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Do you find the galaxy "living" enough ?

Yes ! The galaxies are fine.
No ! Here are my suggestions.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 5:54:13 AM
I hope that there are more anomalies, events, and system locations to further reflect the background story, and the in-game factions. Pirate bases are a must. Finding and destroying a pirate base in a constellation would severely hamper their operations, for example. Your planets should have cities become more apparent as the population grows, with more ships appearing as your empire becomes more developed. Sins of a Solar Empire does it pretty well, but I'd enjoy seeing your planets becoming progressively developed, instead of looking like they were completely industrialized upon colonization. The Total War series does it well with animations of carts and such along roads in active trading routes as another visual tidbit.
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13 years ago
May 7, 2012, 12:05:52 PM
I think a lot of the ideas here are great, any developers care to comment?
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 9:46:31 PM
Need much more events and spacial animations for then like space mosters planet plague a galatic news.

Wonders to build our secret projetcs whit animations also.

Maybe some older and powerfull race you can fight for a victory.

And all kind of scify goods space like a bit dead so far.
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 10:23:01 PM
Definately don't stop. Looks great, but more depth in animations. Planets rotating, moons orbiting.

Show city growth based on population.

More pretty things please.

But if I see one lens flare...smiley: mad
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 10:30:54 PM
One option i was thinking is add some events like say a asteroid or comet that endangers a colony and it requires a fleet engagement to get rid of it.

GNN style announcements from MOO2 would be nice.

Uncontrollable ships to show trade between colonies in your empire.

This is later on down the line, but when you start to customize races have an option that's like "touched by fate" or something, where random events have a higher chance of happening to you. Both good and bad events
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 10:42:15 PM
Personally, I want "stuff" to find. As it stands, all the planets are empty with the exception of their various modifiers and things, and there are occasional pirates, but there is very little else to do. As the OP mentioned, Distant Worlds has other factions, things to discover, etc. As beautiful as the galaxies are in Endless Space, there's just so little in the way of things to discover and run into. I want it to feel like I'm exploring and discovering a galaxy, not pushing ships around to empty planets.
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13 years ago
May 18, 2012, 11:25:47 PM
I want events like in Gal Civ 2 where you are presented a problem and are given a list of possible actions with a list of benefits and downsides to each action, that and anomalies like black holes but have them offer some benefits or risks (fleets travling in a black hole system might be destroyed).
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 1:03:10 AM
I really hope Amplitude doesn't listen to you people and waste time and resources on planets orbiting on the galaxy map. it doesn't at all fit with the ascetic they have going already and the scale will be screwed making it ugly and obtrusive.

If you people can't tolerate a single clip to get system info you really need to prioritize.
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 1:32:10 AM
I've got a couple of suggestions:

-Between the trade routes of the empire, it'd be cool to have animations of trade ships coming and going to graphically show these routes are active.

-Ships (in general) lack a thruster flash effect when they are in motion (i.e. depart from a planet)

-It'd be nice also to have particle effects that recreate space dust, to give the overall display some extra feel to it.
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 1:02:41 PM
I'm agree with some interesting ideas I pick up:

Belhoriann wrote:
You have civilian ships, trading ships, private ships everywhere, yet the empire is still manageable. You have random events, like ancient ships and star bases discovery, you have space monster, pirate bases, black holes...

It realy could be fun in Endless Space!

Belhoriann wrote:
In the system view :

- Add more visual activities at the surface of very populated planets. Currently there are 2 or 3 ships and some lights, this is great, but not enough. Also it could be cool to have visual influence from the different improvements built on the planets.

- Add a solar system representation, with orbit rings. Or at least you could put the sun at the left of the planets representations to give a sense of scale.

I agree with all of this.

xwing wrote:
but also make it optional (graphics setting for animations, settings in galaxy creation for random events/black holes/pirate bases etc.)

It's a good idea too for small config and game fine tune.

Decimal wrote:
More info on Moons would be nice.

It could be more immersive.

Echo35 wrote:
Personally, I want "stuff" to find. As it stands, all the planets are empty with the exception of their various modifiers and things

I think it's a good idea too.

And i wish i can configure random events frequency and i wish there are more type of event smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 1:55:07 PM
I would really love to see a planet view. Meaning, the ability to zoom in to the surface of the planet to see how developed/undeveloped the surface is. Also, like many others have said more random events (both good and bad) would be great.
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 1:59:05 PM
More visual activities would definitely be most welcome. The spinning planet animations with some traffic are already quite nice to look at, but it would be great if there was lots more traffic, then maybe some orbital plattforms, space elevators for cargo etc, perhaps space docks, and maybe having the HANGAR be located in orbit would be a nice idea - that way, planets would have to be invaded in two phases: first take control of the planet's orbit and orbital facilities and then in phase two land ground troops! smiley: smile
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 4:02:23 PM
The_Flyingshovel wrote:

I totally concur with the suggestion of Belhoriann.

I would also love events while colonizing new planet and/or system - good or bad - with choices (but maybe it's too much like gal civ)


That's a great system that Gal Civ has and it should be used more. It helps give you the whole Star Trek feel especially when your choosing wether you should save or exploit a race that's going through an extinction event or just deciding whether or not to exploit some bizarre flora or fauna that just mite be intelligent.
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 4:22:48 PM
I really enjoy the galaxy as it is, but it would be nice as many have said to have a little more 'flare' to it. Trade ships traveling on trade routes would be neat. Planets orbiting suns being shown on the galaxy map would be amazing! (all of my want) It would be simple to have a turn on/off function for that in graphical options as well.
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 4:27:16 PM
Gargomaxthalus wrote:
... when your choosing wether you should save or exploit a race that's going through an extinction event or just deciding whether or not to exploit some bizarre flora or fauna that just mite be intelligent.

It's like saying you can Choose to accept this hundred dollars or not.

Self-gimping as a personal challenge was done well in Galactic Civilizations, because they gave out achievement badges for doing so.
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 4:44:57 PM
An independent faction to be able to trade with would be nice as I have yet to be able to trade with another empire, haha
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 5:01:54 PM
Personally, yes, and we already make a considerable visual concession, in my opinion, on the enormous size of the stars, that I wouldn't want the scale to be thrown off any more by seeing ships I can't control at a scale on which they have no reason to visible. In other words, I think that only relevant details should break scale.
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 7:06:31 PM
Voted not enough alive.

As it's been said I'd like more random events, and few animations.

I also thinks there aren't enough interactions with the IA.
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13 years ago
May 19, 2012, 8:01:52 PM
As some others have mentioned an neutral faction might be nice to contribute to trade routes or to control some neutral ships/systems in addition to the other empires. It was really interesting sometimes to colonize a planet that says "friendly natives" or something like that because it gave a feel that despite these gigantic empire branches that are the Endless Space playable races there are still other developing lifeforms. Whats to say that some of them don't have systems under their control? It would be a nice aesthetic as well as feature to have on galaxy exploration.
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