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Summary of suggestions so far - Discussion

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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 4:29:28 PM
Jesse3G wrote:
Thread: Joining the fray and retreating

Poll: 4 yes, 0 no


Thread: Suggestion - Lore / Campaign

Poll: 7 yes, 0 no


Thread: System Trade instead of Species Trade

Poll: 9 yes, 0 no


Although you have good suggestions however the Polls achieved for each that accompanied the suggestions is below 10 votes and therefore will not be added to the summary list, due to lack of interest by the community. Both the Dev team and I suggest that you need to get more of the community involved in your suggestions and increase any interest to fulfil this idea for all.
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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 6:28:09 PM
Thread: System view - resources / trade : small fixes


Thread: Empire wide bonus factors -view : option to expand


Thread: Resource trading : UI improvements


Note: additions (icons, monopoly hilighting, order) to the already listed suggestion about showing resource numbers in diplomacy trade screen
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 6:35:08 PM
Drendil wrote:
Thread: System view - resources / trade : small fixes


Thread: Empire wide bonus factors -view : option to expand


Thread: Resource trading : UI improvements


Note: additions (icons, monopoly hilighting, order) to the already listed suggestion about showing resource numbers in diplomacy trade screen

Interesting suggestions but feel you need the community involved by submitting a poll with your suggestion so that the Dev Team can consider your suggestions further.
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 6:36:16 PM
Jesse3G wrote:
By opening a Bundle Menu screen you could pack bundles for pre-defined system & ship building.

Then, you simply click a Bundles icon, similar to generically numbered Development Icons, then the queue automatically fills with the pre-planned Development icon choices.


Not sure about this Jesse but since you submitted a Poll lets see what the community says after 7 days.
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12 years ago
Jul 26, 2012, 5:54:43 PM
Any ideas or suggestion?? Next update Thursday 2 August 2012 on or after 19.00 GMT
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12 years ago
Jul 28, 2012, 12:45:58 PM
jetkar wrote:

Originally Posted by Jesse3G

Thread: Joining the fray and retreating

Poll: 4 yes, 0 no


Thread: Suggestion - Lore / Campaign

Poll: 7 yes, 0 no


Thread: System Trade instead of Species Trade

Poll: 9 yes, 0 no


Although you have good suggestions however the Polls achieved for each that accompanied the suggestions is below 10 votes and therefore will not be added to the summary list, due to lack of interest by the community. Both the Dev team and I suggest that you need to get more of the community involved in your suggestions and increase any interest to fulfil this idea for all.

Hi! I would like to draw your attention to System Trade instead of Species Trade Now it have more than 10 votes. IMHO, "System Trade instead of Species Trade" will set the whole new level of trading.
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 2:39:36 AM
jetkar wrote:
Any ideas or suggestion?? Next update Thursday 2 August 2012 on or after 19.00 GMT

Hello, just wanted to bring up this poll: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11277-implement-docking-of-fleets-for-repair-retrofit

The original discussion can be found here: /#/endless-space/forum/29-archives/thread/13936-allow-a-fleet-to-dock-at-a-system-for-repair-retrofit

The poll is less than 24 hours old, and sitting well above 10 votes (17 and 0 at last count), so please give it a look when you get the chance!
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12 years ago
Jul 31, 2012, 6:56:22 AM
Here is my long thread of stuff: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11266-discussion-comprehensive-problem-list-with-suggestions.

In summary, my suggestions are as follows (some have probably been asked for before).

1. Make each tech branch more independent, create more end-game functions (and improve the few that exist), and increase the research of basic techs but lower research costs for a branch for every tech owned from that branch.

2. Balance out the weapon/armor/module types and allow ships to target more than a single ship at a time, have players pick cards at the beginning of auto-battles and generally expand the range of card effects, give battlefields (the areas during manual battles) variety by adding environmental hazards and differing conditions, add a secondary card system which deals exclusively with ship movement and positioning, have ship distance be influenced by the ship movement cards and be calculated 9 times in a battle instead of only 3 times, label other factions' colony ships, only assign MP to modules which help with space battles, allow system hangers to be attacked and destroyed, limit the number of ships that can be housed in a hanger, allow scouts to see ships in hangers, don't allow besieged systems to continue building ships, have ships which exit or enter a hanger use up a movement point, allow ships to attack an unlimited amount of times per turn (assuming they have the movement points to do so), don't have systems enter the blockaded state until no friendly forces remain in that system, have ships auto-attack enemy ships which enter their system when they are in guard mode, separate ship size from hull design, balance the existing hull designs, add new hull types, have pirates steal dust or population points instead of taking over systems, cap pirate ship strength and numbers, and allow attacking fleets to select which enemy fleets in a stack to attack.

3. Allow fleets to go through or park at empty space at will (after the technology is researched), allow fleets to fight while traveling through warp gates, speed up movement through normal (non-warp) space, allow scout ships to see details in enemy systems, allow scouts to see what modules enemy fleets have equipped, create more planetary anomalies, and add more exotic systems (without planets, even).

4. Give more information to the player (specifics in my post), improve dust-generating structures without trade routes, change boundaries so that they are set by military and treaty instead of culture, get rid of simultaneous turns, allow ships to be retrofitted using production instead of dust, speed up ship health recovery out of combat, and nerf ship recovery in combat.

5. Allow factions to break any sort of deal, have the AI anticipate back-stabs, decrease the relationship penalty for being at war and increase the penalty for capturing systems and destroying ships, add more diplomacy options and treaty types, add an espionage system, and have the AI not always hate players for benign actions.

6. Increase the AI's capabilities so as to decrease the need for them to cheat, have the AI only cheat on high difficulty levels, and fix the AI to accept deals which help both itself and an ally.

7. Speed up the transition from settlement to colony in mid-game and end-game, create a card-battle system for invading planets, lessen the Sower's unhappiness from poor planets, balance the various custom faction traits, fix the unhappiness system, make Locust points more extreme, and allow friendly ships to go home through enemy territory after a cease-fire is declared.

8. Add race-specific victory conditions, create more races/factions, implement mini-factions which only inhabit a single planet or system, implement different government types, allow more radical faction specific improvements/techs, allow players in multiplayer matches to send each other notes (publicly and privately), include random events which players get to respond to through different choices, create a tournament mode which disables all faction specific abilities/improvements/techs, implement a religion system, a possible campaign mode which serves as a tutorial and delves into the lore, and allow players to keep playing after the game's official end.
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 6:27:25 AM
I would expand top line with how much dust player has to

total dust (+-dust income) total_construction_slots / total_empty _construction_slots

then i dont need any system idle notification
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12 years ago
Aug 1, 2012, 6:29:34 PM
SomeoneStrange wrote:
Hello, just wanted to bring up this poll: /#/endless-space/forum/28-game-design/thread/11277-implement-docking-of-fleets-for-repair-retrofit

The original discussion can be found here: /#/endless-space/forum/29-archives/thread/13936-allow-a-fleet-to-dock-at-a-system-for-repair-retrofit

The poll is less than 24 hours old, and sitting well above 10 votes (17 and 0 at last count), so please give it a look when you get the chance!

Nice suggestion however I have to allow minimum 7 days to monitor poll at the same time achieving a minimum of 10 votes before the suggestion is placed on summary list for the Creative Director & Dev Team to consider further
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