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Do you find the galaxy "living" enough ?

Yes ! The galaxies are fine.
No ! Here are my suggestions.
I don't care.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 7:58:39 AM
A simple question, but a lot of parameters can influence the answer.

Play Distant Worlds and you'll see what I mean by "living" galaxy. You have civilian ships, trading ships, private ships everywhere, yet the empire is still manageable. You have random events, like ancient ships and star bases discovery, you have space monster, pirate bases, black holes...

For me Endless Space has really beautiful galaxies, but they are empty. So I pick the "no" answer and here are my suggestions :

In the galaxy view and in general :

- Replace the known stars by a simple representation of the solar systems, with the planets orbiting the star. I think it could add to the sensation of discovery (instead of simple red and white dots) and scale of the galaxy. Also, I love to see orbiting rings, don't you ?

- Add some tiny ships traveling from the home system to the other colonies to represent the trade routes.

- Add some space anomalies, like black holes, supernovae... Random events and independante factions are needed too.

In the system view :

- Add more visual activities at the surface of very populated planets. Currently there are 2 or 3 ships and some lights, this is great, but not enough. Also it could be cool to have visual influence from the different improvements built on the planets.

- Add a solar system representation, with orbit rings (yes again). Or at least you could put the sun at the left of the planets representations to give a sense of scale.

Please, let a comment to justify your choice
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 8:12:45 AM
I personally think that the galaxy view looks fantastic but lacks "animation". I would love to see some sort of glimmering in the back ground.

The ideas you have are great, I really like the idea of seeing space anomalies and black holes.

ES looks gorgeous but feels almost overly static, I hope this is something that changes as development moves forward.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 8:13:34 AM
There already are random events - only they seem not quite finished yet - they need to tell you what systems are affected by what happens
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 8:18:20 AM
voted yes because the strategic view is completely abstracted and more things would only clutter it up without adding to, or at all complementing, the aesthetic

if modders add a zoom-level that shows minutiae such as OP wants then great, I'll dl that fo sho, but it's not gonna make taking my turn any more enjoyable
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 9:02:14 AM
I also find the galaxy and the races a little devoid of life. I'm having a great deal of fun with the game, of course, but a universe that feels active and alive adds to my enjoyment and keeps me playing longer.

Belhorian, your suggestions were great. I'd like more anomalies and random events, too, perhaps with secrets and treasures to discover in deep space. And what if each traversable region on the galaxy map wasn't always a star system? There could be mineral rich comets, dust and gas clouds, etc., with the possibility of interacting with them in some way. More interaction in general with the galaxy and its systems could go a long way in making it feel more alive.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 9:03:54 AM
I like how the galaxy spins but, I too think the planets orbiting around the star would be way cool!
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 9:26:35 AM
I have not found how I can rename star systems so far, but this might just be my bad. It would be nice to feel my colonies grow and see my planets change over time to a dark place if it is over industrialised or natural if it is agrar wold. To show me cities or orbiting hangars and docks.

Specials to systems would also be nice:

- Finding a alien specias on a world that has to be wiped out first (monsters) or be controlled.

- Or a minor species that adds population but is rebellious.

- An abbandond base that povides a good start for a new colony or a advanced bilding.

- Tec found on a flowting ship in space after investing Techpionts on it. Or even get it working agian

- Giant star fortresses I can reactivate if i invest in Reserching how...

- The last examples could combine in a alternative techtree archology...

Its an old galaxy there have to be wonders out there to find and have a gain of it!
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 9:36:05 AM
I voted don't care, because whether the galaxy is living or not just isn't important to me. I'm here to play a 4X game, not "sim city in space".
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 9:43:50 AM
liq3 wrote:
I voted don't care, because whether the galaxy is living or not just isn't important to me. I'm here to play a 4X game, not "sim city in space".

Adding more random events and space anomalies full of dangers but also full of treasures could increase a lot the "explore" and "expand" sides of this 4X game smiley: wink

Also, the aestethics elements we propose are quite easy to add during an alpha play test because it doesn't require heavy gameplay changes.

All in all, I want more immersion because this is strongly related to the 4X experience.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 9:51:58 AM
When I think about it the galaxy is abit quite.

Some trade ships travelling around, independent/breakaway factions and something to distinguish highly populated planets would be nice.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 9:58:45 AM
Hmm ok I voted no but it's not something I really thought about until now. I guess it is kind of static though now that I think about it. I'd definitely love to see some more "movement" and cool little animations in colonized space like ships moving along trade routs. Also like the idea of a few little random events and such like maybe black holes, dying stars, asteroids and space junk/debris impacting on your colonies or ships etc.

However I kinda like it how a lot of uncolonized space feels a bit empty. I mean it's uncolonized so its supposed to that way, space is vast and open and should make you feel alone in an uninhabited environment.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 10:07:36 AM
While I like the display of the systems and the planets (it has a "special" feeling) what I think is sorely lacking is making the special features of the planets and moons feel special. When moons come up with items on them, I don't even look at the details because they don't seem to have any "weight" to them. Its more like they are just there to break up the monotony. It also makes it hard to keep track of the things I have already done when I just click through my systems to see what I need to do next. Did I explore that moon? Was there something there that mattered? Did I nullify all of those negative traits? How is that terraforming thing going? I think those major system / planet / moon changes would warrent some special visual queue.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 11:31:22 AM
I voted no, and like JMLOng I never really noticed until you pointed it out. I myself dont have any good ideas to put towards this that havent already been said , but yea more life is needed in the colonised parts of space. Although i must point out i zoomed up on one of my planets and did notice a couple tiny ships moving about in the atomshpere but still its no where near enough.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 12:17:14 PM
It's a visual thing, but also a fluff too.

Each turn there could be some info news about something related to endless (that would be a way to intriduce step by step the lore of the game)

I really loved the announcements in Mass Effect when you were in the lifts.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 12:41:21 PM
Yes and no... i find the galaxy stunning as it is, but since it's only in alpha i expect them to be even greater in gold :P
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 12:57:32 PM

I totally concur with the suggestion of Belhoriann.

I would also love events while colonizing new planet and/or system - good or bad - with choices (but maybe it's too much like gal civ)


Belhoriann wrote:

In the galaxy view and in general :

- Replace the known stars by a simple representation of the solar systems, with the planets orbiting the star. I think it could add to the sensation of discovery (instead of simple red and white dots) and scale of the galaxy. Also, I love to see orbiting rings, don't you ?

- Add some tiny ships traveling from the home system to the other colonies to represent the trade routes.

- Add some space anomalies, like black holes, supernovae... Random events and independante factions are needed too.

In the system view :

- Add more visual activities at the surface of very populated planets. Currently there are 2 or 3 ships and some lights, this is great, but not enough. Also it could be cool to have visual influence from the different improvements built on the planets.

- Add a solar system representation, with orbit rings (yes again). Or at least you could put the sun at the left of the planets representations to give a sense of scale.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 1:07:12 PM
I Voted no for one main reason, immersion. While I really like the game in its current state, I would love it if I felt like I was actually a part of a thriving galaxy. I believe more visual elements would have a huge impact in this regard. Visual elements changes that I believe could have a huge impact are:

- Less monochromatic galaxies: For the most part every star that isn't part of the game is one tint. I believe there could be slightly more variation in color without the risk of players confusing the background stars with those that they are able to visit.

- Twinkle: There is an abundance of gas and dust out there in space. Would love to see a few twinkling stars every now and then. As it is now, It is quite hard to tell if there is any brightness variation at all.

- The Background: From the few games I've played it is always the same.

- And every point addressed in the OP.
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 1:32:35 PM
I'd like to see the planets actually in orbit around the star and on the planets the level of development (kind of like Sins of a Solar Empire style)

Trade routes and civilian/independent ships as well going about their business. Definitely the independent factions...

Probably utility style ships flying around in the systems maintaining it (to represent certain upgrades)

Xenotourists!!! luxury space liners... Totally want to see that represented... xD could be an extra when you create trade with another empire...

Events in the galaxy (Large Craver force that attacks a large amount of random stars in the one turn or something really big that might give people to opportunity to work together to overcome it)

If you find an Endless artifact location or temple maybe have separate "pilgrim" style ships and convoys?
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 2:39:30 PM
Belhoriann wrote:
Adding more random events and space anomalies full of dangers but also full of treasures could increase a lot the "explore" and "expand" sides of this 4X game smiley: wink

Also, the aestethics elements we propose are quite easy to add during an alpha play test because it doesn't require heavy gameplay changes.

All in all, I want more immersion because this is strongly related to the 4X experience.
Well i'm more interested in the eXploit and eXterminate parts. The other 2 aren't so important to me. ;p
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13 years ago
May 6, 2012, 2:46:51 PM
RottenIndeed wrote:
Yes and no... i find the galaxy stunning as it is, but since it's only in alpha i expect them to be even greater in gold :P

Basically...this. This right here. lol. I mean, there could always be more, and I expect it to a degree. That was one of the main draws for me to this game.
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