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Summary of suggestions so far - Discussion

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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 5:29:28 PM
thethrillamilla wrote:
where did my post go? oh i am SO not good at forums... lol ...Anywho:

1. I think sensors should display ships by class instead of command points, 2 corvettes are not an equivalent force to a cruiser, but theres no way to know.

2. Knowing the enemy has 5 command points in a fleet is helpful, knowing that they COULD have 11; i.e. 5/11 seems like tipping their hand.

3. Similarly, perhaps after a battle, or maybe only with a victory in battle, some information on the technology an enemy has researched, and just used against me would be cool, like an after action report?

If I know they are using lasers or missiles, which I dont think I have anyway of knowing if it is an automatic fight? I would know I need to change my defenses. Instead of only knowing that the defenses I HAD didn't do so well, some reason why would be helpful.

This has been suggested as an improvement in Diplomacy > Espionage including Techs on Inteligence gathering.

4. I think I may have read it somewhere, so if I have, this is just a +1 to it, but it needs to be MUCH harder to change current research or build. all overlap of industry or science points are lost due to an errant or overzealous click. For example, I could have had 2 technologies done in a turn, but as I click dragged across the tech tree to shift click the next and add it to queue, i accidentally clicked a wrong tech, and lost my queue, as well as the stored up points in that last turn of tech number 1.

4a. same loss of excess if current build is removed.

This has been suggested to be able to rearrange the priority que and is listed on summary list under Interfaces >UI- Re-arrange build ques

4b. Similar loss of move points if a fleet, especially scouts, that have no where else to go until they reach that next planet. Some sort of CIV-esque 'hey, this unit still has move points, are you SUPER sure you're done? would be helpful smiley: smile Along with a corresponding sleep, or sentry, or defend order, so i can tell them to stay put, and the game will skip them as far as remaining move points.

Please clarify ??

5. A notification that a system CANT finish that colony ship because they are too busy starving to make babies to put on the ship, would be helpful. smiley: smile rather than sitting at 999 turns on the colony ship. Or perhaps my slow to grow but quick to build system can build the HULL of the colony ship, and then it can be flown two systems away and populated at a more baby friendly system?

This is basic 101 for resource management you need to establish rescources and then set up the infrastructure, then have the population and then move onto building Colony ships and etc.

6. Tabbing through fleets would be super. The fleet screen shows the system they are at/headed to, but thats not very helpful with randomly generated system names.

This has been suggested as an improvment to Fleet Notification and Fleet screen. This will be added to the list.

7. Tax rates by system would be helpful, even if its a technology to be researched. If 9 out of 10 systems are ecstatic to pay me, why should i force them to pay less, just so system sadface feels better about paying less taxes?

This will be added to summary list. However subject to Poll Vote (This is a trial/test in popularity with regard to future idea submissions) Linked here
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 6:46:16 PM
Zougkla wrote:
2 more threads, this time overhauling the food system and the Craver Affinity bonus:


Their has been a suggestion for trade / transport ships to transfer goods including food to other systems that need support. This is listed summary list under Tech/Mod.


This needs to be debated
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 6:56:54 PM
My suggestion, though not really an ingame-design one, is a digital artbook. I have a thread with poll about it HERE
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 6:59:01 PM
Ren_Shredder wrote:
My suggestion, though not really an ingame-design one, is a digital artbook. I have a thread with poll about it HERE

I know I did submit a poll vote smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 7:02:20 PM
jetkar wrote:
I know I did submit a poll vote smiley: smile

Great =) I just wanted to advertise the thread here. Maybe if it gets popular enough you'll add it to your suggestion list smiley: wink
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 7:33:20 PM
[Suggestion] Realistic solar systems/planets

a) lets say planets are from left to right in the order of distance from the star. it just doesnt seem very realistic to have the closest planet be arctic and the furthest a lava.

b) planet amount and types based on size and heat of star

c) multiple moons based on planet size

d) terraforming based on all the above (eg. you cant make a lava planet out of arctic on the outskirts of a red giant system.. an ocean maybe, but no lava)

note that im no astrophysicist, but this feels logical to me.
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12 years ago
May 10, 2012, 8:07:19 PM
I have been reading through the suggestions and I have a point to bring up.

Based on all the comments I am sensing that players want to remake the game into the level of complexity of MoO 3 or Europa Universalis. I agree that at the moment the game needs tweaking and additional content (after all it's still an alpha). But after I played the game for 15 hours or so I found it great that the complexity level lies somewhere between Galactic Civilizations 2 and MoO 2. I like the fact that a turn doesn't take 15 minutes in late game stages. While I appreciate that the players are trying to suggest more depth, I worry that this might compromise the integrity of the game. After all this is still 'only' an indie 4X title.

From my point of view all the game changers like complex spying/diplomacy/ground warfare are sound ideas, but might be out-of-scope of Endless Space 1. Saying that, I would like to see all the look-and-feel improvements suggested here be included in the final release.

Ok, now to the suggestion that no one mentioned (as far as I could find):


I would appreciate a marker that would indicate whether a planet's moon was surveyed or not. I found myself late in game checking planet screens just for this.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 2:14:47 AM
Please clarify ??

4b. If a scout is 2 movement points from the last star I have a path to, but has say, 12 total movement points, When I click end turn, it will move those two points to the planet and orbit, allowing no opportunity to send it along the next path to an adjacent star unless I see that I am close, and send it to the planet manually, and then move it to the next one. Otherwise, those 10 excess movement points are wasted.

A heads up that I will be wasting those extra 10 points after the end of turn moves have been executed (the 2 movement points), but prior to the completion of the turn would be appreciated. To prevent unnecessary notifications of fleets that I want to remain stationary, an opt out mode such as sentry or defend or sleep or whatever you would wish to call it, would be helpful as well.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 2:26:23 AM
This is basic 101 for resource management you need to establish rescources and then set up the infrastructure, then have the population and then move onto building Colony ships and etc.

I was looking more at an empire wide infrastructure, as opposed to each system needing to be a self sustaining empire in its own right. I would appreciate an industrial powerhouse system being able to churn the ships out quickly, without then also staffing them with my prized industrial minions. Instead, flying them to an agricultural system where the lost population would be recovered quickly in time for the next ship to arrive. It just seems that a system with 4 lava planets was made to build extremely well, and a system with 4 terran planets was made to populate extremely well. I guess I don't understand why both systems have to be able to do both things, i guess.
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 8:14:43 AM
Ren_Shredder wrote:
Great =) I just wanted to advertise the thread here. Maybe if it gets popular enough you'll add it to your suggestion list smiley: wink

Added to the summary list
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12 years ago
May 11, 2012, 8:56:31 AM
SolearisSK wrote:

I would appreciate a marker that would indicate whether a planet's moon was surveyed or not. I found myself late in game checking planet screens just for this.

This has been added to the summary list under Interfaces > UI - Survey Enahncement
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