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12 years ago
Apr 5, 2013, 4:35:20 PM
WhAtEvErYoUmEaN wrote:
I am sorry to say it that way but you probably have done something wrong.

I'm not sure if I even did or not. I put the mod in the right folders, and added +mod Sandbox to the shortcut.
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12 years ago
Mar 18, 2013, 9:40:41 PM
Richardc269 wrote:
Mod refuses to even work for me. Game says in the corner is at 1.0.3, and I've heard that the version shouldn't matter. It says in the description that the mod should be in the corner. It's not. Why isn't this working?

I am sorry to say it that way but you probably have done something wrong.
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12 years ago
Mar 15, 2013, 8:28:22 PM
Mod refuses to even work for me. Game says in the corner is at 1.0.3, and I've heard that the version shouldn't matter. It says in the description that the mod should be in the corner. It's not. Why isn't this working?
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12 years ago
Feb 27, 2013, 11:54:15 AM
I have been wondering, would it be possible to add an Technology Sandbox? I have noticed that factions may have unique technologies. For example, the Terrans have Nucleal Materials and Active Defense, but everyone else has a generic technology instead. The link below leads to a wiki that lists these technologies, and a second link to the Tech Codes associated with them. Selecting which traits to use may be an issue, because some traits alter when a race accesses a technology in the tree - doubling up on techs that do the same thing may or may not have negative effects.

Technology Wiki

Research Codes
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12 years ago
Feb 11, 2013, 4:11:40 PM
Can you give some information, such as what kind of error you see? This will make it easier to fix.
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12 years ago
Feb 11, 2013, 3:46:46 AM
This is a great mod, I just get an error every once in a while. Any chance we will see an update?
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12 years ago
Oct 15, 2012, 3:29:21 PM
davea wrote:
To make the game super-easy, like playing in a sandbox.

And to build a sand-castle smiley: biggrin

Nah the idea of the mod is nice, but it's like playing on Newb' difficulty for me
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12 years ago
Dec 21, 2012, 11:06:55 PM
Okay, but do the other values (Approval, Industry, Money, Science) even have surplus values? I searched for surplus in a few of the files I thought would have it and only food came up.

And I've run into another problem, the game has started crashing on me when playing, something about too many heap values. Guess I overdid something.
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 4:25:48 PM
Draco856 wrote:
It's not for release, it's a personal mod just for me. It runs fine though, I found out the problem it was because I had so many lines I didn't notice I added it under the closing line for the trait, so it was basically never added since it was past the and I didn't notice. Only problem left with it is something that isn't fixed easily cause it's influence...it's too big from the start, likely cause I have 50k in FIDS for the entire empire, I'm testing a way to use a negitive number in the trait itself to reduce influence.

If you want a copy you can have it, but really, it wasn't really designed to be public.

Okay, i thought you wanted to release it.

The Influence Problem is one i had, too. Changeing the FIDS Values directly screws this up badly. Try using the ...surplus Values.
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12 years ago
Dec 20, 2012, 12:55:16 PM
It's not for release, it's a personal mod just for me. It runs fine though, I found out the problem it was because I had so many lines I didn't notice I added it under the closing line for the trait, so it was basically never added since it was past the and I didn't notice. Only problem left with it is something that isn't fixed easily cause it's influence...it's too big from the start, likely cause I have 50k in FIDS for the entire empire, I'm testing a way to use a negitive number in the trait itself to reduce influence.

If you want a copy you can have it, but really, it wasn't really designed to be public.
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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 6:43:09 PM
Draco856 wrote:
I've run into a problem trying to RE your mod and add it to my own. You have a function to give heroes 900 skillpoints on hire, but when I add it to my mod, that never occurs. What could the problem be? I copied the line exactly and just pasted it into my own faction affinity.

Copy Protection i guess smiley: biggrin

Seriously, i have no idea. - But try to use the HeroInitialXP along with it. I guess i've used both because none of them wanted to run alone.

Also, i would like to see that Mod once you have a "run-able" version, as it contains parts of mine ^^
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12 years ago
Dec 19, 2012, 3:54:37 PM
I've run into a problem trying to RE your mod and add it to my own. You have a function to give heroes 900 skillpoints on hire, but when I add it to my mod, that never occurs. What could the problem be? I copied the line exactly and just pasted it into my own faction affinity.
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12 years ago
Dec 11, 2012, 9:48:54 PM
davea wrote:
Suppose you have changed some file foo.xml using version 1.0.27. Now the dev team changes foo.xml to make version 1.0.38 to add a new feature. Now a mod user picks up your version of foo.xml. They will not see this new feature. Is this problem not clear? Or is there a reason your mod cannot cause this problem?

The Mod isn't touching any other class, it just changes stuff like ...CostBonus and only Modifiers to change the Base Mechanics.

I am not even including any of the original content of the xml's, except for the xml headers

Another Problem, even after uninstalling, the "old" mod still works with the newest version on me.
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12 years ago
Dec 11, 2012, 5:20:14 PM
Suppose you have changed some file foo.xml using version 1.0.27. Now the dev team changes foo.xml to make version 1.0.38 to add a new feature. Now a mod user picks up your version of foo.xml. They will not see this new feature. Is this problem not clear? Or is there a reason your mod cannot cause this problem?
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12 years ago
Dec 11, 2012, 5:12:29 PM
davea wrote:
Can you please remake your changes based on the 1.0.38 version and upload a new version? If you do this, please update your original post and the post in the shopping mall, to show which is the ES version you used.

Uhm, remake them? I just modified some variables and added them on top of everything with Standalone set to false. - A remake of that would rsult in exactly the same files, won't it?
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12 years ago
Oct 8, 2012, 5:38:54 PM
paalia wrote:
Hmm, downloading the attachment doesn't work for me.. I'm a new user, could there be some restriction for me? Couldn't find anything about it in the FAQs..

Could you possibly upload to mediafire or so? Thanks!

I don't think there are any restrictions, try posting your Problem as a Thread, maybe the Dev Team will help you.

To my upload on 7th October Post, there were some serious problems, i'll need some time to fix this, sorry smiley: frown
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12 years ago
Oct 10, 2012, 6:09:23 PM
Madrox wrote:
Im not saying to give a huge boost to FIDS, but, what about a boost to food, something like 200 boost?

As long as Food is directly bosting the Birthrate, okay i'll try it.

I just looked for something that accesses the Brithrate directly, but i couldn't find it, maybe i'll ask the dev Team for help

Edit: Yep, the Food changes it, but it seems like adding 200 Food Units is already to much, and it is already changing the influence area, i'll try some values and then reduce the influence area to compensate that, but i'll upload it tody (Well on GMT +1 it will be today :P )


It's out, and thanks for the idea of the growth, i bypassed the Influence calculation by using the FoodSurplus Variable, so this shouldn't make other factions aggressive
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12 years ago
Oct 10, 2012, 5:25:59 PM
WhAtEvErYoUmEaN wrote:
I'll look into it, the first Version i had, but never uploaded just changed the whole FIDS to 9999, which resulted in an instant population max, but also made everyone hostile against you because of your influence radius which was filling the complete galaxy

Im not saying to give a huge boost to FIDS, but, what about a boost to food, something like 200 boost?
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12 years ago
Oct 10, 2012, 5:07:05 PM
Madrox wrote:
Im saying that. the colony problem is because of the population growth isn´t as fast as the economy (read FIDS) growth, so the overall pace is limited. maybe you should add some sort of population growth bonus too. to balance this. D:

I'll look into it, the first Version i had, but never uploaded just changed the whole FIDS to 9999, which resulted in an instant population max, but also made everyone hostile against you because of your influence radius which was filling the complete galaxy
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