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Is terran the best terraforming for maximizing production?

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12 years ago
Apr 29, 2013, 5:49:01 PM
Beefhater wrote:

-The Horatio-affinity: you specialize on heros(and hero techs) to gain max advantage

-The Automatons affinity: you stack your industry output and aim for the Automatons tech which increase the rate on the stacked industry

-The Craver-affinity: you use your increasd FIDS to built up a fleet with which you overrun other player

-...should I elaborate more?

To elaborate on the thought I give in my preavously post I also give an example

e.g. The Craver homeplanet could be desert for these they get:

-no smiley: approval malus

-increased smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

-1-2 more smiley: fids per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: or

1-2 more smiley: industry and/or smiley: food per smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

-the closest planets to desert are in my opinion lava and arid so these gain half of the bonus desert recieve

-tier 1 planet and gas giants keep unchanged

-barren,arctic,(tundra?) get a malus like e.g.

-increased smiley: approval malus

-smiley: fids malus
Okay, I disagree with your craver analogy. See, Cravers should get no malus on their homeworld, but their imperative is to expand and consume. They obviously want more fertile planets. I've stated this before, a 25% negative malus isn't enough. They need to be able to break down worlds until they are useless. Gas giants would be exempt ofcourse, but basically they reduce all of their planets to barren or something worse.

That's besides the point.

Arid and Desert are similar, Lava? not so much. I do not think that lava worlds, gas giants and asteroids should get a lot of the positive anomalies because they just don't make sense in their current states.
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12 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 5:14:25 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
I would prefer to see different races getting different planet skins for the world types, so that a Terran world for the Sophons would look colder and more developed then a Craver Terran world that might look more arid and blighted, without it affecting the games balance.
The only time I could agree with that line of thinking is when the galaxy generator is set for "perfect balance". Otherwise it's just an unnecessary intrusion on the lore territory. I said it once and I will say it again: ES is about dealing with what you've got and trying to achieve the best possible outcome with the tools you're given. I'm all up for making this game more balanced but let's not go too far. Otherwise we might as well have the gal generator spawn terran planets of an equal size and in an equal amount on all systems smiley: sarcastic
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12 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 5:20:48 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
Well the dev's in the recent mod sneak peek are looking towards making other planet types much more viable and balanced when compared to the no approval problems T1 worlds, but if the game was to be created to give each race a affinity for home-world types then the game would have massive balance problems, as each world would then need to be rebalanced, and the whole expansion techtree would need to become unique for each race other wise a desert affinity race might have the upper hand for when their terraforming tech comes around.

I would prefer to see different races getting different planet skins for the world types, so that a Terran world for the Sophons would look colder and more developed then a Craver Terran world that might look more arid and blighted, without it affecting the games balance.
I like it.

The only time I could agree with that line of thinking is when the galaxy generator is set for "perfect balance". Otherwise it's just an unnecessary intrusion on the lore territory.

Yes and no.

Yes, at face value based on current parameters.

No, because each race needs to be differentiated. I'd like to take IGN said a little further. The initial planet upon discovery looks the way they all do (well, maybe 10-1000 variants of a terran/arid/etc with different looking landmasses and weather systems etc), but upon further development the planet changes it's appearance based on each faction. So a gas giant being developed by SOwers looks different than a Sophon or Hissho etc. Another thing, each faction has it's own tech appearance on the planet, kind of similar to the orbital space stations now.
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12 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 5:24:22 PM
The only time I could agree with that line of thinking is when the galaxy generator is set for "perfect balance". Otherwise it's just an unnecessary intrusion on the lore territory. I said it once and I will say it again: ES is about dealing with what you've got and trying to achieve the best possible outcome with the tools you're given. I'm all up for making this game more balanced but let's not go too far. Otherwise we might as well have the gal generator spawn terran planets of an equal size and in an equal amount on all systems smiley: sarcastic

Well I meant more towards the idea that factions should specialize towards different worlds in spite of the current balance because of lore.

So to keep the current balance and enrich the lore more I suggest the skins so that gameplay wise it's the same, but lore wise each race is using different world types.

Trying to get the best of both worlds.

EDIT: Nasarog ninja'd my reply!
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12 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 5:32:04 PM
Igncom1 wrote:

EDIT: Nasarog ninja'd my reply!

We've been eye-2-eye on this for a while. I just wanted to clear up what you meant is all.
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12 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 9:09:03 PM
Nasarog and Ign have the right ideas, I think here... a bit more differences in lore and gameplay/planet graphics for the factions would be awesome.
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12 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 10:17:49 PM
Remember that when Adaptive systems are researched, the game has nearly ended.

Heck, unless you're a sophon, you can forget about them even existing, since a sophon will have Pan-Galactic before you have that, and you either stopped him or lost.
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12 years ago
Apr 27, 2013, 11:58:38 PM
Aureon wrote:
Remember that when Adaptive systems are researched, the game has nearly ended.

Heck, unless you're a sophon, you can forget about them even existing, since a sophon will have Pan-Galactic before you have that, and you either stopped him or lost.

There should be a mode where every player starts with a bunch of systems already colonized, all tech already discovered and all non-military victories turned off. I bet a lot of people would play that. Including me (though only from time to time, I like chasing the rabbit more then I like eating it smiley: wink )

Igncom1 wrote:
So to keep the current balance and enrich the lore more I suggest the skins so that gameplay wise it's the same, but lore wise each race is using different world types.
I understand but having each faction start on the same planet type (even if it has different skins) is boring smiley: ohh
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12 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 1:06:26 AM
I understand but having each faction start on the same planet type (even if it has different skins) is boring smiley: ohh

I not suggesting a gameplay change! blaragaga!

Just faction specific skins for their colony's to fit with the lore!
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12 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 1:46:34 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
I not suggesting a gameplay change! blaragaga!

Just faction specific skins for their colony's to fit with the lore!
And, the gameplay to match the lore better. Right now there is a disconnect. Every factions almost plays identical to every other faction.
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12 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 4:16:14 AM
Well that can be dealt with when we are ready for the full on rework.

That's expansion territory, and until then I feel the skins are fine enough for the lore side.

Then we can deal with gameplay enhancement.
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12 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 8:14:39 AM
Nasarog wrote:
And, the gameplay to match the lore better. Right now there is a disconnect. Every factions almost plays identical to every other faction.

I would hardly disagree in this point every faction has an unique gamplay due to their affinities.

But I suggest that planets and their need for each race should be rebalanced because as it is now the use of each planet is the same for each faction(with exception the automatons).

An idea that come up to me while I thought on this was that nearly every faction has to get an diffrent kind of homplanet and their own FIDS-output for these and every planet that come close to their homplanet.

Every planet that is unsimilar to their homplanet need an special colonalisation effort to be colonized.

I would be pleased about feedback.
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12 years ago
Apr 28, 2013, 12:56:38 PM
Beefhater wrote:
I would hardly disagree in this point every faction has an unique gamplay due to their affinities.

Yea? would you care to elaborate?

Beefhater wrote:

But I suggest that planets and their need for each race should be rebalanced because as it is now the use of each planet is the same for each faction(with exception the automatons).

An idea that come up to me while I thought on this was that nearly every faction has to get an diffrent kind of homplanet and their own FIDS-output for these and every planet that come close to their homplanet.

Every planet that is unsimilar to their homplanet need an special colonalisation effort to be colonized.

I would be pleased about feedback.

Okay, I can agree with some of these. Except for the Human factions for obvious reasons.
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12 years ago
Apr 29, 2013, 11:38:54 AM
Nasarog wrote:
Yea? would you care to elaborate?



-The Horatio-affinity: you specialize on heros(and hero techs) to gain max advantage

-The Automatons affinity: you stack your industry output and aim for the Automatons tech which increase the rate on the stacked industry

-The Craver-affinity: you use your increasd FIDS to built up a fleet with which you overrun other player

-...should I elaborate more?

To elaborate on the thought I give in my preavously post I also give an example

e.g. The Craver homeplanet could be desert for these they get:

-no smiley: approval malus

-increased smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

-1-2 more smiley: fids per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: or

1-2 more smiley: industry and/or smiley: food per smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

-the closest planets to desert are in my opinion lava and arid so these gain half of the bonus desert recieve

-tier 1 planet and gas giants keep unchanged

-barren,arctic,(tundra?) get a malus like e.g.

-increased smiley: approval malus

-smiley: fids malus
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12 years ago
Apr 29, 2013, 12:07:34 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
Well the dev's in the recent mod sneak peek are looking towards making other planet types much more viable and balanced when compared to the no approval problems T1 worlds, but if the game was to be created to give each race a affinity for home-world types then the game would have massive balance problems, as each world would then need to be rebalanced, and the whole expansion techtree would need to become unique for each race other wise a desert affinity race might have the upper hand for when their terraforming tech comes around.

I would prefer to see different races getting different planet skins for the world types, so that a Terran world for the Sophons would look colder and more developed then a Craver Terran world that might look more arid and blighted, without it affecting the games balance.

You know, you make a very compelling argument here. Maybe also the t1-t5 worlds have different names/designations that follow each faction/race lore more closely.

Beefhater wrote:

-The Horatio-affinity: you specialize on heros(and hero techs) to gain max advantage

-The Automatons affinity: you stack your industry output and aim for the Automatons tech which increase the rate on the stacked industry

-The Craver-affinity: you use your increasd FIDS to built up a fleet with which you overrun other player

-...should I elaborate more?

To elaborate on the thought I give in my preavously post I also give an example

e.g. The Craver homeplanet could be desert for these they get:

-no smiley: approval malus

-increased smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

-1-2 more smiley: fids per smiley: stickouttongueopulation: or

1-2 more smiley: industry and/or smiley: food per smiley: stickouttongueopulation:

-the closest planets to desert are in my opinion lava and arid so these gain half of the bonus desert recieve

-tier 1 planet and gas giants keep unchanged

-barren,arctic,(tundra?) get a malus like e.g.

-increased smiley: approval malus

-smiley: fids malus

Hmm, I will craft a better response later when I get a chance. This space saved!
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12 years ago
Apr 29, 2013, 4:21:34 PM
I'm currently working at a mod that does exactly that.

If, starting from the SvS yields, you want to compile a full list of yields relative to faction, i'll gladly put that into code.
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12 years ago
May 3, 2013, 7:21:10 AM
Simply terran is better than jungle in late game. And i have pictures to prove it.

Jungles: 5949 production, 2792 dust

Terrans: 5936 production, 3021 dust

Difference Jungle +13 (+0.2%) production, Terran +229 (+8.2%) dust. Which one would you pick, tiny amount of more production, or much more dust?

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12 years ago
May 3, 2013, 9:17:32 AM
Late game I would go for the extra production because you get more than enough dust (you have over 1 million).

With a hero that 0.2% can easily be increased to 5-10% so you should compare you main production systems anyway, it only takes 1 or 2 turns and anomalies, temples, traits, resources and monopolies can make a big difference.

Also I use the Automaton affinity so terran are better anyway but I still like to check.
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12 years ago
May 3, 2013, 10:22:40 AM
You can only make use of more production if you are constantly producing something, instead of converting it to dust. Over 90% of your systems can't have a hero, because of academy cap. I also checked that 1 ship costs 1652 production, or 4456 dust. That makes 1:2.7 ratio. Point being, you can buy more ships per turn, instead of waiting production.
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