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Hero Creation Competition - the Amoeba

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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 6:33:31 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Dea [Changethenametowhateveryouwant;I'munsureofAmoebanamingconventions.Thoughitshouldpreferablybeagender-lessname.]

Hero Biography:

Cursed with an insatiable thirst for knowledge, Dea set out into the infinity of space seeking a way to overcome what it views as the crippling limitation of its species; a way to seperate itself entirely from the physical form and transcend all of the frailty and nuance that comes with it. Dea craves any such knowledge that can aid it in its comprehension of the metaphysical. Knowledge the 'Endless' have.

Dea wants to be 'free.'

Dea wants to be 'Endless.'

Dea will be 'Endless.'

Hero Image: An Amoeba against the background of space.

Hero Classes:



Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit - 9

Melee - 3

Offense - 6

Defense - 0
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 6:54:34 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Xelmar Neriatai

Hero Biography: Xelmar´s only interests had been science since he started to exist. Exploring the universe was his desire. But on his first exploratory mission under his command he encountered an unkown race. Every attempt to contact this unknown ship had no success, while it loaded its weapons . With no other choice they had to stand their ground till reinforcement arrived. This is where he discovered his fighting abilities.

Hero Image: It´s an Amoeba on a planet with a spaceship in the background. The colours of the Amoeba is red and blue, with a bit of yellow.

Hero Classes: Adventurer/Commander

Hero Stats:

Labor: 2

Wit: 9

Melee: 3

Offense: 1

Defense: 3
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 3:31:58 PM
Because given the volume of entries we get you guys seem to like these… smiley: smile

Here we go with another hero creation competition for Endless Space!

As in the previous competition, the goal is to create the best Endless Space Heroes; those champions of strategy and warfare that will help lead your empire to domination of the galaxy (now that we have that infinite-enemy-fleets bug fixed…).

The format is the same as in previous competitions where you create your own hero bios, and once again the winner(s) will be included in the game. This time the bios are for our most recently announced faction, the empire of diplomatic balls of protoplasm known as the Amoeba.


1. Read the example below

2. Check out the Amoeba faction announcement here: www.amplitude-studios.com.

3. Write up your own proposal with the necessary elements (Hero Name, Hero Biography, Hero Image (if you have one), Hero Classes (Two), Hero Stats [Labor,Wit,Melee,Offense,Defense]).

4. Post it on this thread.

As always, as soon as we gather enough proposals we’ll drag the team into a small room and not let them leave until they have chosen the finalists. Next comes the traditional G2G poll to choose the winner(s). Note: As always, we also reserve the right (with the creator’s consent) to change and tweak some of them so they fit better with the game background story. The winners will be awarded with a special forum reward/achievement at the end of the competition.

The competition starts right now and will end next Wednesday (May 23rd).

The Rules:

1. All posts must be in somewhat comprehensible English.

2. Keep it clean; “space” is not a four-letter word…

3. Please limit yourselves to one submission per member. If you want to change or improve your proposal, either edit or delete your first post and put up the new profile.

4. Please fill in the following info per hero biography:

Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name:

Hero Biography (max 400 characters* See below)

Hero Image: Any ideas are welcome! You can also tell us what would be your inspirations etc.

Hero Classes (pick 2** See below):






Hero Stats (each measured 0-9; max of 18 total):

Labor - bonus for agriculture (Food) and Industry

Wit - bonus for Science and Dust

Melee - bonus in ground warfare offense/defense

Offense - bonus in offense

Defense - bonus in defense

1. The faction

- The Amoeba is the oldest race in the Endless Space universe after the Harmony. Evolving from a very simple single-celled organism on a planet without a molten core and therefore no plate tectonics and little to no evolutionary adaptation, the Amoeba simply evolved slowly, over time, growing and developing their communal knowledge.

- The Amoeba know that their civilization is ancient, and are the first to view their own bodies as unattractive. Having long ago mastered the basic problems of the Maslow hierarchy, both the society and the individuals are primarily intellectual seekers of self-fulfilment. In this, they have become by far the most cosmopolitan and sophisticated of the many races in the Endless Space game.

- Their interest in the Endless is intellectual more than religious. They love to glean information of the Endless societies and conflicts through discovery and exploration.

2. The format

- *The 400-character limit should include spaces; if it slides over a bit no one is going to call the byte-count police.

- **Every Hero has two classes, and the five Hero Classes all have different trees and abilities. Because of that, there is no point in having Pilot/Pilot, for instance, as you would not get twice the Pilot 'power'. You are free, of course, to only spend points in the Pilot tree if they are Pilot/Administrator and you want them to be a fleet admiral (or vice versa).

The game is afoot! (Because, “The game is a-pseudopod!” just doesn’t sound that good).
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 8:55:40 PM
craigbic wrote:
That was sooo funny when I read it, I nearly fell out of my chair! smiley: biggrin

That was the intention smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 9:36:13 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Almorpha Carenthis (or something more apt once Amoeba names are finalised)

Hero Biography: Gifted from birth, Almorpha soon became science officer aboard an exploration vessel, when an accident uplifted her from gifted to extraordinary. Ship destroyed, crew dead, Almorpha found herself alone on a Dust rich planet. Presumed lost, no rescue was launched, but when a salvage vessel happened by, they found her putting the finishing touches on a new ship, the likes of which no one had ever seen

Hero Image: Young, female Amoeba (if they have genders of course), fiddling with some science equipment; test tubes, plasma balls, or other interesting looking devices

Hero Classes: Corporate-Adventurer

Hero Stats:

Labor: 4

Wit: 9

Melee: 1

Offense: 2

Defense: 2
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 10:11:06 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Xandrian

Hero Biography: Showing an aptitude for leadership and R&D, he suffered forcible dust infiltration when a prototype laser array gutted his science vessel. The dust has gifted Xandrian with a limited ability to possess technology and computer systems, and he has found a niche in the electronics warfare division of the Amoeba navy.

Hero Image: A humanoid, but amorphous form, standing in-front of an array of information screens, back to the camera, arms spread out.

Hero Classes: Corporate/Commander

Hero Stats:

Labor 0

Wit 6

Melee 0

Offense 6

Defense 6
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 10:21:18 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Oxfo (or whatever would match a amoeba better)

Hero Biography:

Being part of the diplomatic corps of the Amoeba Oxfo soon gathers a lot of knowledge and a certain reputation among his and even other people. After an internal fight over power, in which he gets betrayed, he realises how useless and might hungry politicians are and decides to fight instead of just talk. He wants to change the system even against his own believes and the dislikes of his former collegues.

(He knows how to command and understands politics)

Hero Image:

A little bit older male Amoeba using a control panel inside of some sort of battleship. Green/blue ish light as ambiente, generally quite dark though.

Background maybe more control panels with unrecognizable people working on other panels (?)

Hero Classes:



Hero Stats:

Wit - 5

Melee - 2

Offense - 7

Defense - 4
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 10:39:17 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Aurora Ex Machina


Aurora was considered an oddity within the consensus for millennia before she found her calling in the cosmos: sharing her consciousness with more primitive species to fully experience the vivacious, short and often gruesome experiences they lived, whilst inhabiting their bodies. In doing so, she became a bit of a pariah with her fellow Amoebas; however she gained valuable insights into trans-species communications.


Amoeba hovering over the corpse of a bipedal humanoid, looking concerned... but also intrigued by the death.

Hero Classes: Adventurer - Commander

Hero Stats:

Labor 0

Wit 9

Melee 0

Offense 4

Defense 5

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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 10:46:33 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: The Aspirant

Hero Biography: This Amoeba has existed for centuries and recognizes no name. A scientist, it was involved in experiments to craft Amoeba into whatever form they desired, to unshackle its race from their evolutionary mandate. When the experiments came to light, it received exile instead of fame. It vanished with its research into Dust and The Endless, and resurfaces when it requires new materials for its work.

Hero Image: An exoskeleton hooked into a large computational apparatus

Hero Classes: Commander/Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labor - 6

Wit – 4

Melee - 0

Offense - 4

Defense - 4
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 11:02:37 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Xidul Motuva

Hero Biography: Xidul was exposed to Dust when a processing plant exploded due to a reckless experiment, resulting in dozens of deaths. Devastated by the senseless losses, he vowed to prevent such foolish endeavors from happening again. His policy is that the interests of society supersede the curiosity of individuals, and that everyone following his lead focuses on the task at hand.

Hero Image: Pentagon-like Amoeba, coloured a blend of light-blue and medium green, with a darker shade of blue as the background.

Hero Classes: Corporate / Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labor - 6

Wit - 7

Melee - 0

Offense - 0

Defense - 3
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12 years ago
May 16, 2012, 11:15:16 PM
4x_Fan wrote:

Hero Stats:

Labor 0

Wit 10

Melee 0

Offense 4

Defense 4

I think, 4x, that the points can't be set over 9. You put 10 smiley: smile They may be very smart but I didn't write the rules and if you want winsmiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 12:34:54 AM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Akeas

Hero Biography: Akeas survived an experimental Dust warhead attack on its diplomacy ship. Forced to drift through space for months it had enough time to think about survival strategies, fall into despair, which then turned into anger. Contaminated with the remaining Dust of the attack and being driven by its anger it soon after the rescue by its brethren became a well-known tactician in all types of combat.

Hero Image: Dark blue, triangular amoeba with visible cybernetic enhancements, somewhat similar to the big picture in the introduction page for the Amoeba

Hero Classes: Commander / Pilot

Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit - 0

Melee - 3

Offense - 9

Defense - 6
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 3:29:51 AM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Kaenotomya

Hero Bio: A scientist by nature, Kaenotomya was among the first to do extensive research on Dust after it was discovered. Due to prolonged contact with his research material, the Dust began to permeate his protoplasmic body enhancing his natural abilities. He is known to travel extensively in search of proper samples, leaving no stone unturned in his zeal for scientific discovery and innovation.

Hero Image: Kaenotomya is a bright white Ameoba. His insides are similar to a mix between the Green Adventurer Amoeba and the Blue Corporate Pilot Amoeba. His body style is similar to that of a neuron, and is based of of this real life Amoeba:

The background would be a dark blue, lit by the bright white of his body.

Hero Classes: Corporate /Adventurer

Hero Stats:

Labor - 1

Wit - 9

Melee - 0

Offense - 3

Defense - 5

Because I am not sure of the gender specifics of the Amoeba race, I used male pronouns in the bio instead of a gender neutral it. Feel free to replace those pronouns with whatever is applicable to the Amoeba race.
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 7:21:51 AM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Glaucecystalos

Hero Biography: Being the leader of the company handling the half of the food production on their homeplanet, Glaucecystalos is the born administrator. When the first spaceship left their planet he was the one who financed the research and production of it and so he was part of the crew. He owed this chance to his military training when he was part of the airforce. In his term of service he got some awards for his defensive skills during the only big war of his race.



Hero Stats:

Labor - 8

Wit - 6

Melee - 4

Offense - 0

Defense - 0

The biography may be changed smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 4:35:59 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Marc Fiver

Hero Biography: When Marc came into being after separating from the others, he knew he was different. His name came from the first thing we saw, a Mk V coupling in the chamber where he was "born". His conciousness set him apart from the other Amoeba people and soon he began to see things in a different light. Unsure of what this would lead to he decided to detach himself forcibly from his people by means of Dust experimentation. It was a success, but at a cost. His mind is now his own, yet he suffers withdrawal symptoms from the lack of contact with his own kind. He may never again know the embrace of the collective mind, but he has developed telepathy so that helps him make friends elsewhere. With only a small freighter at his disposal he has set forth into the endless ocean of space. Here's hoping the food is good.

Hero Image: A pale purple Amoeba with a strange runic symbol burnt into his "skin".

Hero Classes:



Hero Stats:

Labor - bonus for agriculture (Food) and Industry: 0

Wit - bonus for Science and Dust: 5

Melee - bonus in ground warfare offense/defense: 3

Offense - bonus in offense: 6

Defense - bonus in defense: 4
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