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Comparable to which game(s)

Sins of a Solar Empire
Galactic Civilisations 2
Masters of Orion 2
Hearts of Iron 3
Master of Magic
Total War series
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 8:03:15 PM
podd wrote:
It reminds me of Ascendancy a MS-DOS game from back in the 90s.

I agree, Ascendancy and BOTF.
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 7:30:42 PM
i've only properly played galciv2 of that list, and i think that endless space and strips away the features that made galciv2 unnecessary complicated and frustrating. plus this will have multiplayer, which ultimately was the selling point for me. because no matter how much brad wardell of stardock banged on about his 'brilliant AI', you could always find a way to trick it.
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 6:36:15 PM
I think its like MOO and Galactive Civ,

but it has parts that are in many games and some

otherss that make it unique.
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 2:41:29 PM
In my opinion it seems to be a game that learned from the MOO and Galactive Civ series' with a little Sins of a Solar Empire thrown in. It is much better in many aspects then these games, but in others it is not as finished. But then it is only an Alpha and I can not wait to see what these guys release as a finished 'gold' once through the beta stage.
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 2:12:03 PM
it kinda reminds me of a toned down sword of the stars, I just wish the game was real time in the way Pax Imperium 2 was, it would be the bomb!
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 12:33:45 PM
Now that i've seen the youtube vid i'll definitely buy it and check it out myself - looks really good even at this early stage, looking forward to the features yet to come!
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 11:32:13 AM
It has probably more in common with Master of Orion 1 than it's successor, though (I like both smiley: smile ).
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 11:14:53 AM
I'd have to say that mechanically it feels a lot like Civilization crossed with Sins of a Solar Empire to me... Although I haven't Master of Orion or Galactic Civ so I can't comment on those
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 9:56:32 AM
Distant Worlds Legends, just turn based and a little less involved (and a little less automatable) and multi-player. Both are great game though.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 7:38:19 AM
It is SOASE in a way only because of the strings creating direct paths to systems. It is less like Gal Civ2 in that way but more so in its turn based, modding ships, conquering systems, etc... way. They should take a page from Gal Civ 2 and have a feature where you can create a buildings list for newly colonized planets where you do not have to click on each structure for every new system.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 5:39:28 AM
It makes me think a lot of Space Empires, especially Space Empires IV.

(SEIII actually reminded me a little of Stars! so I might add Stars! too.)
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 11:47:17 PM
Reminds me most of Sword of the Stars although I think this game has the potential to be better.
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13 years ago
May 15, 2012, 3:30:22 PM
As mentioned before I'm currently considering to buy the pre-order version of this game. I would like to ask the people that already played the Alpha version what this game reminds them of most gameplay wise. Thanks for any and all input!
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 6:35:28 PM
I agree with you, I don't understand the negativity surrounding GalCiv2 either. I do think the AI was a bit lacking past a certain experience point, but overall the game was neatly designed and fun to play.

craigbic wrote:
I think Endless Space is a fantastic game and the games2Gether initiative is awesome so I am sure you will not regret your decision to pre-purchase the game. I haven't! I wonder why GalCiv2 gets such a bad rap - I thought it was an excellent game that was very approachable and playable and thoroughly enjoyed it.
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