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[POLL] Automaton - Ship Design Competition

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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 9:25:26 PM
Panzer wrote:
Totally agree with you minus the squid part (How do you even get to that???).

No seriously, after looking at it a while i only could see the top part of a squid head at the front... what is seen can not be unseen!

Its actually a really good shape but my mind likes to have fun with things once in a while; it usually is put to good use and leads to creative ideas but eventually i foresee insanity... internet and friend group has effected me too much...
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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 9:18:09 PM
Digitalhawk96 wrote:
I agree with you because each faction has a theme and they stick to that theme throughout their design.

Each of our designs are also very recognizable on the galaxy map as well which is really good; I will also point out to the community to look at the existing ship designs in Endless Space, just look at the Horatio, simple design but very striking and bold; just a thinking point - what made this design stand out and why was it chosen?

I want people to vote for the design they want to play in the game, despite Vahouth's complaints about what they chose to beef out, - i understand how you feel sir, considering what actual design you wanted them to do - however you must remember that Oray said "we" rather than "I" chose, implying that the studio chose one of Vahouth's earlier designs to beef. That said i feel that it would be fair if Valhouth could see what one of his designs from the second set looked like to determine what one he wants to submit and put forward to the G2G - personally I like his first set better, even if the one that was beefed out looks like a squid being run over by a bike... hmmm... that tells you something about how my mind works.

Totally agree with you minus the squid part (How do you even get to that???). I think people are voting for the style and feel in this case; whether it is the Heavy cylindrical ships of Digital Hawk, the platforms of Panzer, or the flowing multi-geared ships of Vahouth. The point is, what do you want your Automaton fleet to be composed of, but also something that fits the lore/style of the faction. Which is why I love how he made my design more smooth, because it makes it look exactly like what I had envisioned. I guess there would be something that all of us would be unhappy with if the designs were beefed up by the devs. I guarantee that at least one ship the devs redesign will not be liked by the original creator. It is simply something that cannot be overlooked, but in general we are again, voting for the feel.
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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 8:49:42 PM
Panzer wrote:
It's an interesting thought and although I in general would approve, I think the visual styles differ a bit too greatly to allow 1 faction to sport all these different designs...

I agree with you because each faction has a theme and they stick to that theme throughout their design.

Each of our designs are also very recognizable on the galaxy map as well which is really good; I will also point out to the community to look at the existing ship designs in Endless Space, just look at the Horatio, simple design but very striking and bold; just a thinking point - what made this design stand out and why was it chosen?

I want people to vote for the design they want to play in the game, despite Vahouth's complaints about what they chose to beef out, - i understand how you feel sir, considering what actual design you wanted them to do - however you must remember that Oray said "we" rather than "I" chose, implying that the studio chose one of Vahouth's earlier designs to beef. That said i feel that it would be fair if Valhouth could see what one of his designs from the second set looked like to determine what one he wants to submit and put forward to the G2G - personally I like his first set better, even if the one that was beefed out looks like a squid being run over by a bike... hmmm... that tells you something about how my mind works.
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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 8:20:01 PM
adder wrote:
it would be awesome if we could vote for each ship class.

so perhaps we can then choose a cruiser from Digitalhawk; a transport from panzer; a corvette from vahouth; ...

As much as people would think this would be a great idea it really could go wrong. You would have to carefully chose a feel for the design of the ships (cross reference various faction ships) and you cannot really do a G2G vote on feel; i also feel that most of our designs wouldn't fit together well, some however do but its easier to vote for one artist as they had designed their ships with a particular feel, shape and general design in mind; mine was of course the circular engine bitz, the plated, ribbed look and the central core(s).

Edit: Noticed i used the word feel quite a bit... just cannot hold them all.
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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 7:29:46 PM
ben_caleb wrote:
If it was my choice I would have Panzer's cruiser, Valhouth's transport as a corvette and Valhouth's destroyer as well, and DigitalHawk96's ship as a battleship. The others we will see. But those are what I would choose. They are all such good designs.

Valhouth's destroyer


Edit: Panzer's "Thresher" would be a great Dreadnought design, if done to scale.


It's an interesting thought and although I in general would approve, I think the visual styles differ a bit too greatly to allow 1 faction to sport all these different designs...
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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 6:47:39 PM
If it was my choice I would have Panzer's cruiser, Valhouth's transport as a corvette and Valhouth's destroyer as well, and DigitalHawk96's ship as a battleship. The others we will see. But those are what I would choose. They are all such good designs.

Valhouth's destroyer


Edit: Panzer's "Thresher" would be a great Dreadnought design, if done to scale.

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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 6:07:44 PM
Stealth_Hawk wrote:
I feel that your later designs were your real entries, because you practically did them all over again. I'm still not sure why all 5 links were included. It was a bit like two completely different designs. I hope i'm making sense lol

You feel right...

I had already made that point on this thread when I said that I made 2 different entries and I don't know who votes what.

Stealth_Hawk wrote:

I think it should be clarified before the G2G vote which ones would actually be in the game since they like quite different (to me, at least)

Yes, but how? With another poll? smiley: confused
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12 years ago
Mar 8, 2013, 6:03:17 PM
vahouth wrote:
Don't get me wrong, it is certainly an improvement but I don't feel it to be the right representative of my work. Maybe it's just the angle...I don't know...

I feel that your later designs were your real entries, because you practically did them all over again. I'm still not sure why all 5 links were included. It was a bit like two completely different designs. I hope i'm making sense lol

I think it should be clarified before the G2G vote which ones would actually be in the game since they like quite different (to me, at least)
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 9:10:50 PM
Steph'nie wrote:
I wasn't actually too sure if I should add his post or not. To be fair with the other submissions, all of them considered as original content, I will remove this choice.
Yeah it wasn't an entry, I just wanted to give more talented people ideas.
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12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013, 3:50:16 PM
Im voting for Panzer since we were on fairly the same page and gave me a quite a few good ideas as kicker. I really wanted to do a diagonal view of one of my ships to show off it general shape, - but i just have not had the time after I've went back to School - I didn't want them to be too thin and tall, i kind of wanted them to be a bit like Panzer's designs with its platform form, at least my sketches has a "general shape" sketch hiding somewhere in them. And of course... that Vahouth bar; as much as i like the designs, i'm not sure about them, they are defiantly very imaginative though.
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12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013, 1:57:44 PM
The only one who looks vaguely like what the ships are described like in the lore are Panzers designs, quite obviously. The rest are quite meh imho.

The lore clearly states that the automatons ships are platforms. Why people don't bother reading the lore eludes me.
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12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013, 11:28:31 AM
stasik28 wrote:
oh god the vahouth bar

I saw that in the morning and was really surprised. smiley: biggrin I haven't voted yet: still hesitating!
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12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013, 6:54:18 AM
JIntegrity wrote:
I'm just shocked I got a vote (I didn't vote for myself lol). I was hoping that my submission would encourage people with greater artistic ability to take my concept and run with it, but it'll be interesting to see who wins, regardless. I might be too focused on trying to balance lore and design without much care for the artistic side of things.

I'm surprised I even got a vote lol! I made my stuff mainly to inspire people to join in. Shortly after I posted mine I basically gave up because the other people had better designs and panzers point of the ships not being giant flying automaton heads haha
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12 years ago
Mar 1, 2013, 5:20:08 AM
I'm just shocked I got a vote (I didn't vote for myself lol). I was hoping that my submission would encourage people with greater artistic ability to take my concept and run with it, but it'll be interesting to see who wins, regardless. I might be too focused on trying to balance lore and design without much care for the artistic side of things.
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 11:39:27 PM
Tredecim wrote:
Pretty much my thoughts when I voted lol

At least I think we got an pretty easy win here smiley: biggrin

It only matters who takes the top 3 on this poll. Once we are in the G2G stage, you never know what might happen. As you can see, Vauhoth currently has less than half of the vote, Thus meaning that if the rest of the community sides with another design in the G2G round, his designs can be beat. Especially if most of his supporters have low G2G points.

Oh how I love to pre-maturely analyze smiley: smile

At the moment, I am rooting for Vauhoth, though. Or Digital Hawk. I cant decide lol

His bar is huge! (Especially when its right beside mine :P )
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 11:30:43 PM
stasik28 wrote:
oh god the vahouth bar

Pretty much my thoughts when I voted lol

At least I think we got an pretty easy win here smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 11:10:11 PM
I must say a lil sad that Digital hawk doesn't have that many votes. Everyone has their own interpretation of how the ships would look and I felt he had the right designs. I could see Panzer's models working very well too I might add. While I thought Vahouth's work was great, I felt it went over the top on the designs making them feel....over complex. I feel his artwork and modeling style would be PERFECT for a new faction of aliens not yet created and to go the path of massive ships that resembling more art and sculptures then ships. Something that really said "crazy alien architecture" with an artsy almost angelic body. But the Automatons were not the race I wanted to go that way.
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 9:44:28 PM
And the worst thing about it was when I saw my name on the list I was like: Wait....what? I hope they weren't serious. smiley: alder
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12 years ago
Feb 28, 2013, 9:23:56 PM
Lots of great designs - some didn't really fit the way automatons look ingame (in my opinion) but still very creative. Ended up picking Pika. Even if they look a bit similar to Horatio.

I love Panzer's design - though not for automatons. I'd love to see a cyborg race using steampunk ships (your designs reminds me of old victorian cruise ships like Titanic). Scavengers and creative engineers that can turn any wreck into a seaworthy vessel.
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