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(AAR) The Emperor of Mankind

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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 6:57:27 PM
I don't believe it i updated with the wrong recruitment poster.. well the difference is not huge but still

Thats the right one.. -.-
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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 10:49:24 AM
For 3 years the Imperium of Mankind focused all its efforts on building a fleet of

starships that were capable of spacecombat and training a crew able to fly them.

This new class of ships were named "Harbingers" and had thick armor plating all over its hull and was equipped with several railguns mounted on turrets along the sides of the ship.

The Harbinger class:

Upon its completion the fleet was named Battlefleet Solar after the Star under which it was built and which it should protect. Command of the Fleet fell to a young but very talented and promising Academy graduate Jutka Naratya. For a year this fleet patrolled on the outskirts of the Terran-Starsystem always excercising its crew and always vigilant.

After a year the colonyship „Cadia“ was completed and equipped with the necessary tools and supplies from all over the Terran-System.

Late in the year 3019 the „Cadia“ met Battlefleet Solar near the Colony Terra V where they would receive fuel and then set course to the Cadia-System where they would proudly found the first human colony outside of Terra.

3 years later 3022 the „Cadia“ arrived at its destination and founded the first colony under a different star on Cadia IV.

Planetfall on Cadia IV:

The colonists immediatly started to setup farming structures partly with seeds they brought with them from earth and partly with seeds native on Cadia IV.

Another year later the Research Academy reported a big breakthrough. They were now able to manipulate non-baryonic particles. Which opened tremendous research capabilities. The Academy made a petition to the throne to put up magnetic field generators in the Terran System which would consume a lot of ressources but would greatly help them set up stable laboratory conditions and so quicken their research. The Throne granted the request and administrator Zatonyhu was given the task to produce the needed field generators.

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13 years ago
May 16, 2012, 6:26:35 PM
StK wrote:
(AAR) The Emperor of Mankind

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks of that when looking at the Empire.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 4:39:35 PM
After orbiting Cadia for several month and helping with the colonizing efforts as best as they could, Battlefleet Solar received orders to go to the Artemis-System immediately and join up with the colonyship „Kuat“ (which was currently under construction) and escort it to its destination.

3024 the „Kuat“ rendezvoused with Battlefleet Solar in the Orbit of Artemis II and under their protection continued its journey to the Kuat-system.

3026 the fleet reached its destination and colonization efforts started on Kuat IV. The planet was terran, had a dense asteroid ring and huge quantities of Titanium-70. All in all very favourable conditions for setting up a new settlement.

The colonists started the same way that was very successfull in the Cadia-system several years ago by using seeds from Terra and combing them with local ones to maximize food production.

Due to those huge amounts of Titanium-70 the colonists found at Kuat IV the companies in the Empire could market products made of that substance on a broader scale which led to an increase in commerce all over the Imperium.

In 3028 it became apparent that even with the new ways to restructure farms and the use of seeds of distant planets to genetically enhance plants, it wouldn't be enough to support the now quickly increasing numbers of mankind. So one more time the Academy was given the task to improve crop-production.

Once again the undying Emperor on his Throne was filled with bliss, seeing the Imperium was growing steadily and all the institutions he founded were working together like clockwork.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 4:54:18 PM
I just wanted to say:

I'm sorry sometimes screenshots of game events are missing.

This is my first attempt at an AAR and I played the first 53 turns in one go.

Only afterwards when I started writing I recognized that I would have needed many many more screenshots.

(I photoshoped some crucial ones to fit the point of time where I needed them or I started other games of where I could take the screenshots I needed)

I promise to better myself in the future and document _everything_ that happens.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 4:56:29 PM
@StK: Just don't go overboard like I have and literally document everything :P I enjoy your highlight system, mine is more a detailed tutorial/playthrough for things people might not have noticed before.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 5:11:17 PM
@fellidan: Just to give you an example: I'm looking in horror to the next update: I have literally no screenshot what so ever of the turns 33 to 40 but I know several productions were finished then and also 2 techs and I fought of some pirates. So now I have to reconstruct some of the events that happend there watching screenshots from before 33 and screenshots after 40. Luckily I have some standarized things I always do on new colonies f.e. and some things I remember.

So I have a rudiment understanding of what was going on in those turns.

But the effort to reconstruct all of this is horrid.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 7:06:04 PM
In late 3028 the Emperor finally fullfilled his promise. With all the data about cold environments the Academy could collect on Terra V, they managed to achieve a breakthrough on how to settle and maintain colonies under arctic conditions.

Once again short range freighters were loaded with all the equipment, tools and supplies needed to set up a settlement, this time they were headed for Terra III were the other ancient space capsule with „Astronauts“ landed centuries ago. The colonists were greeted enthusiastically by the decendents of those early pioneers, the long lost and nearly forgotten colony of mankind was eager to once again come under the protection and care of the Throne.

To show the new citizens of the Imperium the tremendous benefits they now could expect, imperial Engineers started construction of Geothermal Plants immediately.

Those plants would guarantee the energy and the warmth needed to support a thrieving colony in this hostile environment.

To refill the dust reserves of the Imperial Treasury Administrator Hilera Zatonyhu came up with a great idea: Interplanetary tourism.

In 3029 he began to setup the infrastructure needed to travel cheaply between the planets of the Terran system. Now citizens of the Empire could afford to cheaply travel between the planets to see (and to pay for) the natural wonders of the planets.

After finishing this project in 3030 the Emperor sent the Administrator to Cadia to help the struggling colonies of this system in their development. Zatonyhu accepted the new assignment gracefully and immediatly began restructuring the efforts of the colonists of Cadia. He began setting up heavy isotope refineries, to process the local form of natural oil, and his impact on the colonies productivity was huge.

The men and women of Cadia could look forward to years of quick development and productivity under his administration.

After patrolling the wormhole of Kuat Battlefleet Solar was once again recalled to Terra to protect a fleet of colonyships. The „Artemis“, the „Kuat II“ and the „Cadia II“ would be finished on its arrival and needed to be escorted through space.

3031 saw huge breakthroughs in many different researchareas. Most prominently in the area of agriculture and landscaping on a planetary scale, but also improvements of shipweapon and -defense systems that would very soon lead to a new class of ships for the Imperial Navy.

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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 7:56:14 PM
In 3032 a new type of ship was developed: The Sparrowhawk.

The Sparrowhawk had thinner plating then the Harbinger but a much more effective one.

It also made use of the newly developed rail-guns which had a much higher cadency then the ones that were used on the Harbinger-class. The biggest difference however were the 2 launchtubes for the newly developed ion-torpedos in the front section of this destroyer class vessel.

The Imperial Navy ordered 2 ships of the Type to be produced immediately after the colonyships in the Terran yards.

Battlefleet Solar reached Terra in 3035. On arrival the crew and officers at the ships could take a look at the future of the Navy: the Sparrowhawks that were still under construction in the yards orbiting Terra. After receiving new fuel cells and taking positions that would enable them to protect the civilian ships, it set course to its first destination: the Artemis-system.

In Cadia the new raffineries were completed and due to demands of the Imperial office Zatonyhu focused his efforts on setting up new research facilities. Once completed these labs would automatically transmit researchdata of the cadian branch of the Imperial Academy back to the main research facilities on Terra. A system that would, at least in theory, have huge impact on the productivity of the terran researchers.

In 3036 the colonists on Kuat IV succesfully engineered a hybrid out of local and terran seeds that would allow a decent production of food and now focused their efforts raffining the natural oil deposits into fuel that would be compatible with Imperial engines.

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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 10:06:11 PM
In late 3036 Battlefleet Solar arrived at „Artemis“ and colonization of Artemis II began immediately. As the „Kuat II“ and the „Cadia II“ were still with the fleet Battlefleet Solar would not oversee the colonization of Artemis II but immediately set course to the Kuat-system.

Due to the lack of the presence of Imperial Forces, dissidents took over some short range freighters, equipped them with weapons they stole from Imperial depots and started to disrupt Imperial trading routes. Little did those pirates know that Battlefleet Solar was mere month away of Kuat and had already received the emergency transmissions for help of the completely overchallenged Planetery Defense Forces of the Kuat-colony.

In early 3038 Battlefleet Solar arrived at Kuat and after a quick pursuit it was able to force the slower ships of the dissidents to battle.

„Admiral Naratya. Sensorstations report contact with the dissidents!“

„Thank you Captain Janson. On screen and open a com channel.“

(Captain Janson had received his promotion of Captain of the scoutship to Captain of the Imperial-Flagship, the Harbinger-class „Implacable“, in 3032)

„Channel open.“

„This is Admiral Naratya on board the Imperial Warship „Implacable“.

Stop your engines and surrender your ships or we will open fire.

There will be no further warnings: surrender yourself to Imperial justice.“

A few seconds went by.

„Any sign that they will comply?“

„Nothing Admiral. They are still heading for those Asteroids.“

„Very well Captain. We warned them, they had their chance. Lieutenant lay in an intercept course.

All hands: battlestations.“

„Yes, ma'am!“

Battlefleet Solar closing in on their targets

„Ma'am we are in firing distance, all ships report combat readiness and weapons are locked on targets.“

„All energy to weaponsystems and in the name of the Undying Emperor: Open Fire.“

„Enemy is trying to jam our sensors.“

„Deal with it.“

The modified ships of the Terrorists

„Ma'am Tacticalstations report multiple hits and hardly any effect of the enemy ECM-measures, damage-control teams report no damage and are still standing by. It seems at this distance their weapons can not penetrate our armor.“

„Bring us closer. I want those traitors blown apart.“

The 2 battle lines met...

„Tacticalstation reports heavy damage and they are still trying to jam our sensors, but effect of jamming is minimal. Damage-control teams report minor damage to outer hull and still standing by.“

„They are getting close to those Asteroids. Lieutenant bring us closer. I will not loose them between those rocks!“

The "Implacable" coming in for the kill

„One enemy ship is breaking up and we are now at point blank range. Sensor scans indicate that the other ships are on the verge of breaking too. Enemy started emergency repair procedures. Damage-control teams report minor damage to the lower decks and that they started repairs. Also now our ships are between the enemy and the asteroid field.“

„Very well. Captain you have the bridge and do whatever you want to those ships. I will be in my ready room. Send me the battle reports as soon as we are finished here.“

„Yes ma'am. Lieutenant keep a good distance between us and those rocks. All weaponstations: Fire at will. In the name of the Emperor: Make sure those Heretics pay the ultimate price for their treachery.“

„Yes Sir.“

The price of treason

„Sir, enemy repair effort ineffective. Another ships exploded and the 3rd is breaking up as well. Damage-control teams report that the situation on the lower decks is under control. No casualities.“

„The Empror protects!“

After reading the Battle reports Admiral Naratya ordered a full investigation of the incidents that led to this battle. She promised to find whoever was responsible for this outrage.
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13 years ago
May 17, 2012, 10:27:20 PM
I edited the first post but many people don't look at the first post anymore (^^,).

In the first post you can now find a link to every story post in this thread and please if you have any ideas or questions concerning the AAR just post them here, or if you only want to tell me you enjoy the read and that you follow the AAR also these posts are always welcome. (^^,)
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13 years ago
May 14, 2012, 4:49:19 PM
3015 the Scoutship sent pictures of a System they nicknamed „Cadia“ along with all the other sensordata they so far gathered about the galaxy.

Upon seeing these the Emperor decided it was take the next step towards becoming an interstellar Empire.

Imperial Edict 3767.12

All Males and Females that are able and willing to defend the Empire are to enlist in the Imperial Navy. The Empire needs you for protection.

Furthermore the Empire needs pioneers, people with the iron will necessary to colonize new world all over the galaxy, for the glory of the United Empire of Mankind and the Throne.

- The Emperor protects!

Hundreds of thousands stormed the newly opened „Imperial Military Academy“ to enlist in the Navy and Administrator Zatonyhu was tasked with setting up new shipyards.

Soon the Empire would be ready settle its first colonies amongst the stars.
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 5:48:47 PM
Aye, really enjoyed reading this thread! Am looking foward for true 40K mods to come - as the game looks now, playing it in the mood of "Dark age of technology" (eh, plenty of STK available there ^^) maybe would suit best - though the shape of the destroyers (front plough thingsy) and the artwork for the human empire... Honi soit qui mal y pense smiley: biggrin

Maybe there will be the option for a mod to come to also define the heroes in race, attribute and picture? Would be great to re-play the Horus Heresy (starting from picking up some primarchs...)
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 9:07:34 PM
@Divine_Moments_of_Truth: I was swamped with work the last days, but I will continue as soon as I can. For the Emperor on his Throne!

@Kainen: Thank you very much. His shall be the glory now and forever (^^,)

@Quintus_Julius: No fear this will continue, the Emperor Protects! Thanks.

Malacdor: Yes such a mod would be lovely and also thank you.

I will make a story update tomorrow evening.
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13 years ago
May 20, 2012, 11:54:04 AM
Sweet idea and good writing skills. The screenshots are perfect, loved that battle description smiley: biggrin

Continue the good work !
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13 years ago
May 21, 2012, 4:04:26 PM
Battlefleet Solar was anchoring in Orbit over Kuat IV.

Admiral Naryata was in her ready room and watched the colony below her on the big viewscreen on the wall which gave her the feeling that she was looking through a window.

The events of the last year overshadowed the colonization of Kuat II.

Naratya shook her head in disbelief. The amount of incompetence in this system was unbelieveable. How easy it was for those dissidents to overcome the sector defenses, steal those ships and equip them with weapons... if Battlefleet Solar hadn't been so close to Kuat... the consequences could have been horrifying for the Empire.

She had to make the Throne aware of the situation and that something had to be done.

One more time she riffled through the report before she sent it back to Terra, to the Imperial Office.

She really wanted to stay in the system and wait for the answer of the Imperial Office, but there was no time. Battlefleet Solar still had to escort the „Cadia II“ to her destination.

Per intercom she gave the order to ready her fleet for faster then light travel.

In the Imperial Office the report of the events in the Kuat system caused a lot of concern.

It seemed the sheer distance between the colonies of the Empire caused a lot of problems.

How could the Imperial Order, Peace and Justice be kept in places that were lightyears away.

The Undying Emperor himself had to see this. He would not be happy.

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