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[Poll] Kind of random events

Space monsters
Natural catastrophe (Sun going nova)
Natural catastrophe (Warpline changes)
Rediscovery of a splinter of your race
Ressource bonus
Ressource malus
Research boon
None of the above, got another wish
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 7:42:33 PM
If there's to be random events, it should not be big enough to jeopardize your game or else it's not fun at all...

I remember well Star Trek TNG Master-of-Orion-like... When the Random event 'Borg' happens, the entire galaxy (you included) are assimilated quite easily and quickly... Nothing you could do against it... They had to make us add a -NoBorg to counter this...

Random all the way for a temporary bonus/malus of ressources, diplomatic blunder and such...

But for more important event, it should be less random and more dependant of you status in the game... If you're winning by far, then a star going supernova may be acceptable. But if you're in trouble and have only 3 systems, that same supernova means 'Game over'...
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 8:07:55 PM
I just got one in-game that cut my ship speed in HALF for the rest of the game. Pretty awesome.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 6:57:56 AM
I would love the idea of something like a tyranid invasion, but copyright aside, that could easily drop one player from the game by having something so sudden and powerful pop up.

Maybe have something like a special pirate group starts up, and if there is ever a close victory with one side being rather weakened they will show and and finish that side off, allowing them to take the swag from both sides. While this directly affects the game, it simply means that neither player is as likely to engage without knowing they would have a complete victory. The more ships the pirates get the longer this group can sustain itself and stay around. Maybe they start out with 20 turns of resources, every time they pop up and clear out the survivors of a battle they will get ten more turns or resources, once they hit 50 turns they break up and a bunch of pirate fleets spawn at random around the game, the special mechanic ends. Otherwise if it hits 0 it will end, if the players keep fighting and feeding them slowly but surely, they might stick around for awhile. Maybe have a cap for the effect of 70 cycles, but honestly I don't see the pirates not reaching critical mass in most games. Unless there is mostly peace in which case they will enforce it for 20 or 30 cycles before disappearing. Early game, the will limit combat, late game, they will pick up some leftovers and make things a bit more hectic given how prevalent fighting is then.

Think about and dissect my idea as you wish, something that my sleep deprived mind spun up in about two minutes.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 8:29:03 AM
Everything listed on there the more randomness the better for me. Don't make it to difficult for the newer people though.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 12:02:32 PM
I really enjoyed heroes getting traits from how you played them. Not so much the negative ones, but give us something beyond having fred sit there for a hundred years, looking after the same colony. Give us a reason to move them, and a way to mature them.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 1:14:20 PM
Wouldn't it be better to make there as many randomly-stringed-together events as much as possible? and make more higher tier rewarded random events available? (as the chosen race space travels and explores more, like a leveling system or something?*)

Also, I was thinking of rewarding in the heroes' stats too? (if no one said that already) or some specifics that give small detail rewards, like:

1.) ship components? damage,hull,captains maybe? suitable canidates that can boost ship/fleet performance? (cook,navigator,grenadier,etc)

whether researched from salvaged/ruins of the Endless floating-in-space/planet-based-enviornment,

or salvaged from research of Endless projects before they disappeared and accumalate into something?

2.)hero's stats? making them more viable to have higher performance traits, maybe hero trait will be rewarded via. random event,

3.)Pirates!: as one of the random events, I feel like certain pirates can be bribed or purchased during those occurring random events, that can be sent to damage an enemy race('s ships? planet system?) without and penalties linking back to the player

4.)Diplomacy: say a specific race is looking for an item/artifact that you can create or find during voyage, in order to swap it in, you trade it with the trust of your ally(or allies?)

but then maybe the other option of salvaging that artifact/item for personal gain is not in question too

5.)from already owned planets: maybe have rebellions? or holidays? depending or the welfare of the planet/maybe system? or constellation

6.)Wormholes/Warp: maybe say like traveling through wormholes are unstable, and will randomly trigger events of traveling to a distant enemey/ally planet (if not already in conflict?) that is somewhere way off (or really close) to the base planet?

Then you gotta research into more stable wormhole traveling, in order to get the results you want? have higher success rate of destination? or maybe higher high reward random event generation?

7.) Success of stringed-rewards: like the game of 3-doors; out of 3 levels, you have to pick the correct door through each level, to gain the ultimate prize. In the events, if the given choices are selected correctly in the amount of stringed stage, an awesome awesome thing will happen... or something

but then again, some of this only applies to the exploration element of the game I think, as too much of this might overwhelm the game and not enough in other areas ......e.g. WAR

oh then i guess,

8.) a chance having the comets wormhole through warfare triggered by Endless artifacts... randomly

9.) or that a wild blue tardis suddenly appears and disappears through timelord mishap

10.) David Tennant holding hands with GlaDos' space-core flying through space
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 1:32:22 PM
11.) The future-you from the alternate reality of this universe has jumped through a splitter artificial wormhole to give you this message!:

Happy Birthday!... or Happy Halloween!... or hey! I'm poor! sorry for the paradox of hacking all you planet's banking accounts!
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 5:00:58 PM
I love random events. That's the only reason I installed VEM for my Civ5.

12) This is Commander Shepard... where is the Citadel?
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 6:26:11 PM
How about: A freak temporary interdimensional wormhole swept through the XXX system and brought with it a new planet.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 7:08:14 PM
More events for the list:

Meteor showers - dealing minor damage to a planet

Asteroid impacts - dealing huge damage to planet/destroying the colony, leaving the planet uninhabitable for several rounds

Research accidents - mainly during weapons research (oops, we blew ourselves up smiley: wink )

Space monsters - like the one(s) in MoO2 (or Roger Wilco himself)

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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 7:45:36 PM
it would be cool if the larger more catastrophic events (super nova, mining accident cracking the planets crust, planetary collision) you would be able to see them in action. you get informed that that a poor old science lab made a micro black hole- then you can see the planet implode in real time, a plague stricken planet is covered with city fires and gas clouds.
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 4:46:44 AM
reynanuy wrote:

The more the merrier!

This. If it adds flavour to a game it's welcome.

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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 5:31:33 AM
For one thing, I would like to see a random bonus being applied to our heroes. Maybe one of them develops a fascination for desert planets, granting him a bonus, or some other issue. I really want to care for my dear heroes, and randomness goes a long way toward that. And if he becomes a 'coward', I want to send him into battle to get rid of that trait, or die trying. smiley: smile

And +1 to the idea about the more the merrier - Variety is great, and some being powerful benefits, some less powerful.
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 11:36:14 AM
Random events would really add to the game, give it another dynamic. Something similar to the Civ 4 BTS events, where world politics or resources can change in the blink of an eye.
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 12:21:05 PM
few possibilities for wormholes

temporary(unstable) wormholes between random nearby locations

existing wormholes change connection (temporary or permanent)

wormhole temporarily unstable (cannot be used)
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 2:07:16 PM
- found almostnew ship

- research lost

- diplomatic relation improve/degradation

- research bost due to leak from other empire
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 5:20:23 PM
I object to the "sun going nova" random event because of the nature of some stars... it wouldn't really make sense for a protostar to suddenly go boom. In all honesty, I'd find that more jarring than encountering "Garden of Eden" asteroids.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 12:06:45 AM
I object to using Dilythium crystals to power warp drives, because it doesn't make sense.

But I don't mind stars being connected together by warp strings.

I object to battleships being only "a little bit better" than corvettes, because they should be "much better".

But I don't mind saving and reloading a game when things go horribly wrong.

I object to anyone travelling over warp ten, because everyone knows nothing can travel faster than warp ten.

But I don't mind travelling faster than the speed of light.

I object to aliens being "too human" I mean how can we have political intractions and stuff, maybe they don't even do that.

But I don't mind that all my fights are against space ships of roughly equal size. Instead of swarms of microscopic alien viruses, or non-combative silicon that moves on a timescale much slower than trees.

I object to the sound the door on the bridge makes when it opens. It's just too "swishy". Not at all realistic.
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