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[Poll] Kind of random events

Space monsters
Natural catastrophe (Sun going nova)
Natural catastrophe (Warpline changes)
Rediscovery of a splinter of your race
Ressource bonus
Ressource malus
Research boon
None of the above, got another wish
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13 years ago
Mar 26, 2012, 1:49:17 AM
I like the idea of a rogue Planetoid having some gravitational effect when passing by, but I don't think that the effect should be to a point where it changes the Class of the planet. As with all malus/ bonus effects, they should only be a temporary effect.
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13 years ago
Mar 26, 2012, 2:41:01 PM
I like the ideas here all of which are quite cool, as long as ones that can be sufficiently debilitating (ie supernova) are correspondingly rare. Ones like that should probably have an option to turn off, or all of them at the start of a game, simply because there are those who would hate to have chance play any role in their experience (not I, I personally loved random events in Civilization 4).
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13 years ago
Mar 26, 2012, 4:44:40 PM
If there are going to be "doomsday"-type events (novas, comet strikes, etc.), please allow us the option to disable them. I friggin' hate those kinds of random events in 4x games!
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13 years ago
Mar 28, 2012, 8:22:33 PM
Becks wrote:
What about events concerning an intergalactic parliament?

You mean like a galactic senate.I liked the concept in MOO3 but that was a game mechanic and not an event.
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13 years ago
Mar 28, 2012, 8:41:52 PM
Yes, you are right. The senate was part of the game. (moo3) But I liked this idea too. Are there any information about a kind of senate?

But some events concerning some political impacts sounds good.
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13 years ago
Mar 28, 2012, 10:22:28 PM
A "galactic UN" kind of supragovernmental entity, makes a lot of sense in a galaxy with readily FTL technologies. Plus I think it's a staple on every "grand scale" 4x game ever, the diplomatic strategies it permits are too varied and too much fun not to be implemented. If it's not there at launch, no worries really since it's not that fundamental; but I am not surprised if it was high on the "things left to do" list.
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13 years ago
Mar 29, 2012, 5:09:06 AM
Will there be random events tied to heroes and their role ? For instance an adminitrator would get a choice to do in administrating a planet while an adventurer would have to make a choice between keeping a strange artifact (thus enhancing his abilities) or giving it to research (enhancing research).

That would give more "meat" to those heroes and help create a real story. Do you remember those "adventurers" you got to work for you in Neverwinter Nights 2 (or was it Baldur's Gate 2 ?) ? Sometimes they would came back to your manor and you had to choose what would be their next adventure.
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13 years ago
Mar 29, 2012, 6:32:53 AM
We currently have no official answer on whether the events themselves will be present in the game smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Mar 29, 2012, 1:07:37 PM
reynanuy wrote:
A "galactic UN" kind of supragovernmental entity, makes a lot of sense in a galaxy with readily FTL technologies. Plus I think it's a staple on every "grand scale" 4x game ever, the diplomatic strategies it permits are too varied and too much fun not to be implemented. If it's not there at launch, no worries really since it's not that fundamental; but I am not surprised if it was high on the "things left to do" list.

I feel a Senate or UN type governing body makes sense later in the game once interstellar travel and communication have normalized. Cravers kinda wipe that idea out in the early going though. There was no negotiating with the Mongol Horde!

Well, from the vote last week, we can infer there shall be pirates!
Arrgh! non-alien, non-fanatical CRIMINAL scum!! yo HO! a pirates life for me. (though I still kinda wish there was a sprinkling of all of the types... or at least an option for them)
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13 years ago
Mar 29, 2012, 2:10:34 PM
maceman wrote:
I feel a Senate or UN type governing body makes sense later in the game once interstellar travel and communication have normalized. Cravers kinda wipe that idea out in the early going though. There was no negotiating with the Mongol Horde!

Arrgh! non-alien, non-fanatical CRIMINAL scum!! yo HO! a pirates life for me. (though I still kinda wish there was a sprinkling of all of the types... or at least an option for them)

you and me both, m8. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Mar 31, 2012, 9:11:15 PM
Random events can be great, but they can also be a nuisance. I find it difficult to tell where that line is between good and bad. I've never really thought much of the pop-up that says, "something trivial happened. You get this insignificant bonus/penalty for this amount of time."

I've enjoyed the random events from games like Sword of the Stars, Distant Worlds, and Galactic Civilizations. Sword of the Stars because it shakes things up. I'll be winning the game, then suddenly I'm faced with some challenge I wasn't expecting (or in some cases was expecting). I usually can't beat it using brute force alone, so it forces me to think and strategize. The random events from Galactic Civilizations and Distant Worlds add to the liveliness of the universe. The universe doesn't feel just like a board game, but an actual living, breathing place.

While I'm not opposed to the idea of a mega oh-my-gosh-it's-the-end-of-the-universe event, I've never really cared for them much. The idea being that it's too big for one player/faction to handle, so you'll have to forego the war, team up (if only for a time), and take it out. The problem with this is that there's no way to talk to the AI saying, "Hey, did you notice that massive planet eating space beast roaming around? Maybe we should stop shooting each other and redirect our guns at the space monster. Then we can go back to shooting each other. What do you say?" So then you're forced to deal with this mega threat yourself. How sad.

After reading over what I've written, I must say that I am in favor of random events.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 10:28:41 AM
I like the galactic senate idea, but it sounds kind of hard when there's a faction of warmongers that does not know the world "peace" or "treaty" or can't remember the last one in the background.

You can't stop a faction like that politically.

Other than that i agree with Courth that random events/missions were very good in Civ 4 (i refered to that in the other thread about random events), and i'd love to see something similar inside the game.

And to see the pirates develop themselves also at the size of a system (like barbarian cities in Civ) would be nice.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 10:36:30 AM
I would love to see random unexpected bad things happening! So i can jump in right back to the game and fix the problem!

Plague , Space pirates , i mean , that would be freaking awesome! Chillin in your base when suddenly a new plaque ruins your plans and delays you.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 11:41:03 AM
I voted for pretty much most of them except the lane changes, its hard enough defending planets atm let alone adding shifting wap lanes.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 12:23:10 PM
I love them, what can I say?

Also support the desire for player decision when an event occurs - both immediate as well as "mini-quests". Maybe a plague breaks out and you can say

A) "Screw them, quarantine the system, stop all trade and wait for it to blow over"

Negative impact on empire happiness, relations with other nations that are more life-affirming, etc, reduced economic output from the affected planet, and small chance it spreads to other planets

B) "Keep things under wraps! No word to the senate or our allies! Invent some story explaining the communication blackout with colony x!"

reduced economic output, reduced happiness on affected system, medium to high chance the plague spreads

C) "This is terrible! We need to focus our research and find a vaccine. Until then, ensure all our efforts are dedicated to saving colony x!"

Slight positive affect on empire happiness, reduced production from all planets, new research option: Vaccine (cost varies, Once research is completed, plague ends immediately), low-medium chance the plage spreads.

For added awesomeness: Other races respond to the event, by

A) Offering aid - research points

B) Renouncing their friendship (if you picked option A, for example)

C) Stop trade for fear of infection

D) Use this is an opportunity to attack

Now, that would make me feel like I'm not just manipulating a glorified spreadsheet, but really be part of a story.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 2:37:09 PM
Wotan wrote:
Maybe some Reapers from ME3 smiley: wink

While ME3 was not the first to come up with a menacing unconquerable evil from "beyond the void", somthing like this might spice the end-game up a bit. You know, as a rubber band mechanism.

Most of the 4x games I play tend to be quite exciting early on, but once I get the upper hand, It's just a matter of time (and conquering all the enemy's bases / plannets / cities). This "unknowable evil" can be kind of like the Mongul / Timur invation in Medival Total war 2. It'd add a challenge to the late game, when you're stomping everyone.

Kinda like the Antarens, in MoO II.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 6:33:17 PM
Yessssss I love random events that switch things up for you. BobbyDylan says it right comebacks are really really hard in this genre small random events totally should be in and some really really rare super events would be awesome to give you "one last hope" even while you're getting "swept up" turn after turn.
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