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Endless Space Q&A (Ask away here)

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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 2:04:13 AM
Taliesyn wrote:
Absolutely ridiculous boosts in its FIDS, and it may well get bonus happiness and cheaper production on top of that. I think there's a post around here somewhere that details it. In a nutshell, though at Endless it's impossible to even remotely come close to the AI's level of production. You have to rely on smarter play and much, much better ship designs or you will get steamrolled.

Thanks buddy smiley: wink
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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 7:24:48 AM
I don't know if anyone has already asked this but is there any way to move people (not heroes) between star systems when you're not colonizing?
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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 2:16:00 PM
for the trait Cloning, does it give +1 food per population on all levels for the specific planet types listed ? the tooltip is missleading when the format changes on the last level.
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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 2:50:50 PM
akhamada wrote:
I don't know if anyone has already asked this but is there any way to move people (not heroes) between star systems when you're not colonizing?


Unuhara wrote:
for the trait Cloning, does it give +1 food per population on all levels for the specific planet types listed ? the tooltip is missleading when the format changes on the last level.

Each level of cloning specifies which planets get the +1 food per population. Only Cloning 3 gives the bonus to all planets. All levels of Cloning only provide +1 food to the affected populations.
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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 3:55:10 PM
akhamada wrote:
I don't know if anyone has already asked this but is there any way to move people (not heroes) between star systems when you're not colonizing?

Yes. You can build a colony ship (which uses population), move it to another system, and scrap it (which deposits the population on an inhabited planet). I am not positive this is intentional, and the colony ship has nonzero cost.
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12 years ago
Jul 14, 2012, 6:33:40 PM
davea wrote:
Yes. You can build a colony ship (which uses population), move it to another system, and scrap it (which deposits the population on an inhabited planet). I am not positive this is intentional, and the colony ship has nonzero cost.

I wasn't aware that scrapping dropped the population point off. You learn something every day!
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12 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 12:53:52 AM
Taliesyn wrote:
I wasn't aware that scrapping dropped the population point off. You learn something every day!

The normal colonize button from fleet menu works aswell for this
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12 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 1:27:58 AM
Hmm...Davea said elsewhere that if all the planets are already colonized, you don't have this option. Is that incorrect, then? I'd check it myself, but I'm not in a position to right this moment.
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12 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 1:31:58 AM
I have been shown the ability to immediately re-colonize my homeworld at the games start, not that i ever do it.
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12 years ago
Jul 15, 2012, 9:41:46 PM
I just had this problem. I was playing vs 7 AIs, was at war with one and at peace with the others. The attitude towards me with 2 AIs was declining steadily because of a large border and it was only a matter of time until they too declare war. So in an attempt to reduce the border and get a open border agreement, i build yotta ships with 8x colo mod on two systems and gave those systems to the AI in the negotiations. Here is what i learned:

  • You can't reduce the population below 1/planet
  • You can put multiple colo modules on ships.
  • One population unit per module is transfered
  • Your target planet doesn't have to be able to harbor all people from one ship, as long as there is enough space on other planets in the system.
  • The cheapest way to transport people are Hecto class ships with 2 modules (3 with quantum robotics(?)) at 37,5 production/population
  • Smart Cargo isn't worth it

Hope that helps.

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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 1:10:47 AM
NeshGaddal wrote:
I just had this problem. I was playing vs 7 AIs, was at war with one and at peace with the others. The attitude towards me with 2 AIs was declining steadily because of a large border and it was only a matter of time until they too declare war. So in an attempt to reduce the border and get a open border agreement, i build yotta ships with 8x colo mod on two systems and gave those systems to the AI in the negotiations. Here is what i learned:

  • You can't reduce the population below 1/planet
  • You can put multiple colo modules on ships.
  • One population unit per module is transfered
  • Your target planet doesn't have to be able to harbor all people from one ship, as long as there is enough space on other planets in the system.
  • The cheapest way to transport people are Hecto class ships with 2 modules (3 with quantum robotics(?)) at 37,5 production/population
  • Smart Cargo isn't worth it

Hope that helps.


Did you remember to sell off every single constructed improvement? Personally, I think they REALLY need to limit it to one per turn (I'm about to lose a planet? RAZE IT!), but since it's not limited, you may as well abuse that for all you're worth when necessary.
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12 years ago
Jul 16, 2012, 4:18:34 AM
Did you have a tech lead? I can usually get open borders by trading away 2-3 techs. It is a loss on tech points, but worthwhile to get the open border signed.
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2012, 1:22:42 PM
How do bonuses/maluses to accuracy work? Are they actual percents or percentage points?

Ballistics have a pitiful 20% accuracy at long range. With +15% bonus from snipers trait and another +15% from Gravity rift battlecard they could actually be decent with 20+15+15=50%. Similarly the sabotage card with -15% accuracy kills kinectics dead in long range phase for 20-15=5% accuracy.

But that's only if it adds like that. If it's just 20% x1.3 = 26% and 20% x 0.85 = 17% it's not that much of a difference.

Can anybody confirm how do the accuracy modifiers work?
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2012, 2:11:05 PM
Gravity well is damage, not accuracy. AFAIR the only accuracy mods are the Sniper/Spray 'n Pray traits, the two abilities Commanders get, and the Short Circuit card.

I haven't tested it yet, but my impression is that it's a simple additive change. My commander with both abilities (-13% total) was making the AIs kinetics genuinely comical - 22CP fleets filled with kinetics with only a handful getting deflected. The visual effect was like my fleet parting a sea of kinetics.

I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that +accuracy is absolutely essential, since it affects everything (more missiles to flak away, more kinetics to deflect, more damage for shields to absorb), and it does so *after* all those huge +damage mods. And conversely, a commander with -acc is essential, and the short circuit card is godly. A short circuit with a block is basically combat won no matter what.

Although kinetics are still rubbish, sorry. Accuracy helps/hurts beams just as much, so they're still king. Only changes to make close range combat possible will fix kinetics.
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2012, 2:33:30 PM
Another question. How does the flak work exactly? Does it shoot once per phase and can destroy 3 missiles (assuming 100% accuracy) in the 3 turns it takes them to reach the target? Does it just target one missile or shoot once per every missile targeting ship?
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2012, 2:43:24 PM
Megas wrote:
Another question. How does the flak work exactly? Does it shoot once per phase and can destroy 3 missiles (assuming 100% accuracy) in the 3 turns it takes them to reach the target? Does it just target one missile or shoot once per every missile targeting ship?

They appear to shoot 3 times per phase (probably once per round like beams and kinetics, but it's moot when they actually shoot), so they can indeed destroy 3 missiles before they hit. They only defend the current ship - they can't cover others.

How the interception/evasion interacts is unknown, but people have noted that flak can stop missiles up to 5 tiers higher. Also, +defence% improves that, whilst +attack% only improves the damage if the missile actually impacts. As such, with sufficient +defence%, the first flak should be able to counter the highest tier missiles.
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2012, 3:53:33 PM
What is the name of the endless hero? Is it "endless hero" ?? I dont think i've ever seen him in numerous games now.... yes i have the emperor edition.
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12 years ago
Jul 17, 2012, 9:35:05 PM
Jobeo wrote:
What is the name of the endless hero? Is it "endless hero" ?? I dont think i've ever seen him in numerous games now.... yes i have the emperor edition.

Skuoi Kyryi


Labor 5

Wit 5

Melee 0

Offense 5

Defense 5

Skuoi Kyryi was part of a small community that had created a large, complex infrastucture across a series of large asteroids. They learned of the Great Schism and the Dust Wars when an unmanned probe scattered hostile Dust across their habitat, dissolving the gangways and corridors. As the contents of the community were forcibly jettisoned into the vacuum of space, Skuoi, who had been outside repairing antennae and computer infrastructures, watched friends and family die.

Leading a small band of survivors he managed to isolate and counter-act the Dust invasion, though too late to save enough of the community to keep it viable. When the emergency mission that took them away finally reached a safe base, Skuoi was the only one who had not died of thirst.

A pitiless warrior and relentless adversary, the rage that burned within Skuoi did not die for decades. He became one of the most feared members of the Concrete defenses, though after numerous assassination attempts his body was eventually almost completely remade as an android.

Finally burned out and desiring peace and silence, rather than war and vengeance, Skuoi set himself adrift across the cosmos in cold stasis, living on memories. It is there that he was discovered; with his cause and his peoples long dead or gone, Skuoi is content to use his skills in the service of worthwhile allies.

From the wiki
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 2:15:14 AM
Does endless space require continuous internet connectivity? My employer allows personal internet use when clocked out, and is close to my apartment, but I do not have internet access at my apartment (which is where I play computer games). Please forgive the stupid question - I've never used steam before and am not sure how this all works.
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12 years ago
Jul 19, 2012, 9:08:36 PM
Hawat wrote:
Does endless space require continuous internet connectivity? My employer allows personal internet use when clocked out, and is close to my apartment, but I do not have internet access at my apartment (which is where I play computer games). Please forgive the stupid question - I've never used steam before and am not sure how this all works.

It's a steam game. I'm pretty sure you don't need to remain online once it's started, but you DO have to be online to fire it up, even in Steam's so-called 'offline mode'.
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