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Summary of suggestions so far - Discussion

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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 3:51:49 PM
I'd like to see an end-game cumulative score graphs showing each competitor's score in each area over time. Maybe it's there and I missed it?

Also, keeping track of these numbers would allow for awesome diplomacy options, such as spying on each score value (tech, military, economy, etc.) for each opponent and succeeding or failing; all with appropriate techs for counter-measures and bonuses. One might even imagine adding options to each score category to "Posturing", "Honesty" and "Concealment" to affect the diplomacy-related actions of one's opponents. Thus, I could "conceal" military from my opponent's spies, thus encouraging their action vis-a-vis what they "see" as a low military. Same for economics, technology, etc. If you track not just the absolute scores, but the rates of change, then you could build a fairly simple yet dynamically sophisticated mechanism for reacting to opponents score values over time. Part of a given race's characteristics might even entail predispositions to reactions to increasing/decreasing or stronger/weaker values for opponent's scores in each area.

In summary, tracking each domain's scores over time would open up a world of possibilities for diplomacy, intrigue, lying, spying and wonderful AI tweaks (as well as player disinformation etc.). It's far more valuable than just end-game score.
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12 years ago
May 12, 2012, 5:18:30 PM
i don't know if its been said but the ability to teleport(portal/cyno) a fleet anywhere on the map.

one ship goes off to a nice safe system in the galaxy close to enemy fleets and has a module that allows allied fleets teleport to the system the ship is orbiting.

this would work great too with cloaking.

probably uncloak will take 1 turn(or x # of moves) before they can teleport allied fleets in system.
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 12:19:05 AM
Game could use some forms of government.

Totalitarian government- Ability to fund more police (increase amount towards police fund and put a cop on every corner) and have state tv. This would result in at least content people at tax rates of 70%.

Stratocracy -pro-military, more bonuses to ship building?

Technocracy - pro-science, more bonuses to science?

Constitutional monarchy - bonus to happiness and dust income

Democracy - bonuses to happiness and industry

Custom - Slider bars to total to 100%. All government types.


Totalitarian 20%

Stratocracy 40%

Technocracy 20%

Constitutional monarchy 0%

Democracy 20%
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 7:08:48 AM
mokaiba wrote:
Game could use some forms of government.

Totalitarian government- Ability to fund more police (increase amount towards police fund and put a cop on every corner) and have state tv. This would result in at least content people at tax rates of 70%.

Stratocracy -pro-military, more bonuses to ship building?

Technocracy - pro-science, more bonuses to science?

Constitutional monarchy - bonus to happiness and dust income

Democracy - bonuses to happiness and industry

Custom - Slider bars to total to 100%. All government types.


Totalitarian 20%

Stratocracy 40%

Technocracy 20%

Constitutional monarchy 0%

Democracy 20%

That's a good idea, since I didn't found any suggestion thread specifically for this I made a really detailed new one.

Here's the thread: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/13085-different-government-systems
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 11:09:54 AM
Suggestion: Space Combat - Initiative and manoevres.

In combat, fleets with the highest initiative should be able to attempt manoeuvres which can alter the relative durations of the different combat phases to their advantage.

Detailed description of the idea here.
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 4:14:24 PM
I don't believe this thread on Home Planets and happiness has been linked to in here yet:


ThePurgatoryFire brought up the point that it doesn't make too much sense for a race to dislike their particular home planet's type. Why do Horatio, who start on Arid, have -5 happiness on Arid planets, for example?

Personally, I feel this just needs a 5-10 point swing in planetary happiness, so that a race that starts in hotter climes is happier on a lava planet than on an arctic planet, and so on. It depends on their genetic origins a bit, too. Perhaps, since they have adapted to their starting environment, the FIDS are also customised subtly to each race?

Username points out that this could also have an effect on the research tree, switching some of the colonisation and planetary transformation unlocks around a bit.
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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 4:45:46 PM
A few suggestions, mine and others:

Hover help for resources to show effects in tech tree, and needs to appear in universe view:


Hover help needed for siege progress bar:


"Declare war" dialog on moving to enemy territory:

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12 years ago
May 13, 2012, 6:20:49 PM
I've posted a suggestion to have notifications combined for each of rare resources, moon explorations and diplomatic changes. This would come out much like the current system production notification has a list of all systems that finish work that turn and what they're doing next.

This would simply tidy up the notifications area a little bit, for when you've got a lot going on, and give you all this information in one go, rather than you having to click through it all.

Linky: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11629-suggestion-consolidate-rare-resource-notifications-and-extension-of-this
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 8:12:09 AM
messej wrote:
Gameplay: Tec Sugestion - Artificial moons

I understand the need to keep planets to one "exploitable" moon, but I'd like to suggest a technology that gave players the ability to create an artificaial exploitable moon on any planet (capable of having a moon normally, so porbably not asteroids) that doesn't alreeady ahve one. The artificial moon would come "pre-explored", so no expiditions to find a centuries old Endless temple suddenly appearing the moon you just created. But it would be exploitable by other tecs (such as the +1 max pop for a moon tec, or the extra 3 food on moons tec) - just a thought....

This has now been added to the summary list under Techs/Mods > Artifical Moon Tech
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 8:21:34 AM
Man_O_War wrote:
Just have two ideas that I don't think have been suggested and I have not yet seen, but if they have I apologize ahead of time.

1. Aside from the various victory conditions which do require many resources and time, I think that there should be a number of "mega projects" witch require massive investments with great payouts. For example; a ship capable of disrupting the fusion of a star there by destroying the whole system, or the same concept applied to individual planets. Another example might be something like the current exploits available for individual planets, but instead it would be to convert the entire planet into a city which would exponentially increase the max population but decrease the food production which would need to be made up by other planets in the system.

This has been added to the summary list under Techs/Mods >Star Fusion Distrupter Ship Mod
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 8:29:40 AM
Xon wrote:
Purely technical, but stamping the 32bit executable with the "Large Memory Aware" Flag will allow the 32bit game to use the full 4gb address space on a 64bit system rather than just 2gb. But if the engine supports it, a native 64bit build would be great.

This has been added to summary list under Misc > Larger Memeory Aware
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 8:44:46 AM
tscott wrote:
I'd like to see an end-game cumulative score graphs showing each competitor's score in each area over time. Maybe it's there and I missed it?

Also, keeping track of these numbers would allow for awesome diplomacy options, such as spying on each score value (tech, military, economy, etc.) for each opponent and succeeding or failing; all with appropriate techs for counter-measures and bonuses. One might even imagine adding options to each score category to "Posturing", "Honesty" and "Concealment" to affect the diplomacy-related actions of one's opponents. Thus, I could "conceal" military from my opponent's spies, thus encouraging their action vis-a-vis what they "see" as a low military. Same for economics, technology, etc. If you track not just the absolute scores, but the rates of change, then you could build a fairly simple yet dynamically sophisticated mechanism for reacting to opponents score values over time. Part of a given race's characteristics might even entail predispositions to reactions to increasing/decreasing or stronger/weaker values for opponent's scores in each area.

In summary, tracking each domain's scores over time would open up a world of possibilities for diplomacy, intrigue, lying, spying and wonderful AI tweaks (as well as player disinformation etc.). It's far more valuable than just end-game score.

This has been added to the summary list under General > Detailed Player Report
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