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Romeo's Unreasonable List of Demands

SDK/Mod Kit
Unique Ships
Unique Intros
Unique Heroes
Locked Team Option
Unique Race Objectives
No Turn Limit
Evolved Pirates
Evolved Racial Uniqueness
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12 years ago
Oct 31, 2012, 1:33:47 AM
Most of this sounds great, but Amplitude is already giving us a lot. So... to be clear I don't expect anything more.

However, if you feel so inclined, please give the Automatons their own ships OR at least provide some kind of lore explanation for why they have Craver ships. It just breaks immersion. The rest of the features are just nice things that would contribute, but the Automatons sharing ships with the Cravers actively bugs me.
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12 years ago
Oct 31, 2012, 7:05:31 AM
Szei wrote:
Most of this sounds great, but Amplitude is already giving us a lot. So... to be clear I don't expect anything more.

However, if you feel so inclined, please give the Automatons their own ships OR at least provide some kind of lore explanation for why they have Craver ships. It just breaks immersion. The rest of the features are just nice things that would contribute, but the Automatons sharing ships with the Cravers actively bugs me.

Oh, you misinterpret me. I called the list "Unreasonable" for a... Reason. Wait, that one kinda got away from me there.

Anyways, I don't expect to see any of this any time soon (Or ever), and I absolutely adore all the fan-love Amplitude provides. These were more just a "dreaming out loud" kind of list. I feel they would benefit the game, myself, though I understand Amplitude has 846392 other concerns to deal with before even considering such things.

Igncom1 wrote:
You do get used to it, but of course I am in favor of any increase to our little modding community.

True, but it might be good to add this slants via a type of specialization module, so I can have my light and heavy carriers using the different size hulls, As I feel the bonuses should be applied to what you want size you want it for, rather then the specific hulls that make you design a ship based on the hull when you should choose the hull on the style of ship.

I am not sure about the default, however if this is the case then an annihilation victory should be the overall default victory type.

Always think big, otherwise you might actually achieve it, and that would be disappointing.

Ironically I feel the pirates are rather weak cannon fodder, the don't even use defense modules the fools, personally I would just want them to bring more chaos to the order.

I will have to take your word for it. I looked at the "How to add a planet" walkthrough, realized how utterly untalented I am with coding and accepted that I will not be able to mod Endless Space. lol

To each their own. I prefer more specialization, personally. We already have the dreadnaught class when it comes to "big, awesome ship". For the underlings, I want more variety and specific niches.

Should be; Isn't. I am hoping this is something they change in one of the upcoming patches.

That's half my mod problems right there. My current Dawn of War mod went from "just a couple squads" to "just a throw-together race" to "just one proper race" and is now at the "just two proper races" stage. Sometimes I almost think I need to dream smaller. lol

You do? Wow. Well, full-disclosure, I only can do medium 90% of the time, but I often find that the opposition is a total cakewalk to kill, but one lucky pirate raid is usually enough to bury me.

n18991c wrote:
Damn right, it's go big or go home! smiley: wink

I'm already home! Though I appreciate the support never-the-less! smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Oct 31, 2012, 7:17:13 AM
Unique Race Objectives

Unique Ships

Evolved Racial Uniqueness

these 3 are what I would love the most.

The other suggestion are nice as well, but no priority for me.
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12 years ago
Nov 1, 2012, 5:02:19 PM
adder wrote:
Unique Race Objectives

Unique Ships

Evolved Racial Uniqueness

these 3 are what I would love the most.

The other suggestion are nice as well, but no priority for me.

Same for me! How its now, most races just play almost the same. More diversity would make the game just great!
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12 years ago
Oct 27, 2012, 10:12:53 PM
Howdy. Very simple thread here, this is my thread full of big ideas, none of which I expect to see implemented (But would love to see none-the-less). So without further ado, let's begin!

SDK/Mod Kit

We've been asking for one for a while, although they aren't exactly easy to throw together for us fans. Never-the-less, a modkit would be awesome; Many games that should've had very short lifespans have had their fanbase continue for years: Dawn of War, The Elder Scrolls, Command and Conquer, Supreme Commander... Hell, in the case of the first two, the community was still active up to the next release and beyond. That says something to the power of mods.

Besides, Endless Space has a nice shiny "Mods" button there, taunting the less talented among us. Why not give us the tools to utterly destroy balance as we saw fit?

Unique Ships for races

I had mentioned this in another thread, it would be nice if each race had a ship class or two that was unique to them. As it stands, apart from the names and appearance, there is absolutely zero difference between any of the race's ships. Why not give us a medic class for Amoeba? Or a Carrier for Sophons? A Sower Sniper? It would open up more tactics in battle, as well as provide more aspects to consider with race selection/creation.

Unique Intro for Sheradyn and Automatons

Both of these races are awesome. Neither of these races have the "Intro vid" that the UE, Sophon, Cravers et al have though. Endless Space has some really cool lore going for it. Give us more! Hell, while we're on the topic, how about some Automaton ship models? We've been very good this year, Amplitude, and Christmas is right around the corner...

100% Unique Heroes

Let's be honest, apart from a portrait and some stats, there is no difference between a Craver Pilot/Admiral combo and a Sophon Pilot/Admiral combo; This is despite the fact that one seeks to consume all life in the universe and the other one is a Craver (Kidding). Each Commander has a unique backstory, so I propose giving them a completely unique skill tree and portrait as well (It's always awkward having three of the exact same hero portraits and it's not Horatio). The easiest way to solve this in my books would be add in a third element - Hero Race - in to the mix, which would affect possible paths. That way a Craver Hero could get bonuses when they rip apart enemies, whereas a Sophon could have increased sight ranges or the like.


Know what sucks? Starting out and getting systems full of one or two planets when your opponent is surrounded by sixes. Or having systems completely devoid of moons. Why not provide upgrades to provide for both? Give us Orbital Stations for planets without moons (+1 Population and acts as an Explored Moon, -9 Dust on upgrade. Works for each planet without a moon) and Titan Stations for empty "slots" in a system (Creates a station with four population, negative twenty Happiness, four dust, four industry and four science per person, costs fifteen Dust on Upgrade). Not sure if the game engine is set-up to handle that kind of thing, and don't care! I called the list unreasonable for a reason!

Locked team option

Speaking of things that suck, nothing is worse than having an AI teammate betray you while you're in the apex of combat with two or three other factions. In fact, it is almost universally what snatches victory from your grasp. Why not put in the option to lock them in to teams? Want to take on absolutely everyone? Lock all the AIs on one team and go to town. Want an even four on four faceoff? Pick your allies and head in to battle. While we're at it, why not give us individual AI difficulties? Anyone can attest that a Craver on Hard is a total nightmare to deal with, whereas a Sophon in that situation is oftentimes a pushover.

Unique race objectives

Surely I can't be the only one who has noticed the Pilgrims never find Tor. Or the Sowers never make everything perfect. Or Horatio never Horatiosifies everything. Or the Amoeba never... Whatever it is Amoeba do. Really, the only three that ever get their "objectives" are the Cravers going OM NOM NOM on the universe, the Sophons becoming the Alpha nerds and the Hissho getting their murder on. Specific race objectives would be (In comparison to the rest of this list) very easy to add: Insert a "Race behavior" win condition, as well as a "Colonize Tor" win condition, and a "Pristine Galaxy" (Requires five planets be terraformed in to unique "Pristine Planets", requires a late technology and obscene Industry to do). If "Race Behavior" is ticked off, everyone has to do whatever their unique objective is. There, I did all the work Amplitude, please make the cheque payable to Sir Romeo van Awesomepants.

Turn off the turn limit

This one would actually be brutally easy to do. Just remove the damn thing for single player, or at the very least, make it an option. More than once I've found myself enjoying a ridiculously aweome eight player match, trading blows with multiple opponents when suddenly BOOM, GAME OVER, INSERT QUARTER TO CONTINUE.

More evolved pirates

Pirates. We all hate them, and they hate all of us. Why not make them something which could hypothetically be useful or destructive to the player? The Pirates could own the own system with a Pirate Base. Seizing control of that would allow for some unique upgrades, and the Ship list could include unique Pirate vessels for the player to construct and use as well, further diversifying their own fleet. It would be awesome.

More racial uniqueness

Last up, I promise: With the exception of their affinity and about half a dozen techs, every race in the game plays the same. Sure, Hissho will give you a bit more bonus for genocide, and Sophons enjoy playing in labs, but ultimately many of the same tactics will work across all races. Give us unique tech trees, and when combined with the unique ships and unique win conditions, and playing a Hissho would be a massively experience than playing as a Sophon.

TL;DR version: More everything.

Have any of your own suggestions? Hate half/most/all of my own? Leave a comment below!
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12 years ago
Nov 3, 2012, 5:04:21 PM
That's why were here lingering in the forums hoping amplitude fulfills our wishes. smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Nov 4, 2012, 11:27:53 AM
Meltreness wrote:
That's why were here lingering in the forums hoping amplitude fulfills our wishes. smiley: stickouttongue

Pray to the Ampligods... smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Nov 4, 2012, 1:27:38 PM
n18991c wrote:
Pray to the Ampligods... smiley: stickouttongue

And sacrifice some virgins and stuff smiley: stickouttongue

Sophons? Peaceful? Maybe.. but next moment they blow you with with some experimental stuff, watch out lol
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12 years ago
Nov 4, 2012, 3:55:12 PM
Tredecim wrote:
And sacrifice some virgins and stuff smiley: stickouttongue/QUOTE]

I'm already onto it! 3smiley: smile

Edit: Quoting failed at its best!
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12 years ago
Nov 4, 2012, 6:02:32 PM
Meltreness wrote:
Tredecim wrote:
And sacrifice some virgins and stuff smiley: stickouttongue

I'm already onto it! 3smiley: smile

Edit: Quoting failed at its best!

haha, you tried.... and failed smiley: stickouttongue
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12 years ago
Nov 4, 2012, 6:06:40 PM
And you failed too n18, at the first try smiley: stickouttongue

But ontopic - for sure some of the Ampligods will have a look at it smiley: smile
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12 years ago
Nov 4, 2012, 6:19:16 PM
Tredecim wrote:
And you failed too n18, at the first try smiley: stickouttongue

Did I? Hm... I suppose I did smiley: smile Sh*t always goes wrong at exactly the time when you really don't want it to, that's just the way it is, so yeah I can relate smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 4:37:00 AM
Capital ships would be cool to see.

But don't make them over-powered, for example the ability to destroy sub-caps efficiently will make them powerful. Capitals should always be good against other capitals and invasions and must be backed up by support ships.
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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 8:20:01 AM
I'm still leery of "super ships" of any kind. Dreadnaughts are already immensely powerful. Anything more would simply render battleships, cruisers, destroyers and corvettes utterly irrelevent. A pristine example of this is Titans in Sins of a Solar Empire. Sure, they're crazy expensive, hold up a ton of resources and take forever to tech up in to, but once they're in the fight, they make everything obsolete. The only way to stop one is to build one yourself. I feel like this is what would happen with capital ships in Endless Space as well. Sure, multiple dreads might work, but anything would get destroyed in droves.

And as for the Sophon killing with tech, that's not their way. They're lovable pacifists, according to their bio. =P
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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 8:37:41 AM
Romeo wrote:
I'm still leery of "super ships" of any kind. Dreadnaughts are already immensely powerful. Anything more would simply render battleships, cruisers, destroyers and corvettes utterly irrelevent. A pristine example of this is Titans in Sins of a Solar Empire. Sure, they're crazy expensive, hold up a ton of resources and take forever to tech up in to, but once they're in the fight, they make everything obsolete. The only way to stop one is to build one yourself. I feel like this is what would happen with capital ships in Endless Space as well. Sure, multiple dreads might work, but anything would get destroyed in droves.

And as for the Sophon killing with tech, that's not their way. They're lovable pacifists, according to their bio. =P

Good idea smiley: stickouttongue

Btw: you are right - "according to their bio" - but not according to my playstyle lol
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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 5:39:56 PM
n18991c wrote:
Did I? Hm... I suppose I did smiley: smile Sh*t always goes wrong at exactly the time when you really don't want it to, that's just the way it is, so yeah I can relate smiley: biggrin

Hehe, good to know I'm not the only one.
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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 5:42:36 PM
Romeo wrote:
I'm still leery of "super ships" of any kind. Dreadnaughts are already immensely powerful. Anything more would simply render battleships, cruisers, destroyers and corvettes utterly irrelevent. A pristine example of this is Titans in Sins of a Solar Empire. Sure, they're crazy expensive, hold up a ton of resources and take forever to tech up in to, but once they're in the fight, they make everything obsolete. The only way to stop one is to build one yourself. I feel like this is what would happen with capital ships in Endless Space as well. Sure, multiple dreads might work, but anything would get destroyed in droves.

And as for the Sophon killing with tech, that's not their way. They're lovable pacifists, according to their bio. =P

I feel the same way, If they add some kind of super ships they have to be only one at a time. Introducing special ships for every faction and they could be build multiple times, it would make all other ship types nearly pointless. That's also the way I'm going atm in my thread for Unique ships. One at a time I think would be the best and most fun solution. When they have insane production cost aswell, you wouldnt see them very fast again after you kill one of them.
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12 years ago
Nov 5, 2012, 5:43:02 PM
Meltreness wrote:
Hehe, good to know I'm not the only one.

Nah you're right, I'm with you when it comes to that! smiley: stickouttongue
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