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[Poll] Kind of random events

Space monsters
Natural catastrophe (Sun going nova)
Natural catastrophe (Warpline changes)
Rediscovery of a splinter of your race
Ressource bonus
Ressource malus
Research boon
None of the above, got another wish
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 10:37:57 AM
Well typical hero:

1) looks good

2) has King size balls and too tight pants

3) saves the world

4) gets the girl!

So you have a point there!
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 10:39:22 AM
youre heros was kidnaped bye a girl you get to smal heros in returnsmiley: biggrin in 18years;D
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 12:00:02 PM
znork wrote:
yes or youre heros deiscocer a harem and left youre servicesmiley: biggrin

Or the hero is imasculated and turned into a heroine...
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 1:15:05 PM
why should we allways have heros on the games why can someone create a game with a zero?
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 1:16:34 PM
yeah you hired a total loose the ship now runs 20% less eficant you can fire him becus his in a union. and yes he faked his cv
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 1:23:27 PM
znork wrote:
yeah you hired a total loose the ship now runs 20% less eficant you can fire him becus his in a union. and yes he faked his cv

That sounds like a type of hero youd want to hire... although its a nice twist... you can hire heroes to add to your ships... the thing is... are they really planted spies that will backstab you or are they genuine heroes?
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 1:26:54 PM
so you plan realy good heros in youre enemys pub when he hires him and puts him in a ship he steals the ship and brings it you so you can get theconlgy.
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 1:30:39 PM
znork wrote:
so you plan realy good heros in youre enemys pub when he hires him and puts him in a ship he steals the ship and brings it you so you can get theconlgy.

Exactly like that or sabotage it just in time. Its a feature availble in Seven Kingdoms where you hire generals and villagers. There you could plant spies in their villages and in their cities and warfactories. It was awesome.
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13 years ago
Mar 9, 2012, 9:17:38 PM
I agree that Random events are definitely a must. Having some negative ones will tend to spice things up a little.

Perhaps there could also be some events with a short-term mission goal that could deliver a premium. Just for a neat atmosphere boost when you feel all alone in space. Or with a small investment and an unknown payout (if any).

Ex1: a research space station has stopped emitting on asteroid #231 in the Dakota system - send a joint marine / labcoat corvette to investigate ? > Either send a ship there if the game mechanics allow and potentially discover a new deadly bio-weapon which pretty much killed everybody on the station.

Ex2: famous human technorock star caused massive unrest in a concert on planet Nebulon 3, following his coming out about his intimate relation ship with another galactic specie.. -1 population on the planet (it was a pretty large concert)

Note that such events could bring usefulness to the spaceship navies (crowd control, Virus containment, counter-terrorism, ...) not necessarily always related to the approval game mechanic.

..or not, if this takes the gameplay to far off target. But this could be fun.
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13 years ago
Mar 11, 2012, 10:51:29 AM
Events with a choice that a player must take immediately would also be good. Much like we had randoms in Civ4. Some could be tech/item related (such as a requirement of a proper tech or unit or other object).

Some examples:

1. you found a small tribe of natives on one of the colonies. Options are:

- kill them off, gain some approval penalty empire-wide

- assimilate them by loosing some dust. Gain a permanent small bonus to food/industry on a planet as a reward

- leave them alone and lose pop cap on a planet

2. a mineral-rich asteroid is about to hit your planet. Options are:

- send in a fleet from nearby colony to shot it and gain a small approval planet-wide (fleet becomes unavailable for the number of turns it requires to get to that system from a near by colony)

- allow it to smash on a planet, lose population and approval empire-wide, but gain boost in industry and a rare resource on the planet

- temporary evacuate the population losing lots of dust (some sum per pop unit), but gaining industry and a rare resource on a planet. The next turn your colony comes back to a normal life in its pop and with its original approval

3. you`ve found an abandoned temple or floating base or any similar ancient Endless thingy. Options are:

- don`t open it, set up a resort base nearby for some dust. Gain approval empire-wide and some independent dust income while you control the system

- crack it open immediately by spending some sum of Dust. Gain a tech or ship or any other nice bonus.

- assign research team to study the inscriptions/data cores on it, lose a number of research points. Gain a tech or a ship

4. you`ve found the same thingy above, but with a huge sign HAZARD on it. Options:

- crack it open immediately, unleash a nasty monster or a cloud of uncontrollable and aggressive dust, gain a tech or even two and some other nice bonus after clearing the site.

- lose some dust and research to fund a proper research site. Gain tech or ship or other nice bonus

- leave it be and risk no consequences

5. your colony is struck by an unknown disease/plague. Option are:

- spend some dust to set up a quarantine and conduct a thorough medical research (lose RP). Gain approval, lose small amount of people and get an antidote (which can be sold to other players if they got the same event).

- set up a quarantine and a research camp. But rather than developing a cure your scientist will study the disease itself. Lose lots population and approval, but gain an ability to spread such diseases with espionage (or simply get a bonus in biology/genetics research).

- set up just a quarantine hoping that the disease will stop by itself. Each turn you`ll lose some people and approval until the plague goes away. You will be asked again of your choice the next turn (if the plague is still active).

6. the other player has a plague and you have an antidote which they are asking for. The options are:

- ignore them, lose diplomatic relations with them. No gain except for other player losing population/production etc.

- give them the antidote for free. Gain a boost in relations with them.

- sell them the antidote. Gain dust.
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13 years ago
Mar 11, 2012, 12:30:50 PM
Okim wrote:
Events with a choice that a player must take immediately would also be good. Much like we had randoms in Civ4. Some could be tech/item related (such as a requirement of a proper tech or unit or other object).

That sounds really nice
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13 years ago
Mar 11, 2012, 3:32:51 PM
I voted for the random events as well - all sound good - but the option should be there to not have them in the game ( for the boring people) r.f Random events - deselct
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13 years ago
Mar 11, 2012, 3:46:51 PM
tkozlow wrote:
That sounds really nice

Another +1 on okims decisions... that way events just aint static.
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13 years ago
Mar 11, 2012, 10:38:45 PM
I agree with Okim, it reminds me of the moral decisions that Galactic Civilizations loved so very much.
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13 years ago
Mar 11, 2012, 11:10:26 PM
Another +1 to the moral decisions.

I'd also +1 the 7 kingdoms reference in that there was nothing funnier than turning commanders of an army on your doorstep. Trevor Chan = genius there. Took a lot more planning than the usual 'bribe' unit games use.

Though I always wished for a richer espionage package. You can turn key governors if you find their mistress, kidnap family, price, favorite space monkey pet, deviancy, etc. seems a tad more real than just 'how much dust u want?!'
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