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Summary of suggestions so far - Discussion

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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 4:55:34 PM
I made a suggestion about diplomatic gifts, star systems or otherwise, which could be given to non-allied factions in exchange for relationship boost.

Full post is here.
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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 5:07:26 PM
maybe one type of defence block other attack with not better... laser hit some missile... deflector absorb some laser damage... armor absorb all damage. shield absorb all damage with recharge. and add any tech for highest accuracy... some shot fire in strange direction
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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 7:18:42 PM
Would it be possible to have some form of 'Soldier' in the game? Nothing to in-depth just to upgrade which could expand on 'boarding' ships or invading planets.
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 1:34:06 PM
i suggest add tranport FIDS on other system if not use in this system, but cost of transport lost of part FIDS, each leg of the journey takes 1 year (1 turn) (FIDS*0,9^(number of turn))...no need special transport... lost of FIDS need for civil transport cost)))) enemy ship may blockade transport.

Surplus of on the FIDS may convert in other FIDS with improvement. Food in indistrial or dust, industrial in sсience or dust, sсience in dust or industrial, dust in all other FIDS... maybe with some lost...

Empire is independent systems for now... Empire must be union of planet and be stronger with more system))) Sorry for my english...
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 4:00:39 PM
Another small suggestion: When upgrading a ship there should be a button to remove all modules. It can get quite annoying to remove 5 modules of kinetics, 5 anti-missle flaks and 6 beam weapons by clicking. I would rather start anew, that is faster.

This would be especially handy after you've just researched 4 1 Turn military techs in a row and want to update your designs. smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 6:21:22 PM
You should put in a view system messages feature, and one that notifies you that you are in debt.
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 10:41:52 PM
Made a suggestion to improve the current Games2Gether forum system: forums.amplitude-studios.com/showthread.php?2988-Suggestion-New-Games2Gether-forum-structure
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 10:51:25 PM
some few things i want to add:

Please read the post. It has some points i think are valid and new, other are reposts. Also sorry if there are some points that have been already written.


+ Second last technology, that one that lets you build a building that converts food to industry points. It's broken because it will convert food even if there are empty space for population. It should convert food only if the population cap is reached.

+ It would be nice to have some building options to not show if there is no sense in building it like the building that gives you + population on tiny or small when there are no planets that can use it. Or moon improvements when there are no moons.

+ When designing new ships sometimes it would come handy to set a maximum industry point cost per ship. So that you can autoupgrade but keeping the cost reduced. Especially if you are massproducing smaller units in times of need and you want to focus on a weapon specific all offensive ship. But the point of mass producing is to mass produce and not to build costly ships.

+ When designing ships there should be a defensive bonus for space not used. Assuming it goes for engine that would permit the ship to go faster.

+ It would come handy in the tech menu to simply click more techs to chose a specific path instead of using shit+click. The normal click should be a shift-click, or put a option to chose the preferred mode.

+ I found that the calculator for money is sometimes wrong. When you got a balance of say 10 gold and you go next turn bankrupt and you change a production to industry -> gold, sometimes it does not get the new balance where you are actually in break even.

+ When you have a fleet defending set on intercept there should no blockade be possible. Or there should be a amount of CP double of the guarding fleet. As what's even the point in having a fleet that guard a system.

+ When you finish your turn and the enemy is moving and he enters one system guarded by you, there should be a option to attack it outside of your turn.

Cheers and hope to have helped a bit.
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 4:15:41 AM
In short:

Set target approval rating and let THAT tartgetted approval rating determine the taxes

That's a VERY narrow description of my suggestion as detailed here: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/12503-system-taxation

If this idea is radically different enough from the System Tax thread it was placed in to warrent an individual poll, please feel free to copy it out into it's own thread and create a poll for me - just link to the new poll thread in this thread and the system tax thread - thanks.

(Jektar, even though this suggestion incorporates the system slider debate, it's sooo much more - and deserves at least a look by you to determine if it should get it's own suggestion summary - its FAR more encompasing than the system slider suggestion and addreses all the concerns levied there - so please take a look and determine how best to add it to or modify the suggestion summary - thanks.)
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 7:46:02 AM
Would like to offer some ideas:

Add the surplus resources in the total Bank... All systems must exist as a unified system.

For the transportation of resources you can provide civil transport with the payment for the loss of resources.

If the system is a good industry but there is nothing to build it can produce spare parts for the other and in need of the system can be made by the Assembly.

With food still easier. just distribute it among the starving people.

Growth should depend on the free space and checked the availability of food to the existing population.

In the tree technologies can provide the technology of conversion of some resources in the other. Although it is better to provide the system of budget where all the surplus resources will be transformed into Dust (sold) and later invested in the necessary direction (food, industrial, science).

I propose that previously proposed (who does not remember) the idea of the ideal climate for each of the race. For example for the people of the ideal of the TERRAN. For Sophons for example volcanic or any other, but for each race all the same it is worth to make the terraforming of linear to the ideal for them in the world. Well, whether or not linear, but it will be difficult to do for automatic administration. The ideal of terraforming you can make one planet in the system in the form of rings, the idea is good to maximize living space.

Or you can make a separate branches of terraforming to increase the area and the climate.

The system of defense and weapons should be revised. The fields must protect against all damages and quickly restores. Armor absorb the damage and slowly repaired. The influence of the reservation more influence shields in the overall protection from damage. Point defence of Dolna defend against missiles to their proximity to the ships and be common to all ships.

Weapons should be co-ordinated by several plans. The first one was not coordinated a massive attack. The second скоординированая attack on targets in any order... Need a way for ships to fire on a ship or on the nearest or the strongest and so on...

In the technology add guidance systems and to counter them to improve guidance and target shooting, or to counteract the aiming.
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 7:43:01 PM
I wrote some suggestions here, before alpha 2 came out: /#/endless-space/forum/29-archives/thread/13326-my-feedback-and-suggestions

Since probably it's too long to read and there's some stuff already proposed, here's a short version:

+ add dust income to the top left bar, also more useful data visible without hovering around or opening windows would be helpful.

+ add a way to check ship stats during combat

+ add a way to cycle through units, civ-style (check the topic for more details)

+ add a clock, most of your player suffer from the "just one more turn syndrome", we need to know what time is it in full screen mode

+ add to autosave names the turn number, maybe even the faction played

also something else popped up to my mind while playing:

I've seen a lot of players suggesting to always research soil xenobiology as their first tech, because of the food bonus, and honestly I agree with them. I suggest you to verify how popular is this behaviour and maybe think about removing the tech or changing something.. if having alien grafting asap is so relevant maybe it's better to boost a bit the starting food production in evolving soil and move the tech somewhere else in the tech tree so that it's not a big priority. It would feel more like you have more choice on what you research.
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