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What is your favourite Endless Space mod?

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12 years ago
Jan 15, 2013, 6:19:54 AM
clericus wrote:
I'll try Ail's mods in my next game but that probably won't be for at least several days if not next week.


Means off-topic.
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12 years ago
Jan 15, 2013, 5:43:50 PM
clericus wrote:
I would LOVE to see more mods related to the AI. I only play single-player and on "Normal" I don't find the AI very challenging. Right now I'm playing the above mod in a 256-star galaxy with 7 AI's and at turn 60 I'm the clear leader (and was from the beginning). Next game I guess I'll try the AI on "Hard". Ideally I'd like to see the AI more aggressive (at least for aggressive races), smarter (the latest patches have helped), and less predictable. If AI tweaks are added to the base game, maybe some check-boxes to turn some of the tendencies on/off or sliders to scale certain AI characteristics. smiley: smile

I think I should have called my mod differently. Because it seems that with the name it currently has, people don't really expect it to do what it does.

Now that I think about it, the name is extremely misleading because it kinda does the opposite of what the name most likely suggests. smiley: ohh

Oh, and if normal is too easy, just bump it up. I can constanly win on Hard with my mod but haven't beaten Serious yet.

That said, I'll now do a change to AI-Unit-composition and then release the mod under a different, and hopefully more fitting name.
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