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To the devs: Yay girls, but need more

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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 5:00:30 PM
I was pointing out how abusively obsolete this whole thread is, because not only is it completely wrong, it's insultingly superficial, and one of the "oh shit, can't touch that" topics. Anyone disagreeing is instantly stamped as a chauvinist pig, and thus can't be correct in anything.

You are in effect acting as a feminist, as this post is in essence what feminism is about.

This is gamer society, which has nothing to do with your local media, and you're making us all yanks now.

In here women are not in any amount submissive, or considered inferior, but we're still superimposed the same restrictions as american television is. And I do not have enough expressive words to even begin telling you how pointless that is.

The only ingrained cliché here is a woman whining that she's having it worse, because not enough alien pictures have boobs in them.

And did I just see a lesbian claiming to "know the same sort of discrimination" as a gay man? Oh honey, bullshit doesn't even begin to cover that one...
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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 5:04:19 PM
@touny and @Ursaclaire

I think you two should both chill out, walk away from this thread, maybe go outside get some fresh air, this thread has decended into a 2 way slanging match and is completely gone off topic
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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 5:09:15 PM
Actually, I am on topic, whilst defending what I've presented.

As I've already said, this topic is baseless, it's untrue, and shouldn't be ever seen outside a feminist forum.
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13 years ago
May 26, 2012, 5:12:52 PM
Guys and girls cool down the passions and keep it civil. This thread has reached a point where the OT content is rapidly increasing at the expense of the on-topic discussion. Sostene gave you a hint that there will be a race with a lot of female heroes and I think this is in accordance with the OP's expectations. Thread closed/
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