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Summary of suggestions so far - Discussion

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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 9:03:15 AM
I would like to submit the suggestion for a variety of battle sequences. The same one will become stale and boring quickly. (I still enjoy it and watch it every time so I can select the command options)


I am not very creative, so I think it would be interesting if people submitted their ideas for different battle sequences. Hopefully the dev team will integrate some of them into a later build!
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 1:12:56 PM
The suggestion is about the blockade/invasion mechanics currently in effect, and in a very condensed way on how they could be changed:

(I am planning on expanding the idea somewhat and increasing some depth in it soon, but the core is solid)

Perhaps there could be a limit on how much military strength a fleet must have before a blockade can take effect (perhaps superior to that of the planet's?).

And that there has to be an actual active invasion in effect before a blockade takes place.

This would also help on the whole issue with the mass of reclamations when a neutral/hostile ship flies past your star systems.

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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 3:38:47 PM
i have a suggestion

it will be cool if i can set my federated faction before the game starts (multiplayer and normal game)

and the startpoint also

sorry for my bad english

i hope u know what i mean
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 5:15:01 PM
actiontyp wrote:
i have a suggestion

it will be cool if i can set my federated faction before the game starts (multiplayer and normal game)

and the startpoint also

If you mean, "how do I select which race to play", you do this by clicking on your portrait in the new game screen. This is covered in the FAQ linked in my sig below. I do not understand "startpoint" in this context.
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 6:24:00 PM
RinRaa wrote:
maybe highest terraform is ring world in place of all planet in system... sorry for my english... plane world with max living space in inner side... face to sun...

If I understood you correctly , we have had a suggestion for a terraforming protocol that creates balanced terraforming for any type of planet... This is on the summary list under Game Play > General > Terraforming Protocol
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 6:50:38 PM
actiontyp wrote:
davea no i dont mean this

please try to make it more clear what u are trying to suggest so we can understand
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 6:54:23 PM
RinRaa wrote:
maybe one type of defence block other attack with not better... laser hit some missile... deflector absorb some laser damage... armor absorb all damage. shield absorb all damage with recharge. and add any tech for highest accuracy... some shot fire in strange direction

If i am understanding you correctly you suggesting inpenetrable shields /armour this will not happen smiley: frown...if not please clarify
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 7:18:50 PM
pthmix wrote:
Another small suggestion: When upgrading a ship there should be a button to remove all modules. It can get quite annoying to remove 5 modules of kinetics, 5 anti-missle flaks and 6 beam weapons by clicking. I would rather start anew, that is faster.

This would be especially handy after you've just researched 4 1 Turn military techs in a row and want to update your designs. smiley: smile

This has been added to the summary list under Interfaces > UI - Remove Ship Modules Button
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 7:38:47 PM
LiquiDEnigmA wrote:
You should put in a view system messages feature, and one that notifies you that you are in debt.

With the latest update of the game it does warn you!!
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 9:19:47 PM
I think planets should be ordered in the system screen, depending on distance from the Sun. Think of something like Spore, where cold planets (tundra/arcitc) would be farthest from the sun, hot planets (lava) would be closest, and other worlds (terran, ocean) would be somewhere inbetween, with everything else sort of randomized.

And of course, terraforming a planet would not change its location in the screen.
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 9:39:30 PM
Also, this was probably suggested before, but it would be nice to be able to color our ship designs as well (i.e. make the United Empire's ships look red instead of tan).
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 3:02:50 PM
How about having weapons on ships to generate "heat", which could cause a ship to overheat if it just goes gun heavy. This could have negative effects from disabling the weapons for peroid of time, destroying a weapon until it is repaired, blowing out the ships movement until repaired, or in extreme cases; blowing the ship up.

This could then be countered by tech that decreases the heat generated by weapons, utility upgrades, such as heat sinks, which enable the ship to withstand more heat before overheating, and armor types which absorb heat, allowing the ship to cool off quicker.

You could also have action cards during battle, that enable a ship to "vent" some heat, which rapidly decreases the heat built up, but decreases the damage output for that turn. (For ships that still want to go all guns.)

Might be hard to implement, but should help to make for a more balanced (and realistic) ship design.
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 6:13:36 PM
I'd like to post my suggestions regarding ships, ship design, fleets and battles types.

Disclaimer: I acknowledge that this is only Alpha version, but I'm just voicing my thoughts what could make this game better.


Frigates - In naval classification, Frigates are larger then Corvette, and smaller then Destroyer. Frigates could have a mixture of corvette and destroyers bonuses, but you'd need to increase destroyer tonnage bonus to remedy it's usefulness.

For example, Frigate could have the following bonuses to the tonnage:

-20% weapon tonnage reduction;

-25% defense tonnage reduction;

-20% support tonnage reduction.

And then buff destroyer bonus and corvette bonus reduction, so they can be viable .

Strike craft carriers - I think it has been suggested before, so I won't go into any details.

Ship design.

Now, I know this isn't Sword of the Stars, but I'd like to see actual visual upgrades on my designed ships. For example, if you put missiles on your ships, the ship designer will show you missile weapons/shafts. Same goes for every module.


About fleets, I'd suggest the ability to make battle bigger in scale. Or the current fleet size may stay, but when there are multiple fleets in one system, player should get a choice if he wants to commit all fleets in one battle, or use separate ones.

Battle types.

Currently we have battles which consist of fleet arriving and defending fleet intercepting attackers movement vector towards the planet. What would be really cool, if the arriving fight was a draw, next battle could be both fleets moving towards each other.
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