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Make UI / font size scalable to improve readability

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12 years ago
Oct 2, 2012, 11:02:49 AM
We've actually replied a few times on this (at least, I remember replying to this suggestion that pops up quite often on the forums). The problem with bigger font is that the text (technologies, resources, [orGermanlocalisationforinstance!]) barely fits in the boxes.

Then, resizing the UI, which had already been done in the past, pixel perfect, is pretty tricky (if I remember correctly for the German localisation, as the texts were too long compared to the French or English localisation). Rescaling and so on actually requires a whole UI redesign, which is something we simply cannot do with our current system. And, even if we were to do so, the game does not detect the resolution you are playing on to adjust the font size.

We have been looking at solutions and are actually still looking; Other possibilities such as scaleform would be a solution, but then again, this would require a flash programmer, which we do not have.
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12 years ago
Oct 2, 2012, 11:39:37 AM
Steph'nie wrote:
We've actually replied a few times on this (at least, I remember replying to this suggestion that pops up quite often on the forums). The problem with bigger font is that the text (technologies, resources, [orGermanlocalisationforinstance!]) barely fits in the boxes.

Then, resizing the UI, which had already been done in the past, pixel perfect, is pretty tricky (if I remember correctly for the German localisation, as the texts were too long compared to the French or English localisation). Rescaling and so on actually requires a whole UI redesign, which is something we simply cannot do with our current system. And, even if we were to do so, the game does not detect the resolution you are playing on to adjust the font size.

We have been looking at solutions and are actually still looking; Other possibilities such as scaleform would be a solution, but then again, this would require a flash programmer, which we do not have.

So if I understand it correctly, it will not going to happen?
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12 years ago
Oct 2, 2012, 12:04:31 PM
PrEZeX wrote:
So if I understand it correctly, it will not going to happen?

Re-read my last sentence: we are still looking at solutions. But our improvement list has also tons of other issues/additions which need to be done.
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12 years ago
Oct 2, 2012, 9:33:11 PM
I think modern game UI should be either automatically scaling with resolution or (and better!) should be scaled by the user to fit his needs. I have full HD resolution and 3 m distance to the screen (TV). In one early patch, font size was way too small so I only could play the game because I already knew most of the texts smiley: smile I think it's okay right now but I know that I have less problems with reading small fonts than most other people. And to be honest: If I had the choice, I'd probable scale the interface a bit bigger for more comfort in reading.

[Edit:]I didn't read Stephanies post previous to this one, as I replied from page 1 of the thread smiley: redface

I see your point Steph and I agree with you, that it would be extremely ugly if scaling broke some or even most of the texts. It probably is the better decision to let it be instead of implementing a feature only at 50%. Maybe you could use a G2G vote to examine the importance of that feature throughout the community?[/Edit]
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 12:36:13 AM
Well, then I am not able to play this game, and will not be able to support it anymore. Will check this site for good news now and then though.
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 5:23:24 PM
That's quite a big bummer, Steph. Big blunder since large screens have been very common for half a decade. You should move it up your priority list.
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12 years ago
Oct 3, 2012, 8:52:46 PM
Something that should be available. Even if it makes the UI look cluttered/creates some overlaps it would make the game much more accessible.
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12 years ago
Oct 5, 2012, 5:43:52 PM
It was a good thing I waited for a response, now i know that I will not buy this game. Once again a company forgetting about us. smiley: smile Bye all!
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12 years ago
Nov 10, 2012, 4:08:51 AM
It's nice to see the results of this poll even if the respondents are a bit biased!

I hope someone is still looking into this. I'd very much like to play the game but sitting so close to the monitor is uncomfortable and cutting the screen resolution is a poor solution.

Maybe you can sneak it in to a sequel or expansion?

prassel wrote:
That's quite a big bummer, Steph. Big blunder since large screens have been very common for half a decade.

Apple is making a push for incredibly high resolution screens so they're more common than ever. Even so, this issue is more prevalent than you'd expect in modern games. It kills me that Stardock didn't bother to fix Elemental's microscopic UI in Fallen Enchantress. Sins of a Solar Empire has the same problem and they're on the third or fourth expansion!
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12 years ago
Nov 13, 2012, 8:01:48 PM
I'd call this a fairly significant issue. On BOTH ends of the spectrum. I have a friend who plays this game on his netbook and for him, the UI is too big! He can't modify any custom races as for some reason the "confirm" button on that screen goes below the bottom of the screen.
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12 years ago
Nov 14, 2012, 10:58:32 AM
StriderV wrote:
I'd call this a fairly significant issue. On BOTH ends of the spectrum. I have a friend who plays this game on his netbook and for him, the UI is too big! He can't modify any custom races as for some reason the "confirm" button on that screen goes below the bottom of the screen.

The minimum resolution is actually 1024*768. A few players using a netbook have had the similar issue. :/
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12 years ago
Nov 14, 2012, 6:14:38 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
The minimum resolution is actually 1024*768. A few players using a netbook have had the similar issue. :/
so fix it then? it's really quite ignorant to make a UI in 2012 that cant scale either way. shit, pretty much every game since the year 2000 have been able to do it
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12 years ago
Nov 22, 2012, 3:12:12 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
We've actually replied a few times on this (at least, I remember replying to this suggestion that pops up quite often on the forums). The problem with bigger font is that the text (technologies, resources, [orGermanlocalisationforinstance!]) barely fits in the boxes.

Then, resizing the UI, which had already been done in the past, pixel perfect, is pretty tricky (if I remember correctly for the German localisation, as the texts were too long compared to the French or English localisation). Rescaling and so on actually requires a whole UI redesign, which is something we simply cannot do with our current system. And, even if we were to do so, the game does not detect the resolution you are playing on to adjust the font size.

We have been looking at solutions and are actually still looking; Other possibilities such as scaleform would be a solution, but then again, this would require a flash programmer, which we do not have.

Thanks for the reply. In my case, I play at the max res on my projector, so I actually need to stand up walk over to the wall and read the text smiley: smile. It was funny at first, but now I'm just not really playing the game because it's tiring. I tried down-resing, but after play max res, it's a bit disappointing.

I'm wondering if there's an easy to implement compromise. What about having a magnifying glass on a keypress that just zooms wherever the mouse is (like that Windows feature for the disabled)?
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11 years ago
Apr 8, 2013, 3:19:51 PM
Dear Devs and mighty People of the Forumworld,

i just out me as a complete Newbie - i recently bought 2 copies of Endless Space because my father is a huge master of Orion fan. I have to say Endless Space is quite good – but not perfect.

I`m 28 and play ES in 1920*1080 and I constantly have to get really near my monitor to decipher the german texts because of the small font size – I find it quite annoying. My Dad on the other hand have to use glasses and have some real troubles with his eyesight and now for the best part:

Every freaking Time we play against each other he complaints that he just looses because he can`t read the texts of the research tree.

Please Please Please consider a voting for bigger Fontsize or any possibility to make the game better readable we both are willing to spend all of our G2G Points for this.


Thanks for this potentially Evergreengame – hope you can understand my bad English.

Sincerely your gantu
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11 years ago
Apr 10, 2013, 5:39:00 PM
I guess this is for the older gamers?

I find it fine atm with 1920x1200 but i can see why others think it should be scaled.

The more people who can play the game and like it the better for the devs at the end of the day as more people will buy it?

It should be simple imo, ive seen really old games get scaled UI from modders alone so it is possible and easy to implement.

PS. About the german and french, well maybe they dont get the scaling im sure most people speak or read english these days?

Every post on this forum is english and these are the people asking for the scaling? These people have bought the game ect.

So yeah its not impossible and to blame it on a language barrier is pretty sad tbh.

Btw theres a new space 4x coming soon called star drive it looks pretty good.
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11 years ago
Dec 27, 2013, 2:44:13 PM
This is NOT for older gamers. This is for people with good screens. Any screen with a high ppi (greater than 130-150) is going to have issues. This is ESPECIALLY bad on my screen 15 inch 2880x1800. The game is completely unplayable, I have to stick my nose a few inches from the screen to see the tutorial text especially and most of the game UI elements are too tiny to use.

I'm a computer engineer and I say any programmer worth his salt should have no problem adding a scaling option to the UI if it was well designed. Most of your UI elements (text, boxes, windows) are all obviously vector drawn. Your raster graphics can just be blurr-scaled if people so wish. ANY solution is preferable right now, because the game is unplayable at native resolution right now. Fix your first game before making your new game please.
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11 years ago
Dec 30, 2013, 8:13:33 AM
I would much appreciate larger and/or better clarity of the text. My vision is horrible and ever declining.
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10 years ago
Jul 4, 2014, 4:12:53 AM
I just purchased Endless Space on the recommendation of some friends.

And with a 1920 x 1080 screen I have to lean close to my screen and squint just to read the tutorial text.

Has any progress been made on increasing the font size?

Is there a feature somewhere I have not yet found that lets me change it?
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10 years ago
Oct 31, 2014, 10:33:59 AM
Has Endless legend and Dungeon of the endless include a high interface resolution option, could we expect same in Endless Space in a future update ?
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