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To the devs: Yay girls, but need more

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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 5:55:16 AM
I tend to get annoyed when 99% of the characters are men. Gets very boring, very quickly. Just for reference, I'm male.

And I agree that there should be more female faction leaders. In fact, having alternate female/male faction pictures (on the race selection screen) would be a nice touch.

My other pet peeve is when all of the races look like people/walk on two legs. I feel like aliens should be more... alien (or something like that). Anyhow, variety is the spice of life. More females please smiley: wink
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 5:56:23 AM
repbunny wrote:
The Horatio are feminine looking. I don't remember if they specify if the billionaire was a female or not. But I see where you are coming come. I want a strong female character then! Please use these references of perfect women in our righteous image:

Harkavagrant Strong Female Characters

Harkavagrant Strong Female Characters 2

That discussion is very old, but we got a dev-answer on the gender of Horatio:

Slowhands wrote:
Horatios and gender:

It's not entirely clear. Horatio started his life male, but after so many operations and treatments and modifications it is difficult to say if he identifies with any gender at all. As the Horatio reproduce through cloning, traditional reproductive roles don't really have a meaning. So to answer the question "Are the Horatio male or female?" I can only say "yes."

So it's unconclusive.
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 5:59:10 AM
Poor Horatio must get hell on its job applications.

Name: Horatio

Sex: Yes

Age: ...
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 6:11:39 AM
Raptor wrote:
Indeed. smiley: smile Also there will be some defective Sowers with unknown gender, these are produced with half the pins on the CPU and the other half on the slot.

So, wait, are you trying to say that intersex individuals are 'defective' or is that just a poor word choice on your part? Because I'm trying really hard not to lose my cool here. smiley: neutral
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 6:19:11 AM

Relax my friend. Ultimately they are dotted pixels on a screen, words on a white background and are nothing worth losing one's cool over.

Ultimately, I think that's the moral of this thread.
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 6:21:11 AM
ShadowWolf wrote:

Relax my friend. Ultimately they are dotted pixels on a screen, words on a white background and is nothing worth losing one's cool over.

Ultimately I think that's the moral of this thread.

Oh, I agree completely, but there's something to be said for normalizing stereotypes in media and anything not fitting along the Western gender binary gets a terrible amount of negativity associated with it already, soooo.
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 6:23:25 AM
And while I don't doubt that gender stereotyping and/or profiling is an issue is today's world, I do not think it will be solved through anger and surely not in this thread. Mind you, I am not downing your opinion or brushing it aside, I just feel the thread may begin to spiral again and, though I am no angel and had my hand to play in kindling a could-be fire, I don't wish for things to go from tense civility to a cracking frame.
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 6:26:41 AM
Given that the organs in question are hardware based additions (CPU and so on), defective is the appropriate word. If the end result doesn't meet the required expectations, the product is defective.
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 6:28:42 AM
ShadowWolf wrote:
And while I don't doubt that gender stereotyping and/or profiling is an issue is today's world, I do not think it will be solved through anger and surely not in this thread. Mind you, I am not downing your opinion or brushing it aside, I just feel the thread may begin to spiral again and, though I am no angel and had my hand to play in kindling a could-be fire, I don't wish for thing to go from tense civility to a cracking frame.

Righto, and I don't think the devs are actively trying to portray anything gender-related as negative in game (the strong female characters being one of the things I love about the game), I mean, we have the Horatio after all, and they're pretty much my favourite faction ever (although they need to speak in puns). I still don't see why an AI-centric species would have 'gender' (since really hardware is more 'sex' than gender), but Iain M. Banks manages to pull it off well, and I suppose the people at Amplitude can do it too, so no worries there. That 'defective' thing just made me pause and go 'wat'. :I
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 8:42:59 AM
Raptor wrote:
Indeed. smiley: smile Also there will be some defective Sowers with unknown gender, these are produced with half the pins on the CPU and the other half on the slot.

I love it when you talk dirty.
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 9:23:36 AM
Mudlark wrote:
...I still don't see why an AI-centric species would have 'gender' (since really hardware is more 'sex' than gender), but Iain M. Banks manages to pull it off well, and I suppose the people at Amplitude can do it too, so no worries there. That 'defective' thing just made me pause and go 'wat'. :I

Have to agree. I don't usually understand why people always want to force genders on highly advanced AIs that don't even have physical forms in most cases. There's couple of exception worth mentioning, like SHODAN or GLADOS, but that's part of their character design.

Anyways, I think Amplitude will do just fine with Sowers so I'm not jumping into conclusions about them yet.
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 9:54:41 AM
repbunny wrote:
hmm.. I like this topic alot. smiley: biggrin

Needs more male butts.

I present to you!

<-- the Ameoba Butt

Wait..DO ameoba have butts?
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 9:58:18 AM
UrsaClaire wrote:
A small personal thank you to the devs for heroes like Unji Stormbringer, and the current heroes on vote Aurora Ex Machina and Galdos Al. I'm a girl gamer and frankly, we get shafted alot. In Diablo-types (before D3 and T2) we were always stuck being the rogue or the wizard. Many 4X games seem to forget girls exist entirely. I am glad to see a diverse range of female heroes, from badass warriors to mad scientists. PLease keep this up, you have no idea how happy it makes a girl gamer to have her gender recognized.

Though as a further personal request, a canon girl faction leader would be nice, and I BEG of you to include at least one female human picture for the custom factions. I think A LOT of players would appreciate even this small touch. Though don't think I didn't notice that the Sophon High Council (as I call them) has a female member on the left! Thanks for that too! Empress or Shoguness or something would be cool too is all I'm saying.

Thanks for your time, and all the heart you put into this game and community. It shows, and we love you for it smiley: ohh <3

Hi UrsaClaire !

I understand your concern, about the possibility to find diversity in male, or female characters. That was a point we included since day one of the "to do" list of the game, as well as the will to have young and older characters, white, black, asian faces, etc...

Actually, you can already choose female heroes for the Sophon and the Human Empire factions (Horatios are like... androgynous, and who knows if Cravers don't have a Queen, hided deep inside one of their ships ^^)

I can't say much more for the moment... but soon you will see a new faction including women beeing Commander, Pilot, or Adventurer, etc... Hope you will like it !
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 10:07:02 AM
Sostene wrote:
I can't say much more for the moment... but soon you will see a new faction including women beeing Commander, Pilot, or Adventurer, etc... Hope you will like it !

And there you go, your daily tease smiley: wink
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 10:25:17 AM
LOL. What a great thread: tease, good discussion and of course:

Scopeh wrote:
I present to you!

<-- the Ameoba Butt

Wait..DO ameoba have butts?


Thank you (censored) now I'm wondering what my avatar represents.
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13 years ago
May 24, 2012, 10:30:06 AM
Cadoras wrote:


Thank you (censored) now I'm wondering what my avatar represents.

Uh oh, now i'm thinking about it!
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