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Summary of suggestions so far - Discussion

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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 4:04:33 AM
Add several "add required technology to research queue" buttons to UI displays including:

[o]Get the next available FIDS explotation improvement

[o]Tech needed to colonize a planet or search a moon

[o]Tech needed to utilize a resource

[o]Tech needed to change/mitigate an anomoly or planet type

[o]Tech needed to get the next weapon/defence module on the battle reports screen


Long Version
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 7:23:21 AM
closer76 wrote:
Discussion threads here:

Idea for new race: Rouge AIs


This has not been added as this is already being worked on by Dev Team. Their will be annoucments shortly

[Suggestion] for Terraforming


This has been added to summary list under Game Play > General > Terraforming Protocol

Troops: Have a bar somewhere with two arrows like: << and >>, to go to the next unit. Otherwise I have to remember where everything is.

This has already been suggested for fleets and is on the summary list under Interfaces > Ui- Fleet Cycle

However, if you referring to ground troops this has been suggested.

Bombard:Give me an estimate of how many turns it will take with the current troops I have

This has been added to summary list under Game Play > General > Bombardment Estimater

Taking over planets: I think when a campaign for conquest is over, all population should be dead and you have to resettle the planet (like Sins), unless the enemy race is the same race as you. otherwise...

This has been suggested and is on the summary list under Game Play > General > Razing Colony

QUOTE]Culture: Show a Culture meter in each system, telling me the mix of the population. This could even be its own mechanic, as you could have a race that excels in Finance and Diplomacy that does even better the more mixes of races each planet has. In other words, if you are a friendly, trading civilization, other races will start emigrating to your planets, especially if your Economy is the strongest in the galaxy. If you have a significant amount of pop of another race, events will start occuring. If you are friendly to them and if your policies (another game aspect that should be added) are friendly to immigrants, than you will get good events. If you are unfriendly with this race, or have bad policies, bad events, like protests, etc, will occur. Also, the bonuses and problems of each race will be determined by the race it is. Maybe, if you have alot of Sophons on your planet, one of them turns into a Mad scientist and tries to take over the world! Or, if you have United Empireans on your planet, they are trying to smuggle. Contrariwise, good effects would be, with the Sophons, one of them discovers a free tech for you, or adds to the research pool. For the United Empireans, perhaps they increase your trade routes in that system by one, and add a free, lucritive trade route. Anyways, would certainly add alot.


This will be added to summary list under Game Play > General > System Culture Bar

Trading: a. Give me an option to ask what I would have to give to get what I have placed in the asking box

b. (Bug?) The computer 'broke' a tech deal with me, which makes no sense. Once you've traded technologies, it's over. Knowledge isn't exactly something you can reneg on. With that said, it looks like I kept all the technology, it was just really weird.

Wasteless Supply Chain: This building costs WAY too much at the moment. The only time I would be able to build it is in a fully functioning system, but, by then, it doesn't matter anymore. There is another improvement that is very similar, which gives food for Lava and a few others, which is like a tenth of the cost. I think they should cost the same, since they are very similar structures.

Moon Findings: Have a 'Go to' on the Moon Findings when you find something, and, in the dialogue box, actually tell me what the finding does. As of now, it is a frustratingly useless dialogue box.

These are all being worked on by Dev team
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 8:25:52 AM
KNC wrote:
I made 2 new suggestions/feedback threads:

[Suggestions/Feedback] Ingame Music: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11064-discussion-ingame-music

Added to summary list under Misc > Ingame Music Variation

[Suggestion] Additional uses for luxury/strategic resources in starsystem improvements: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11642-suggestion-strategic-luxury-resources-and-starsystem-improvements

Added to summary list under Mod / Techs > System Luxury/Strategic Enhancement Tech
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 11:59:22 AM
Rally point when ship created.

Auto fleet creating opcio.

Show the path of the ship, not to send for example two colony ship to the same location.

Command after each other by shift. With this, you can send fleet around/avoiding enemy teritory.
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 1:04:47 PM
Hi all ,

- Would be nice to implement events with choices that affects the game.

- Would be nice nice to have more immersion. Perhaps could have a voice (Kinda homeworld 2 sexy voice) that warns you whenever something happens.

- not easy always to understand what the ships are intend for. Would be nice to have a small line giving a general idea of what is the role/purpose of ships.

- Ship customisation is nice but would be nice to see graphically a few changes to the design + It would be nice to be able to zoom a little on the ship and be able to turn it.. •will it be possible to add skins/ colors to ships?

- Import logos on ships or even text.

The combat system:[/U]

I would suggest a few things to have more a strategic feel to fights (those are simply ideas not sure they all work but its to give a direction):

- Perhaps do something more in turn by turn

- create a sort of grid where you could move your ships?

- Adding "objects" in space that could alter the combat in anyway: dust clouds, asteroid belts, wreckages where small ships could hide.

- ship formations could also give strategic bonuses.

- Are there some fighters dogfights?

- would it be possible to add ingame fight targetting ships subsystems?

- Add combat animations, ship damages etc...

- In fight comments and alarms when ship is taking critical damages...

- a larger variety of ships (corverttes, cruisers, frigates, bombers, boarding ships..)

- The possibility to flee at some point

- and finally perhaps something like blueprints of ships displayed where you actually see the parts of the ships damaged and where you could make urgent repairs.

Other suggestions:

- Will we have like a planet invasion fight also with cards?

- And in the diplomatic field, will it be possible to spy on other races? Steal technologies, assassinate heroes, governors any other important characters?

- Will it be possible to foment revolts on planets? Sabotage buildings etc....

I personally would be happy to wait a few more month for the dev to modify and implement a better combat system to make this game a GEM.

thanks for the good work!
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 1:13:11 PM
geekoo wrote:
Hi all ,

- Would be nice to implement events with choices that affects the game.

- Would be nice nice to have more immersion. Perhaps could have a voice (Kinda homeworld 2 sexy voice) that warns you whenever something happens.

- not easy always to understand what the ships are intend for. Would be nice to have a small line giving a general idea of what is the role/purpose of ships.

- Ship customisation is nice but would be nice to see graphically a few changes to the design + It would be nice to be able to zoom a little on the ship and be able to turn it.. •will it be possible to add skins/ colors to ships?

- Import logos on ships or even text.

The combat system:[/U]

I would suggest a few things to have more a strategic feel to fights (those are simply ideas not sure they all work but its to give a direction):

- Perhaps do something more in turn by turn

- create a sort of grid where you could move your ships?

- Adding "objects" in space that could alter the combat in anyway: dust clouds, asteroid belts, wreckages where small ships could hide.

- ship formations could also give strategic bonuses.

- Are there some fighters dogfights?

- would it be possible to add ingame fight targetting ships subsystems?

- Add combat animations, ship damages etc...

- In fight comments and alarms when ship is taking critical damages...

- a larger variety of ships (corverttes, cruisers, frigates, bombers, boarding ships..)

- The possibility to flee at some point

- and finally perhaps something like blueprints of ships displayed where you actually see the parts of the ships damaged and where you could make urgent repairs.

Other suggestions:

- Will we have like a planet invasion fight also with cards?

- And in the diplomatic field, will it be possible to spy on other races? Steal technologies, assassinate heroes, governors any other important characters?

- Will it be possible to foment revolts on planets? Sabotage buildings etc....

I personally would be happy to wait a few more month for the dev to modify and implement a better combat system to make this game a GEM.

thanks for the good work!

A majority of your suggestions are already on the summary list. If you feel a suggestion(s) and or ideas not been mentioned then create a thread and link it to this discussion thread and I will look at it again
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12 years ago
May 15, 2012, 5:19:51 PM
Just to let you all know due to personal commitments the summary list will be updated on Thursday 17 May 2012 on or after 18.00 GMT
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