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Pending crash / game start issues

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 12:00:34 AM

Just a preface to say I am running on a laptop with Intel HD 520 chipset which I know is not supported. The chipset does support DirectX 11 and the game is not crashing or producing any errors so it gives me a glimmer of hope that it may one day work.

The game is not crashing, however after the startup loading splash screen, I am taken to what I assume should be the main menu screen. It is devoid of any options but the planet is happily spinning away and the ES2 logo is going through it's animation.




Diagnostics - 2016'10'11 @0049'28''.html

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 12:32:27 AM
V3nom wrote:

Ha yes sharp eye ! (I should be not very well awoken u_u)

I also tried by replacing one of intro faction with the Sega/amp which is working, and I got the same crash. It's definitely not a matter of video files in themselves.

So that rules out the file itself being bad. Which seems to point much more to a character or directory nesting limit.

I'd be curious

1) What is the full path of where the sub-directory of the movies that crashes is on your system?

2) If you have a spare drive or something to add another Steam Library, could you try making your steam library something like d:\steamgames\ and see if the issue persists

That might indicate whether the issue is a character limit or a file folder structure limit in ffmpeg?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 1:59:06 AM

I had the game stall around turn 60 of my first time playing (as Sophon). Everything seemed to still be working but the "ending turn" never finished. I could select and view all items in game and use the menu but just couldn't proceed to the next turn. I saved the game and then restarted. The game stalls when it says "connecting to Server" and underneath "Launching Game". Loading bar just over halfway. Only way to exit is to force close the app.



Diagnostics - 2016'10'11 @1144'21''.html

I've  tried verifying the file cache and it did say one file needed to be redownloaded and after doing so the same issue occured trying to load the saved game. I'm assuming that saved game is corrupt and won't load moving forward but happy to help try and work out why it stalled/crashed in the first place.

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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 4:58:43 AM
satoru wrote:
V3nom wrote:

Ha yes sharp eye ! (I should be not very well awoken u_u)

I also tried by replacing one of intro faction with the Sega/amp which is working, and I got the same crash. It's definitely not a matter of video files in themselves.

So that rules out the file itself being bad. Which seems to point much more to a character or directory nesting limit.

I'd be curious

1) What is the full path of where the sub-directory of the movies that crashes is on your system?

2) If you have a spare drive or something to add another Steam Library, could you try making your steam library something like d:\steamgames\ and see if the issue persists

That might indicate whether the issue is a character limit or a file folder structure limit in ffmpeg?

Where ES2 is installed is actually a secundary folder, and it's just "C:\Steam Secondaire" so the full path to the game ni already close to your suggestion (except for the space in the name)

So : C:\Steam Secondaire\steamapps\common\Endless Space 2\EndlessSpace2_Data\StreamingAssets\Movies

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 11, 2016, 6:31:10 PM

I've been having this same issue, game crashes when starting a new game.  The renaming the videos trick worked, but only until I opened the tech screen.  It crashed immediately then.  Looking at the Windows Event Viewer, I see an error related to the msvcrt.dll

Faulting application name: EndlessSpace2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5797f2ad
Faulting module name: msvcrt.dll, version: 7.0.7601.17744, time stamp: 0x4eeb033f
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00000000000158e3
Faulting process id: 0x1a04
Faulting application start time: 0x01d223ebc036c4f1
Faulting application path: F:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Endless Space 2\EndlessSpace2.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll
Report Id: 69b7569a-8fdf-11e6-bf83-003067aa70ab

Whether the crash happens when starting a new game, or I rename the video files and the crash happens when opening the tech screen, the event viewer error is the same.  It seems this may be related to MS Visual C++ Redistributables, but I'm rather stumped.  Hope this clue may help someone troubleshooting this.

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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 9:59:47 AM
ForsakenLegend wrote:

Game crashes after first tick of loading bar.





Diagnostics - 2016'10'10 @2310'50''.html

Crashed in the new beta patch and without it.

Thanks ahead of time! 

From the look of your files:

  • The game is launching in the Intel HD graphics card, not good. You must force it to run on the ATI card
  • Your Intel HD driver seems outdated as well. It may work with an updated driver, but the ATI card should be better to run the game

Let me know if this helps.


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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 10:21:14 AM
circe wrote:
  • Game is installed. I'm clicking "play" and after few seconds, while loading menu or starting game - game crashes. It happens mostly when I'm minimalizing this game. Also there are some graphic problems - I don't see a button "I Agree", there are weird colorful strips on the screen. 
  • DxDiag.txt
  • output_log.txt
  • Diagnostics - 2016'10'12 @0754'25''.html

Hi Circe,

We have analysed your DxDiag, and it seems your graphic card driver is from the year 2012. Please make sur you have updated to a more recent driver.

To all : I cannot stress how important it is to make sure your drivers are up to date!


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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 10:28:02 AM
akintu wrote:

I've been having this same issue, game crashes when starting a new game.  The renaming the videos trick worked, but only until I opened the tech screen.  It crashed immediately then.  Looking at the Windows Event Viewer, I see an error related to the msvcrt.dll

Faulting application name: EndlessSpace2.exe, version:, time stamp: 0x5797f2ad
Faulting module name: msvcrt.dll, version: 7.0.7601.17744, time stamp: 0x4eeb033f
Exception code: 0xc0000005
Fault offset: 0x00000000000158e3
Faulting process id: 0x1a04
Faulting application start time: 0x01d223ebc036c4f1
Faulting application path: F:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Endless Space 2\EndlessSpace2.exe
Faulting module path: C:\Windows\system32\msvcrt.dll
Report Id: 69b7569a-8fdf-11e6-bf83-003067aa70ab

Whether the crash happens when starting a new game, or I rename the video files and the crash happens when opening the tech screen, the event viewer error is the same.  It seems this may be related to MS Visual C++ Redistributables, but I'm rather stumped.  Hope this clue may help someone troubleshooting this.

It could be you have an issue with the video file found in the GUI screens.

Check out yesterday patch (you have to select it in Steam) in the DevBlog. There is a command line argument "-novideo" which you can add to the command line parameters of the game executable.

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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 10:49:40 AM
V3nom wrote:
satoru wrote:
V3nom wrote:

Ha yes sharp eye ! (I should be not very well awoken u_u)

I also tried by replacing one of intro faction with the Sega/amp which is working, and I got the same crash. It's definitely not a matter of video files in themselves.

So that rules out the file itself being bad. Which seems to point much more to a character or directory nesting limit.

I'd be curious

1) What is the full path of where the sub-directory of the movies that crashes is on your system?

2) If you have a spare drive or something to add another Steam Library, could you try making your steam library something like d:\steamgames\ and see if the issue persists

That might indicate whether the issue is a character limit or a file folder structure limit in ffmpeg?

Where ES2 is installed is actually a secundary folder, and it's just "C:\Steam Secondaire" so the full path to the game ni already close to your suggestion (except for the space in the name)

So : C:\Steam Secondaire\steamapps\common\Endless Space 2\EndlessSpace2_Data\StreamingAssets\Movies


I have looked again at your output log, and I see something really strange : it seems you are running the game outside of steam, and the path looks like one of our internal builds. 

G:/Amplitude/ES2/Builds/ES2 - v0.1.0 Public/2016-10-06 10h19/EndlessSpace2_Data/StreamingAssets\Movies/AMPLITUDE Studios.mp4

Can you give us more details?


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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 1:50:47 PM
AmpliMath wrote:

Hi all,

I have seen a number of problem resulting in your inability to start the game. Even though some of you do not own the current minimal config, we will do our best to solve those. The trick is that we need to have a clear vision of the remaining issues. We have advised on a number of fixes (check the Common Issues sticky thread) and sometimes it solves the problem for people who have reported an issue, but they do not come back to the forum to say that their problem is fixed. Understandable, because they have better things to do (like playing the game :)).

I want to register in this thread all remaining issues so that we can process them without forgetting anyone. Once the game runs fine, please edit your post to state that it is "fixed".

For each of you who still experience issues running the game (after you have performed the common troubleshooting solutions), create a post with the following content:

  • State the moment when the game is crashing : right a launch, during the progress bar of the ES2 splash screen, during the new game load, etc.
  • Include your dxdiag
  • Include the log/error messages found in the Steam install directory of ES2 ($Steam/SteamApps/Common/Endless Space2), and look for the files in the "EndlessSpace2_Data" subdirectory: output_log.txt, error.log, crash.dmp
  • Also include the log file "Diagnostics - 2016'XX'XX @XX'XX''.html" found in the $My Document/Endless Space 2/Temporary Files folder.

We will then process and categorize all this. Once again, we are doing our best, and we could fix all the issues on the laptop / HD graphics we had in our hands, but PC configurations are wild and varied, which explains this type of behaviour.



Hello All,

So here is my crashing story:

1) The game is crashing once the progress bar appears after the SEGA video. Sometimes it crashes immediately, sometimes it loads 2 cm into progress bar.



4)Diagnostics - 2016'10'12 @1543'54''.html



Many thanks for your help and for developping amazing games)

Update: I deleted my Intel Graphics driver and the progress bar actually fully loaded, will keep everyone updated. (I was loading a today's beta version)

Update 2: So yes, deleting an Intel Graphics driver stops crashing, the progress bar during the splash sreen fully loads, but after that nothing happens (understandably, there is no graphics driver installed. :D ) Installing the driver with the game running, causes it to crash. 

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 5:07:14 PM
AmpliMath wrote:
V3nom wrote:
satoru wrote:
V3nom wrote:

Ha yes sharp eye ! (I should be not very well awoken u_u)

I also tried by replacing one of intro faction with the Sega/amp which is working, and I got the same crash. It's definitely not a matter of video files in themselves.

So that rules out the file itself being bad. Which seems to point much more to a character or directory nesting limit.

I'd be curious

1) What is the full path of where the sub-directory of the movies that crashes is on your system?

2) If you have a spare drive or something to add another Steam Library, could you try making your steam library something like d:\steamgames\ and see if the issue persists

That might indicate whether the issue is a character limit or a file folder structure limit in ffmpeg?

Where ES2 is installed is actually a secundary folder, and it's just "C:\Steam Secondaire" so the full path to the game ni already close to your suggestion (except for the space in the name)

So : C:\Steam Secondaire\steamapps\common\Endless Space 2\EndlessSpace2_Data\StreamingAssets\Movies


I have looked again at your output log, and I see something really strange : it seems you are running the game outside of steam, and the path looks like one of our internal builds. 

G:/Amplitude/ES2/Builds/ES2 - v0.1.0 Public/2016-10-06 10h19/EndlessSpace2_Data/StreamingAssets\Movies/AMPLITUDE Studios.mp4

Can you give us more details?


The only thing I can tell you about my "G:" driver is that's an emulated CD-ROM from Daemon Tool, with atm (and for a very long time) a copy of a THX DTS test DVD. Nothing to do with ES2 at all and so far.

I'm not running the game in any other way than clicking on "play" in my Steam games list. And even though my main Steam folder is in a "F:" HDD, ES2 is in the folder I mentionned right above.

Also, is that the new "-novideo" command works for the submenus background ingame too ?

edit : I figured it out by myself lick a grown up, the answer is YES of course. And I also saw that the background is now a fix image and no more the "hole" which gets blurry at times.

So for those who have renamed video files to workthrough the "video bug', I advice to turn them back to their original name and use the "-novideo" command instead to prevent any further possible update problem, to avoid having the game downloading them a second time without erasing the renamed ones, and to enjoy a nicer background ^^

Another thing, nothing related : I can't create a new ship design, even with an already existent hull (not a new discovered one I mean). Is it normal ?

I can place modules, name the ship and all, and when I click on the "create design" validation button, the submenu exits, but no new ship is available in my list.

edit 2 : ok my first attempts was with a "Deci MK1" name (I play sophons), and I tried new names, and now it works, even with the old "denied" one. I don't have closed then restarted the game. I'll understand tomorrow ^^

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 7:13:55 PM
AmpliMath wrote:
ForsakenLegend wrote:

Game crashes after first tick of loading bar.





Diagnostics - 2016'10'10 @2310'50''.html

Crashed in the new beta patch and without it.

Thanks ahead of time! 

From the look of your files:

  • The game is launching in the Intel HD graphics card, not good. You must force it to run on the ATI card
  • Your Intel HD driver seems outdated as well. It may work with an updated driver, but the ATI card should be better to run the game

Let me know if this helps.


Hey, I had to change my preferences in my amd settings to high performance for Endless Space 2. Didn't do it automatically like other games. It seems to be working now though, thanks!

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8 years ago
Oct 12, 2016, 9:34:15 PM

I don't know what fixed the problem. I reinstalled the game this morning, then I selected from the properties menu the beta patch 0.1.3 (before it's live), the thing is the game just works perfectly now.

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8 years ago
Oct 13, 2016, 12:49:05 AM
Carbon wrote:

I don't know what fixed the problem. I reinstalled the game this morning, then I selected from the properties menu the beta patch 0.1.3 (before it's live), the thing is the game just works perfectly now.

Maybe you had a corrupted file, but in a "physical" manner, that the cache verifying tool from Steam can't handle. Reinstalling it could have moved the bad part somewhere else and all is fine now. This should make me think about bad clusters and the need to do a good ol' scandisk to isolate and fix or "ban" damaged sectors. (that's the actual aging of hard disk drives)

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