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Summary of suggestions so far - Discussion

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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 5:38:18 PM
eonden wrote:
Ok, I've played the game a bit of time and I have some suggestions, hope they are not as stupid as I think they are:

-The creation of star system improvements should give at least an aesthetic impression (you know, I've created a star base, i should at least see it...)

-An improvement of autoimproving in the creation of designs (stacks just 2 things >.<)

-Fleets should have a unique unit image (all units look the same in the galactic view)

-This may sound lazy and the stupidiest thing ever but: giving information of what effects would have an improvement in that system, not just the data.

-Simplify some data (I don't remember exactly what improvement it was, but it gave +6 dust and -3 dust for maintenance... >.<)

All of these have been suggested before and listed on summary list.
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 5:42:14 PM
Fenrakk101 wrote:
I think planets should be ordered in the system screen, depending on distance from the Sun. Think of something like Spore, where cold planets (tundra/arcitc) would be farthest from the sun, hot planets (lava) would be closest, and other worlds (terran, ocean) would be somewhere inbetween, with everything else sort of randomized.

And of course, terraforming a planet would not change its location in the screen.

This is arguable as looking at our solar system it does not behave as you suggest.
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 5:45:38 PM
ViscousVitriol wrote:
How about having weapons on ships to generate "heat", which could cause a ship to overheat if it just goes gun heavy. This could have negative effects from disabling the weapons for peroid of time, destroying a weapon until it is repaired, blowing out the ships movement until repaired, or in extreme cases; blowing the ship up.

This could then be countered by tech that decreases the heat generated by weapons, utility upgrades, such as heat sinks, which enable the ship to withstand more heat before overheating, and armor types which absorb heat, allowing the ship to cool off quicker.

You could also have action cards during battle, that enable a ship to "vent" some heat, which rapidly decreases the heat built up, but decreases the damage output for that turn. (For ships that still want to go all guns.)

Might be hard to implement, but should help to make for a more balanced (and realistic) ship design.

Nice idea but this is arguable for this game as its not Eve Online and really does not need it. However I will refer to Devs on this before adding it to summary list
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12 years ago
May 24, 2012, 10:18:22 PM
StK wrote:
Expanding is to fast and too easy >My reasoning is here<

Possible solutions can be found >here<

That's early in the game, later in the game it becomes too hard in turn, I agree it has to be tweaked somewhat. Also don't see that suggestion on the list yet.
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 2:38:11 PM
I've put my suggestions here

And I recently ran into the already mentioned 10-ship design cap, we need moar !! smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 5:50:29 PM
MrDemonic wrote:
Wouldn't mind some opinions of these suggestions. Thanks.

Dead Space Outposts


Since Outposts have been suggested its now in the hands of Dev Team how they interpret and introduce it as further development in game.

Categorized Saves


I have replied to this on your thread for the Devs to look at as an addition to current suggestion
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 5:57:42 PM
Virus wrote:
My new suggestion. An extended multiplayer (text)chat.


Since the Dev team are working on the multiplayer function of the game their will be some sort of text chat facility. I will hold your suggestion if your suggestion is already incompassed in their multiplayer release. If not will be added. In meantime I request that you do a poll on your suggestion.
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 2:10:48 AM
I've looked and don't see this concept discussed: Unique planets. The idea is that there would be a few (say 3-6) completely unique planets scattered around the universe - perhaps proportional in number with the size of the universe being played. The unique planets would have unusual bonuses that would make them most desirable. Once discovered, there should be a real race to colonize these planets, but in order to add challenge, the most exceptional of these unique planets might have additional colonization requirements: e.g. perhaps need 2 or more colonial ships, or some particular tech mastery to make their colonization possible. Or perhaps have an existing independent race upon them that must be conquered militarily first, before they can be settled. This is not a new idea in 4X games but not really implemented in ES that I can see.

The idea is to "spice up" the galaxy with more interesting finds to discover. The game could even randomize the characteristics of these few unique planets so that in each game, they are always a little different, so the player does not feel like he or she is always discovering the same old stuff all the time.

I do realize that the game already provides a variety of planet type, sizes and bonuses (+ and -) but the idea here is to have a few discoverable planets (or asteroids for that matter) that are truly different and worth looking around for...possibly a game victory bonus might be given to the player who discovers the most of these "specials" and even more if that player colonizes them all.
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 2:27:31 AM
I've often pictured something like a "Ringworld" when I consider unique types of things to colonize, though I don't know if that would be feasible to implement well for the game.

In any case, I think this would be a nice addition, and simply having planets with some special graphical tweak and the type of special features you describe would be interesting. I do wonder if like the Sowers will interact in significantly different ways with planet anomalies, which could achieve some of this, though it would be improved if some like the "Metallic Surface(?)" one affected the visuals of the planet too. What you describe sounds like it could be implemented as unique, but rarer, one-per-galaxy, anomalies if this type of interaction were being considered...?
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 10:53:14 AM
Reminder to all: I will be looking at the suggestions on Monday 28 May 2012 at around 19.00GMT with a view to add them to the summary list for Dev Team to consider.

If you have submitted a suggestion and or idea please be patient for response from KNC, Dev team, Mods, and or me.
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12 years ago
May 26, 2012, 2:53:57 PM
Looked through the suggestions made so far and sent jetkar a few summaries, as far as I can tell I didn't see any reposts this time around.

He's going to add or address your suggestions when he's updating next time.
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12 years ago
May 27, 2012, 8:56:38 PM
1) Add a possibility to attack with multiple fleets at once.

2) Add a possibility to manually choose waypoints when navigating from a system to another, e.g. for avoiding entering hostile systems.

3) More "loading screens" (splash-screens) before battles. Also adding a possibility to make it yourself, e.g. from a screenshot with a ship design

4) Customisable exteriors of ships - prints, emblems, colour schemes.

5) Add techs, increasing fleet size (still not found one, if exists, sorry)

6) Change tech symbols, at the moment most of them are confusing and are difficult to understand. Add "Civilopedia"-like ingame knowledge base for better understanding of gameplay and technology advances uses.

7) Add techs, reducing fleet slots for certain types of ships (e.g. 3 slots in place of 4 for a dreadnought)

8) Add bombarding planets feature for complete annihilation of enemy systems.

9) Add boarding assaults for large ships - for a player to be able to conquer enemy's ship.

10) make drone\fighter-class ship (very small) and carrier-class ship with an ability to hold some fighters (10-50) onboard.

11) Make more than single galaxy. 133 systems are NOT enough for strategy-fans. Believe me. The larger - the better.

12) More music. It lacks diversity.

...Keep up the good work. At the moment you make my day. When should I send you my photo for hanging it in your office?)
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