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Summary of suggestions so far - Discussion

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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 6:19:17 PM
Francech wrote:
some few things i want to add:

Please read the post. It has some points i think are valid and new, other are reposts. Also sorry if there are some points that have been already written.


I will look at this again once you have removed sugegstions that have already been submitted.

+ Second last technology, that one that lets you build a building that converts food to industry points. It's broken because it will convert food even if there are empty space for population. It should convert food only if the population cap is reached.

This is a balancing issue the Dev Team are looking at

+ It would be nice to have some building options to not show if there is no sense in building it like the building that gives you + population on tiny or small when there are no planets that can use it. Or moon improvements when there are no moons.

Their will be techs available to be able to terraform on any type of planet

+ When designing new ships sometimes it would come handy to set a maximum industry point cost per ship. So that you can autoupgrade but keeping the cost reduced. Especially if you are massproducing smaller units in times of need and you want to focus on a weapon specific all offensive ship. But the point of mass producing is to mass produce and not to build costly ships.

Costs will naturally rise as certain rescources will be needed if you looking to build bigger better ships. Costs would reduce if your system population is maxed out at the same time all you system constructions upgrades have been done

+ When designing ships there should be a defensive bonus for space not used. Assuming it goes for engine that would permit the ship to go faster.

This needs to be debated with the community I suggest you do a poll with this suggestion

+ I found that the calculator for money is sometimes wrong. When you got a balance of say 10 gold and you go next turn bankrupt and you change a production to industry -> gold, sometimes it does not get the new balance where you are actually in break even.

This is a balancing issue and referred to Dev Team

+ When you have a fleet defending set on intercept there should no blockade be possible. Or there should be a amount of CP double of the guarding fleet. As what's even the point in having a fleet that guard a system.

I belive this has been introduced in the latest update

+ When you finish your turn and the enemy is moving and he enters one system guarded by you, there should be a option to attack it outside of your turn.

No I a disagree like most turn based games you will be able to defend on your qued turn
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 7:05:51 PM
Ruckuy wrote:
I have suggested:

- Disappearing mouse cursor in battle and more battle music


Disappearing Mouse Cursor has been added to the summary List under Interfaces > Hide Mouse Cursor

- A negotiation card for the battle mode


This has been suggested and part of Diplomacy
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12 years ago
May 22, 2012, 7:23:20 PM
templar4522 wrote:
I wrote some suggestions here, before alpha 2 came out: /#/endless-space/forum/29-archives/thread/13326-my-feedback-and-suggestions

Since probably it's too long to read and there's some stuff already proposed, here's a short version:

+ add dust income to the top left bar, also more useful data visible without hovering around or opening windows would be helpful.

+ add a way to check ship stats during combat

+ add a way to cycle through units, civ-style (check the topic for more details)

+ add a clock, most of your player suffer from the "just one more turn syndrome", we need to know what time is it in full screen mode

+ add to autosave names the turn number, maybe even the faction played

also something else popped up to my mind while playing:

I've seen a lot of players suggesting to always research soil xenobiology as their first tech, because of the food bonus, and honestly I agree with them. I suggest you to verify how popular is this behaviour and maybe think about removing the tech or changing something.. if having alien grafting asap is so relevant maybe it's better to boost a bit the starting food production in evolving soil and move the tech somewhere else in the tech tree so that it's not a big priority. It would feel more like you have more choice on what you research.

All of the above suggestion you have already been submitted and added
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 12:45:32 PM
Hey I've just joined up and have a whole host of ideas to share. I've put them in the following threads, broken down into groups for simplicity. I couldn't see that they have been suggested already so hope I'm not repeating stuff! Enjoy!

(Apologies i think i put them in the general discussion forum by mistake)




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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 4:04:08 PM
Ok, I've played the game a bit of time and I have some suggestions, hope they are not as stupid as I think they are:

-The creation of star system improvements should give at least an aesthetic impression (you know, I've created a star base, i should at least see it...)

-An improvement of autoimproving in the creation of designs (stacks just 2 things >.<)

-Fleets should have a unique unit image (all units look the same in the galactic view)

-This may sound lazy and the stupidiest thing ever but: giving information of what effects would have an improvement in that system, not just the data.

-Simplify some data (I don't remember exactly what improvement it was, but it gave +6 dust and -3 dust for maintenance... >.<)
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 4:30:51 PM
I would like the Adaptive Industrial Systems Toggle suggestion to be added to the list. I think that it applies as an UI issue, since it is about switching the AIS improvement on and off as needed. Alternatively, it switches off automatically when the population cap isn't reached, as suggested in thread B.

AIS Toggle thread A

AIS Toggle thread B
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 6:12:19 PM
taylos wrote:
I would like to submit the suggestion for a variety of battle sequences. The same one will become stale and boring quickly. (I still enjoy it and watch it every time so I can select the command options)


I am not very creative, so I think it would be interesting if people submitted their ideas for different battle sequences. Hopefully the dev team will integrate some of them into a later build!

Since the Dev have this in hand and will not be released till on or after the Beta release i not able to add.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 6:13:03 PM
eonden wrote:
-Simplify some data (I don't remember exactly what improvement it was, but it gave +6 dust and -3 dust for maintenance... >.<)

You are talking about Planetary Institute, +6 FIDS and -3 D.

I see increasingly more reposts here, don't forget that this is a list and someone has to zip through all of these posts and look wether an idea is reposted or not. Try and use at least a few minutes to see if your sugestion is around already.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 6:38:45 PM
touny wrote:
The suggestion is about the blockade/invasion mechanics currently in effect, and in a very condensed way on how they could be changed:

(I am planning on expanding the idea somewhat and increasing some depth in it soon, but the core is solid)

Perhaps there could be a limit on how much military strength a fleet must have before a blockade can take effect (perhaps superior to that of the planet's?).

And that there has to be an actual active invasion in effect before a blockade takes place.

This would also help on the whole issue with the mass of reclamations when a neutral/hostile ship flies past your star systems.


Their are alot of suggstions to counter this that are listed under Techs / Mods under the summary list for example starbases, weapon arrays, ground forces, fighter & bomber squadrons and etc
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 9:13:10 AM
I made two suggestions. One about game global event. I know one were posted about Endless events but mine doesn't concern the Endless.


And one about system anomalies (good or bad) and this time I found nothing on the main idea thread.

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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 12:17:36 PM
Gaurav251 wrote:
Continuous beam weapons in the research tree?

You know like the ones in freespace 2 where theyd have a beam charge up and keep firing a huge laser constantly at the target for a couple of seconds before cooling down, I always loved that.


I've already made a poll for laser beams, once it's 7 days old it's going to be added to the list.

By the way, the video is good, I'll probably put it into the poll as an example.

Photon_Ventdesdunes wrote:
I made two suggestions. One about game global event. I know one were posted about Endless events but mine doesn't concern the Endless.


And one about system anomalies (good or bad) and this time I found nothing on the main idea thread.


As for the global events, I think they already exist, posted in your thread as well.

As for system wide anomalies, I think there is no suggestion for that yet.
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 5:22:45 PM
Solon wrote:
Attacker and Defender pick a card at auto/manual screen to determine how a battle with look and who can get a decisive first start. For example, hide behind moon, close jump to planet, full frontal assault, this way it not every battle looks the same, the way it is now and it sticks with the current card system.


Added to summary list under GamePlay > General > Battle Determination
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 5:36:56 PM
AtoningUnifex wrote:
Hey I've just joined up and have a whole host of ideas to share. I've put them in the following threads, broken down into groups for simplicity. I couldn't see that they have been suggested already so hope I'm not repeating stuff! Enjoy!

(Apologies i think i put them in the general discussion forum by mistake)





You have alot of ideas however alot of them have been suggested. I suggest that you go through the summary list and remove the similar idea and posyt a new thread. In the meantime the Dev team will consider any additions to the similar ideas mentioned.
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