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Thoughts on the new Faction, Amoeba

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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 7:29:18 AM
I wonder how their strength in diplomacy will fare against races like Hisho and cravers though...
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 6:35:32 AM
FinalStrigon wrote:
Hmm...A bit, but not quite. Not squid-like enough. :P I was thinking of the Collectors, though. They still aren't what really struck me, though...Ugh, why must my memory do this to me? There probably isn't anything else and I just think it looks familiar.

They look like Battlestars to me
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13 years ago
May 20, 2012, 3:22:48 AM
I think they're way cool and I am looking forward to playing them in the beta.
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13 years ago
May 23, 2012, 6:31:01 AM
Zenicetus wrote:
At 3,500,000 psi, hydrogen goes crystalline and becomes "metallic hydrogen." Part of Jupiter may be composed of this stuff. Some gas giants may have rocky (sort of) cores made of silica and other hard materials. So, I dunno.... metallic hydrogen held in a stasis field to make ship hulls?

The trick for any intelligent lifeform that developed in that environment, would be getting from high gravity and extremely high-pressure into vacuum and zero gravity for space travel. Deep gravity wells make that first step a really big one!

Anyway, while I think it would be WAY COOL for the Amoebas to come from a gas giant planet, it would make more sense if they were more terrestrial/aquatic, just to explain the similar tech tree with all the other races.

That's a natural brake on weirdness with all games like this one, where different "aliens" evolved on different star systems use very similar tech. The basic laws of physics would be the same, but the way each species has to develop their tech would be vastly different between a terrestrial species (which AFAIK, all the current ones in ES are), and something that learned to crawl its way out of the gravity well of a gas giant, using silicon and metallic hydrogen for raw materials. Whatever they used for technology would be really different

Such a high psi biology would make for serious problems "leaving" a high psi environment. The ships would have to be able to generate and maintain such a high pressure, and any battle damage that cause any atmospheric loss..... well.... When they pull critters up from our ocean depths, they have a nasty tendency to..... pop. Their ship hulls would need some serious hp/armour, or battle is a matter of fight till the psi drops enough for them to rupture. Multiple internal hulls, force fields... ???
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13 years ago
May 23, 2012, 6:23:51 AM
That's why I called my amoeba hero Flllshshllshshlshflsmshsll (I'm not sure of the orthograph smiley: stickouttongue).
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13 years ago
May 23, 2012, 6:19:13 AM
Ozymandias wrote:
Why would a species that has not made first-contact ever adopt a name from the species it will meet at some point in the future? It makes no sense. Especially if you think about the future--you can't assume that English will be the dominant planetary language of the Terran just like how you cannot assume that the Terrans, i.e. United Empire, would go by only ONE language. My bet is that it's a working name. I can't stand the name "Amoeba" it seems like I'm playing with a medical-experiment rather than a mysterious race.

Ummm. English already IS the dominant planetary language. While it will continue to evolve as all languages do, no reason to think it would suddenly disappear. International business language, like it or not, thanks to the British Empire, more people speak English as a second language, much less those of us who have it as a first language, then any other. And it only grows as more people take up international trade and learn it as the common intermediary language.

My prob with Amoeba is they are single cell creatures. Dunno if they are implying these guys are too, but I can't wrap my head around a single cell anything being anything but microscopic. Tho have no problem with them using some other species name for them. Being from under water, not like they could have a 'speech' language. Would imagine their "language" would be colour/light variation, like squid, and cuttlefish do in our oceans. Amoeba-like critters having no mouth/lungs to speak of for making sound with and all that. What they call themselves would be flashes of light and colour patterns. None of the other species are gonna be able to do that.
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13 years ago
May 23, 2012, 6:06:42 AM
Ashbery76 wrote:
Finally a non humanoid shaped Alien.

Well, it is an efficient design. *looks at all the various bilateral shapes on Earth* how many of them would evolve into bipedalism given the time?
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13 years ago
May 22, 2012, 8:54:03 PM
Their appearance certainly disturbed me, as they don't really have a 'face'. The bright saturated colors doesn't make it more comforting. I like their ships and that they are an ancient race that just evolved slowly as well have the ability to remove themselves from their bodies.

Was the portrait of them are their body or a manifestation of their consciousness?
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13 years ago
May 22, 2012, 8:44:35 PM
Kind of remind me of a cross of the Gekli from Star Trek and the Geth from ME... They're pretty cool.
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13 years ago
May 20, 2012, 7:21:49 PM
EnvoidNul wrote:
Not totally sold on the bubble/circuit board look of what I presume is the creature itself, but loving those ships. Very awesome

They do look quite odd. But in their own unique way very cool.
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13 years ago
May 20, 2012, 1:49:26 PM
Those races did indeed play a lot differently. Wow, it's so great to find people that also enjoyed playing those games a long time ago. Which makes me wonder how old everybody in here actually is. Wait i'll post a poll

4x_Fan wrote:
I've beaten the game on Impossible with 7 AI with both of those factions.

They don't play differently at all ~

Try playing Klackon [MoM/MooII] vrs Dark Elf [MoM] or Darlocks [MooII]. Those play differently. A varying tax rate does not equal a "different" play style.

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13 years ago
May 20, 2012, 6:36:50 AM
Not totally sold on the bubble/circuit board look of what I presume is the creature itself, but loving those ships. Very awesome
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 6:21:48 AM
damien007 wrote:
No, what I'm saying is that the united empire will undoubtedly have their own name for each of the alien civilizations that is different from what the they refer to themselves as. It would make sense for them, then logically to name them after something they are more familiar with ergo they are called Amoeba's. And no I don't assume that English would be the main language of the UE, But the game is in English and it therefore makes sense to use the English interpretation of the name. The UE would just call them whatever their word is for equivalent single-celled organisms.

The director-dukes of the United Empire don't care about the names of species, they care about the species' Combined Assessed Economic Engagement Profitability Score. Names are for hippies!

smiley: wink smiley: biggrin
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 9:27:50 PM
Definetly looking forward to playing these guys, and I already know that I'll use their visual style for at least one custom race.
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 9:38:46 AM
TitanXelon wrote:
So when do we get our hands on the new faction?

When the Beta goes live. When does the Beta go live you will ask? From the official info released so far we can assume it's going to be sometime in the first half of June.
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 4:32:40 AM
Slar wrote:
do we know when the this faction will be released?

skamaks wrote:
First of all the Alpha 2 build is now up and running (Release Notes above)!! Wait, WAIT... before you launch STEAM, have a look at the 6th faction revealed today, the AMOEBAS.

This faction will be playable in the Beta version of the game. We also uploaded new Amoeba Avatars

Hope that helps.
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 4:02:54 PM
Zenicetus wrote:
At 3,500,000 psi, hydrogen goes crystalline and becomes "metallic hydrogen." Part of Jupiter may be composed of this stuff. Some gas giants may have rocky (sort of) cores made of silica and other hard materials. So, I dunno.... metallic hydrogen held in a stasis field to make ship hulls?

Yep that sound cool for ships. Since Amoeba do not have hands, they have mind powers to manipulate objects and eventually able to manipulate the atomic and subatomic scales--if Kes from ST-Voyager can do it, then so can space fairing organisms.

Zenicetus wrote:
The trick for any intelligent lifeform that developed in that environment, would be getting from high gravity and extremely high-pressure into vacuum and zero gravity for space travel. Deep gravity wells make that first step a really big one!

Astrobiologists have theorised that jelly-fish like organisms with giant balloon-like bells can evolve and survive on gas giants. Also, they can for sure float against phase transistions like humans and ships can displace water here on earth.

wanderingfreely wrote:
Look really cool and hope they also have a good organic technology tree to work with as well.

For sures. May be add some special effects like organic weapons doing initial damage, and do damage per turn or damage per phase or boost damage from other organic weapon types. Something to add more to design considerations. Currently, there is no need to have more than one weapon type on one ship design.

In fact, if you do have more than one weapon type on one ship design, it actually make your ship less effective, because you have have nearly twice as much defenses to break before damaging enemies; this is assuming the enemy defends against all your weapon types used in all of your designs.
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