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Summary of suggestions so far - Discussion

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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 8:36:04 AM
vaendryl wrote:
I feel the build queue in starsystems could be improved.

1) please add a confirmation pop-up when you (accidentally) click on something currently under construction so you don't waste the work you already put in.

2) allow to reorder the list by clicking and dragging entries.

in my case, expecting the second to be already possible made me run into the first smiley: stickouttongue

This has already been suggested and is on the summary thread linked here
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 9:40:16 AM
thethrillamilla wrote:
agreed. I read the entire Updated summary of suggestions, to make sure my ideas are not yet on it. In THAT thread you say, "If you have an idea post it on your own thread link it to the discussion thread linked here (Please do not make long threads...keep it clear, short, sweet and to the point ) and I will look at it and possibly add it to the summary list below." the linked "here" bit sends us to this very thread. Where the first post in the thread says to post a concise message of our idea. The confusion is obvious, I hope? Two threads of yours saying post here in this thread! But then we post our ideas, and are told to NOT post here but rather somewhere... else? Please clean up the links and wording? I've probably forgotten 5 things now smiley: stickouttongue

Thanks for brining that to my attention doing to many things at once. I will sort it smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 10:00:53 AM
where did my post go? oh i am SO not good at forums... lol ...Anywho:

1. I think sensors should display ships by class instead of command points, 2 corvettes are not an equivalent force to a cruiser, but theres no way to know.

2. Knowing the enemy has 5 command points in a fleet is helpful, knowing that they COULD have 11; i.e. 5/11 seems like tipping their hand.

3. Similarly, perhaps after a battle, or maybe only with a victory in battle, some information on the technology an enemy has researched, and just used against me would be cool, like an after action report?

If I know they are using lasers or missiles, which I dont think I have anyway of knowing if it is an automatic fight? I would know I need to change my defenses. Instead of only knowing that the defenses I HAD didn't do so well, some reason why would be helpful.

4. I think I may have read it somewhere, so if I have, this is just a +1 to it, but it needs to be MUCH harder to change current research or build. all overlap of industry or science points are lost due to an errant or overzealous click. For example, I could have had 2 technologies done in a turn, but as I click dragged across the tech tree to shift click the next and add it to queue, i accidentally clicked a wrong tech, and lost my queue, as well as the stored up points in that last turn of tech number 1.

4a. same loss of excess if current build is removed.

4b. Similar loss of move points if a fleet, especially scouts, that have no where else to go until they reach that next planet. Some sort of CIV-esque 'hey, this unit still has move points, are you SUPER sure you're done? would be helpful smiley: smile Along with a corresponding sleep, or sentry, or defend order, so i can tell them to stay put, and the game will skip them as far as remaining move points.

5. A notification that a system CANT finish that colony ship because they are too busy starving to make babies to put on the ship, would be helpful. smiley: smile rather than sitting at 999 turns on the colony ship. Or perhaps my slow to grow but quick to build system can build the HULL of the colony ship, and then it can be flown two systems away and populated at a more baby friendly system?

6. Tabbing through fleets would be super. The fleet screen shows the system they are at/headed to, but thats not very helpful with randomly generated system names.

7. Tax rates by system would be helpful, even if its a technology to be researched. If 9 out of 10 systems are ecstatic to pay me, why should i force them to pay less, just so system sadface feels better about paying less taxes?
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 10:10:36 AM
a detailed post-game report would be a nice addition..

Enemy ships killed, highetst tech level, k/d ratio.. total dust value

I'd like to know exactly how much I lost by.
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 10:52:32 AM
Visual representation of planet exploits on the surface.

Visual representation of planet colonization eg cities and infrastructure.

Ship liveries to distinguish between fleets eg colour coded ships based on empire scheme. Sometimes it's disorientating in manual battle sequences with two identical races and hugely varying camera angles.

Visual indication of whether ship/planet has hero attached. Symbol on the empire screen perhaps, some indication without having to tunnel down a level of menu.
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 11:44:32 AM
greenmushroom23 wrote:
I would like to be able to cancel a tech if i click on it by accident; also wanna be able to cancel the reserch quene as well

Sorry you lost me as Reseach and Tech are the same. Please clarify??
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 1:28:56 PM
It's quite clear.

If he clicks on an individual technology in the tech tree by accident, he wants a mechanic to cancel the selection.

Also, he wants a way to cancel the entire research queue without having to select a different tech.
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 1:32:06 PM
I mean, it's still a weird suggestion. I was just clarifying his post.
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 1:32:45 PM
Sparks wrote:
I mean, it's still a weird suggestion. I was just clarifying his post.

Thank you smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 1:40:41 PM
greenmushroom23 wrote:
I would like to be able to cancel a tech if i click on it by accident; also wanna be able to cancel the reserch quene as well

This has been added
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 1:51:11 PM
A few ideas:

Pirates - I'm not sure what rules govern pirates but I found them to be very random and more of an issue as my fleet grew is this intended? I did notice them blockading and then taking over planets which I think is a good idea and encourages defence fleets at key planets. I lost my only source of Titanium-70 to a pirate fleet. I feel that rather than having seemingly random pirate attacks some pirate bases should spawn at the game start in random locations with a small fleet and this could then grow overtime as the empires expand. This would then add the possibility of having to take out a pirate base to colonise more planets or to prevent the attacks.

Fleets - At the start of the game when only a few fleets are available it's very easy to keep a close eye on their movement points and use them efficiently but as the game moves forward and the fleets grow it get's much harder. When I select a fleet destination I don't want to have to babysit. I want it to carry out its orders and only inform me of issues if something unexpected occurs. So as an example if I select a planet for colonisation that is a fair distance from my current worlds. I select the fleet click its destination then it sets off and moves each turn until it reaches the colonisation target. Once the target is reached or something unexpected happens I should get a message to inform me so I can take action. Some kind of message when a fleet arrives I feel is essential and I don't think it's currently implemented.

Planet Info - It would be great to have a list of explored systems that could be broken down by planet types so colonisation targets are easier to select I found as the game moved forward I was clicking all over the star map to find systems suitable for my colonisation needs.
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 1:57:33 PM
Suggestion to add different galaxy map display modes to give more info regarding things like production, military, happiness.

Thread located here.
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 2:03:40 PM
Apparelently there is some consern over the economic victory?

What is it currelently?
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 2:41:41 PM
PyroVortex wrote:
I seem to be seeing quite a few threads started that repeat ideas that have already made it into the summary thread... I don't suppose there's some thread renaming or such we could do to encourage new posters to read the summary thread before posting?

Good luck with that smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 2:43:58 PM
Hyfrydle wrote:
A few ideas:

Pirates - I'm not sure what rules govern pirates but I found them to be very random and more of an issue as my fleet grew is this intended? I did notice them blockading and then taking over planets which I think is a good idea and encourages defence fleets at key planets. I lost my only source of Titanium-70 to a pirate fleet. I feel that rather than having seemingly random pirate attacks some pirate bases should spawn at the game start in random locations with a small fleet and this could then grow overtime as the empires expand. This would then add the possibility of having to take out a pirate base to colonise more planets or to prevent the attacks.

This has been suggested and posted on summary list under General > Better Pirate Interaction

Fleets - At the start of the game when only a few fleets are available it's very easy to keep a close eye on their movement points and use them efficiently but as the game moves forward and the fleets grow it get's much harder. When I select a fleet destination I don't want to have to babysit. I want it to carry out its orders and only inform me of issues if something unexpected occurs. So as an example if I select a planet for colonisation that is a fair distance from my current worlds. I select the fleet click its destination then it sets off and moves each turn until it reaches the colonisation target. Once the target is reached or something unexpected happens I should get a message to inform me so I can take action. Some kind of message when a fleet arrives I feel is essential and I don't think it's currently implemented.

A number of suggestions are listed on summary list located under General > Alert Notifications, Post Battle Notification
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 4:22:43 PM
Suggestion: Make a better forum-tree structure layout. Example: http://hardforum.com/

I'm 60 hours into the game. I've been gaming for 3 decades, beta tested Necromium.com and "Mechwarrior Living Legends" and I've studied Computer Programming, so my suggestions are relatively short and sweet.

Empire Management:


When I click on production, to quickly add improvements, I'd like a "line highlight", similar to Excel spreadsheets, so that I can keep track of where I am:


This should be easy to implement, since you have already coded this in the game, for military management:


Suggestion: If an improvement has an infinite conversion rate ( ie. Industry -> Science ) adding a subsequent improvement to the queue will mean that the improvement never gets built ( oops ). Maybe the game should, either give a warning or automatically remove the infinite conversion from the queue?

Suggestion: You need to be able to juggle the queue, by moving improvements up or down ( similar to Master of Orion 2 ).

Suggestion: After researching a new improvement, I'd like an easy way to add the improvement to every queue in my empire.

Fleet Management:

Question-Suggestion: Is there a way to see the fleet cap, without building a ship? I'd like to mouse over the military icon, to see the fleet cap ( similar to the way that you can see the hero cap, by mousing over the academy icon ):


Customized races:

If and when you allow the player to customize our race traits, I'd like the option for my race traits to be randomly generated ( this increases the difficulty of the game and prevents min/maxing ).

Suggestion for Endless Space 2:

1) Beef up the diplomacy AI by implementing spying, tech stealing, assassinations and framing ( similar to "Master of Orion 2" ).

2) In Master of Orion 2, during diplomatic interactions, each race had it's own theme music ( ie. "hyper-mechanical" for a cybernetic race, versus "wind chimes" for a pacifistic race ). You could tell how pissed off the race was ( attitude ) by the change in music, to a more aggressive form.
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 5:18:59 PM
Sparks wrote:
Visual representation of planet exploits on the surface.

Visual representation of planet colonization eg cities and infrastructure.

Ship liveries to distinguish between fleets eg colour coded ships based on empire scheme. Sometimes it's disorientating in manual battle sequences with two identical races and hugely varying camera angles.

Visual indication of whether ship/planet has hero attached. Symbol on the empire screen perhaps, some indication without having to tunnel down a level of menu.

Added to summary list
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