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10 reasons why the game sucks

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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 10:14:17 PM
hahaha....just goes to show there are always people who fuss over any shortcoming no matter how unreasoning the complain or how small. given its a small indie company, thought it was an alright attempt at a game. of course they can always learn to improve as anyone can.

you sound like a fussy wife or girlfriend or something. yea some people are unreasonable, hard to please, and would find any fault no matter how small/trivial to slam you with.lollollol
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 10:16:07 PM
I liked a post of the devs made. Dont expect to win your first game. Hell as a civ player you should how poorly explained what you needed to do Civ 1 was.
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 10:20:35 PM
@ Igncom1:

2. Click fleet - click retrofit. No extra windows to go through. Considering the fact that the rest of the interface is nearly flawless, THAT little thing could be done properly.

3. It's very hard to lose 3 games in a row at Civ 5 on Chieftain difficulty...

5. Mass effect - names make sense and are easily memorable.
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 10:28:44 PM
Asterisk wrote:
@ Igncom1:

2. Click fleet - click retrofit. No extra windows to go through. Considering the fact that the rest of the interface is nearly flawless, THAT little thing could be done properly.

True, but the strategic screen also shouldn't be clutters with buttons, a button on the selected fleet that takes you to the fleet screen with the selected so you can refit them with 2 buttons might be more prudent.

3. It's very hard to lose 3 games in a row at Civ 5 on Chieftain difficulty...

Civ 5 AI is made worse at that difficulty, AI in endless is all the same and only changes based on what boost it gets, the 2nd difficulty level is technically the normal difficulty.

5. Mass effect - names make sense and are easily memorable.

But are also a rather dumbed down way of saying things, a universe made to be very easy to understand.
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 9:53:40 PM
Reason 1:

No in-game on-the-go hints on what can do/fix what. Reading through numerous techs isn't fun and it's nearly impossible to memorize everything. Trial and error is for lame dweebs.

Reason 2:

Sometimes selecting fleets feels is like clicking into a single pixel on a 1080p screen with a huge round mouse cursor. Moving fleets feels dull and unresponsive. Why do I need to go to the fleet management menu to retrofit my ships?..

Reason 3:

Balance is incalculable. In my first game I ended up with a totally unhappy population. In my second game, United Empire steam rolled their neighbor and me like a mother. And that's on just NORMAL difficulty. That just felt ridiculously stupid.

Reason 4:

Combat cards mean nearly nothing on the outcome of battle. Free camera controls are non-existent. No hints on improving your ships after ridiculous defeats when your fleet's Power Points beat opponent's by two times.

Reason 5:

Names of stuff are ridiculously meaningless and unmemorable.

Reason 6:

Tech tree search is lame. You can't find using word "desert" food exploitation tech for desert planet. That's just plain retarded.

Reason 7:

No in-game clue on how food works and population grows. Over all no in-game info on game mechanics. Trial and error/reading forums is for dweebs with no life.

Reason 8:

Random events are way "too random". Last game I had 4 random events, 4 of which were negative. WTF?

Reason 9:

No immersion. No emotions involved anywhere in the game. First contact window and such pop-ups are stupid and lame.

Reason 10:

Random starting heroes' traits is stupid. If I want a peaceful game and get 3 pilots/admirals in the beginning then WTF do I do with them?

I can go on and on. This game is lame and will be forgotten like Disciples 3.
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 10:39:36 PM
Someone needs to take his pills. I'm usually the "let's rebuff ALL the reasons!" type, but this time it's not even worth bothering.
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13 years ago
Jul 22, 2012, 10:44:45 PM
Asterisk wrote:
@ Igncom1

The most intuitive thing to me was clicking fleet and looking for a retrofit button.

Then the UI Needs to be made more intuitive about a players intention.

True, but you got the point.

I never understood an AI who didn't actively try to win the game, its like they are not even there.

True, but why over complicate things that are not explained in the first place, especially when it starts hindering the learning process?

Things like the "Applied Casimir Effect" is where i agree with you, everything else can be ignored or be given nicknames like I do.
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13 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 12:09:36 AM
the interface flaws in this game don't rank as major to me. but if little things bother you...i don't know what to say... out of the sea of billions of little fishes, there are bound to be some discontent...lol
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13 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 12:54:14 AM
Sounds like this game is too challenging for the original poster. But at least he used as mature title for his thread!

1. Reading the tech tree is fun, the tooltips are clear, and it's easy to memorize the important stuff.

2. The UI is one of the game's strong points, but I agree that it could be easier to click on fleets.

3. It's perfectly possible to win, if you are careful with how and where you expand.

4. Combat cards are fun, and they work.

5. The names of things make perfect sense. It helps to have read some sci-fi, I suppose.

6. Tech-tree search could be improved, but it's a good idea that's missing from other games in the genre. Easy to improve, I would think.

7. One can easily divine how food and production work simply by playing the game and watching the effect of one's actions.

8. The random events are great fun. I wish there were more of them.

9. More immersive diplomacy would be nice -- like the anims/voiceovers in Civ 5. The devs are actively working on this. Not a big deal to me.

10. I really like having random hero stats at start. Please please don't change this. It's nice to have a challenge.
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13 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 1:10:26 AM
I do not mind criticism. Every game has flaws somewhere. But when the criticism is given in such a rude way, then it is hard to take it seriously. Some of your complaints may be valid, but when the title is why this game sucks donkey balls, it makes you sound immature. Add to the fact that none of your complaints are game breaking and it becomes really hard for people to respect your opinion. Plus, is it really that hard to read a wiki or a manual? If you have been playing since civ 1, then surely you remember when games had no tutorials and you had to read a hefty manual for some games to learn how to play. This is especially true or strategy games, which are complicated by nature. It would be nice for endless space to have a tutorial, but just because it does not does not mean it is a bad game. It just requires a bit of effort to figure out, aka reading and searching online. It should take an hour or two at most.
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13 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 4:19:36 AM
Asterisk wrote:

Reason 4:

Combat cards mean nearly nothing on the outcome of battle. Free camera controls are non-existent. No hints on improving your ships after ridiculous defeats when your fleet's Power Points beat opponent's by two times.

Combat cards are AMAZING. I've used them to devastating effect. In fact, I can create a fleet that can take out THREE TIMES its own MP value at a single engagement and come out with more hitpoints than I went in with.

There's a slight bug I haven't had the time--or cooperation--to produce a conclusive test case, but it didn't cost me much in the way I designed my ships (had to devote a small amount of space to flak cannons).
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13 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 4:58:52 AM
There is some constructive criticism laid deep under the dickholish tone of the original poster. But, if we use his own standards of quality, the 10% constructive feedback does not make up for the 90% dickholish mutterings. It sounds like the game is hard to play for people with lower than average memories and imagination. The game also takes some basic knowledge of physics. If that is too much for you, go play a simplistic game like Civ IV or Farmville. No need to be a dick, except you are probably looking for attention more than trying to give feedback. Thank you, dick, for your valuable troll time.
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13 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 5:09:46 AM
seanw3 wrote:
There is some constructive criticism laid deep under the dickholish tone of the original poster. But, if we use his own standards of quality, the 10% constructive feedback does not make up for the 90% dickholish mutterings. It sounds like the game is hard to play for people with lower than average memories and imagination. The game also takes some basic knowledge of physics. If that is too much for you, go play a simplistic game like Civ IV or Farmville. No need to be a dick, except you are probably looking for attention more than trying to give feedback. Thank you, dick, for your valuable troll time.

Criticism is good, not sure if I would call the OP's criticism as constructive. It has merits but the attitude isn't helping the person's cause. Civ4 grouped with Farmville, now that's insulting...
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13 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 9:00:40 AM
Please wrote:
Criticism is good, not sure if I would call the OP's criticism as constructive. It has merits but the attitude isn't helping the person's cause. Civ4 grouped with Farmville, now that's insulting...

Well Brian Raynolds who made Alpha Centauri is making FarmVille and CityVille nowdays....
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13 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 12:06:17 PM
Asterisk wrote:
@ Proeliator

5. In the fast-paced world we, US people live in, who will start reading Sci-Fi just to be able to play some PC game?

If this deliberately slow-paced game is not after your liking you should perhaps rather stick to Modern Warfarce 3 - as shallow and accessible as one could hope.

And nobody said you had to read sci-fi to understand the game - but it might help you enjoying the ingame descriptions a whole lot more.
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13 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 12:47:28 PM
So, I cleaned up all the mess.

There's no reason to get insulting and use inappropriate language. Please keep it civil, here.
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13 years ago
Jul 23, 2012, 2:58:37 PM
I honestly don't even know how to form a cohesive argument against OP. The only thing that is even remotely true is that it's sometimes difficult to click on fleets, but that is an incredibly minor gripe. The tutorial was fantastic, explaining everything in detail the first time you played the game, and even if you skipped it, you got several helpful tips anyways. All of the resources are explained by simply hovering of them. The interface is one of the most intuitive, easy to use, beautiful things I have ever seen in a 4x game. Truly, the interface is so masterfully put together compared to other 4x games as to practically be a work of art.

If it is too difficult on normal, there are two other game mods for you to play, easiest and easy, that would allow you to get a feel for the game. The tech tree has complicated names, but each little technology has a great little blurb, often containing an excellent sense of humour. You can hover over any tech to see what it does. Combat mechanics are clearly explained simply using the description and statistics of each.

The cards rarely, but can, effect the outcome of a battle, it can often be the difference between losing no ships and up to 3 or 4 in any given battle. Random events are not permanent, and often affect the entire galaxy, not just you. If you don't like the game so much, just stop playing it, don't form a misinformed, ignorant post on the game's forums in a desperate attempt to garner some negative attention for yourself.

1/10, you made me reply.
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