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Improve Ground combat

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12 years ago
Jul 30, 2012, 11:34:07 PM
I think the main problem people have with the combat is that they don't have much control, you design and orient your fleets, choose battle-cards and that's about it...

I would love to see the player having more options and control, while keeping the feel of the cinematic.
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 2:41:35 AM
Igncom1 wrote:
I think the main problem people have with the combat is that they don't have much control, you design and orient your fleets, choose battle-cards and that's about it...

I would love to see the player having more options and control, while keeping the feel of the cinematic.

I sort of understand where they were going with the combat. The whole idea sort of reminds me of Crusader Kings 2 where the key word was politics and empire building with a heavy emphasis on bureaucracy, there is combat and war and all that good stuff, but it's secondary and implemented as a hands off stats vs stats, biggest army usually takes home the booty aspect, but there still is a very gratifying "VICTORY" popup and a tracker for each and every one of your battles during that particular war.

The same could be done with this game, army vs army, be it hands off and let them throw stats around, but at least make it fun and alive.
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 5:36:11 AM
I don't want to see invasion become too involved because of the multiplayer game. The need to do manual battles can sometimes result in either myself or my friends doing all sorts of things while we wait on each other already. I would really hate to have yet another aspect of the game stretched out in multiplayer. I like the idea of expanding the invasion of planets. It definitely feels a little strange. I can say that I have only tried to make use of invasion-specific ships twice, and never found them to be worthwhile. Now I just pile on a planet until it takes over, usually using a Hero with a melee bonus.

It would be great to see a little more going into invasion. I think someone else has already mentioned using a system like Gal Civ II where you could perhaps invade at a variable speed but deal more or less damage to the infrastructure. Maybe even the planet itself could suffer some negative anomalies such as irradiation. I would even love to see a method of invasion that completely wiped out a planet's population so that it immediately entered your possession without the approval hit and long delay on extending your influence, but had to be repopulated, maybe even at a reduced rate.
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 6:05:15 AM
Since we are talking about improving invasions, they should prevent me from giving away systems that are about to be conquered. I can just give them away and prevent my enemies from getting the extra resources. Not fair. A blockaded system should prevent any trading.
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 6:13:38 AM
seanw3 wrote:
Since we are talking about improving invasions, they should prevent me from giving away systems that are about to be conquered. I can just give them away and prevent my enemies from getting the extra resources. Not fair. A blockaded system should prevent any trading.

Scorched earth strategies?
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 12:32:30 PM
Why not making use of the existing planet view? Currently when clicking on a planet you can only choose "exploid" + some terraforming options. Since the animations of the planet view arent that bad this view could be "re-used" for ground combat. As the invasion progresses, regions of the planet turn colour towards the invader or vice versa. On the same screen as attacker or defender you can choose between different battle actions which have an influence on the calculations and can be changed every turn. This together with some cool sounds and animations (Screams, Explosions, Alien squeking) and perhaps some short cinematic for key events (half the planet conquered, defense structure captured etc.) would be a major improvement and since you can re-use much of the already existing GUI and artwork this should be not so hard to implement.

oh and please dont forget to introduce the possibility to capture tech when conquering a planet....why not taking a look on those freaky antimatter rifles which caused us so much headache during invasion...lol
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 12:33:53 PM
I like that idea.

Could zooming in on the planets could also the sate of the invasion?
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 12:49:46 PM
Sounds like a lot of good ideas for an area of that game that consists of a "loading bar."

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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 12:49:51 PM
Igncom1 wrote:
I like that idea.

Could zooming in on the planets could also the sate of the invasion?

Zooming in may need some additional artwork or at least some re-rendering with higher polygon count but that would certainly provide additional spice smiley: redface
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 12:53:11 PM
ørret wrote:
Zooming in may need some additional artwork or at least some re-rendering with higher polygon count but that would certainly provide additional spice smiley: redface

The spice must flow!
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 1:27:53 PM
As the idea of ground combat system is geting more and more progresing I would like to post my idea how this system can work.

The goal is to implement this part to the game so i think its good idea to spread this improvment and discous about it more.

It will lead to situaction that devs will see this and [hopeso] will implement this part to the game.


this is ofc open idea and improvments are more than welcome.
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 9:06:51 PM
The basis of it should be mostly menu driven with subtle planetary hints as to the amount of forces attacking and how far along the conquest they're in. Ships firing into the planet for one would be awesome to behold in the planet selection screen should the planet be under siege.
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 3:32:03 AM
You can see missiles being shot at the planet in the current version. I would like this to be more evident.
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 3:59:16 AM
Full on system warfare, after all war is a catastrophic and the destruction that can be wrecked on a system does show on how long it takes to regenerate a systems defensive strength.
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 6:27:09 AM
Still, in all I'm very fond of the form in which we invade or hold back invaders. It's simple enough that wouldn't detract that much from the original goal set by the devs, and is also fitting with the whole simplicity thing they're aiming for in this game, as well as granting enough bonuses or penalties that would ultimately shift the balance of power in a war if it's balanced well enough, thus integrating itself into the main focus: ship combat.
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 8:36:19 AM
It would also be an opportunity to make the fearless/feeble warriors traits more important,

because i don't really see the point, that they only work on the defense and not on the offense.
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 4:52:23 PM
AtomSoldat wrote:
It would also be an opportunity to make the fearless/feeble warriors traits more important,

because i don't really see the point, that they only work on the defense and not on the offense.

Oh man, this! I'm 100% with you on this one.
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 5:39:48 PM
I think, graphic treats aside, you could at least have a dilemma type option every 3 turns of ground combat or so without taking much time from the player.


Every 3rd turn of combat on your turn a notification appears requesting you choose a single option from the two presented. The attacker is given a random dilemma from the Attacker Event list and the Defender is given a random dilemma from the Defender Event list.

Attacker Events:

- Pillage building: +X FIDS based on highest cost building OR -10% invasion speed for 3 turns.

- Scorched Earth: +20% invasion speed OR +10% system ownership at end of invasion (success only).

- Biological Weapons: +25% invasion speed and - diplomacy with all races OR -10% invasion speed on this planet and + diplomacy with other races.


Defender Events:

- Sabotage: Destroy most expensive building to set invasion back X OR +10% enemy invasion speed.

- Patricians: Lose 1 population and set invasion back X OR +15% enemy invasion speed.

- Subversion: Increase enemy invasion speed by 30% and decrease enemy ownership growth by 20% OR reduce enemy invasion speed by 5%.

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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 5:43:06 PM
I suppose more options to use (Listed below the invasion button) different things like unleashing plagues and reapers would be cool....With consequences of course like longer rebellions or temporary damage to FIDS.
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 5:59:28 PM
If ground combat is to implemented there is various factors that we could keep in mind. So here is my suggestions:

1. There must be buildings that give specific bonus to ground combat than the rather plain "20 defense per population". Something like bunkers or forts with specific bonuses.

2. Before each ground combat phase there can be an orbital bombardment something like MOO where you had a bombardment window where you could see how much dmg you do to the planet and how many troopers are left to defend it.

3. Troop transports can get more important role in the game. Yeah i know the idea of defenseless transports may sound strange to some but thats their job after all. To carry troops and armors to battle.

4. Each transport could carry a number of troops and a number of support units, maybe something like armors and artillery thus giving more options and diversity with the battle card system(assuming they make clone of space combat for ground combat too)

5. If carriers ever get implemented to the game they could assist by launching fighters/bombers (another battle card perhaps)

6. Big Guns like massive railguns we mentioned in another post could help in the bombardment phase (extra option perhaps because of the massive dmg it could do).

7. Like someone said give tech stealing smiley: twisted (i miss the Moo screen where a trooper was showing you the tech you got after the attack :greensmiley: smile
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