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Hero Creation Competition - the Amoeba

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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 11:04:48 AM
krythorian wrote:
Oh btw steph is the winners of the faction competition decided? ^^,

Not yet... smiley: biggrin !
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 2:26:25 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: 0 Purpose 26

Hero Biography: Although Amoebic society is the closest to perfection, it is still imperfect. It produces, on occasion, imperfect specimens. 0 Purpose 26 was born as one of the most able administrators the Amoebas had seen in centuries, and The Collective approved Dust augmentation with little hesitation. What they did not expect was for 0 Purpose 26 to become a ruthless taskmaster. Although The Collective had seen first hand how much he had improved worker efficiency, they agreed that the damage he was doing to their well-developed social structure was unacceptable, and sent 0 Purpose 26 into exile.

Hero Image: An Ameoba sitting at a desk, pouring over documents

Hero Classes: Adventurer/Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labor - 9

Wit – 7

Melee - 2

Offense - 0

Defense - 0
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12 years ago
May 21, 2012, 10:52:01 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Nirvïr

Hero Biography: Despite their weaker bodies, Nirvïr has played a large role in the Amoeba's warfare and tactics. With his brilliant mind, Nirvïr is known as one of the most intuitive of his race, but he turns his intuition towards violence. Having suffered serious injury when he was younger due to pirates, he has since worked on protecting those who need protection no matter race.

Hero Classes: Commander/Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit - 7

Melee - 0

Offense - 3

Defense - 6
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 12:07:35 AM
The problem I'm having with this contest is the lack of information about the Amoeba faction. I've done a lot of research and found some pictures of Amoeba heroes, but they lack any real personality or flare. To come up with something original, I decided to go against the norm of what a typical Amoeba hero would be seen as. Additionally, as Amoeba presumably reproduce asexually through mitosis, they are genderless, which leads to additional lack of personalization. Thus, I designed my hero towards the idea of a true grit, wild west trope character who is always looking for the next adventure and challenge. Something that is decidedly against what the rest of the Faction would represent, and thus why he/she/it is alone and willing to offer his/her/its services to the highest bidder.

Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Atulunibe (again, I have no clue what typical Amoeba names are to use as a reference, but this name is an anagram of "Tubulinea" which is what an amoeba is classified as)

Hero Biography: Life on the frontier is rough and can change a person. Most Amoebas are concerned with self-realization, but Atulunibe is different. Stranded in deep space with nothing to subsist on, Atulunibe survived through sheer determination – and a lost cache of Dust. The traumatic experience left Atulunibe with little to say, willing to do anything to satiate the cravings of both adventure and Dust.

Hero Image: Rough and dirt colored amoeba that has obviously seen better times. He has organelles (or possibly cilia, although amoeba have a pseudopod and not cilia) that take the shape of rugged beard or facial hair. Think any spaghetti western star, specifically Clint Eastwood as the "Man with No Name," as an asexual amoeba blob.

Hero Classes: Adventurer / Pilot

Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit - 1

Melee - 8

Offense - 4

Defense - 5

Hope you enjoyed my entry, and at the very least got some ideas from it.
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 5:33:59 AM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Hexonicas Vorg

Hero Biography: Hexonicas Vorg is a split-celled Amoeba, an unusual mutation for an Amoeba, his cell was at some point in his life split in half, but each half recovered fully and now Hexonicas has what would be the human equivalent of two of every organ, including two "brains". He is also somewhat larger than a standard amoeba as a result, and he uses his doubled-up thinking power to great effect coordinating fleets of Amoeba ships and plotting ship trajectories.

Hero Image: A large bluish Amoeba with two clearly defined cells within his clear body

Hero Classes: Commander/Pilot

Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit - 0

Melee - 2

Offense - 8

Defense - 8
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12 years ago
May 23, 2012, 1:55:48 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Xalren Belsis

Hero Biography: One a prominent leader for the Amoeba, Xalren's appreciation and love of peace and knowledge took a darker turn after being exposed to and "augmented" by Dust. Primal instincts long lost to the Amoeba came to the forefront of his being, prompting him to focus his centuries of knowledge and experience towards war and conquest, leading the rest of the AMoeba to ostracize him. Believing that his true potential will only be found in the fires of war he left the Amoeba systems, seeking more volatile and entertaining races and opponents.

Hero Image: Similar to the blue Amoeba artwork, only instead of blue and white, he is red and black, in the process of merging with his flagship.

Hero Classes: Pilot-Commander

Hero Stats:





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12 years ago
May 30, 2012, 4:14:04 PM
Congrats to Sofiel for his Amoeba Hero Bio "Galdos AI" (993500 Points) and Outro for the other Amoeba Hero Bio "One who Seeks" (850900 Points).

smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 8:22:58 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Xsilera Exaar

Hero Biography: Always among the first to arrive at a newly discovered planet, Xsilera's expertise in overseeing the development of planets with hostile environments is highly valued by the Amoeba. Years ago her adventurous nature almost cost her her life, an infection with a deadly alien bacteria nearly killed her and it was only with the help of Dust that she managed to survive. Filled with curiosity for Dust and its creators Xsilera is looking forward to revealing the secrets the new Amoeba colonies might hold.

Hero Image: if I say that she looks cute, I'd lie smiley: biggrin

Hero Classes: Adventurer-Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labor 7

Wit 5

Melee 1

Offense 1

Defense 3
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 4:14:23 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Anathella Halogersis

Hero Biography: Anathella has for a long time been the Pilot of one of the Amoebas Research-Vessels and whilst journeying through the galaxy and being involved in many-a-fight with different civilisations she felt herself enjoying the fights. Even though her people try to gain knowledge and keep themselves out of trouble she can't deny the deep satisfaction she feels when getting into combat...and out again.

Hero Image: Show an elderly, female Amoeba pushing some buttons inside her spaceship....buttons and display should obviously tend do belong to some kind of weapon-system.

Hero Classes: Pilot-Commander

Hero Stats:

Labor 0

Wit 3

Melee 5

Offense 7

Defense 3
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 4:46:13 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Poxu Kdessi

Hero Biography: Poxu was a system governor in an outlying colony before rumors of his cold and ruthless "managerial" tactics resulted in his removal and eventual placement in a sensitivity retraining collective. A physically diminutive amoeba specimen, Poxu relies on his massive administrative skill-set, his quick draw attitude, and other larger amoebae to coerce his opposition into doing his bidding.

Hero Image: Show a slight, sickly greenish-brownish Amoeba staring off to the left at something out of camera sneering. Office furniture in the background.

Hero Classes: Corporate-Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labor 5

Wit 7

Melee 2

Offense 3

Defense 1
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 4:54:18 PM
Faction : Amoeba

Hero name : FllshFlshshshillilsh

Hero Biography : FllshFlshshshillilsh – called Fllsh by his friends and ennemies – was eaten by a craver. He was released before he was entirely digested, and some Dust allowed him to be revived, but with some mental after-effects. As he has been touched by the Cravers Soul, he is able to think like them and has become more agressive and stronger. Usually called Croeba by other Amoebians, he finally couldn't stand staying with such fragile beings. He now seeks more opportunities to test his abilities.

Hero Image : An amoeba, but more brown, more steely.

Hero Classes : Adventurer/Pilot

Hero stats :

Labor : 0

Wit : 0

Melee : 5

Offense : 9

Defense : 3
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 5:12:58 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Slpargh

Hero Biography: Slpargh is not your basic Amoeba, while other Amoebas try to find peaceful solutions to things Slpargh just wants to blow things up!

however violent, Slpargh is not stupid and realises that his physical form is suited for battle, so he spends all of his time inside warships, he truly feels naked without thick protective walls of his ship around him. And as we all know Amoebas are not know for their good warships, that's why Slpargh ventured forth to seek a faction which could grant him better ships.

Hero Classes: Commander - Pilot

Hero Stats:

Labor 0

Wit 0

Melee 0

Offense 9

Defense 9
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 5:28:16 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Collective 42

Hero Biography: While the Amoeba are generally a peaceful race, they understand the need for military defense. Hundreds of notable Amoeba individuals have volunteered their consciousnesses to Collective 42, and over several millions of years it has assimilated the experience of thousands of planetary and intergalactic wars. Using the combined memories and processing power of all of its "resident" minds, Collective 42 can seamlessly integrate and coordinate all of the actions of an Amoeba battlegroup, making split-second decisions in the time it would take most human Admirals to blink.

Hero Image: A large organism that houses an amoeba collective consciousness.

Hero Classes:



Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit - 0

Melee - 6

Offense - 6

Defense - 6
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 5:37:33 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Galdos Al

Hero Biography: Galdos Al was never one for fighting, always going on about science this, testing that. It was only when the Amoeban government tried to shut down her tests that she got dangerous, nearly destroying the entire system she was in as she fled with her data. Today she roams the known universe trying to get support for her scientific pursuits from other factions.

Hero Image: A somewhat oval shaped greyish Amoeba with a bright yellow nucleus that would sort of represent her eye.

Hero Classes: Corporate/Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labor: 9

Wit: 9

Melee: 0

Offense: 0

Defense: 0
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 5:47:23 PM
Name: Legion

Biography: When an Amoeba science vessel crash-landed on an arctic planet, no one thought there were any survivors. The vessel was conducting further research into the circuitry; the after-life and immortality. After several years, a colonization vessel discovered the remains of the nursery, and many life signs within it. There was only one standing alive however, with a pale white skin resembling the environment they're within. One, with the mind of many, as a vessel; sharing the same body...

Classes: Corporate-Administrator


Labor - 6 (9)

Wit - 6 (9)

Melee & Offense & Defense - 0
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 6:00:56 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Aou Eanisis Yui Onie

Hero Biography :
Aou Eanisis Yui Onie was always passionate by the complex mechanism of diplomaty. During centuries, it compiled enormous datas about emotional reactions, visual and non-visual informations, balances of power in negociations.

Now the final step of its researches will be the use of all its knowledge for the Amoeba and deal with the great factions of the Universe.

Hero Image: Do you see Krang from the Ninja turtles cartoon ? Let's take the idea. An Amoeba is a protoplasm so pretty much nothing special (sorry for them). Let's suppose Aou Eanisis Yui Onie built a kind of sphere (Amoeba type, like their ships) where it can live in. A kind of special hologramm looking like an humanoid (the typical type of factions in Endless Space) could be projected by the sphere and also carry it like at the place of it's stomach (that's why the Krang type).

So once again. An humanoid hologramm generated by a sphere in the stomach where you have the actual hero.

I made a draw smiley: smile

Having an humadoid hologramm is much better when you are a diplomat !

Of course, it can be a picture of the Amoeba alone and forget about the hologramm and stuff. In this case, Aou Eanisis Yui Onie would be light blue and as a biangle. Like a circle but two angles in.

Hero Classes :

Hero Stats :

Labor - 0

Wit - 9

Melee - 7

Offense - 0

Defense - 2
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 6:03:08 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Bory Mauritius

Hero Biography: Bory is a curious soul. He has spent countless years traversing space indexing and cataloging various species. However, space is not as nurturing a home as the Amoeba’s homeworld and Bory has learned to lead his expeditions through the harshest environments and dangers.

Hero Image:

Hero Classes: Adventurer/Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labor - 2

Wit – 7

Melee - 2

Offense - 2

Defense - 4
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 6:21:14 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Muelteeba

Hero Biography: Muelteeba, an insignificant speck in the collective until the dust production facility of which he was part was destroyed by a Hissho attack. Inexplicably his consciousness was permanently separated from his destroyed body, running free in the dust Muelteeba found he could possess other beings at will through the power of the dust. Now a mercenary for hire muelteeba is a formidable pilot and spy.

Hero Classes: Pilot/Adventurer

Hero Image: Non corporeal energy being, or possibly adopts an unused portrait from one of the other races during the game.

Labor: 0

Wit: 6

Melee: 0

Offense: 6

Defense: 6
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 6:24:22 PM
VieuxChat wrote:
...was eaten by a craver.

That was sooo funny when I read it, I nearly fell out of my chair! smiley: biggrin
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