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Summary of suggestions so far - Discussion

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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 12:58:10 PM
It would be good if we can make the faction we are playing with go bankrupt.

Until the alpha update I played a few games with the United Empire faction that was suffering from financial difficulty. It was all part of the "theme" of an empire sort of like the Imperium of Man from the WH40K universe were economics has taken a back burner to worship and near slave labor <-> zeal like efficiency.


1. White Dwarf stars and supernova stars should not have planets.

2. Galaxy+ sized clouds in the background should not exist, instead other galaxies should be visible.

3. The galaxy even at huge+max density still feels small.
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 6:12:41 PM
demalion wrote:
Do you have to mention your own threads here?

My suggestions so far:

Added to Summary List under Game Play > Diplomacy > Diplomatic Embassies

Added to summary list under Interfaces > UI - Improved fleet composition bars
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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 6:21:47 PM
demalion wrote:
I've often pictured something like a "Ringworld" when I consider unique types of things to colonize, though I don't know if that would be feasible to implement well for the game.

Similar suggestion has been raised covering this.

In any case, I think this would be a nice addition, and simply having planets with some special graphical tweak and the type of special features you describe would be interesting. I do wonder if like the Sowers will interact in significantly different ways with planet anomalies, which could achieve some of this, though it would be improved if some like the "Metallic Surface(?)" one affected the visuals of the planet too. What you describe sounds like it could be implemented as unique, but rarer, one-per-galaxy, anomalies if this type of interaction were being considered...?

This has been added to the summary list under Gameplay > General > Unique Planets/Anomalies - Add unique planets/anomalies to the galaxy

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12 years ago
May 28, 2012, 6:27:18 PM
Evil4Zerggin wrote:
Some UI suggestions: Moving population, turn numbers, ship list in battles:


Currently their is alot of balancing issues still going on with the game and this may well be one.For now this will not be added.

Also some diplomatic game options: fixed alliance, always war/peace:


Alot of similar diplomacy suggestion have been made in addition to what Dev team are working on again this will not be added
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 2:05:45 PM
Hello to all you hard-working folks at Amplitude.

I downloaded the alpha this past weekend and I'm seriously impressed with the game. Absolutely loving it. The alpha feels more complete and polished than many recent full 4x games. That said as the game is still alpha, I wondered if you are still taking suggestions, and so I thought I add my two cents.

Its great that you can rename stars etc (so many 4x games omit this simple feature), but it would also be nice to be able to rename individual planets. The star and ship names fields could stand to hold twice as many characters, I was abbreviating a great deal just to fit the names in (Dragon FLT, as opposed to Dragon Fleet, or a Centauri instead of Alpha Centauri etc).

Nothing major, but I thought I'd suggest something relatively simple, Amplitude seem to setting up a healthy pipeline of updates and mods post release, so keep up the good work!
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 2:26:49 PM
Oh also:

1) Having Tundra and Arctic planets being closer to the system's primary than Jungle and Arid worlds seems a bit unrealistic (I suppose they can still happen very occasionally, if have a oceans have a moon+dense atmosphere to keep them liquid, but should still be very rare)

2)A "set all" icon for AI governors, i.e. you get attacked you need to go into a general war footing, so setting all system AI's to say military emphasis, rather than having to change one at a time.

3)A graphics option to "hide" the strings/wormholes linking systems, just for the minimalists amongst us.

4) Starbases/Battlestations and Star Fortresses, either the physical orbital bases (probably as a "network" of stations due to the system emphasis, visible on planet view i.e. IG2), or as an combat advantage modifier. Perhaps if the largest ship classes require a degree of orbital infrastructure be built in a system first.

thank you kindly.
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 3:50:58 PM
2 of my polls are now older than 7 days and are ready to be linked in the list.

[Suggestions/Feedback] Population size / Planet size


Very Popular: 35+|4~|3-

[Poll] Laser Aesthetics


Insanely Popular: 188+|5~|8-

X+ are the ones who generally vote for the idea, X~ the ones who don't care, and X- the people who voted against the idea.

By the way jetkar, how do you plan to add the polls to the list? Maybe use a color for a poll link if it's over 7 days, and maybe even a small indicator how popular the idea is?
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 6:30:31 PM
KNC wrote:
2 of my polls are now older than 7 days and are ready to be linked in the list.

[Suggestions/Feedback] Population size / Planet size


Very Popular: 35+|4~|3-

[Poll] Laser Aesthetics


Insanely Popular: 188+|5~|8-

X+ are the ones who generally vote for the idea, X~ the ones who don't care, and X- the people who voted against the idea.

By the way jetkar, how do you plan to add the polls to the list? Maybe use a color for a poll link if it's over 7 days, and maybe even a small indicator how popular the idea is?

Both suggestions with polls have been added on summery list under General > Gameplay > Population/planet size and Lazer Aesthetics
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 6:39:53 PM
JollyBodger wrote:
Oh also:

1) Having Tundra and Arctic planets being closer to the system's primary than Jungle and Arid worlds seems a bit unrealistic (I suppose they can still happen very occasionally, if have a oceans have a moon+dense atmosphere to keep them liquid, but should still be very rare)

2)A "set all" icon for AI governors, i.e. you get attacked you need to go into a general war footing, so setting all system AI's to say military emphasis, rather than having to change one at a time.

3)A graphics option to "hide" the strings/wormholes linking systems, just for the minimalists amongst us.

4) Starbases/Battlestations and Star Fortresses, either the physical orbital bases (probably as a "network" of stations due to the system emphasis, visible on planet view i.e. IG2), or as an combat advantage modifier. Perhaps if the largest ship classes require a degree of orbital infrastructure be built in a system first.

thank you kindly.

JollyBodger wrote:
Hello to all you hard-working folks at Amplitude.

I downloaded the alpha this past weekend and I'm seriously impressed with the game. Absolutely loving it. The alpha feels more complete and polished than many recent full 4x games. That said as the game is still alpha, I wondered if you are still taking suggestions, and so I thought I add my two cents.

Its great that you can rename stars etc (so many 4x games omit this simple feature), but it would also be nice to be able to rename individual planets. The star and ship names fields could stand to hold twice as many characters, I was abbreviating a great deal just to fit the names in (Dragon FLT, as opposed to Dragon Fleet, or a Centauri instead of Alpha Centauri etc).

Nothing major, but I thought I'd suggest something relatively simple, Amplitude seem to setting up a healthy pipeline of updates and mods post release, so keep up the good work!

Thank you for your suggestion but most of your suggestion have already been mentioned and listed in summary list (Linked on signature panel)
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12 years ago
May 29, 2012, 6:49:39 PM
linwe wrote:
1) Add a possibility to attack with multiple fleets at once.

2) Add a possibility to manually choose waypoints when navigating from a system to another, e.g. for avoiding entering hostile systems.

3) More "loading screens" (splash-screens) before battles. Also adding a possibility to make it yourself, e.g. from a screenshot with a ship design

4) Customisable exteriors of ships - prints, emblems, colour schemes.

5) Add techs, increasing fleet size (still not found one, if exists, sorry)

6) Change tech symbols, at the moment most of them are confusing and are difficult to understand. Add "Civilopedia"-like ingame knowledge base for better understanding of gameplay and technology advances uses.

7) Add techs, reducing fleet slots for certain types of ships (e.g. 3 slots in place of 4 for a dreadnought)

8) Add bombarding planets feature for complete annihilation of enemy systems.

9) Add boarding assaults for large ships - for a player to be able to conquer enemy's ship.

10) make drone\fighter-class ship (very small) and carrier-class ship with an ability to hold some fighters (10-50) onboard.

11) Make more than single galaxy. 133 systems are NOT enough for strategy-fans. Believe me. The larger - the better.

12) More music. It lacks diversity.

...Keep up the good work. At the moment you make my day. When should I send you my photo for hanging it in your office?)

Alot of your suggestions has already been suggested and are listed on summary list. Since this is alpha version please be aware certain aspects of the game have been done but not implemented into this version of the game until a number of balancing issues are completed. Some of these will added prior to Beta testing commences the rest towards final release of the game
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12 years ago
May 31, 2012, 9:36:52 PM
I would like to add my list of racial traits to the suggestions list, and is rather sizable. Here is a couple of them to serve as an example of what they consist of.

Proposed racial traits

Heroic Academics

Determines how many classes your empire can pick for each hero that is in the academy, and determines skill points. One of the five options may be chosen.

Elite Education [20]

Your race can choose every class your heroes acquire before hiring them. Furthermore, your Heroes receive 3 skill points per level. When combined with the Heroic Heroes trait, the government may select all three classes.

Advanced Education [10]

Heroes may pick one of their classes, and the empire dictates the other class. At each levelup, your heroes receive 2 skill points. When combined with Disappointing Heroes, each hero that appears in your academy either already has a class chosen, or the government may assign an class if one wasn't already given.

Mandatory Schooling [0]

The government may not influence the classes that a hero chooses in the academy, and each hero receives one skill point per level. (Default)

Self-Taught [5]

While the government may not choose the electives of their heroes, they can give an small amount of assistance in those heroes making the most of themselves. Grants heroes 2 skill points per level.

Naturally Talented [10]

Despite having little assistance in their education, the heroes of this empire have an natural talent for mastering their abilities. As an result, they receive 3 skill points per level.

Generalized Research

Represents your race's ability to research in multiple fields at once. There is no penalty for doing so. Having any improvements above the default level will give you two or more research ques, so that way when you assemble lists of research topics, they won't interfere with each other. Red queue is for Military, Blue for Science, Green for Colonizing, and Yellow for Economic.

(+++) Brahma's Vision [40]

Perfectly good when it comes to making long-running decisions, your race can research one technology from each tree at the same time.

(++) Kerbero's Vision [20]

Three is an good number. Especially when it comes to how many fields you can research at once.

(+) Doublevision [10]

Two heads are better than one, and your research department has two headquarters. You can research two different fields at once with full research bonuses.

(=) Tunnel Vision [0]

One way, one viewpoint. Your race can only research a single topic at a time.(default)

(=) Fly's Vision[0]

Your race is hardly capable of keeping focus on the long term. As an result, you can't actually plan what research to undertake, it just happens. However, there is an chance for more than one tree to be researched at once, provided you got a good roll. Usually paired with Lucky races.

(-) Blind Research [-10]

What little attention span your race possesses, it doesn't apply to the scientific arts. Technology is randomly selected and queued for research, with no player input.

Assimilation [15]

Your weapons do not explicitly destroy enemy opposition. Instead, they are designed to neutralize them and then enable the takeover of their forces. As such, defeated enemy ships and units are instead added to your forces during battle, and retained after the battle if they are not destroyed by the enemy. Assimilated ships would have an "marker" to set them apart from regular vessels. Ideal for "zombie" races, or empires that excel at turning the enemie's strength against itself.

(Tradeoff) Flawed Assimilation: Assimilated ships are not guranteed to last beyond the current battle. Influenced by luck. Returns +5 points.

(Tradeoff) Failing Health: Over time, assimilated ships would steadily lose their health and and eventually be destroyed. Returns +5 points.

(Tradeoff) Slow Assimilation: Enemy vessels that are assimilated during combat can't assist you during that fight. Returns +5 points.

(Tradeoff) Multiplying Horde: An beneficial tradeoff that costs points, your assimilated ships will automatically reproduce copies over time. These copies are considered to be Assimilated. Costs 5 points.

(Tradeoff) True Assimilation: Normally, assimilated ships lose all of their experience levels and XP, and can't gain levels. However, this form of assimilation has overcome the issue, allowing assimilated units to operate as normal in this respect. Also allows the possibility of assimilating foreign heroes into your academy, if they die in combat against your forces. Costs 5 points.

(+) Psionic

Able to utilize the power of their mind to communicate with each other, members of your race can influence those around them with their feelings, for better or worse.

(+) Happy systems will immerse systems within their sphere of influence with positive feelings. This is good for your worlds, and enemy worlds would also feel content. As an result, relations with foreign empires may improve, as their people think well of your people.

(-) Unhappy systems would make surrounding worlds feel discontent, due to impressing their feelings of anger and angish upon others. Enemy systems would be more inclined to rebel, and foreign empires would become hostile in response.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 5:39:16 PM
jetkar wrote:
The Summary list will be updated on Monday 4 June 2012 at 19.00 GMT.

If a lot of suggestions come up until then I will help sort them out again.

Also I have 2 more polls ready for adding, just leaving them here already so I can close the tabs.

[Suggestion] Planet Surface Cities


Very Popular: 39+|1-

[Poll] Gas Giant Improvements


Varying popularity due to different suggestions. But the ideas are generally well received.

Edit: jetkar, if you read this, just wanted to tell you there is a post later with some suggestions which have already been made, I quoted the ones which have been made in the post I made after that so you don't have to go through them.
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12 years ago
Jun 1, 2012, 8:32:28 PM
(Note: I recognize that all the things mentioned below are relatively complex and more than a simple "Make the ESC button open the menu!". As such, I'm realistic enough that even if there's enough interest in them, I see them more as something for updates, dlc or expansions post-release than anything hastily put together and crammed in before Gold.)

Derelict Ships

Link: [here]

Poll Started: 12/05/31

Think data pods from Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri or barbarian villages in Civilization.

In its simplest form, abandonned/lost ships spawned in uncolonized systems at game creation.

The player could board them, which would result in a positive or negative outcome (like global events, but only affecting the faction who does the boarding).

Taking it a step further, the boarding process could be a mini-adventure in itself: instead of simply receiving a pop-up that says "you find some Dust" or "the derelict blows up, damaging your ships in the system", it could be approached from a "Choose your own adventure"-type of perspective.

Upon boarding, a screen would pop up with a bit of text, as well as a choice to make. There could be a few steps like this, and multiple possible outcomes.

This would not only help bring the Endless Space universe to life, but also offer an excellent way to provide the player with lore.

TwistedNinja had an excellent idea in the original thread: in some cases, the Derelicts could even be "captured" and brought back home, possibly being aging Endless hulks that were lost or abandonned for whatever reason. These would function as small (1 population) "portable planets" (or space stations, if you will), offering a certain bonus to the system in which they are "parked" (possibly a +10 to one of the FIDS, like gas giants, for example).

Trust (diplomacy)

Link: [here]

Poll Started: 12/05/30

A second diplomatic metric, in addition to the presently-existing "relationship" meter. Actually, a subset of the existing system.

My proposal is to basically break down the existing system into two sub-categories: "like/dislike" (basically what "Relationship" is now) and "trust/distrust".

These would be two axes of the same thing (the opinion the AI has of you).

My rationale for introducing a second metric is that I feel diplomacy would benefit from the added depth and breadth an extra "dimension" would bring.

The two metrics would be related, but could grow and fall independently; certain actions (or inactions) from the player might have a positive impact on one meter while having a negative one on the other.

Perhaps this system is already in place, to a degree (or is, at least, already planned). In which case, this suggestion simply becomes a request to give us the information as separate meters instead of lumping it all under one thing. The primary goal of this is to give the player a clearer understanding of the repercussions and consequences of their actions, so as to enable them to make better-informed decisions.

"New Game+"

Link: [here]

Basically, small persistant and stackable bonuses between games to foster personalization, attachment and involvement.

After researching a special high-end tech, if you win that game, you "send out a super-colony ship to a new galaxy".

In game terms, when you win a map, you get to choose (or are assigned) a small bonus which will apply to the next game you create. This bonus could be dependent on the victory type of your last game (a military victory might give you a starting fighter ship, a scientific victory might let you choose an extra starting tech, an economic victory might make you start with a bit of extra Dust, etc.).

You may have to pick the same race as last time (for the sake of consistency), or not (I'm sure an excuse/rationalization could be found to let players pick a different race).

Basically, instead of just playing a bunch of random and disconnected games, this links your games. As if with each new game/map you start (when you built this special tech in your last game, and won), you are actually emmissaries of your last great empire, on a journey to colonize and master a new galaxy.

These bonuses could stack over time, and might entice players to try new things they otherwise might not ("Well, I have that bonus... maybe I'll try a higher difficulty and see how that goes!").


Link: [here]

A heartfelt plea for a general direction/approach of development more than the suggestion for a specific feature, really.

In a nutshell, the request that diplomacy be fleshed out as a primary aspect of the core game, in the hope that it can become something never before seen in the genre.

Diplomacy is an integral part of any 4x game, but is simply a tacked-on afterthought and barely functional at best, in most cases.

I see here an opportunity for Amplitude to make their mark with Endless Space by offering a complex and organic diplomacy system.

Let AI factions be more than automated ship-spawners. Breathe life into them. Make us care about our friends and enemies. Give us tools to interact with our allies and and sabotage our foes beyond "give Dust" and "declare war". Let the relationships which we build with our neighbors be meaningful ones that shape the future of our intergalactic empire beyond a few trade routes.
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12 years ago
Jun 2, 2012, 4:02:59 PM
I would like my Minefields system defense suggestion to be added to the list.



Small and disposable devices, these are scattered around wherever the owner wants to prevent enemies from moving freely, be it through causing damage or reducing their ability to fight. Inexpensive to produce and maintain, minefields are part of the ideal defense.

Requires an system improvement to be built before these will be generated.

The number of mines that can be created by a solar system is dependent on the number of planets, with one mine being placed per turn. Minefield technologies would increase this rate by one mine each, and with all eight technologies, each owned planet can generate 8 mines per turn.

Outside of combat, an number of mines equal to the command-point size of the enemy fleet would be destroyed each turn, causing damage in the process. During combat, a dice roll is made to determine how many mines the enemy may set off, and lucky races tend to get a bonus.

The maximum number of mines that can be supported by a system is dictated by the population capacity of that system. For example, six planets that can hold three colonists apiece could hold up to 18 mines.

Mines are destroyed when enemies pass through territory that is generating minefields.

Colonies will field mines anywhere within their sphere of influence. Outposts can only field mines within their own solar system, and the warp corridors connected to it.

Requires research to create mines and to add features to them. Each research type adds an new quality to minefields.

Enemies that fight you within your minefield would have mines damaging them during battle. Mines will be destroyed as they cause damage, and may run out.

Ships can be equipped with an component that allows them to put down mines within the system and connecting starlanes. For each minefield damage technology that is researched, one mine would be placed per turn. That means up to three mines can be placed once the proper research is done. This is different from how planets behave when it comes to mine placement, since planets have more resources to support minefields. Ships can only generate minefields while within an system. This is an passive ability if the ship has the minelaying component.

Minelaying vessels can stack their minefield generation abilities together, up to the maximum that their current solar system could support.

Each mine is randomly assigned one damage type, provided you researched the type that adds that specific damage. When a mine attempts to cause damage, it does so only once and then expires.

Mines from different systems can overlap each other.

Cyclops : Damages enemies, based on latest kinetic weapon.

Firebird : Damages enemies, based on latest beam weapon.

Dragon : Damages enemies, based on latest missile weapon.

Tarantula : Slows down enemy forces

Basilisk : Shuts down some of the enemy ships in battle, reducing performance.

Piranha : Destroyed enemy ships are turned into Dust. Half of the buyout value of these ships is given to the minefield user.

Bloodhound : Latches tracking and observation devices onto the enemy hulls, and consequently allows the user to know the numbers, composition, and movement of the enemy ships. Wears off after three turns.
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