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[Poll] Kind of random events

Space monsters
Natural catastrophe (Sun going nova)
Natural catastrophe (Warpline changes)
Rediscovery of a splinter of your race
Ressource bonus
Ressource malus
Research boon
None of the above, got another wish
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 2:45:53 AM
I would be opposed to a sun going nova type of event. Events should neither be permanent or irreversible.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 6:30:07 AM
maceman wrote:

I'd also +1 the 7 kingdoms reference in that there was nothing funnier than turning commanders of an army on your doorstep. Trevor Chan = genius there. Took a lot more planning than the usual 'bribe' unit games use.

Yeah that game was awesome, 7K2 was good aswell but I still prefered 7K for some reason. Spies in 7K had even more uses than that. Remember many times when I used my spies to knock out enemy generals only to have my spies converted to the general at which point converting the forts were really really easy. smiley: smile

maceman wrote:

Though I always wished for a richer espionage package. You can turn key governors if you find their mistress, kidnap family, price, favorite space monkey pet, deviancy, etc. seems a tad more real than just 'how much dust u want?!'

Assasination, Contentment-rate, Conversion, Theft, Counter-espionage... need I say that their system for spies was well-rounded. Sure you could play without them but you need to be really careful then and it was usually way easier if you used em. I think this however warrants another thread.

Annex wrote:
I would be opposed to a sun going nova type of event. Events should neither be permanent or irreversible.

Why be against it if they would be optional?
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 10:57:03 AM
Annex wrote:
I would be opposed to a sun going nova type of event. Events should neither be permanent or irreversible.

For me, an MMO must be a persistant MMO.

So, more events changes the universe, more the game is attractive...
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 12:16:52 PM
Annex wrote:
I would be opposed to a sun going nova type of event. Events should neither be permanent or irreversible.

I would really like to see all kind of events in game , in a blackhole appearance on the map, sucking systems one by one as the game progress. This could even be a special kind of map to play on.

But yes I would like to see all kinds of events from volcanic eruption to sun going nova as long as there is an option to disable them or as mentioned before to configure them to your liking.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 1:05:10 PM
Always liked randoms as these provide a feeling of uncertainness of the future and forced to prepare for the worst (by either parking a fleet over your colonies or accumulating cash). In SE4 i loved to launch mass-evacuation efforts from systems going supernova. Especially if that event happened in times of tensions with the neighbours smiley: smile

Everything can happen, especially empire-wide.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 6:11:30 PM
Madjudge wrote:
any events will be great, not only positive !

Sure, though to clarify what I meant before, events such as these would be great:

- plague that kills some people

- plague that kills all people

- asteroid impact that destroys buildings/people


All of those events would be reversible over time. However a sun going nova wouldnt make sense as stars dont just explode one afternoon after having a bad day, they take millions of years to get to that stage, and before exploding they would have to become a super giant first, rendering all life and/or habitable planets in the system extinct, so you wouldnt be able to colonize the system at all except for some remote stations/bases etc.
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13 years ago
Mar 13, 2012, 6:52:52 PM
Here are my ideas for events, if no one has considered them already:

  • Rebellions, civil war (caused by discontent, slave revolts, foreign influence, or perhaps by a race of bodysnatching aliens)
  • Viral outbreaks (computer viruses perhaps, if a race is entirely robotic)
  • Race specific events (e.g. computer virus outbreaks for robotic races, atmospheric cataclysms for gas-giant dwelling races, etc…)
  • Near end-of-game armaggedon-like events (e.g. extremely powerful invading extra-galactic aliens hell-bent on genocide, something that sparks an interstellar war involving all races, or some hugely magnified version of the events listed above)

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13 years ago
Mar 14, 2012, 3:21:14 AM
I fully throw my weight behind what Annex and Okin are saying. Effects can be long lasting, but shouldn't ever be permanent. In terms of relation handling/ multiple choice random events, things like King of Dragon Pass (both the original and the iOS port) are a classic example of how that can be done very, very well.
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13 years ago
Mar 15, 2012, 5:18:01 AM
How about low-grav bone-density/muscle atrophy deficiency disorder?

would be vectored by silicon dust mites of course
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13 years ago
Mar 15, 2012, 8:39:16 PM
Sun eating space whales please.

That way I can send out Captain Ahab in the Pequod to hunt down the damned whale!
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13 years ago
Mar 25, 2012, 9:09:31 AM
Here's a thought. Imagine a mysterious artifact is discovered on one of your planet's and infects the population with a nano plague or something else equally nasty, the infected become a new race intent on consuming the "galaxy" so to speak, and they use the faction's (that they've consumed) own technology and ships (that look contaminated) and they will spread until completely eradicated.

Examples could be like the borg in star trek, the replicators in star gate, etc.

Its unlikely they would implement something like this but it could pretty fun.
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13 years ago
Mar 25, 2012, 9:16:13 AM
LOL I can see it now, your great empire overcame ever hardship including war, famine, and disasters on a galactic scale but then they got space chicken pox and it was just to much for them.
Danne wrote:
Space Chicken Pox!
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13 years ago
Mar 25, 2012, 9:25:39 AM
lol good one
caekdaemon wrote:
Sun eating space whales please.

That way I can send out Captain Ahab in the Pequod to hunt down the damned whale!
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13 years ago
Mar 25, 2012, 10:00:53 AM
Couple of other doomsday suggestions;

- Solar flare, a CME hits your planet halting all Industry & Science.

- Whilst mining a resource a prehistoric egg cluster is un-earthed that hatches causing an infestation that devastates your Food.

- Large scale tectonic event causes massive volcanic eruption & tsunami and slows planet development.
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13 years ago
Mar 25, 2012, 10:05:13 AM
Another one: "Planetoid crosses solar system closeby to your planet. Planet is dragged by gravity onto a new course. Temperature change betters/worsens food productivity and habitability."
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