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I don't get it. People choose minor cosmetics instead of new gameplay features G2G.

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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 1:04:17 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
I've got a problem with that. A glass cannot be half-empty, without being half-full, unless you counted emptyness as a filling, so a fully empty glass could be filled with two times half-empty loads. On the other hand, if emptyness had the quality of a filling, a glass being empty would be full of emptyness, therefore full, which is also contradictory.

So a half-full glass has always to be half-empty, too, there's no choosing one or the other, logically.

I so hope igncom reads this, now...

Whoa, wait, hold the presses! There's actually stuff inside the glass? I've always just seen it as empty...Usually shortly after my thirst was quenched. Silly optimists keeping their water around to look at. smiley: stickouttongue And Nos, I think you might have just a bit too much fun blowing his mind...I approve. smiley: wink

But you have a point, Sadi. I'd have to compare polls and research notes for more examples, but if anyone remembers the one to change the Horatio trait name (to Price of Beauty, I believe, instead of Anti-Expansionist), it took the devs a while to actually get that in there. I'm sure it was simply a small detail that got forgotten in the laundry list of things they had to do at the time, though. There could even be examples where a poll result was in the very next patch...

I'm just too lazy right now to look through the notes and polls and see which of those thoughts is correct.

Abigail wrote:
You would be very, very wrong then.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion, and that one happens to be mine. Your objection is duly noted.
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 1:05:28 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
I've got a problem with that. A glass cannot be half-empty, without being half-full, unless you counted emptyness as a filling, so a fully empty glass could be filled with two times half-empty loads. On the other hand, if emptyness had the quality of a filling, a glass being empty would be full of emptyness, therefore full, which is also contradictory.

So a half-full glass has always to be half-empty, too, there's no choosing one or the other, logically.

I so hope igncom reads this, now...

I'd like to make a developed answer to your statement but I don't think my level in english will permit me to do so. ^^

So quickly, two disadvantages for one advantage. Actually the glass is 2/3-empty and of course I'd like to see it 3/3-full. smiley: smile
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 1:09:00 PM
Sadi wrote:
I'd like to make a developed answer to your statement but I don't think my level in english will permit me to do so. ^^

So quickly, two disadvantages for one advantage. Actually the glass is 2/3-empty and of course I'd like to see it 3/3-full. smiley: smile

I don't know, based on your posts you have a better grasp of English that some students here in my university (oh why, why must I read some of these papers? must never volunteer to help a professor again...). You could probably do a good job.

Or do it in French, and win via language barrier. smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 1:16:48 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
I don't know, based on your posts you have a better grasp of English that some students here in my university (oh why, why must I read some of these papers? must never volunteer to help a professor again...). You could probably do a good job.

Or do it in French, and win via language barrier. smiley: wink

You probably did not read the background of my faction proposition, The Apparatus.

Abigail wrote:
I've now basically given up on G2G ever accomplishing anything but getting bad fanfiction tacked onto my game... Seeing bad grammar ...

But Abigail probably did it. smiley: stickouttongue

To focus on the subject G2G votes should be for cosmetic changes but gameplay improvement should be automatically added to the game as soon as possible, à mon humble avis.
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 1:18:26 PM
Abigail wrote:
I've now basically given up on G2G ever accomplishing anything but getting bad fanfiction tacked onto my game and forever delaying fun gameplay options over the newest shiny useless visual nonsense to pop up.

I'll admit that I never once in any vote chose a superficial option, either, but it's how the people decided. I don't need to be happy with that, as a silent majority (FinalStrigon excluded) seems to be happy with the outcomes and I know that most things will be included, one day.

Still a few things, like the criminal backgrounds for the pirates, still hurt... or the freecam instead of more alert messages that would have been helpful.

Basically it's the ancient problem with democracy: Someone's bound to loose a vote and can then only blame everyone else for not supporting his opinion, instead of just one person/developer team.

FinalStrigon wrote:
Whoa, wait, hold the presses! There's actually stuff inside the glass? I've always just seen it as empty...Usually shortly after my thirst was quenched. Silly optimists keeping their water around to look at. smiley: stickouttongue And Nos, I think you might have just a bit too much fun blowing his mind...I approve. smiley: wink

Yes, on earth it's typically air, mostly nitrogen. Not very tasty, but vital due to 16% mixed in oxygen.
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 1:20:36 PM
Sadi wrote:
You probably did not read the background of my faction proposition, The Apparatus.

But Abigail probably did it. smiley: stickouttongue

To focus on the subject G2G votes should be for cosmetic changes but gameplay improvement should be automatically added to the game as soon as possible, à mon humble avis.
I was talking about most of the custom heroes. Jesus, the grammar there is awful.

Also, I would be down for gameplay things be auto added and visual crap being voted on.

Nosferatiel wrote:
I'll admit that I never once in any vote chose a superficial option, either, but it's how the people decided. I don't need to be happy with that, as a silent majority (FinalStrigon excluded) seems to be happy with the outcomes and I know that most things will be included, one day.

Still a few things, like the criminal backgrounds for the pirates, still hurt... or the freecam instead of more alert messages that would have been helpful.

Basically it's the ancient problem with democracy: Someone's bound to loose a vote and can then only blame everyone else for not supporting his opinion, instead of just one person/developer team.
It just gets frustrating when actual gameplay options get sidelined for such groundbreaking options as being able to move a camera during battles that never actually deviate in how they move, adding a counter to something that pretty much already had one, being able to roleplay better and GRIMDARK hero #627,839,012.
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 1:32:09 PM
Abigail wrote:
I was talking about most of the custom heroes. Jesus, the grammar there is awful.

Also, I would be down for gameplay things be auto added and visual crap being voted on.

Technically, they are all getting added at some point. The point of the vote is simply to find the order in which the community wants to see them. Though, I'm sure some members of the dev team would agree with you. During the last vote, I think I remember seeing a post from Steph about how the team itself was divided on the outcome, so...

As for grammar on the internet, I've long since given up expecting anything readable. This site has been one of the few exceptions where the litterate outnumber the l0Lh4xo0rs. And Sadi, I did read it, it's still better than some students I've read, trust me.

Nosferatiel wrote:
I'll admit that I never once in any vote chose a superficial option, either, but it's how the people decided. I don't need to be happy with that, as a silent majority (FinalStrigon excluded) seems to be happy with the outcomes and I know that most things will be included, one day.

Aw, excluded again...I'll admit, when I vote, I go with what I would personally want to see, instead of thinking of the game as a whole. I wanted a bit more freedom with the faction creator, so, my votes went that way. Some of the votes I looked at in the past, though, made me wish I had found this game a lot sooner...The pirates ordeal hurts to, as well as a few others, but, well, what can you do? Aside from those few I'm content with whatever wins. I just get a bit defensive when people start calling me out for being wrong in stuff like that, sorry... smiley: small

And, actually, I prefer the nitrogen. This is a secret (so don't tell anyone) but I was left here on your planet to study your ways and report back on the best ways to come down, steal all your nitrogen, and leave. So far, we've decided we will abduct more cows, but the jury is out.
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 1:51:33 PM
Abigail wrote:
You would be very, very wrong then.

I've now basically given up on G2G ever accomplishing anything but getting bad fanfiction tacked onto my game and forever delaying fun gameplay options over the newest shiny useless visual nonsense to pop up.

I know this to be true as this is at the very least the third time this has happened. Twice in a row.

Amplitude should just finally get the hint and scrap G2G after seeing just how bad most G2G voters really are to this game actually being fun. Seeing bad grammar, shoehorned in references, and memes just makes me want to stop playing this game and the newest shiny object being picked over things that would actually be fun to have just constantly makes me not want to even start the game up at all anymore.

You're missing the point of a popular vote. If the players of a game vote for one thing out of a selection of three, then that is the direction in which the community would like to see the game go. If you disagree, that's great, but it doesn't mean that the G2G system has failed. Actually, it means exactly the opposite.

Furthermore, given that you can't see the custom race features of enemy players in MP, this actually does have some gameplay implications in that realm. Right now, if you see a player with a certain faction's aesthetics, you already know what their affinity is and can make educated guesses about how they expect to play and win. If the aesthetics and the affinities are divorced, this knowledge immediately evaporates.
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 1:56:22 PM
Don't think of people not voting for new planet razing mechanics "not voting for more mechanics" it may very well be "voting to exclude a specific mechanic the playerbase doesn't want."

I want a lot of things. People not able to raze planets is on the list of things I want.
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 12:25:53 PM
I mean custom faction affinity visuals (minor cosmetic) vs razing system (new gameplay mechanic)

For me the choice is obvious new very useful gameplay mechanic but majority of players thinks otherwise.
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 2:10:53 PM
Sadi wrote:
Unfortunatly for you it seems that what has been proposed in the G2G vote will be soon or late added to the game.

I bet once it's in there'll be a suggestion of: "Make razing planets optional!". smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 2:12:55 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
I bet once it's in there'll be a suggestion of: "Make razing planets optional!". smiley: wink

You mean, there will be constant, multiple suggestions of that, right? smiley: stickouttongue
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 2:14:33 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
You mean, there will be constant, multiple suggestions of that, right? smiley: stickouttongue

After I'm done with the "multiple" part: There can be only one!
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 2:24:02 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
I bet once it's in there'll be a suggestion of: "Make razing planets optional!". smiley: wink

Arg, democracy, look what people are doing on your behalf! smiley: biggrin

No, you are right, some people could find this to cruel for the poor little populations of the game!
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 2:31:54 PM
Sadi wrote:
Arg, democracy, look what people are doing on your behalf! smiley: biggrin

No, you are right, some people could find this to cruel for the poor little populations of the game!

Oh no! The poor little bits of data...I'd find it ironic if some of the people who find it too cruel, also play the Cravers.
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 2:37:10 PM
FinalStrigon wrote:
Oh no! The poor little bits of data...I'd find it ironic if some of the people who find it too cruel, also play the Cravers.

Yep, if the races in the game are not xenophobic I am pretty sure that players will be as soon as razing planets will be possible.
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 2:39:20 PM
Sadi wrote:
Yep, if the races in the game are not xenophobic I am pretty sure that players will be as soon as razing planets will be possible.

That implies imagination of what "razing" truly means on the one hand and empathy with the victims of this procedure on the other.

Also I seriously doubt that humans would be xenophobic if they were on the technologically more advanced and militarily more powerful side of the coin. smiley: wink
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 2:44:18 PM
Nosferatiel wrote:
That implies imagination of what "razing" truly means on the one hand and empathy with the victims of this procedure on the other.

Also I seriously doubt that humans would be xenophobic if they were on the technologically more advanced and militarily more powerful side of the coin. smiley: wink

Do not underestimate players' imagination. ^^

And do not underestimate what a potential human government that unified about 150 countries could do to win the next elections. smiley: sarcastic
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 2:51:15 PM
Sadi wrote:
Do not underestimate players' imagination. ^^

And do not underestimate what a potential human government that unified about 150 countries could do to win the next elections. smiley: sarcastic

Elections? Pft, blasphemy! For the God-Emperor!

Err, wait, wrong human space empire, my bad. smiley: stickouttongue But definitely don't underestimate a player's imagination. I've watched someone go through Legend of Zelda games, refusing to break ANY pots, because they were afraid the person who owned them would get mad at them.
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13 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 3:10:43 PM
Alright, so the basic question is cosmetics or gameplay? I've read all the posts and began to get lost at the end. So, if it is purely cosmetic, what does it entail and can you alter or mod it in-game as you can at present or better than present? I don't see why you couldn't take two votes of the types of cosmetics and do as suggested before and auto-update the mechanics as well. It MAY take a little longer to put the update out for the general public, but I say a little bit of time and effort is worth some minor complaining, don't ya'll?
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