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Hero Creation Competition - the Amoeba

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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 12:20:35 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Flatorian

Hero Biography: Starting out as a small-time member of a group; when the rest of his cluster of workmates was wiped out in an instant of intense radiation - Flatorian dedicated his life to ensuring the protection and survival of all lifeforms. Taking on an almost religious bent to the overcoming of the fragility of existence, Flatorian is seen as a protector against the elements and all enemies to life.

Hero Image: An Amoeba almost fully encased in a metal shell, belying his obsession with remaining alive and protection.

Hero Classes:



Hero Stats:

Labor - 4

Wit - 2

Melee - 4

Offense – 1

Defense - 7
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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 12:34:44 AM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: The Biomass

Hero Biography: Over time, various enlightened Amoeba have realized that the old adage of "strength in numbers" still holds true, and physically merged their forms together, amplifying their mental capabilities, their consciousness and their focus. While the strength of one is the strength of all, their traditional aversion to full-frontal combat has yet been overcome, and The Biomass prefers nonviolent solutions to its people's needs.

Hero Image: An oversized conglomerate of multiple Amoeba, possibly even glowing and radiating energy. All hail the brainlord!

Hero Classes:



Hero Stats:

Labor - 2

Wit - 9

Melee - 0

Offense - 1

Defense - 6
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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 1:57:34 AM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Subject 8613

Hero Biography:

Recovered from a UE Ministry of Security waste disposal unit:

“...indicates delivery of one (1) Amoeboid specimen to [REDACTED]Inc.’s Dust research facility on [REDACTED] prior to the Event. Further analys[SECTORSCORRUPTED]ecurity footage recovered from the site shows the test subject exhibiting theoretically impossible levels of[SECTORSCORRUPTED]ne (1) of the facility’s patrol craft remains unaccounted for.”

Hero Image: Frighteningly intense, menacing, questionable sanity (the Amoeba avatars appear so abstract that I’ll just leave it there)

Hero Classes:



Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit - 0

Melee - 8

Offense - 6

Defense - 4
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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 1:14:55 PM
Here's my attempt at an Amoeba Hero. If you like anything about this Hero but some things don't strike you as working, feel free to retool it and use the parts you did like. I don't mind.

Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Glurg

Hero Biography:

In his younger days, Glurg sought only to further his research in peace and quiet. As the years went by, he grew to realize that solitude was not conductive to his culture's development, and began studying ship command. Now aging and wise, he has decided that it is finally time to set out and spread his knowledge to different cultures and worlds. His hope is to see universal peace in his lifetime.

Hero Image: I don't have a specific image, but I imagine Glurg as a vibrant red Amoeba, potentially showing some signs of aging, if Amoeba can indeed show such a thing in any way.

Hero Classes:



Hero Stats (each measured 0-9; max of 18 total):

Labor: 4

Wit: 8

Melee: 0

Offense: 0

Defense: 6
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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 3:45:36 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Murus Ancile

Hero Biography: Murus had always been fascinated by the workings of aliens. From their technology to their culture, Murus spent many years seeking out and disassembling all to better understand. After losing too many to Cravers, diplomatic 'misunderstandings' and other chaos of the aliens, Murus found his gathered knowledge would better serve to prepare against and counter that which is thrown at the Amoeba.

Hero Image: Well presented clothes, confident stance, easily coming across as a diplomat or sophisticated intellectual (even for his race) if not for his weary almost grizzled appearance.

Hero Classes: Commander - Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labor 5

Wit 8

Melee 0

Offense 0

Defense 5
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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 3:51:13 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Ka'anzan Su

Hero Biography: Ka'anzan Su was originally a seeker of knowledge, and more inquisitive than most. Whereever there was knowledge or information to be found, nothing coulds stop him or hold him back, he was almost obsessed. Further and further he pushed, until one day, his ship went into Hissho territory, which mistook him for an enemy. They greatly damaged him and his ship, and left him for dead, but this only fueled Ka'anzan Su all the more. Getting his ship back to the nearest outpost in a state that would have killed most Amoebas, he nursed himself to health, vowing that his search for knowledge would never again be hindered. With his insatiable ability for knowledge, almost unmatched, he learned all he could about space combat from the very ones who almost killed him, the Hissho. Now, healthy again with a ship at his side, nothing will stop Ka'anzan thirst for knowledge, most especially the Hissho.

Hero Image:

Hero Classes: Adventurer/Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit – 9

Melee - 0

Offense - 5

Defense - 4
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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 4:27:54 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Quolloum Slarplash

Hero Biography: Considering it spent the first half of its life cycle under a rock, Quolloum's rise to highest ranks of Amoeba command happened in a time period of unprecedented brevity. Luck, skill or perhaps both, Quolloum's ability to absorb tactical knowledge makes it a formidable adversary to any other galactic empire.

Hero Image: An Amoeba playing chess.

Hero Classes: Commander-Adventurer

Hero Stats:

Labor 3

Wit 9

Melee 0

Offense 3

Defense 3
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12 years ago
May 18, 2012, 5:55:35 PM
Hero Name: Fyrlish

Hero Biography Fyrlish is a renowned bioengineer scientist and adventurer among Amoeba culture. His research has pioneered some great advances for Amoeboids but not without some critiscm. Fyrlish believes that the future of all of his kind lie with advancing cybernetic and dust enhancements. Frustrated with the lack of support from his own kind he left the Amoeba homeworld and now travels the stars searching for Endless Artifacts and perfecting his cybernetic enhancements.

Hero Image: Similar to this picture with some only inside an starship engine room and with some cybernetic implants.

Hero Classes (pick 2** See below):



Hero Stats (each measured 0-9; max of 18 total):

Labor - 3

Wit - 6

Melee - 1

Offense - 5

Defense - 3
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 8:12:47 AM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Qz'qrul

Hero Biography: A truly ancient being, this mind has lived millennium and has seen many things other beings can't even begin to fathom. In true Amoeba fashion, he thinks himself a truly magnificent mind, and indeed he is. Having spent so long observing the natural universe, and the inhabitants within it, Qz'qrul now takes what he has learned from observation towards extensive experimentation, wielding countless lifetimes of experience to create a utopian society dedicated to understanding and knowledge, war to him is a useless waste of resources for science.

Hero Image: A large, brilliant green, almost gelatinous being, with some semblance of seven limbs reaching out this way and that, always busy as if to figure something out. An advanced microscope in one, stock portfolio's in another, a manifest of goods coming in and out of the planet in yet another, a multitude of reports and important devices all being used simultaneously by this creature.

Hero Classes: Corporate Administrator

Hero Stats (each measured 0-9; max of 18 total):

Labor - 9

Wit - 9

Melee - 0

Offense - 0

Defense -0
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 10:26:42 AM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Droosal Mooph

Image: A vaguely blue amorphous mass interacting with several surrounding humanoid designed control terminals using a multitude of pseudo-pods.

Bio: Mooph left Amoeba space over a century ago to fulfill its insatiable curiosity about economic systems and each civilization's different solutions to the problems of material distribution and societal fairness. This work was most easily accomplished by offering its services impartially to any accepting its terms. As a result Mooph has gained extensive knowledge in the field of system management and acquired a reputation as an adaptable problem solver.

Classes: Corporate / Administrator


Labor: 8

Wit: 5

Melee: 2

Offense: 0

Defense: 3
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 11:48:10 AM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Gammon Rachhhs

Hero Biography: Gammon was once a peaceful person that didn't think war solved anything, that was until he saw what the cravers had done to a planet.

From the day he saw what the cravers had done to the once green and lush planet he knew that he got to fight the cravers, if he didn't fight them then who would and what would happen to his home planet if the cravers got there?

Gammon began to train in the arts of war and it didn't take long until he knew much about it but he didn't become a master.

Hero Image: An amoeba that is green-ish and some kind of weapon close to him.

Hero Classes: Commander/Adventurer

Hero Stats:

Labor 2

Wit 1

Melee 6

Offense 4

Defense 5

(I probably will edit it some before the competition end and if I got time I'll make a image.
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12 years ago
May 19, 2012, 11:34:12 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: One Who Seeks

Hero Biography: Quite restless by Amoeba standards, One Who Seeks is driven to experience all that can be experienced in this vast cosmos. Early in life, It gained a reputation as loose cannon while working to combat smugglers in the Vestibule of Creation. Later, It took up Leadership of a Hissho mercenary company, employed by rogue Sopon scientists to capture Craver tech. After a long battle with Dust addiction in Its middle years and a stint in an Empire prison, introspection drove It explore the universe at a more leisurely pace. Time may have tempered this one's rash behavior, but not Its thirst for adventure.

Hero Image: "Older" looking Amoeba, wearing pilot's gear, decorated with trinkets from his adventures.

Hero Classes: Adventurer-Pilot

Hero Stats:

Labor 0

Wit 6

Melee 2

Offense 5

Defense 3
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 12:16:22 AM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Flshfloh

Hero Biography: Flshfloh was a nursery administrator on a small Amoeba colony that became isolated from other Amoeba worlds by Craver expansion. With no hope of reinforcements, Flshfloh fended off numerous Craver raiding parties and successfully evacuated the colony. An able if defensively oriented leader, Flshfloh is willing to work with any faction that will provide shelter to the precious nursery vessels now under its protection.

Hero Image: An defensively-positioned amoeba in a field of rocky formations.

Hero Classes: Administrator/Commander

Hero Stats:

Labor 6

Wit 4

Melee 4

Offense 0

Defense 4
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 1:40:21 AM
Mesthione wrote:
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Collective 42

Hero Biography: While the Amoeba are generally a peaceful race, they understand the need for military defense. Hundreds of notable Amoeba individuals have volunteered their consciousnesses to Collective 42, and over several millions of years it has assimilated the experience of thousands of planetary and intergalactic wars. Using the combined memories and processing power of all of its "resident" minds, Collective 42 can seamlessly integrate and coordinate all of the actions of an Amoeba battlegroup, making split-second decisions in the time it would take most human Admirals to blink.

Hero Image: A large organism that houses an amoeba collective consciousness.

Hero Classes:



Hero Stats:

Labor - 0

Wit - 0

Melee - 6

Offense - 6

Defense - 6

A two part hero story for Collective 42! (Thought it was a very cool idea so i created a nemesis)

Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: J-Tanco

Hero Biography: Born and raised in Collective 42 J-Tanco soon became to resent the Amoeba and it's ideals of the collective before the individual. He broke free of collective 42 and started a terrorizing path of destruction across several systems leading a rebellion against the Amoeba government. After capture at the battle of system Gurza the Amoeba government deemed him to dangerous for captivity and instead exiled him into Craver space hopping they could kill him....it only made him stronger.

Hero Image: A Craver like Amoeba (I.E an Amoeba covered in an armor suit, who is a dark blood red color (to show his rage) with dark spots all over him (To show his many battle scars.) standing with his back to the bridge's view ports and in the back ground a destroyed burning Craver fleet .

Hero Classes: Commander - Pilot

Hero Stats:

Labor 0

Wit 0

Melee 9

Offense 9

Defense 0

9 melee and 9 offense because J-Tanco is a creature of pure hatred and see's no use for lesser life forms industries and sciences "If I can't use it to kill Collective 42 I don't care for it nor need to keep you alive to create it!"- J-Tanco, the last words a system leader of Gurza heard before he was absorbed by J-Tanco.

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12 years ago
May 17, 2012, 9:55:56 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Protissfil

Hero Biography: Protissfil is the only surviving offspring of its parent cell which divided in a hostile, Dust heavy environment. Amoeba's leading scientists and doctors were able to save Protissfil through the use of miniature implants filtering its ectoplasm from excessive amounts of Dust and converting it into electrical power usable by Protissfil's primitive nerve system – effectively making it one of the wisest of all Amoeba.

Hero Image: An Amoeba organism imbued with flexible Dust-powered implants; as a result some parts of him are slightly less "liquid", they also glow with faint electrical light.

Hero Classes: Adventurer/Administrator

Hero Stats:

Labor - 2

Wit - 7

Melee - 0

Offense - 1

Defense - 7
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 1:22:51 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Obox'iloth

Hero Biography: Spending most of her life with her consciousness in infospace, Obox'il was literally a "part" of the Amoeba's civil service machine. Not satisfied with just coordinating between departments of colonial development she falsified several invoices over the course of years that eventually resulted in a delivery of Dust "accidentally" being shipped to her body storage and place in her nutrient tubes.

Hero Image: A representation of her consciousness in congress with computer systems.

Hero Classes: Administrator / Corporate

Hero Stats:

Labor 8

Wit 9

Melee 1

Offense 0

Defense 0
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 4:56:55 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: Uriyu Ereye

Hero Biography: Uriyu decided when he was young to see the world. Over the years he gathered a fleet of merchant ships under his command. When a Pirate attack punctured his nursery, the dust stores flowed in, changing him forever. Uriyu took command, and repelled the attackers with the few weapons the fleet had to offer. Uriyu is a skilled merchant and competent commander, selling his services to see the galaxy.

Hero Image: An Amoeba in an armored pod, clearly in the center of a spaceship.

Hero Classes



Hero Stats:

Labor - 1

Wit - 9

Melee - 0

Offense – 4

Defense - 4
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12 years ago
May 20, 2012, 7:14:19 PM
Faction: Amoeba

Hero Name: vermilliontoburntumber

Hero Biography Born auburntovermillion, vermilliontoburntumber grew up on an outlier colony near Craver space. When the Cravers came to consume, auburntovermillion was scorched in the backlash of a planetary conventional weapons attack, and lost substantial mass. Although vermilliontoburntumber escaped, the change in visual spectrum and mass suggested a need for a new name. Vermilliontoburntumber was scarred from this event, literally and figuratively, and after extensive counseling has dedicated its life to defense against invasion. Vermilliontoburntumber has submitted for return to the front when this is possible.

Hero Image: Taken as an example.

Hero Classes: Administrator/Commander

Hero Stats

Labor - 0

Wit - 0

Melee - 7

Offense - 3

Defense -6
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