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Summary of suggestions so far - Discussion

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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 8:51:20 AM
Deltron3O3O wrote:
i don't know if its been said but the ability to teleport(portal/cyno) a fleet anywhere on the map.

one ship goes off to a nice safe system in the galaxy close to enemy fleets and has a module that allows allied fleets teleport to the system the ship is orbiting.

this would work great too with cloaking.

probably uncloak will take 1 turn(or x # of moves) before they can teleport allied fleets in system.

This has been suggested and is on the summary list under Techs/Mods > Wormhole/Cyno Tech
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 9:20:22 AM
mokaiba wrote:
Game could use some forms of government.

Totalitarian government- Ability to fund more police (increase amount towards police fund and put a cop on every corner) and have state tv. This would result in at least content people at tax rates of 70%.

Stratocracy -pro-military, more bonuses to ship building?

Technocracy - pro-science, more bonuses to science?

Constitutional monarchy - bonus to happiness and dust income

Democracy - bonuses to happiness and industry

Custom - Slider bars to total to 100%. All government types.


Totalitarian 20%

Stratocracy 40%

Technocracy 20%

Constitutional monarchy 0%

Democracy 20%

This has been added to summary list under Interfaces > UI - Government/Empire form
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 9:38:55 AM
daveybaby wrote:
Suggestion: Space Combat - Initiative and manoevres.

In combat, fleets with the highest initiative should be able to attempt manoeuvres which can alter the relative durations of the different combat phases to their advantage.

Detailed description of the idea here.

davea wrote:
Related to:



Since these are all related and currently being debated with Poll we awaiting the final result of the Poll before adding it to the summary list. As Dev are keen to see how popular the suggestion and ideas are.
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 9:56:37 AM
teflon wrote:
I don't believe this thread on Home Planets and happiness has been linked to in here yet:


ThePurgatoryFire brought up the point that it doesn't make too much sense for a race to dislike their particular home planet's type. Why do Horatio, who start on Arid, have -5 happiness on Arid planets, for example?

Personally, I feel this just needs a 5-10 point swing in planetary happiness, so that a race that starts in hotter climes is happier on a lava planet than on an arctic planet, and so on. It depends on their genetic origins a bit, too. Perhaps, since they have adapted to their starting environment, the FIDS are also customised subtly to each race?

Username points out that this could also have an effect on the research tree, switching some of the colonisation and planetary transformation unlocks around a bit.

This is debateable as some races dont choose where they are they seek to improve and adapt.
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 10:11:49 AM
davea wrote:
A few suggestions, mine and others:

Hover help for resources to show effects in tech tree, and needs to appear in universe view:


This has been added to summary list under Interfaces > UI - Rescource Hover Help

Hover help needed for siege progress bar:


This has been added to summary list under Game Play > General >Seige Progress bar Improvement

"Declare war" dialog on moving to enemy territory:


This has been added to summary list under Gameplay > General > Fleet Entry Warning
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 11:14:15 AM
Ship names (a auto 'pool' of names to suit faction for AI and players with option to rename) and records (kills, exp, DOB, place of creation, class, model, equipment stats) for single ships and a flagship of sorts 'Pride of the Empire' that has a slight buff and faster exp and more CP

Sorry if its too long:

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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 12:03:24 PM
There are a lot of techs on certain systems that won't have any use (like adding money to explored moons in a system with no moons).

The OCD in me would like to hide them or put them in an 'ignore' list so it doesn't clutter up the list of upgrades to build in a specific system.
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 4:05:10 PM
jetkar wrote:
This is debateable as some races dont choose where they are they seek to improve and adapt.

I'm not sure I follow your argument. Whether a race is ambitious with regards to improving or not, it takes millennia of evolution for them to adapt to surroundings naturally.

A pride of lions is going to be happier in hotter climates than a polar bear, and likewise, a polar bear would be happier in colder climes. You can simulate that temperature for them, so they can survive in these places, but happiness would be linked to the climates in which they can best survive in the wild.

It's a very common theme within Sci Fi that humans adapt the environment of their colonised planets to fit closer with an earth-like climate, whilst aliens that invade Earth often begin to transform Earth to become more similar to the planet that they came from. Right the way back to War of the Worlds and the Red Weed.
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 4:46:21 PM
Suggestion: UI - Improve size and readability of textual user interface elements


Text should not be in all-caps for best readability. There should be a way to adapt UI size to high resolution displays.


You can improve the readability of the user interface by a big amount with some changes. Currently, many UI elements have their text written in all caps. This is problematic, as readers take longer to read such texts and, furthermore, the font you use is not optimized for all caps. One instance where you can see this is in the main screen or in the build menu. Although all caps might be nice from a visual design perspective, it is bad from a user experience standpoint. My Suggestion is simple: convert all instances of upper case strings to capitalized strings, with the possible exception of headings or screen titles.

Running on a 2000*1200 display the user interface elements are often too small. See main screen on a large display for an example: the UI cramps its elements in the top left corner and taking only about 1/10 of my screen width. The UI reserves only few characters above the research field for the name of the current research, this is not enough for any research in the game, which is comical as there are ~1800 unused pixels to the right. This problem is worsened on high res (at the same physical size) displays, e.g. MacBook Pro displays. There, the pixels will become too small to be legible. Other games (e.g., Civ 5) combat this problem by allowing the UI to scale by a set factor. This is also my suggestion for Endless Space.
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 5:01:26 PM
Tazzzo wrote:
Ship names (a auto 'pool' of names to suit faction for AI and players with option to rename) and records (kills, exp, DOB, place of creation, class, model, equipment stats) for single ships and a flagship of sorts 'Pride of the Empire' that has a slight buff and faster exp and more CP

Sorry if its too long:


This has been added to summary list under Game Play > General > Auto Pool AI Ship/Fleet Names
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 5:12:23 PM
macbeet wrote:
Suggestion: UI - Improve size and readability of textual user interface elements


Text should not be in all-caps for best readability. There should be a way to adapt UI size to high resolution displays.


You can improve the readability of the user interface by a big amount with some changes. Currently, many UI elements have their text written in all caps. This is problematic, as readers take longer to read such texts and, furthermore, the font you use is not optimized for all caps. One instance where you can see this is in the main screen or in the build menu. Although all caps might be nice from a visual design perspective, it is bad from a user experience standpoint. My Suggestion is simple: convert all instances of upper case strings to capitalized strings, with the possible exception of headings or screen titles.

Running on a 2000*1200 display the user interface elements are often too small. See main screen on a large display for an example: the UI cramps its elements in the top left corner and taking only about 1/10 of my screen width. The UI reserves only few characters above the research field for the name of the current research, this is not enough for any research in the game, which is comical as there are ~1800 unused pixels to the right. This problem is worsened on high res (at the same physical size) displays, e.g. MacBook Pro displays. There, the pixels will become too small to be legible. Other games (e.g., Civ 5) combat this problem by allowing the UI to scale by a set factor. This is also my suggestion for Endless Space.

This has already been suggested and is currently being tracked by the Dev Team as this was done prior to this thread. Which you can track here
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12 years ago
May 14, 2012, 6:06:55 PM
Discussion threads here:

Idea for new race: Rouge AIs


[Suggestion] for Terraforming


I have a few other suggestions which are too small for their own forum.

Troops: Have a bar somewhere with two arrows like: << and >>, to go to the next unit. Otherwise I have to remember where everything is.

Bombard:Give me an estimate of how many turns it will take with the current troops I have

Taking over planets: I think when a campaign for conquest is over, all population should be dead and you have to resettle the planet (like Sins), unless the enemy race is the same race as you. otherwise...

Culture: Show a Culture meter in each system, telling me the mix of the population. This could even be its own mechanic, as you could have a race that excels in Finance and Diplomacy that does even better the more mixes of races each planet has. In other words, if you are a friendly, trading civilization, other races will start emigrating to your planets, especially if your Economy is the strongest in the galaxy. If you have a significant amount of pop of another race, events will start occuring. If you are friendly to them and if your policies (another game aspect that should be added) are friendly to immigrants, than you will get good events. If you are unfriendly with this race, or have bad policies, bad events, like protests, etc, will occur. Also, the bonuses and problems of each race will be determined by the race it is. Maybe, if you have alot of Sophons on your planet, one of them turns into a Mad scientist and tries to take over the world! Or, if you have United Empireans on your planet, they are trying to smuggle. Contrariwise, good effects would be, with the Sophons, one of them discovers a free tech for you, or adds to the research pool. For the United Empireans, perhaps they increase your trade routes in that system by one, and add a free, lucritive trade route. Anyways, would certainly add alot.

Trading: a. Give me an option to ask what I would have to give to get what I have placed in the asking box

b. (Bug?) The computer 'broke' a tech deal with me, which makes no sense. Once you've traded technologies, it's over. Knowledge isn't exactly something you can reneg on. With that said, it looks like I kept all the technology, it was just really weird.

Wasteless Supply Chain: This building costs WAY too much at the moment. The only time I would be able to build it is in a fully functioning system, but, by then, it doesn't matter anymore. There is another improvement that is very similar, which gives food for Lava and a few others, which is like a tenth of the cost. I think they should cost the same, since they are very similar structures.

Moon Findings: Have a 'Go to' on the Moon Findings when you find something, and, in the dialogue box, actually tell me what the finding does. As of now, it is a frustratingly useless dialogue box.
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 1:37:01 AM
I made 2 new suggestions/feedback threads:

[Suggestions/Feedback] Ingame Music: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11064-discussion-ingame-music

[Suggestion] Additional uses for luxury/strategic resources in starsystem improvements: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11642-suggestion-strategic-luxury-resources-and-starsystem-improvements
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