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[Suggestion] Minor Civilizations for more life in galaxy

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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 4:10:43 AM
Mr_Twister wrote:

On the other hand, in BOTF it was basically just bribing, bribing, bribing to get them on your side.

Yeah it should work without bribing. As you are a superior civ to them they should be a little feared but would welcome your trade so that your relations constantly improve as long as you trade with them and let them live.

Hawawaa wrote:

option: minors to develop in majors (this is a chance too become major not always possible)

I don't think that this will work. When they become a major civ the first dozen rounds are over and they would have nearly no chance to build a proper fleet and economy to keep up with the others. Also the devs would have think of additionally races for them. Minor races don't need a history and exclusive bonuses like the major civs.

Hawawaa wrote:

option: they can die off randomly (virus, planet disaster, asteroid impact, ai rebellion, war, unknown, etc...)

When they meet the player or another race they will be killed or someone would prevent those impacts.

Heavydizle wrote:
make them believe you were gods of some kind

That could be fun too smiley: biggrin Maybe a mix of trade/peaceful coexistence and slavery.

Another option could be that they make deals with the pirates or are taken over by them. So the pirates can get stronger if you ignore these outposts and build stronger and more ships.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 5:11:13 PM
Minor civs that can't space travel and are bound to their own system, but can benefit your civilization would make this game more lively.
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 9:22:08 PM
I was thinking about something similar to minor civs. There could be some planets that are inhabited by sentient life that has not developed space flight yet. You could then have the option to conquer the planet by just destroying the sentient life, enslave the people or make them believe you were gods of some kind, or leave them be and simply study the development of the species. The first one could cause the FIDS of the planet to decrease, the second could increase the production of the planet but have a chance of rebellion and loss of the system, and the last option could increase your science points per turn.
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12 years ago
May 6, 2012, 11:12:47 PM
+1 to this.

The ability to take smaller factions under your wing and raise them to greatness; or perhaps find a faction venturing the galaxy and bring them to their knees and make them your vassal. Would definitely add a lot more depth to the galaxy smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 12:22:13 AM
Jethro wrote:
Regular bribes or coorecion. I feel one game that handled minor civ's wonderfully is "Birth of the Federation". If a certain minor civ joined you, it has a 'minor race' advantage that then became yours. This could be very fun, with a working diplomacy system.


I was just thinking the same, minor races were one of the features that made BOTF so great.

On the other hand, in BOTF it was basically just bribing, bribing, bribing to get them on your side. If they would be included, I sure hope it would be with more diverse opinion modifiers.

So +1 from me, if the diplomacy options are decent.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 3:11:37 AM
Love me some minors!

Start screen if you want them on or off.

# of minors and random

option: do more minors spawn as the game goes on

option: minors to develop in majors (this is a chance too become major not always possible)

option: they can die off randomly (virus, planet disaster, asteroid impact, ai rebellion, war, unknown, etc...)

minors start in different states of tech levels ie no FLT (caveman, medieval, modern, on the verge of FTL, etc...), FTL,

(all stuck in home system) some start off with only homeworld and some colonize other planets in home system. (very rare they go to 1 other system)

unique race bonuses: conquer them and it smaller or you could lose it, trade with them its bigger and when they join your empire its bigger (not by much) and you can colonize their worlds.

must have certain tech to make them join you/ and interact with them.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 4:50:31 PM
Well, one way is that they could use the ideas that did not made the final cut for the main races as minor races smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 4:40:47 AM
Tragon wrote:

I don't think that this will work. When they become a major civ the first dozen rounds are over and they would have nearly no chance to build a proper fleet and economy to keep up with the others. Also the devs would have think of additionally races for them. Minor races don't need a history and exclusive bonuses like the major civs.

When they meet the player or another race they will be killed or someone would prevent those impacts.

Well its their problem for joining the major club so late but if you make the map huge it might give them a chance. Life is tough sometimes. smiley: biggrin

If we get random event (make it optional for people)... Then yes events like these can effect majors. (majors handle these events better than minors) In Distant worlds Legends these event happen that give penalties to your worlds but they recover over time (living breathing universe were shit happens) and don't do Star Wars Rebellion where you lose structures that was a pain in the ass! I wouldn't mind planet dropping in quality but it can recover.
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12 years ago
May 7, 2012, 8:51:45 AM
With the options proposed, perhaps being prompted to assign a Hero to 'work' on the problem, and depending on the strengths of the Hero, it would lend itself to a particular 'option', for instance, wit can work to have them fully integrate quickly, a labor bonus, well, perhaps some other effect and so on, for each Hero attribute.
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 12:12:19 PM
to be honest i dont think they have to add anything to be usefull.. they could just be there to add life to the universe ... and have their own storys you can read when you find them or .... maybe they can have the choice of who to join useing diplomacy ... or you can out right take over them ... perhaps they could have access to specials unique to them .. or be able to tell you where you can find other usefull stuff.. i think it would be fun and prolly add to over all feel of the uinivers... sometime i think it feels really empty when playing =X
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 12:38:57 PM
I generally like the idea of minor civilizations, as they add a bit of spice to the game. That being said, I rather dislike them when my only two major means of interacting with them are a) giving them boatloads of stuff and seeing no return or b) they have the worlds biggest inferiority complex and decide because I'm awesome they can't talk to me anymore so my final recourse is to decide c) they are in a tactically important part of the map (usually anywhere :P) and I end up removing them from the game anyways as they aren't useful to me.
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 3:59:33 PM
A minor civilization also could grand you acces to an new shipdesign, an extra shild/weapon/engine/cargo module .

This would be nice to see ingame.
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 7:04:03 PM
Virus has a good idea there. It seems like everyone supports it for the added excitement and flavor minor civs could offer, so on assimilation (whether by trade or combat) what could really make this interesting is if over time you could see the cultures begin to mix. I'm not sure how this would be added in other than unique unit attributes (stats or skins), or special access to some sorts of a légion étrangère. Kind of plays with the going deeper than just gaining a Hero from the minor civ.
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12 years ago
May 25, 2012, 7:33:58 PM
Jethro wrote:
With the options proposed, perhaps being prompted to assign a Hero to 'work' on the problem, and depending on the strengths of the Hero, it would lend itself to a particular 'option', for instance, wit can work to have them fully integrate quickly, a labor bonus, well, perhaps some other effect and so on, for each Hero attribute.

Now that sounds like a promising idea smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 9:55:04 AM
When they are on a planet with rare minerals like Titanium they could give you a larger amount than you would normally receive. They live on their planet a little longer than you and know where to find the resources. They could also give a +X in Approval in the system when you colonize the rest of the system, when you not kicked their ass or give a -X Approval if you enslaved them. And even civilizations with lower technology can have some special knowledge which the player does not know e.g. they could give the empire a little bonus on ground combat or harvesting special minerals depending on which mineral their planet offers.

tony2077 wrote:
i think this is a good idea if done right. civ5 did a good job of having them but i know these guys could do better if they feel like it smiley: wink

Yeah, had that in mind when i created this thread smiley: biggrin
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 7:27:17 PM
If they do minor civs. you know certain people who shall remain nameless for my own protection :S, but these people will want space ninja minor civ.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 9:29:41 PM
Nothing minor with ninjas, lemme tell you!

We own them all, they just don't know it because we are .... you know.... ninjas smiley: stickouttongue

MT4K wrote:
If they do minor civs. you know certain people who shall remain nameless for my own protection :S, but these people will want space ninja minor civ.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 9:33:50 PM
If minor civs make it into the game, I'd like to see a peacefull way of getting them to join you. Not just trade but make them an ally or something like that smiley: smile
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 9:39:38 PM
tgb wrote:
But no space hamsters, please.

Agreed. Nothing quite breaks immersion like encountering a number of alien races... and then the cranky squirrel people.

Also, ducks. Ducks are impossible to take seriously.
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 10:22:54 PM
i think this is a good idea if done right. civ5 did a good job of having them but i know these guys could do better if they feel like it smiley: wink
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 11:55:28 PM
If they are not interested in colonization that would assume that they are a relatively low technological planet (because they haven't destroyed their planet and thus the need to colonize), what sort of commodities would they have that could benefit the player?
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12 years ago
May 4, 2012, 6:36:18 PM
I don't know if it has been mentioned so far but i think it would be nice to have some minor neutral civilizations on some planets, which are not ready for colonization of other planets.

They could be a trade partner or just being killed for some extra dust. Maybe they could also be held as slaves to increase the income and a greater start population (+2 or so) when you conquer and enslave them.

The galaxy looks a little lifeless at the moment and that could be an interesting addition and provide some new strategies.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 1:33:42 PM
Sharidann wrote:
Nothing minor with ninjas, lemme tell you!

We own them all, they just don't know it because we are .... you know.... ninjas smiley: stickouttongue

It would be a definite error to include ninjas as a minor civilization. They'd probably become pirate ninjas with monkeys very fast and that would be the end of civilisation!
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 2:41:18 PM
This would be fun, maybe adding the ability to take them over through diplomatic relations, or maybe certain minor civilizations have advanced technology that you get when you take them over.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 3:04:14 PM
Or minor civ could give you special hero unit depend on the way you take control or not of their system
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 3:51:36 PM
Minor civilizations would be silly to turn down and not bother with, their existence seems harmonious with the current territory systems. They could co-exist with a conqueror/assimilator in the same system, and have autonomous military/cultural/economical/diplomatic usages/benefits.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 3:54:31 PM
tony2077 wrote:
i think this is a good idea if done right. civ5 did a good job of having them but i know these guys could do better if they feel like it smiley: wink

Civ5 did a terrible job with city-states. The gameplay is too shallow.

GalCiv2's minor races were a little better, but they just end up being whipping boys for the real civs.

Not a huge fan of minor civs personally. Although early game does need something to spice it up, since we dont have ruins/anomolies to find, and only very limited lanes on which to travel.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 4:05:15 PM
because it's fitting more here my ideo of a "faction"

The Plague

The idea of only be able to Steal technology is a hard balancing problem. They should be a CPU only race, that can be turned on/off for a game. (like Pirates?!? )

Or they wait in a deserted system until a player explores them and then are activated.

I will not give Positives/Negatives because they are not a playable race. But they should be able to build fleets fast and use one extra technology they can build into their ships to steal technology (use a card as a combat action)


A Failed experiment by their creators the Endless .Build as a Weapon in their internal War, in a distant system (Planet Naiva), but soon out of control they destroyed many planets and exterminated every life they found until there was no life near them.

With no Target close, they returned to their Homeplanet and fell asleep waiting for new biological victims.

Visual Style:

Like evil looking Bio-mechanical-Insects on two feet.

Game Design:

-Can't research

-Have a chance to aquire technology through battle (no matter if they survive)

-one extra ship that has a extra module to increase the chance to "steal" technology

-no Diplomacy

-no Heroes

-"Dust" & "food" =supplements

-No Approvel or Influence

-Naiva = If they are defeated their conqueror gets a Planet that should be a strong scientific jungle Planet.

-they should be able to get new planets but they "replace" the population with their own. breeding and building new ships.
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12 years ago
May 5, 2012, 4:43:54 PM
Minor civs is a must have and while with civ5 was an ok system what drove me crazy is that I would pick them up and support them and they never truly "grew" would be awesome if we could support their development so they could actually expand their borders allowing us to to truly create an "empire" with multiple kingdoms/nations we rule over so we could also have a multi-race empire. We could direct what areas they can expand into, gain resources or taxes as well but since they are "independent" they would decide what and when they build things depending on their government and personality. Great benefits but at the risk of rebellion if you were to mistreat them and lack of control over some of their development.

Perhaps your race would give bonuses to certain interactions with the minor civ, some races are more inclined to wipe them out and salvage and take their tech and resources while others take them as slaves or just pull them into their nation completely while other races find more benefit to treat them as allies or can accept them as a member of the empire.

Without an actual player or AI player supporting them they would sit there and develop at a snails pace but never expand borders so we don't find ourselves with minor civs growing too big.
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