" и "автор" в пользовательских расах, невозможно создать расу...

The name and author in the user races merged, it is impossible to create a race

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8 years ago
May 23, 2017, 3:24:20 PM

I  am so happy to hear you guys have added Simplified Chinese into  this  awesome game, But here are some wrong in your steam store page,  such as  you translate "Pathfinder"  into "寻路者", but if you translate it  into  "开拓者" will be better. And now we have a team witch has more than 10   teammates has started working for Simplified Chinese mod two monthes   ago, and I hope you can let us into your translate team and work   together with you guys, I think we will make a better fulture about   Lacalization.

                                                                                                                                                                     forever support you

                                                                                                                                                                      a team of Chinese gamers

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8 years ago
May 23, 2017, 3:45:30 PM

I do not know to whom to write about Russian localization. There is a big problem to know the numbers of resources i have or prices. In Russian thousands, looks like "Тыс" because of this i can't see whole the number. Please change "Тыс" to "K". I think russian players will understand it also. If it's a problem to resolve, just tell me please where is the files of localization in game folder. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 23, 2017, 3:47:59 PM

Not sure if it's a typo but, in the first sentence at the end "and then  move on" looks like a double space. The sames happens at the 3th sentence "..last victory for long.  If you...".

Again i'm not sure if it is a legit typo or just some weird spacing. (playing on 1920x1080).

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8 years ago
May 23, 2017, 5:29:26 PM

The Russian translation.

I was surprised by translations of United Empire, Riftborn and Unfallen faction names. 

For United Empire a more correct translation would be "Объединённая Империя" and I believe it used to be so in ES1.

Riftborn are "Timelords" in Russian. "Riftborn" should literally be "Разломорождённые". There might be a better-sounding option, but the current variant just breaks flavour around the faction by shifting emphasis from the most dramatic element of their lore to a secondary one. Moreover, the current name is shortened.

Unfallen are translated as "Несгибаемые" which means Stalwart (metaphorically)/Inflexible(literally). As I understood, "Unfallen" has moral connotations as well as a reference to "unfallen leafage" methaphor. A more correct translation would be "Неопавшие".

In addition, speaking about Vodyani, I recommend to replace "Водяни" with "Водьяни" because "Водяни" sounds very close to "Водяной" which means "of water".

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 27, 2017, 8:44:35 AM
forcekeeper wrote:
I have a bug. When i enter to the system "Leran"- Academy my game is crashed. 

Wrong thread.

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8 years ago
May 28, 2017, 6:16:29 PM

Version 1.0.6 preview

Reads "acting as a relay AS some kind of signal."

Should read "acting as a relay FOR some kind of signal."

Game is great. Thanks and keep up the great work Amplitude!

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8 years ago
May 28, 2017, 6:43:39 PM

I found something: 

Here It says that you need "Applied Casimir Effect" to discover Wormholes and with that be able to trace a route but that technology isn't the one that discover wormholes.

As we can see, "Autonomous Materials" is the one that let us discover Wormholes and not "Applied Casimir Effect"

EDIT: I just noticed that maybe what is wrong are both technologies that have the name switched.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 30, 2017, 10:33:06 AM

Summary / Title

Inconsistency in french localisation for the Non agression pact tooltips in diplomacy screen and on map attack button tooltips


In the diplomacy screen, the tooltip for non agression pact said that you can attack : 

"Vous pouvez attaquer cet empire sur votre territoire et dans les zones neutres [...]"

On map, the tooltip of the action fleet attack sayd you cannot :

"Impossible de viser une flotte amie ou alliée"

Expected Behavior

consistency at least ;) 

Not sure, but seem like the tooltip in the diplo screen is the wrong or bad translated.


1.0.52 S5 gold


Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
May 31, 2017, 10:39:06 AM

Summary / Title

Error in french localisation for the create pirate fleet tooltips on map screen.


The tooltip of the create pirate fleet say you cannot create a fleet cause you're not orbiting a system that you colonised :

"Ia flotte n'est pas en orbite autour d'un des systemes colonisés par le joueur"

But this tooltips is shown also for system colonised by the player and in the area of influence of another faction.

Expected Behavior

Tooltip must be :

"Ia flotte n'est pas en orbite autour d'un des systemes colonisés par le joueur ou est hors de sa sphére d'influence"

edit : I made more test, you can create a pirate fleet in a non colonised system or a system colonised by another faction within your influence sphere , so if WAD better text could be :

"Ia flotte n'est pas en orbite autour d'un des systemes de la sphére d'influence du joueur "


1.0.52 S5 gold


Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 3:20:25 PM

2 items are based on korean localized version.

1. Description of Inexpensive Fleet Law

I don't know exact english name of the law, but guess that "Inexpensive Fleet" law, which means fleet cost is not expensive.

In description part, it will help ship making companies to provide incentive and low the manufacturing cost, by using low quality material and unskilled labor.

It also mentioned there is shortage, which low the quaility of ship.

However, although this explanation, its effect is specifeid as +40% durability in ship.

Description and effect is not match. I hope other language users also check this law.

2. Greeting of Horatio

This is greeting from Horatio, when meets first time in game. It says you(player) are very lucky that Horatio himself is willing to to talk with you.

In Korean, final word is ended as "아니니" which feels like very polite and delicate.

In game, Horatio is ruler of his people, over-confident and arrogant, so it would be better to change as "아니냐".

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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 4:43:26 PM

German Localization (latest "hotfix version]:

The german localization tells you, +750 damage inflicted to defender...

Instead the english one tells you (correctly) +750 damage inflicted to attacker:

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jun 3, 2017, 3:26:39 PM

Star types written in Polish instead of Russian

  Red Dwarf should be Красный карлик

   Binary start should be Двойная звезда

These are just an example, other start types are in Polish too

Manpower is translated like "Трудовые ресурсы" which means working resources. It doesn't fit for military at all. For military it should be one of these: Личный состав (the best imo), Вооруженные силы, Живая сила", Людские ресурсы, Войска.

Updated 8 years ago.
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