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10 reasons why the game sucks

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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 7:58:54 PM
When someone begins a thread with an incredibly offensive title and uses the grammar the op did, it is hard to not get offended and fight like some people have done. This site actually has fewer rabid fan boys than any I have have seen in a while. But if the op wanted to actually give criticism and have people listen, he would have worded his post much differently. As it is, I think he was trolling.
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 9:02:41 PM
Abigail wrote:
Can we try to keep blind fanboyism out of here? Thanks.

As others have suggested, there are hardly any "real! fanboys around here. Many, many threads are popping left and right about things to fix or things people don't like and very few are met the way this very thread was. The OP's tone asked for it, almost quite literally.

Hell, some people who took the time to answer the OP have been seen criticizing the game in other threads, so I wouldn't dare call "fanboyism" on them. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Jul 29, 2012, 7:43:09 PM
This game is great. I'm 33 and have played just about every strategy that's in english. This one is amazing. The poster of the thread is obviously young, immature, and without intellect. Nitpicking over trivial details of a game that's barely hit the market.

No ingame hints and can't figure out what to do? Use your brain!

Moving fleets feels dull and having to click a single pixel? It's a strategy game. Not an action game. And the clicking on a single pixel is hugely exaggerated. It's a group of pixels and I have had absolutely no trouble selecting and moving fleets. Nor has updating my fleet been any trouble. Use your brain!

Balance is incalculable and were steamrolled on normal difficulty? I have had no trouble with any of the things you mentioned on normal difficulty. But that may be because i'm using my brain to solve problems and you aren't. Try easy?

Defeats when you seem to be overpowered and battle cards not meaning anything? Again, this comes down to using your brain. I am often in a reverse position where I seem to be outgunned. I use my brain and the card system to overcome tough odds and win those fights. The card system is significant and people have tendencies. Use those cards against their tendencies. But i'm not here to guide you. Only myself.

I could go on and respond to all of your silly remarks. I can't believe you took the time out of your day to complain about trivial details and put your inability to reason on display.

This game is amazing. All of the significant elements of the game are well thought out and implemented. Some of the less important things could use some detail. Things like the font. Or the pixel thing cause you aren't the only one that's complained. But all in all this game is great and blows any Civ game, total war, or any other turn based strategy that i've played out of the water.

The great thing is this game is only going to get better.
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13 years ago
Jul 30, 2012, 6:11:36 AM
Please don't ask the younger generations to use their brains. You can't use what you don't have. Thanks TV!
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13 years ago
Jul 30, 2012, 9:17:16 PM
seanw3 wrote:
Please don't ask the younger generations to use their brains. You can't use what you don't have. Thanks TV!

Some of the younger generation use our brains. Sadly, not very many of them, however.

I finally lost my first game, after 60 hours of play or so. I'd definitely go with it being more difficult. If you struggle on normal, please turn the difficulty down and accept that you may not be as smart as you think you are, and/or don't want to think at playing the game. That goes for the rest of the suggestions, too. Consider this more of a.. puzzle game. The market for games really needs to stop dumbing down every game in sight so every person can get get a hit off of completing it on the hardest difficulty.
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13 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 1:07:37 AM
Stop making childish and pointless offenses. If you didn't like the game, just stop playing it instead of bothering us with such aggressive words.
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13 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 12:44:43 PM
Threads based on "sucks", "that's for dweebs" and "is retarded" should not even be acknowledged.
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 10:37:11 PM
@ Igncom1

The most intuitive thing to me was clicking fleet and looking for a retrofit button.

True, but you got the point.

True, but why over complicate things that are not explained in the first place, especially when it starts hindering the learning process?
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 9:58:07 PM
1 reason why it will succeed.

Devs ask people what they like and want to see in the game. People vote and the game gets better.
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 10:00:42 PM
Asterisk wrote:
Reason 1: No in-game on-the-go hints on what can do/fix what. Reading through numerous techs isn't fun and it's nearly impossible to memorize everything. Trial and error is for lame dweebs. Trial and error/reading forums is for dweebs with no life

There is in fact a in game tutorial and if that isnt enough for you. There are plenty of helpful guides people have written. Also insulting people who use the forums isnt going to help.
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 10:02:58 PM
1. Crap.

2. True. Not a huge deal.

3. Bad player is bad.

4. Wrong.

5. Bad memory is bad

6. There is no cat in dog.

7. More food more growth. Thats enough.

8. Random implantation is bad . True.

9. Yep.

10. Man. You are so wrong.

Here you go 7 reasons why asterisk sucks.
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 10:06:49 PM
Dude. That tutorial is a several lumps of info that's so hard to remember with all those meaningless names and unexplained game mechanics. Nothing is introduced gradually. Buying a game and going to forums to understand how to play it is like getting married to a stranger. You just might figure him/her out later.....
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 10:11:35 PM
Controversial title there.

1. This sounds like your not willing to learn the game, you don't have to memorize much to be able to play, everything else can be done on a turn by turn process.

2. The click boxes is something i can agree with, but where else would you expect a refitting ships button to be other then the fleet management screen.

3. Most 4X games have a high learning curve, however there are multiple AARs on the forum that you might be able to learn from, but the main solution is to learn from failure.

4. Combat card can change entire games when used correctly. Free camera controls are not show i agree, however you can move your view with the mouse by holding the buttons and dragging, and via the arrow keys. If you observe the battle report popup after a battle, it will show you accurate results on how your weapons and defenses performed.

5. Like most SIFI, its a genre thing.

6. I agree, people i have seen using it are almost never able to find what they want.

7. More in-game information is needed i agree, but when you are unwilling to read the many guides on how it works, don't complain that you don't know how something works.

8. They do need to be more specific on the popups.

9. They have little immersion, but are far from stupid.

10. Defend yourself with them.

Considering the popular support for the game, it is unlikely to be forgotten until our generation actually dies, just like people who still play Mario. (Sorry Mario fans.)
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 10:11:58 PM
@ CaptainPsilon

3. Yeah, bad player, considering the fact that I played the first Civ back in days. I guess people who figure out how to manage a win in a bad game make good players........

6. Oh yeah? Now ask why google succeded.
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